princesas de disney Club
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 Princesses in peasant clothes hanging out.
Princesses in peasant clothes hanging out.
I've dicho before that I can't make a ranked disney Princess lista because I amor o like all the princesses to a certain extent, so it's impossible to put them in a strict 1 to 13 order. However, some have requested that I just write my thoughts on each one, so I'll do that here. I'll lista each princess in order from when she came out.

Snow White - I feel pretty neutral about her. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was one of the first disney princess films I saw since I got it for navidad at age three. I liked the movie, but truthfully Snow White never made an impression. She was just kind of there when I was little, and just kind of there now. I went through a phase of hating her when my mom "revealed" the disney princesses were sexist (though that has been a subject of debate for many people) and while her high chipper voice, too-good-to-be-true optimistic attitude and desire to wait for her prince to come don't do much for me (though to her credit, she's perfectly happy with her life and her friends in the mean time, it's not like she's hanging on the windowsill every second), they don't do anything to make me dislike her either. She's just a sweet, nice princess with a sweet, nice personality.

Cinderella is a princess I really liked as a kid since she was generally nice and had a pretty canto voice. I relate to her now though since I actually did grow up with a spiteful stepmother that put her children (half-siblings) first. I also admire how she manages to stay patient, classy, and elegant in the face of such degradation. I absolutely amor the way she stands up to herself to her step family. When the step sisters make fun of her for being a chamber maid ("I'd be honored, Your Highness, would tu mind holding my broom?") she doesn't get upset o run away crying. She lifts up her chin, steps adelante, hacia adelante and says "Well, why not? After all, I am part of the family. And the invitation does say: 'By royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend.'" I know from personal experience how hard it is to stand up to mentally abusive relatives because tu leave yourself open to being torn down, but cenicienta not only goes for it, but doesn't let their words get to her. She doesn't give them the satisfaction of seeing her upset o dragged down to their level. She calmly but classily stands up for herself, puts down their attempts to upset her (like when Lady Tremaine tries to rub salt in the wound por insincerely telling her there will be other balls, and cenicienta says: "Yes, I know. Good night") and always keeps her head high. I think she's a little más idealized than realistic, but in a way that's a good thing because she is a role model for girls to look up to as well as relate to.

Aurora was my favorito! princess when I was very little because I thought she was the prettiest, had the best scenes, and could dance like no one's business. This was before I realized what a jip it was that she only got 15 minutos of screen time in her own movie, and how robbed she was of development since the filmmakers could have explored her individual relationship with each of the three fairies, instead of having her talk to all three collectively very briefly, only twice in the film. They could have fleshed her out más and made her movie más interesting with her in it. Oh well, no taking it back now. I'll admit she's not one of my favoritos now because she's still chiefly interested in romance, which I can't relate to (EW! Love! Get it off!), and she breaks down crying over the boy she just met. She also doesn't really commit to one course of action one way o another. She doesn't refuse to become royalty, but also just cries when dado the crown, which gives me a knee-jerk annoyed reaction every time. I like her now más than the "Disney Princesses are anti-feminist" phase, but still not quite.

Ariel is my least favorito! princess. I honestly never liked her as a kid, but couldn't figure out why. After seeing it again as a teenager, I realized I thought she was very selfish and inconsiderate, and that's putting it diplomatically. I hate how she is reckless, thoughtless, careless, inconsiderate, ungrateful, etc. Ariel just always rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't want to be her as a kid and I don't like her now.

Belle is a character I did not appreciate as a kid but relate to very much now. To be honest, as a kid, Beauty and the Beast scared the stuffing out of me (which is strange since I watched works like The Great ratón Detective, batman the Animated Series and Gargoyles without issue) so I didn't get into it till I was older. Belle is both the most like me and the least like me. I can relate to her amor of books, longing for adventure, boredom with everyday life, and wish for someone to connect and talk to. Her talk with the baker pretty much sums up my interactions with most people.

Baker: "Good morning, Belle!"
Belle: "Good morning, Monsieur!"
Baker: "Where tu off to?"
Belle: "The book shop. I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and..."
Baker: "That's nice. Marie! The bagettes! Hurry up!"
Belle: puts her book away, shrugs and walks away.

