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posted by faya27
Normally every morning, Melody would always say good morning to her father.

"Good morning, Melody," dicho Eric. But she did not on one Saturday morning.

"Melody, I dicho good morning," Eric was feeling a bit hurt. Melody narrowed her eyes at him. She did not utter a single word. Before Eric could reprimand her manners, Ariel announced that panqueques, tortitas are ready. Breakfast was also filled uncomfortable silence. Melody poked at her pancakes. Eric only took a few bites of his, feeling awkward.

"Well…," dicho Eric, sheepishly as he put his capa on. "…I got to go. I'll see tu later Miss Benson and Melody."

"Okay, see tu later, " dicho Ariel. Melody just dicho scowled and dicho nothing. Ariel would have reprimanded for her lack of manners but did not because she understood why the kindergartener was feeling moody. Eric sighed. Boy he really did mess up. He should have dicho that he did not get a chance to ask his boss's permission when he had the chance. What was he thinking? But the alcoholic father did not have time to ponder más as he had to leave for work.

After Ariel took Melody to her talent mostrar rehearsal, she went to her lunch to meet Harry. Throughout the lunch, it did not go well. It was not terrible, but it was not romantic, either. Although Harry greeted her like a gentleman and Ariel was flattered, she didn't feel anything toward him. She didn't feel anything either when he pulled out a chair for her. They had a good time talking about the weather and their jobs. Even though, Ariel found herself at ease when conversing with Harry, she still did not feel romantic toward him. Her corazón didn't beat faster than its normal rate. Nor did her stomach do somersaults.

"I admit, that I feel something for your sister," dicho Harry, feebly.

"Which one?" asked Ariel.

"Adella," Harry responded. "But don't tell anyone! Understood?"

"I promised," dicho Ariel, in a teasing smile. "Why don't tu ask her?"

"She'd think I'm crazy!" Harry blushed.

"I'm sure she won't. Give it a try and see where it goes," Ariel suggested. Harry thought for a minute.

"You're right, Ariel. I should," he smiled.

"There! I knew tu would!" dicho Ariel. The waitress came and showed them the bill. Harry paid the bill and gave her a tip.

"Oh, and one más thing," dicho Ariel, before they part ways.

"What is it?" asked Harry.

"Be careful when talking about yourself. If tu do it too much, people will think you're bragging and not think highly of you."

"I will keep that in mind," dicho Harry as he put his parte superior, arriba hat on. "Well, ta da!"

Ariel waved goodbye and left the cafe. Knowing that she had still has some time before picking up Melody, Ariel decided to visit the park. It was the same park where she met Eric-er-Mr. Barnes and Melody. As she entered through the gates, she walked through the fields. The elderly people were sitting on benches, lectura books. The children and teenagers were swinging on the big seesaws and tire swings. The small children were either playing tag o hide-and-seek. As Ariel was walking, she heard a familiar voice calling her.

"Flounder!" Ariel exclaimed. "I did not expect to see tu here!"

"Uncle Sebastian and Uncle Scuttle decided to give me the día off. I invited them over, too!"

"Mon, why did I take the día off? I got ice cream to sell!" Sebastian whined.

"Ah, pipe down, buddy!" dicho Scuttle. "I got Ray-Ray to take our shift for today."

"I hope he remembers how to work with the cash register!" Sebastian mumbled.

"C'mon Sebastian!" dicho Ariel. "You deserve a break."

"You're sweet, child." Sebastian smiled. Scuttle carried a big bucket of water balloons and set them on the ground.

"In the mean time, let's play!" Each person took one water balloon and formed two lines. Scuttle facing Sebastian and Ariel facing Flounder. Sebastian went over the rules of the game. The goal was to toss a water balloon to your partner without letting it fall to the ground. After each toss, both partners take one step back from each other. Everybody was ready to play. Ariel remembered how last time she played, she didn't throw her balloon hard enough. Thus, wanting to make a better throw, she swung hard and threw the water balloon toward Flounder. However, instead of going toward Flounder's hands, the water balloon went past him!


It splattered on a man's face. The man slowly stood up from the bench, peeled the balloon from his face.

"Mr. Barnes!" Ariel quickly raised her hands to her mouth. Oh crud! She thought, seeing Eric's glare. I am going to get the rosado, rosa slip! Great! Way to go Ariel!

Then, Eric asked a confused Sebastian for a water balloon. After taking one, he lift the water balloon and threw it toward Ariel! However, he threw it so fast, it splashed on Ariel's face. Eric began to laugh. It was the funniest thing he had ever seen! Scuttle, Sebastian and platija started to laugh, too. The poor red-headed girl pouted. Then she smirked when she took another water balloon and aimed at Eric's head, just to shut him up.

