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~Welcome to my article! Over the past couple of weeks I’ve rewatched all 10 disney Princess cine with an open mind, with no pre-formed prejudices o biases, so I can come up with a más stable and reliable lista - some I hadn’t seen for a couple of years, some más recently. I can be very indecisive at times (even some I’m still not 100% sure on) but I think this will probably be my new lista for a while. I know many won't agree and I don't mean to offend anyone with my opinions. Enjoy and sorry if I ramble on… which I probably will!~

10. Ariel
Previous Position: #9
 "Watch and you'll see, some día I'll be part of your world..."
"Watch and you'll see, some día I'll be part of your world..."

*dodges incoming dinglehoppers* I want to like her, truly I do, but I just… can’t. I actually thought I’d possibly like her más than usual, but alas she is now firmly secured at the bottom of my list. I just can’t connect with the character at all, no matter how hard I try. Don’t worry, I won’t make this a 3-page essay ranting about Ariel – I do like how she’s determined, resolute, has the drive to accomplish her dreams, is Valiente and heroic (rescuing Eric from sure drowning), while also imaginative, naturally curious, independent and with a knack for perseverance. I enjoy watching her character más as a human rather than a mermaid (even though sirenas fascinate me); her mannerisms with Eric and adjusting to human life are completely adorable and endearing. Regardless of the fact that I disagree with many of her actions/decisions, I still desperately want her to succeed and live her dream.
Now on to the bad stuff - I also think she’s impulsive & terribly reckless, actuación without forethought for the consequences of her actions. I find her selfish, irresponsible and I don’t like how she has little to no regard for authority. Furthermore, I lose any respect I may have had for the character when she swims to Ursula’s lair with the concrete knowledge that she was an evil sea-witch and not to be trusted. I also don’t believe she learns from her mistakes. I think the best word, for me, to sum her up is ‘memorable’ because, well she is, and that can mean both positive & negative simultaneously.


9. Rapunzel
Previous Position: #8
 "Standing here, it's oh so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be..."
"Standing here, it's oh so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be..."

Another drop in my list. Sorry, Rapunzel, I do like you… just not all that much. Even though she’s a place down in my lista I don’t dislike her más than I used to, I just ended up liking a certain other Princess more. She’s definitely cute. I admire how she has dreams and is determined to live them, no matter what obstacles stand in her way. She’s also smart, brave, enthusiastic and resourceful, able to educate herself and using her knowledge to overcome challenges. What I like about her is how conflicted she is in regards to Mother Gothel – she wants to obey her but at the same time desperately yearns for freedom and her dream. I amor the creative side to her; using her time effectively in the tower por being artistic (if I wasn’t allowed to leave a tower for 18 years I’d probably turn into a slug). A very admirable scene to me is, despite wanting freedom throughout the movie, she is willing to sacrifice this freedom in order to save Flynn’s life.
However, her personality is a little generic and nothing special for my liking and she does have some annoying moments. I also don't like how literally everyone in the movie loves her almost immediately. I wish I could put her higher, but I merely prefer the other Princesses.


8. Pocahontas
Previous Position: #5
 "You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you..."
"You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you..."

I feel bad for having Pocahontas this low. I used to think she was absolutely awesome and loved her as a kid, but as I’ve grown older I just like her less. Don’t get me wrong, she has awesome moments, jumping off cliffs and whatnot, but en general, general throughout the movie her personality doesn’t affect me much. One of my favourite things about Pocahontas is that she can be childish and mature simultaneously, depending on what the situation calls for. She stands up for what she believes is right; she doesn’t just stand around waiting for the inevitable to happen, she speaks out against it. She’s courageous, heroic, daring, and rebellious and she gets automatic respect from me for sacrificing herself for John Smith and stopping a freaking war! She is truly a unique character.
Unfortunately I find her a little preachy (for good reason, but still) and her personality can be somewhat dull, flat and underwhelming at times. I also used to think she was extremely intelligent and wise, but now I’ve realized that she’s not as smart as I thought. She’s not unintelligent, but I think even Nakoma has más common sense. I just find it hard to connect with the character, but don’t get me wrong; I still like her a lot and even though she won’t be personally offended (well, I hope not, anyway!), I wish I could have her higher. Sadly, the other Princesses have más impact on me.


7. Aurora
Previous Position: #10
 "But they say if tu dream a thing más than once, it's sure to come true..."
"But they say if tu dream a thing más than once, it's sure to come true..."

Okay, I never thought I’d see the día where Aurora was higher than 10th on my list, but it happened. Despite not having much screentime, I am never once bored por her; she is a completely dazzling presence on the screen; the epitome of class. Not just her looks, her whole persona. I think Maleficent must have hypnotised me instead of Aurora while watching this movie, because I was just utterly captivated por her every time she was on the screen. She is a lot más amusing than people give her credit for, especially while dancing with the forest animals, “Why, it’s my dream Prince! tu know, I’m really not supposed to talk to strangers…” She’s also stronger than people give her credit for, as well as patient, obedient and responsible – finding out her whole life was a lie, finding out she can never see her dream-man again (it’s a fairy-tale guys), crying for a second, yet eventually sucking it up and getting the hell on with her duty. Not to mention being hypnotized into a deep sleep and waking up to find she has to rule the whole Kingdom and, once again, getting the hell on with it. Yeah, she’s not the most proactive of Princesses but Aurora knows what to do and when to do it.
There is a lot más to Aurora than meets the eye. However, unfortunately I can’t place her any higher because the other Princesses just have más impact on me in terms of personality.