Story of my life, really.

She's less like me in that she's unfailingly patient, polite, and articulate in everyday conversations. She knows exactly what to say and how to handle Gaston's unwanted advances without being overtly rude, knows how to stand up for herself at all the right times, and tells off a ten-foot monster without flinching. I get terribly tongue-tied and never know when's the right time to stand up for myself. She's also quietly determined, confident, and sure of herself. When she wants to do something, whether save her father's life o explore the West Wing, she does so without hesitation. She's very loyal, considerate, and compassionate though. Even though she wants things so much it hurts, she'll still put the people she loves first, and that's always something to admire.

Jasmine is the disney Princess that reminds me most of my mom. She's sweet, smart and fun... and has the temper of a tiger. Even as a little kid, "shrew" and "harpy" often came to mind when I thought of her. I even wondered why aladdín liked her since she just got mad and yelled all the time. I'm starting to appreciate her as an adult though. I've noticed that women in the fiction tend to either be portrayed as super sweet good girls that never lose their tempers, o evil temperamental harpies with no redeeming qualities. jazmín defies the mold por being angry and temperamental sometimes, but still ultimately a kind, smart, fun, helpful person who is always worthy of love. She's also comfortable enough with her sexuality to use her looks to distract Jafar, and quick-thinking enough to come up with the idea at a moment's notice when she spotted Aladdin, which I think is amazing. jazmín defies the good girl/bad girl dichotomy por having characteristics of both. She can be angry, temperamental, and willing to use her sexuality to trick men she doesn't like, but she's ultimately good, kind, fun, loyal, independent, compassionate (like toward the child she gave an manzana, apple to and distraught for "the boy in the market" she thought she was responsible for killing), quick-thinking, quick-adapting, and a valuable ally on anyone's team.

Pocahontas is a character I loved as a kid, but feel a little más neutral toward now. First off, no historical accuracy. (I read that earlier film drafts would have modeled her after Tiger Lily, till they decided to go for a más "mature" tone for the film.) I also feel her characterization is a little all over the place. She's playful and free-spirited, but also wise, diplomatic, peace-loving, and instantly becomes responsible enough to try to unite the fighting factions? I don't know, that could be character development, but still. I also don't really see the point in making her older and sexier since it's not historically accurate and doesn't really serve any purpose but to make John Smith stay his gun when they first meet. Even that could have been re-written. Her hyper-sexualized appearance doesn't really serve any story purpose (at least Jessica Rabbit's beauty was intentionally over-the-top), so would it have really killed them to make her younger and más realistic? Please? I need to watch the film again though, so I'll hold off on further commentary till then.

Mulan is another character that is both a lot and nothing like me. She's clever and resourceful, but lazy, habitually late, socially awkward, and something of a screw up. I've also noticed that mulan is rather quiet and introverted. She talks plenty when it's just her and the animals, but as soon as she's around other people (her family, the matchmaker, the soldiers, even Mushu), she becomes quiet and lets the people around her do most of the talking. I think that's one of the most subtle but accurate depictions of quiet people in fiction. I also related to her most growing up because I was also socially awkward and struggled to fit in with society's expectations, just like Mulan, as she sings about in "Reflection." She's also something of a tomboy in that she's okay with wearing pretty dresses but isn't interested in it and doesn't feel comfortable getting all gussied up. She was the role model I needed growing up, though her first meeting with Shang is still physically painful because that's EXACTLY how I talked when I was little. (I thought it was cool seeing someone blunder through answering preguntas like me when I was a kid, now I cringe and avert my eyes.)

Tiana is my favorito! disney Princess because she has all the virtues I most admire while embodying the flaws I'm most okay with. I admire how she's tenacious, hard-working, and goal-driven because I am lazy, unmotivated, and a huge procrastinator. I also amor how she's not at all interested in romance because I could also care less about romance. (Actually, mom and my conversations sound a lot like hers and her mama's.) I can also relate to her fear of trying something new (like dancing in her case) and opening up to amor because of her fear of being vulnerable to embarrassment, disappointment, and heartbreak. I also avoid doing things I fear I'll be bad at for the same reasons. Over all, I just amor Tiana. I both relate to and admire her.

