Critical Analysis of Twilight Messages to the Kittens!

Myf_1992 posted on Oct 27, 2009 at 10:13PM
This is the forum to place any message you have to give to teh kittehz. Have your say!

Critical Analysis of Twilight 318 respuestas

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hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Yes, naughty MyfCat!

Thats WEIRD. I'm in Harry Potter mode too, I just watched Philosopher's Stone and now I am really hyper. I noticed that the midget version of Emma Watson really emphazises her words. Like, REALLY emphazises them. For example: "Now, I'M going to BED, and YOU better do so TOO. We couldn't of gotten KILLED, or WORSE, EXPELLED. GOODnight."
Haha! I just watched a French and Saunders Harry Potter spoof, they are so BAD. Jennifer Saunders was being JKR and she said "Well, yes, I don't use a computer, no, I'm still writing on a wet wipe."
HAHAHA! Thomas Nash in my Technology class told me that he was secretly Rupert Grint, so I asked him what he named his micro pig and he said Gordon, so I'm going to check on Google... OH MY GAWD!! HE IS!! RUPERT GRINT HAS A MICRO PIG NAMED GORDON!! Wow, whoever knew a guy would be a Rupert Grint fan...?

AAAAAAAAAAH!! I FEEL SO HYPER!! I told my headmaster, I didn't call him Adam, and I didn't threaten him. AAAH!! SOOO HYPER!!! Today in Tech I was really bored so I kept drawing scars on Tom Nash's arm and told him not to cut himself, so then I found a water bottle and said it was 'Percy, the therapeutic water bottle' I started making it talk in this really high voice, so then Tom grabbed it and stabbed it with his pen and water started to leak out and I had a funeral for Percy at the bin, where he was buried.

Oh dear, poor RenCat. Yeah, she has been,'cause she couldn't to the Caption Contest. Oh yeah, today my school has a C.A.T.S but it's actually for after-school clubs and stands for; Clubs, Activites, Teams, Support. (Not as good as OUR CAT)
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Myf_1992 said…
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
XD Someone certainly was hyper. I never stopped being obsessed with HP, but it seemed like it started all over again. I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!

I did notice that. I love Emma, but the one thing I can't stand about her acting is that craaazy eyebrow dance she always does when she's talking and acting all intense. It amuses me but also slightly annoys me. Go ahead! Next time you watch one of the later movies, watch when she talks. Her eyebrows go ALL OVER ZE PLACE!

Of course it's not as good as our CAT. Psssh. XD

LUCIUS AND SEVERUS FTW!!! They are smexy bitches!
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Bahaha! They do! It's freaking hilarious, someone should tell her about that. They should. How come no one has noticed it?!?!

Yeah, kinda boring really. They're telling us it's not complusory to do after-school clubs, but we still have to do them...HUH?

Yesh, yesh they are.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
XD I'm surprised no one else talks about it. I noticed it early on, but I thought it was really obvious and didn't say anything. Iz vurry funneh tho, eh? I love HP ^^

Wha...? What part of that makes sense? How contradictory.
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
I know, loads of people go on about how abnormal her eyebrows are (??) but they don't notice that they seem to be doing the conga when she speaks.

I noooooooes.

Just got back from shopping!! Bought some christmas pressies, flipping embarassing. My friend, Brionee has a new boyfriend, Tony and they're joined at the mouth. 'Twas not a purdy sight...
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
XD Doing the conga! Lmao they really do, I swur. *Shifty eyes* Sum wud dissagri...I never noticed anything weird about her eyebrows other than that, though.

CRAP, I need to do my Xmas shopping. >.<;; It sucks to be broke. Hopefully I can pull through somehow, though.

I know how that is, the new bf thing. :/ Sometimes you just wanna put a paper bag over your head. I hate when I have to be the 'third wheel.' Her name's pretty, though! Lol.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
big smile
Omg! Check out all my new pics!


Funny as hell. Lawl.
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
big smile
Nah, loads of people think that she has really bushy eyebrows, apparently. I don't think there's anything wrong with them, apart from the wiggling fangdango.

AAAH!! I cannot WAIT until christmas!! Eeeeeeeeck!! Haha! I feel so relieved when I've done my shopping, 'cause I get really paranoid when I don't do it. XD
Yeah, it's embarassing. ;) Her name is pretty!!