6. Mulan
Previous Position: #4
 "You dicho you'd trust Ping. Why is mulan any different?..."
"You dicho you'd trust Ping. Why is mulan any different?..."

I never thought mulan would drop out of my parte superior, arriba 5, but alas. I like her and respect her, for obvious reasons - she’s brave, selfless, strong-willed, courageous and any other synonyms of these words (I could lista them all, but we’d be here until the año 2058). She’s very logical, intelligent, quick-thinking, able to think on her feet and able to overcome obstacles with ease, while also having fantastic family values. I always hugely admire ‘zero-to-hero’ type characters, which is exactly what she is. She doesn’t give up in the face of adversity and strives to better herself and bring honor to her family, which she deservedly succeeds in doing so (after all: 'The flor that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all'). She’s also very funny and amusing at times (albeit mostly laughing at her, not with her). I also like how she never gives up - even when she's exposed as a woman she still carries on fighting. She just kicks culo and shows that tu can do anything tu set your mind to, even if at first it seems impossible.
disney did a brilliant job in creating mulan – she’s flawed (in a good way, her flaws make her who she is) and ‘real’. She has a very relatable personality. Despite her lower than usual ranking, she’s definitely an awesome character – heck, she throws a shoe at Shan-Yu, the most evil character in the movie... a freaking SHOE.
Basically, to summarize: I respect/admire her más than I like her. It’s half/half for me.


5. Snow White
Previous Position: #6
 "There's no use in grumbling when the raindrops come tumbling..."
"There's no use in grumbling when the raindrops come tumbling..."

Starting off the parte superior, arriba 5 is Snow White. She gets a lot of (cough, mostly undeserved) criticism but I just think she’s completely precious. She is kind-hearted, sweet, caring and motherly with an incredible zest for life. One thing I most admire about her is her unfaltering optimism; despite the fact that she knows she’s in danger she remains cheerful and sanguine, aiming to think of better things. My favourite quote por her (one of them, anyway) has to be “I’m sure I’ll get along somehow, everything is going to be all right” which is a fantastic attitude to have and I admire her for this. She’s not dado near enough credit for how sassy, fun and witty she can be; she knows how to have fun. While a very naïve character, she also has moments of maturity; nurturing the dwarfs and actuación ever so grateful to them for allowing her to stay. People forget that she’s only 14 and has just found out her stepmother wants her killed; she is entitled to be scared at first in the woods - I sure would be! She has much más emotional-strength that people give her credit for and survived an abusive household through her hopeful and optimistic attitude.
Snow White does have her flaws – I don’t really like how she intrudes on the Dwarf’s house and orders them on how to live, o how she’s a bit too trusting in others. Not to mention allowing a stranger into the house after Grumpy and Doc specifically warned her against this. I don’t hold these too much against her, though, because I’m sure she only meant well in each situation.
There is no one like Snow White. She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. She is just a pure, innocent and wholesome character who, for me, is impossible to dislike.


4. Belle
Previous Position: #3
 "And for once it might be grand to have someone understand, I want so much más than they've got planned..."
"And for once it might be grand to have someone understand, I want so much más than they've got planned..."

Once my favourite Princess a while ago, Belle keeps gradually slipping in my list. One thing I know for certain is that I will always adore her. She has a very inquisitive nature. I admire how she’s true to herself and despite knowing that she doesn’t fit in well with others, she also doesn’t feel the need to change herself to please others either. She might not be content with her life/situation, but she’s content with herself. I have always loved her relationship with her father and how utterly Valiente she is por taking her father’s place in the castillo – not to mention selfless, considering she had just sang a whole song about wanting adventure which, being a prisoner in a castle, is obviously the complete opposite of that. She’s quick-thinking and witty, most notably with Gaston. I admire how non-superficial she is, that even though she admits to her father that she finds Gaston handsome, she cares más about his narcissistic personality instead. Oh and obviously she gets automatic points for falling in amor with a Beast… that goes without saying, really. I like how she stands up for him, as well as her father, against the townspeople.
She does have flaws, of course. She’s very stubborn and at times can be snobbish. Curiosity is one of her bad points – while curiosity isn’t a bad thing in itself, she gets herself into troublesome situations because of it and curiosity killed the cat, as they say (note: West Wing scene). However, I amor her in spite of these flaws.


3. Tiana
Previous Position: #7
 "I've climbed the mountain, I've crossed the river and I'm almost there..."
"I've climbed the mountain, I've crossed the river and I'm almost there..."