Rapunzel is a princess I like but don't feel too invested in. She's cute, sweet, pretty, talented, artistic, etc. Although I like how she's so unabashedly girly in an age that says girly princesses are "anti-feminist." She also has a lot of hobbies I love--reading, painting, cooking, baking, ballet, chess, ventriloquism, sketching, etc. (I used to be interested in knitting and sewing until I actually started doing it, now I will pay people to never have to do it again.) I feel like the film went a little overboard in mostrando her many accomplishments, but at least it gave a plausible reason for them. She's stuck in the tower and has literally nothing to do but perfect all these hobbies to pass the time. I also like how the film shows that being girly is not a bad thing. Enjoying sewing, baking, etc. doesn't make her insipid, vain, o shallow, it makes her creative, resourceful, talented, and competent. As for her weapon of choice? In the words of Flynn Rider: "Oh mama, I have got to get me one of these!" and "Frying pans! Who knew, right?" Over all, a good princess, a good movie.

Merida: I can't like her for the same reasons I can't like Ariel, but I feel a little más neutral about her because she learns and apologizes for it. Although, I honestly think I would have loved her as a kid because she's interested in a lot of the same things I was when I was young. I used to ride caballos and even though I didn't like it, I could have understood her amor of riding because of the freedom she associates with it. I also LOVED archery and would have been mesmerized por her amor of archery too. I also hated studying and loved running wild, climbing trees and being a general tomboy as a kid. In the words of King Fergus: "I don't want to get married, I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen, firing arrows into the sunset." God, I think I would have loved Merida más than mulan as a kid. She probably would have been the perfect princess for me. But, what can tu do? I'm an adult now long resigned to responsibilities, so I can see the parallels with Ariel far too acutely and just feel neutral about her.

Anna and Elsa: Feel so neutral as to have almost no opinion on them. I think they both look and act too similarly to really feel like they're different characters. At least, I've heard cut songs from earlier story drafts that would have dado them más distinct personalities. Now I find them a little too bland as they are. Anna is just a generic klutzy, awkward girl for real awkward girls to relate to, and Elsa is just a generic reserved girl for real women who feel they have to conceal something about themselves to relate to. It's kind of funny that, growing up, I used to hear people criticize traditional princesses for being generic so young girls could slip into their shoes rather than being complex, defined characters on their own, and now people are praising Anna and Elsa for being "relatable" for the same reason. People these days.

So there tu have it. My thoughts on each disney Princess. If you've gotten this far, I hope this was an interesting read.
 Each official princess to date, chosen because it portrays them rather faithfully. (With the exception of Rapunzel being 2D.)
Each official princess to date, chosen because it portrays them rather faithfully. (With the exception of Rapunzel being 2D.)
 Oh yeah, and this is how Pocahontas should have looked. más age-appropriate and historically accurate.
Oh yeah, and this is how Pocahontas should have looked. More age-appropriate and historically accurate.
posted by BB2010
I know frozen isn't part of the disney Princess franchise but this movie was on the lista of cine to watch for months before I finally started doing these artículos so please just go with it. o don't read it. Whichever keeps things drama free.

Tonight's rewatch: Frozen
Last time watched: 2014

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I was 20 going on 21 when this movie was released in theaters so I wasn't exactly a kid, más like a kid at heart. I wasn't excited about this movie at the time and it didn't help when disney released childrens libros that spoiled the plot, including the Hans spoilers,...
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posted by deedragongirl
 No ones audition like Gaston!
No ones audition like Gaston!
Hi guys, since I had put this articulo in the Beauty and the Beast page. So, here are my choices for those who have not read the articulo yet and for your convenience! This articulo is basically on what would really happen if Luke Evans hadn't gotten the part of muscular narcissist bully.

1. Tom Burke

Yes, Alan Rickman's godson who played Roland and Bentley Drummle in Dragon Heart: A New Beginning and the 2011 miniseries Great Expectations respectively. From these 2 roles, he could the arrogant Gaston!

