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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 4: Hope and Light

*Digital Forest Ruins*

Charlotte: hola guys, should we go inside that temple? I think we might be able to go inicial if we do!

Damia: tu really think so?

Nick: I would hope so...let's check it out!

Veemon: *Nods* I'm really curious to know what's inside of that temple!

Hawkmon: Me too!

*Later, inside the temple*

Gatomon: *Ears perk up* Do tu guys feel that?

Patamon: I can feel it too...

Georgia: *Sees a glowing light* It might be jewelry! *Runs toward it*

Charlotte: Georgia! *Runs after Georgia*

Gatomon: Wait for me! *Follows*

Nick: Hey! Wait for us!

*Suddenly, The Digimon Empress appears*

Clark: Huh??? Who are you???

Digimon Empress: I am the Digimon Empress, ruler of the Digital World.

Hawkmon: So your the Digimon Empress!!!!!!!

Digimon Empress: *Flips hair* No duh *Summons 2 Dobermon and 3 Seasarmon*


Georgia: *Sees the Digi-Egg of Hope* Woah! Is that one of those Digi-Egg things?

Patamon: *Nods*

Charlotte: *Sees the Digi-Egg of Light* Oh is this one mine?

Gatomon: Of course it is, Charlotte.

Georgia: *Picks hers up*

Charlotte: *Picks hers up*

Gatomon: Now let's get back to the group!

charlotte and Georgia: Right!


Nick: Digi-Armor, Energize!

Veemon: Veemon Armor Digivolve to...*Armor Digivolves to Honeybeemon*

Honeybeemon: Honeybeemon, The Sting of Knowledge!

Clark: Digi-Armor, Energize!

Hawkmon: Hawkmon Armor Digivolve to...*Armor Digivolves to Allomon*

Allomon: Allomon, The Fangs of Courage!

Damia: Digi-Armor, Energize!

Armadillomon: Armadillomon, Digivolve to...*Armor Digivolves to Pteramon*

Pteramon: Pteramon, The Missiles of Love!

Dobermon 1: Schwartz Strahl! *Fires a black beam at Honeybeemon*

Honeybeemon: *Dodges* Paralyze Sting! *Stings Dobermon 1 mulitple times*

Dobermon 1: *Is destroyed*

Dobermon 2: Schwartz Strahl! *Fires a black beam at Allomon*

Allomon: *Narrowly avoids it* Dino Burst! *Shoots a beam of fuego at Dobermon 2*

Dobermon 2: *Is destroyed*

Dobermon 3: Schwartz Strahl! *Fires a black beam at Pteramon*

Pteramon: *Dodges easily* misil Storm! *Fires missiles at Dobermon 3*

Dobermon 3: *Is destroyed*

Seasarmon 1 and 2: *Run from the battle*


Seasarmon 1: *Sees Charlotte*

Charlotte: Looks like we've got company!

Gatomon: Let's Armor Digivolve!

Charlotte: Digi-Armor, Energize!

Gatomon: Gatomon Armor Digivolve to...*Armor Digivolves to Nefertimon*

Nefertimon: Nefertimon, The ángel of Light!

Georgia: Digi-Armor, Energize!

Patamon: Patamon Armor Digivolve to...*Armor Digivolves to Pegasusmon*

Pegasusmon: Pegasusmon, Flying Hope!

Seasarmon 1: Tee Dia! *Fires arrows at Nefertimon*

Nefertimon: Rosetta Stone! *Fires an explosive stone slab at Seasarmon 1*

Seasarmon 1: *Is destroyed*

Seasarmon 2: Tee Dia! *Fires arrows at Pegasusmon*

Pegasusmon: estrella Shower! *Shoots stars at Seasarmon 2*

Seasarmon 2: *Is destroyed*

Georgia: Alright! We did it!

Charlotte: Now let's get back to the others...


Damia: I see Charlotte!

Nick: Charlotte! *Runs up to her and gives her a big hug*

Veemon: What happened to tu two?

Georgia: Gatomon and Patamon Armor Digivolved!

Clark: Oh cool!

Gatomon: *Hears something* Do tu guys hear that?

Hawkmon: Not really...

Veemon: Actually, now that tu mention it...yeah I do hear something...

*Suddenly, Grumblemon jumps down to the floor*

Georgia: Huh??!!! Who are you???

Grumblemon: I am Grumblemon, a servant of the Digimon Empress! It's high time I taught tu all a lesson! Grotto Hammer! *Uses Grotto Hammer to create holes in the ground*

Charlotte: *Falls in one*

Nick: Charlotte! *Jumps in after her*

Veemon and Gatomon: *Falls in after them*

Damia: Nick! Charlotte! Veemon! Gatomon!

(To Be continued)
After getting lost in the desert, the group is taken aboard a ship traveling in the desert that is headed por Kokatorimon.
full episode
digimon adventure
the crest of sincerity
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