I can’t believe I didn’t notice how great she was beforehand. Possibly the most underrated Princess in the line-up. Many people call her “boring” and that she doesn’t know how to have fun, but I think the complete opposite- I think she’s a very interesting character and she doesn’t bore me one bit. I like her en general, general personality and her attitude, she has moments of optimism but she’s also a realist. She has high aspirations and high hopes from a young age and doesn’t just talk about them; does something about them. One of my favourite frases por her is “The only way to get what tu want in this World is through hard work” which is a great message to teach. She’s determined & dedicated whilst also responsible and mature. Tiana has great family values, working hard in order to make her daddy proud of her (which, just to add, I’m sure he would be). I amor how she doesn’t give in to Facilier’s manipulation at the end of the movie and how she never loses sight of what’s really important.
I do think she could have balanced herself más at the beginning and had some más leisure-time (she knows how to have fun, she just chooses not to have it) but hey, she was at her happiest working which is completely fine. Everyone’s different. Overall, a great and under-appreciated character. She's lovely.


2. Cinderella
Previous Position: #2
 "Have faith in your dreams and someday your arco iris will come smiling through..."
"Have faith in your dreams and someday your arco iris will come smiling through..."

I couldn’t possibly not amor Cinderella… she’s such a wonderful character. It bothers me how characters nowadays have to be a Merida o a Katniss Everdeen (both of whom are great characters, don’t get me wrong) in order to be considered strong characters – just because cenicienta is not ‘badass’ por definition it does not mean she’s a weak character. In my opinion she is por far the strongest Princess, emotionally-speaking. After her father’s death (who, seemingly, she was close to) she endures years and years of abuse, yet withstands it, remaining hopeful and optimistic that better days are ahead. A very admirable character - also a better role model than dado credit for. People berate her for ‘waiting around for her Prince Charming’ but the thing is – she didn’t. She saw her opportunity and she took it… she went to him. Not the other way round and hey, it paid off. I also like how she can be snarky/sassy when she wants to be, particularly with Lucifer - in one scene she is most likely going to hit Lucifer with her escoba before the doorbell interrupts her - tu go badass Cindy! She can be amusing, too, “Maybe I should interrupt the ‘music’ lesson”. Sure, she has a lot of help throughout the movie but there is nothing wrong with a bit of help – the reason she gets help is because she is a kind-hearted person who has been through so much crap in life, yet has risen above it. Others are más than willing to help her (Mice, Fairy Godmother, et al) because she has a good soul and deserves it.
en general, general she is a completely gentle and soothing character and is a joy to watch.


1. Jasmine
Previous Position #1
 "I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far, I can't go back to where I used to be..."
"I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far, I can't go back to where I used to be..."

Not surprising (to me at least) jazmín is still my favourite Princess. I actually amor her más than I used to, which I didn’t think was humanly possible. I amor how she’s completely non-judgmental of calle rata Aladdin, has no prejudices against him for his class and just likes him for him. She has such a strong personality, standing her ground and standing up for her beliefs; wanting to live her life por her own merits. All she wants is freedom of choice and there is absolutely no reason as to why she shouldn't have it; it's completely understandable, to me at least, that she is angry with the situation. Despite not being the main protagonist in her movie, she has a strong presence on screen and I can understand why people might dislike her, but personally I just amor her. She’s quick-thinking, resourceful, humorous and a fast-learner. I think she’s a lot nicer than people give her credit for, for example giving an manzana, apple to a boy in the marketplace who she knew might be hungry (despite the fact that she unknowingly shouldn’t have, but that’s irrelevant). I completely amor how headstrong she is, I wish I was as assertive as her. Oh and the fact that her best friend is a freakin' tiger just adds to her awesomeness.
Flaws? jazmín has no flaws, she is perfection. Okay… just kidding. jazmín has many flaws and I’m aware of these flaws, but to me her imperfections make her perfect.



added by Winxclubgirl202
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added by dextercat
parte superior, arriba 10! Because there are just so many wonderful songs, fortunately I've organized them to perfection. Any-who I amor my lista guys, just amor it.

10. Once Upon A Dream

It's so adorable, plus it's based on the ballet composition and I amor classical música so it just makes sense I'd amor it. Unless I'm just speaking out of ignorance, its words which aren't very meaningful. Nonetheless it's beautiful and if I had to pick a song that embodied fairytales it would be this one. Why I may seem vague, I think it's a timeless classic to be adored por many generations.

9. colores Of...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by KataraLover
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Me
I haven’t written an articulo in ages…. Ah, well. Doesn’t matter. Since there has been a great frou-frou and a tizzy storm over Disney’s reciente live action Beauty and the Beast 2017, I thought I would be remiss if I did not watch it. And watch it I did. So here, below, I’m sharing my thoughts on Disney’s revamped Beauty and the Beast 1991 as a live action feature circa 2017. Please don’t read this articulo if tu haven’t seen the movie yet, and don’t want any spoilers!

Spoiler Alert!
The Prologue
    The first scene featuring the prince’s hosted party was...
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added by KataraLover
added by KataraLover
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Source: disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney
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Source: tiffany88