"Ow!" dicho Eric, when another water balloon splashed at him. He put on a mock sorrow look. "That's mean!"

"You deserved it!" Ariel stick her tongue out at him.

"You are the one who started it," dicho Eric, picking another water balloon. Another one hit him in the head but it came from platija this time.

"All right! Water balloon fight!" Scuttle cheered. Sebastian, on the other hand, looked scared.

"Oh no...,"

Everybody was running around, firing water balloons at each other. Scuttle kept missing his aim wherever he went. His balloons always splattered on either the césped, hierba o on árbol barks. Sebastian, who was not fond of getting hit, hid behind a nearby tree. platija hits the ballons at Ariel and Scuttle. Not so much on Eric, although he secretly would like to just to get him back for throwing one at Ariel. Speaking of his sister, she was firing her balloons at Eric like crazy and he was fighting back. He did not mind this funny game, he was having the time of his life! Ariel noticed something about Eric. He was..laughing? It was so rare to hear him laugh!

Eric felt like he was having a blast! He never had this much fun in a long time! Eric quickly grabbed one last blue waterballoon from the bucket. Before he could take a step, he slipped on the césped, hierba which became wet due to the water balloons. He dropped his last water balloon, which popped.

"Ouch!" he said. platija and Ariel laughed. The ginger head carefully walked over so she wouldn't slip. Giggling, she held out her hand for Eric. He took it and she pulled him up.

"Are tu okay?" she asked, still giggling.

What is she giggling about? Eric frowned. Women are so weird sometimes!

"I'm fine," he said, nicely. They sat down on the bench together. Still holding Ariel's hand, Eric used another his other hand to grab nakpkins and wiped his face. Ariel's corazón fluttered when she noticed that her hand was still in Eric's. Somehow the feeling felt...sweet. She quickly looked up when she saw Eric looking at her.

"What'cha doing here anyway? I thought tu were at work." dicho Ariel.

"Well, I thought I'd spend my lunch break out here. The office was getting boring anyway," he smirked.

platija looked at Ariel and Eric. Why did she need to sit down with him? His train of thoughts were interrupted when Scuttle and Sebastian called him to help them pick up the balloon scraps from the césped, hierba and trees.

"What about them?" platija asked.

"Eh, give them some privacy," Sebastian said. Looking at the man and his almost-niece, he had a feeling there was something between them.

"What about you?" dicho Eric.

"I dropped Melody at her talent mostrar rehearsal and thought I'd visit the park to relax," dicho Ariel. Hearing the words, "talent show" made Eric's eyes very cloudy.

"Eric, what's wrong?" Ariel asked, feeling a bit worried. Eric's corazón bounced. He never heard her address him por his frist name before. It sounded...nice. His corazón started fluttering again when he looked at her.

"I-I...I-" He turned away from her. How could Eric tell Ariel about his problem? Would she understand him? Would she forgive him for being mean toward Melody last night?

"Eric, it's okay. tu can tell me anything," dicho Ariel, gently and softly. She scooted closer to him. Eric slowly looked back at her.

"Anything?" he asked, feeling unsure.

"Anything," Ariel confirmed. Eric looked into her eyes. They were full of kindness and love. He took a deep breath and began to talk.

"The truth is I really want to go to Melody's talent show. I really care about her enough to see her. The problem is I never get a día off from work except on Sundays. But lord help me, I can never get a día off on any other día unless it was for an emergency. And I thought about what tu said. I am still confused of which to choose. If I choose work, I lose Melody. But if I choose Melody, I lose my job. Whatever choice I pick, it is a dead end for me," when he finished, he looke down. "I am sure Melody doesn't want me to come anymore. My little girl dislikes me." He felt Ariel squeezing his hand. He had forgotten that he had not let go of Ariel's hand since she pulled him up. Then again, he did not want to let go of her hand.

"Eric? Let me tell tu one thing," dicho Ariel, firmly. He looked at her.

"Melody does not hate you," she stated, still firmly.

"But my daughter-"

"I know, I know. But she is not asking tu specifically to see her talent show. All she is asking is quality time. All Melody wants is tu to spend time with her. If not at the talent show, then maybe on Sunday."

"But even on Sundays, I have to work on my paperwork." dicho Eric. It may sound like an excuse but it is true. It is hard to play with her on Sundays because either Roy o Walt would give him loads of work to do due on Monday o Sunday.

"I learned that there is always a time for everything," dicho Ariel. 'A time to play, a time for work'. If not on Sundays, then maybe sometime after school. Yes, work is important because tu need to support yourself and Melody but quality time with your daughter is important, too."

Eric was surprised at Ariel's words. How can someone have time to work and to play? It does not make any sense! But he sensed that Ariel meant every word she said.