2. Colin Farrell

This Irish bad boy really is the ideal Gaston, his voice is gruffy and I bet...
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posted by Damedecoeur
Hello ! I thought a lista of the DPs and what I like/dislike about them would be a good way to introduce myself to this club, so here it is ! Making this list, I was surprised at how difficult it was. I have a few princesses I dislike, but I really amor most of them and it was hard to class them all. Some of them seem too low when I look at their rank, but then when I actually try to put them higher I realize I amor the ones above just as much !


One of the only two princesses I actually dislike. She's a spoiled child who only thinks of herself, which would be fine if it was supposed...
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added by rosa blanca de york
Source: giphy
added by applebear123
added by applebear123
added by applebear123
added by applebear123
added by applebear123
added by deedragongirl
posted by AdelitaI
 Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me?
Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me?
I won't rate princesses, just put them into three categories. It'd be difficult to rate them because all princesses from the first categorie would equally be the last. There is no a princess who is absolutely like me but there are some that are nothing like me.

Princesses I don't relate to at all(random order)

 It's not my dream job.
It's not my dream job.

Tiana is a definition of hard-working and energetic, while I am lazy, slothful, self-indulgent and dreamy person. I don't like cooking and I'm not good at it. Tiana and Naveen's romance is also unrelatable because Naveen is a) Tiana's polar oppossite, b)...
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posted by sparklefanboy
Notes: frozen is not owned and created por me. This is a re-write of a frozen Fanfiction I wrote on a anterior fanpop account, Windrises.

Queen Elsa was wearing a blue túnica, albornoz and was looking for Princess Anna. Elsa saw Kai the butler and dicho "Have tu seen Anna?"

Kai the butler dicho "She dicho she was going to go swimming in her pool."

Elsa dicho "But she doesn't have a pool. I'm going to find her."

Kai accidentally knocked a statue to the ground. Kai hid the broken pieces of the statue under the hallway rug.

Elsa walked to a room where she heard splashing sounds. Elsa opened the door and saw Anna in...
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posted by Windrises
Notes: The characters and locations are owned por Disney.Since fanpop members voted for emotional stories story will be mostly serious.

Anna dicho "Elsa what's going on today?"

Elsa dicho "I have important business so I'll be gone today."

Anna dicho "This means I have nothing to do."

Elsa dicho "I'm sure you'll find something to do. Please don't eat too much chocolate."

After Elsa left Anna was bored. She felt like she had no reasons to do anything. She dicho "Well I'm sure that somewhere in my city there's crimes and Super chocolate Lover will stop them." Anna put on her super hero costume and tried...
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la bella y la bestia
la bella y la bestia
google translate
animated film
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney
 Hello Pocahontas!
Hello Pocahontas!
Hi guys, since my favourite Pop versions of Reflection made it to the front page. Now, it's Pocahontas's turn for the pop version of her signature song, Colours of the Wind.

Brazilian Portuguese (Daniela Mercury)

I amor how the intro and the instrumental version is different from the original Vanessa William's version. Daniela's version has a calm and strong voice, she starts of very soft and it was not until the first chorus that she comes out of the shell with a strong personality.

Cantonese (Amanda Lee)

Another version sung in Cantonese that I really like, and I have to say Amanda is much...
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I really like the disney prince's just as much as the princesses. So being gay i feel I want to discuss my most handsome, kind,heroic disney prince's who I amor to bits. These men would do anything for the women they amor which makes them amazing. Sometimes I wish all men were like them. There are three I will discuss below.

1. Prince Philip
Princess Aurora was shocked when she first met him, due to his beautiful canto and charming looks. However it didn't take long before they were both dancing and falling in amor with each other. He is so kind, pretty and would fight for his lover. I would...
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added by twinklestar11
Hope tu enjoy. i did not make it.
I was planning on doing a separate articulo for each princess, but as tu can see, there was no need to. XD So, here's my favourite hair style and outfit for each disney Princess! Enjoy!!

Snow White
Hair: Snow White only wears her hair in one way; short and loose. However, she does wear two different coloured bows in her hair; one blue and the other red. Personally, I prefer the link; it really pops and adds a hint of colour in her other wise (very) dark hair.
Outfit; Just like her hair, Snow White only has two styles when it comes to her outfits. I don't really like either of them, but since I'm...
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