"You know," he said, leaning forward. "I think tu are right,"

"Really?" Ariel asked. She founded herself learning adelante, hacia adelante to him.

"Yes...," His head forehead gently bumped at Ariel's. Both hearts were speeding up. Eric's lips leaned toward Ariel's lips...

"Well, Well, Well! Mr. Barnes!" a loud, deep throaty voice shouted. Eric and Ariel quickly spun thier heads to see a large woman coming thier way. They quickly let released thier hands, much to thier dismay.

"Oh..Hello Ursula," Eric grumbled. He was a little peeved that someone that somebody disturbed him and Ariel. His nanny meanwhile looked pale. Geesh, she almost thought it was platija o her uncles! It was good thing it wasn't one of her sisters o worse, her father! Triton would flip if he caught his daughter almost besar her boss!

"How are you?" Eric asked, trying to be a bit nice. Ursula came up to them walking around the bench.

"Miserable! Just another wretched día at work!" She turned her head a few times, as if expecting to see someone. "Where is she? Where is she?"

"Where's "who?" asked Ariel.

"Yes, who?" Eric inquired. Ursula turned to him, impatiently.

"Your daughter! Your little Melody! Last time tu were here, she was with you!" Ursula barked.

"Oh, she is at school," dicho Eric.

"Let me guess. Detention?" Ursula chuckled. "Boy, Mr. Barnes! Was she trouble?" She giggled. "Poor Eric, has to deal with the rambunctious kid! She cackled as she leand her head back. Eric narrowed his eyes at her, feeling a little insulted for insulting his daughter. Although Melody had a lot of trouble at school, she never got detention! Before he could say something to defend his daughter, Ariel quickly dicho something.

"Oh no, Ma'am. Melody is having a talent mostrar rehearsal."

"Oh?" dicho Ursula, who suddenly stopped laughing.

"She's going to sing at the talent mostrar soon," Ariel continued. She was beginning to feel a bit nervous. She never heard of an adult talking about thier child that way-even if it was thier own grand daughter!

"Ah, good. It's nice to hear that my grand daughter is doing something productive," dicho Ursula, smiling. She give Eric a who-is-this look. Ursula knew who Ariel is already due to having Flotsam and Jetsam spying on her. She knew if she addressed Ariel por her name, the two young adults would get suspicious.

"What? Oh! I'm so sorry!" dicho Eric, feeling foolish for forgetting his manners. "Forgive me. Ariel this is my mother-in-law, Ursula. And Ursula this is Ariel. She is my nanny." Ariel stood up from the bench.

"How do tu do?" she dicho as she curtsied. She knew she was not royalty but back at Denmark she had to curtsy all the time when meeting an elder. Thus this was out of a habit.

"How do tu do?" dicho Urusla.

"Very well, thank you," Ariel replied, smiling a little bit.

"Well! Aren't tu a bit old to have a nanny?" Ursula smirked. "Or is she your mistress?" Ariel almost fell down on the grass.

"She's babysitting my daughter; not me!" dicho Eric, whose eyes looked like they were about to pop out.

"Oh, stop it! I'm just teasing you," dicho Ursula, flinging her arm carelessly in the air. "You men have no sense of humor." she laughed. Eric and Ariel both did a forced laugh.

"So tell me. Is my granddaughter a dancer o a singer?" Urusla acquired.

"A singer," Ariel smiled politely. "She's going to sing Best of the Both Worlds" from Hannah Montana," Ariel smiled, politely.

"So when do get to see Hannah Montana sing?" Ursula requested.

"We?" Eric asked, raising an eyebrow. From what he already knew, Ariel's going but he is not. So who is going with Ariel?

"You, me, and her, tu fool!" Ursula barked. "I thought I'd like to give my granddaughter support," dicho Ursula.

"Oh..okay," dicho Eric. "The talent mostrar is on May 31st, the día after Memorial day. Either at 7 o 8pm,"

"Marvelous! I will be there! Now if tu excuse me, I need to go and run some errands!" Before the huge woman left, she turned toward Ariel. "It was nice meeting you, Miss Ariel,"

"It was nice meeting you, too," dicho Ariel. As soon as Urusla left, Ariel faced Eric.

"Your mother-in-law is a nice woman," she said. Although there is something intimidating about her She thought as she shaked.

"I guess," dicho Eric. "I-I apologize for my mother-in-law's behavior. I don't know what has gotten into her lately."

"It is all right," dicho Ariel.

Flounder, Sebastian, and Scuttle came up to them. They were just finishing cleaning up when they heard Ursula.

"Who was that lady tu were talking to Ariel?" platija asked.

"Yeah Mon, because whoever she is, she looks scary," dicho Sebastian.
Merida was still holding on for dear life. She was still unconscious, her blood pressure was still dangerously low, and her temperature continued rising. The only good thing was her breathing returned to normal. Everyone was glad to hear that. As for the wound, Kekata did everything in his power to clean it. He put water and a healing medicine on it.

Suddenly, something strange happened to Merida. She was sucked into this mysterious land. "Where am I?" she asked as her voice echoed. "It's your sub-conscience." an unfamiliar voice said. Merida turned to see who it was then screamed. "Don't be...
continue reading...
Nightfall had come, but Shang and John still weren't back yet. "I'm getting worried." mulan said. "John sometimes likes to explore the different scenes at night. He probably took Shang with him." Pocahontas reassured. mulan thought for a minute. "You're right, Pocahontas. I'm sure if it becomes too late for them to come back, they'll set up camp and come back in the morning." she stated. Merida, however, got really nervous. *What if something happened to them?* she asked herself. Pocahontas stared at her as if she were a book.

"Merida, I know those boys. I'm sure nothing happened to them." she...
continue reading...
Time was nearing for the trip. While Pocahontas and John were preparing for the arrivals, Mulan, Shang and Merida were busy packing. Shang was dado time since China was still in good shape. Elanor saw the letter before Merida had a chance to tell her, but with her blessing, she could go on the trip. Pocahontas, Nakoma, and the rest of the women gathered comida for the día they arrived. "The girls will be fine." Fergus reassured Merida before she left. Everything was falling into place.
*3 days later*

The whole Powhatan Tribe gathered around as Mulan, Shang,...
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Merida hurried to her room and grabbed her bow. She was competing in a family friendly archery match. Why this occasion? Because it was her birthday! Princess Merida of the Dunbroch clan was finally turning 18! "Archers to your marks!" King Fergus called out. Merida excitedly ran to her marking point. (A/N: If tu read the first chapter, you'll know a año had passed. Also, I forgot how to spell Dunbroch, so tell me if I spelled it wrong. :P)

Merida got out her arrow as fast as she could and placed it inside her bow. Since she was the birthday girl, she was first up, no surprise. Because of...
continue reading...
I don't know if this has been discussed before. I was lectura Internet Movie Database's message board about whether o not Belle has any friends in the village. One of the posters think that the triplets are there setting up for Belle and not Gaston due to the reactions prior to Gaston mostrando up.

Since earlier on in the scene (I assume on the DVD) Triplet 2 is whispering to Triplet either 1 o 3rd triplet. That triplet covers their mouth like they;re gasping. When Gaston arrives for some reason they're all shocked. So why would they be shocked if they were setting up for Gaston?

There's also why were the triplets upset that Belle didn't accept Gaston's proposal? Shouldn't they have instead be relieved?

added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
Leah woke the siguiente day, the first thing she did was get ready for the día like any other day. Leah liked being the first one up instead the last one up, she headed for the stable to go for a ride. mulan was there when she got there grooming her horse, she dicho " Good Morning." Leah nodded hello and mounted on Chun bareback the way Chun liked. On the trail everything was quite, Leah dicho to herself "Its so quite out." She looked around, nothing moved o made a sound. but she knew something big was going to happen and that día was coming. She made it inicial before cena but was a tad late but she didn't mind. cena was quite when it was time for bed, Leah changed into her outfit and went to bed. She wondered what tomorrow would bring. Tomorrow was going to be a dangerous day.

Part 4,
amor Horsegirl202

Meanwhile thousands of miles away(Scene 25- Outside of the ruins)...

*Monster figures 1 and 2 are sitting on some misceláneo rock, and their stomachs growl*

Monster Figure 1: I'm bored, and hungry.

Monster Figure 2: Yea, so am I. When is she gonna call back?

Monster Figure 1: Hell if I know. But until then, we'll have to either A) Starve to death...

Monster Figure 2: Yawn.

Animal 1: That sounds like a good option.

Monster Figure 2: *Hits the animal* Shut up tu stupid dinner- I mean snack- I mean bird, no one was talking to ya!

Animal 2: Ow, that was my beak!

Monster Figure 1: B) Eat these guys and find...
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added by jlhfan624
Source: disney
added by belle_ami
added by belle_ami
Hi, y'all! Hope your week is going well! I want to point out one quick thing before we get into this article. I know some of the STUFF in the live-action is different, from the characters and their names to certain parts of the story, so I might actually be all over the place as I talk about the article. Just a fair warning. Now, why don't we get into it?

The characters:


You know what? I'm just going to talk about both versions in one piece for a second. They're both fearless, headstrong, loyal, and badass. I knew the original version was all those things, but see how the live-action version...
continue reading...
added by andy10A
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: alafastanzio, IsisRain, princessdawn982, PkmnTrainerJ
added by peteandco
added by tiffany88
Source: disney bóveda, bóveda de