:'( I am not a happeh kitteh. We had our netball girls championships in school today -in freaking DECEMBER- it was freezing! I was only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Brrr! We had to wear our community colours as well (We have four different communities, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Mercury) I'm in Mercury, so I had to wear this sickly yellow colour that looked like cat vomit. I also strained my leg trying to save a hoop thing (I succeded!) but it's bloody painful. I have to limp everywhere.

LOL! I luuurve your pics. They are hilarious! I love the Snape one's, especially, "Vampires don't sparkle. Ten points from Hufflepuff." For the lulz.
hace más de un año Asvini said…
Just had to chime in with agreement about Emma's eyebrows (Fanpop's been wacky with my comments lately, so if this is here twice I blame Hermione. I think she's hexed my comments for mocking her eyebrows.) I don't think they're too bushy, it's the fact that she can't keep them still when acting, though either I've just got used to it or she's not as bad as she used to be. I get that she's trying to emote, but unless what she's trying to get across is 'oh no, my eyebrows are on fire. I shall put them out by waggling them in the wind' then she needs to make them look a little less like a pair of caterpillars with epilepsy :)

Mrs-Grint, I'm feeling your pain on the netball thing. School p.e soured me to netball. Well, that and the fact that netball is just what you get if you take basketball and remove all possibility of enjoyment.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
BAHAHA! "unless what she's trying to get across is 'oh no, my eyebrows are on fire. I shall put them out by waggling them in the wind'" Aaah, the comedy magic of Emma Watson's eyebrows.

Someone who feels my pain!! The boys were fortunatley playing rugby at the time. Haha! We had to play badminton and my trainer fell off and I was too shy to walk past the boys to retrieve it, I eventually did, 'cause I needed it, most embarassing moment of my life, I had to wear a pleated skirt for goodness sake.

I know!! All the boys get to do cool stuff! "Boys" sports are mostly: Football, Rugby, Basketball, Shotput, Tennis, running, swimming races etc, and "Girls" sports are; Badminton, netball, dance, javelin, gymnastics and SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING. I hate having showers in the changing rooms, it's embarassing, people just shamelessly stare at you, then the Sports Teacher comes in and "CHECKS" on you. Perverts.
hace más de un año Asvini said…
School sports for girls are generally a thing of evil. I actually like a lot of sporty or exercise-y things, but I think there's some secret rule about how only the sports that are majorly annoying are allowed for girls. We didn't even get dance, we had 'dance-drama' which is an entirely made up thing that serves the sole purpose of embarrassing all who do it. They'd make up some scene and we'd have to do a dance version of it instead of acting. And all the scenes were insane things like 'you are a clown who is waking up'.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
A dance of a clown waking up?! He'd probably yawn, grumble about how he hates children, then stumble out of bed to put his make-up on.

The worst thing we've ever done is when we were doing a project on accents and we started with the Queen's English, that was terrible. Our drama teacher, Miss Granger, paired us up with boys and made us BALLROOM DANCE, it was MEANT to be a joke, but the boys started.
It was hell on ice.
Oh well, I like javelin and gym, that's always fun, being thrown around into peoples arms and chucking pointy sticks through the air. XD
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
x.x Gym is hell on earth, I swur. It sucks so hard.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Oh yes, and are we still doing the CAT Awards? ^^;; We kinda just forgot about em...
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
CAT Awards? Oh yeah! The thingy Myf did, yeah, we can still do that. Brr, it's so cold my hands are going mental on the keyboard so it's taken me about fifty years to write this correctly.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Awww. Poor Grinty. :( *Makes pile of Twilight books* Incendio! *Warms hands on fire*

Well I'm in charge of the CAT Awards. :D So if someone deserves a CAT Award, be sure to say so! I'll give it to em.
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
I really detest the burning of books, but....Twilight made a GREAT barbecue.

Aye aye, LadyCat! -Salutes-
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
*Om nom nom* Mmmm, Bellalicious.

But really! Please...someone give someone an award. XD That forum hasn't been updated in about a month. Here's the link to it if anyone's interested: link

^^;; I'm not trying to push anyone. I'd just like a job again.
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
What's wrong?
hace más de un año katiecain said…
big smile
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
MY FRIGGING TWI-HARD SISTER. Aaaaaaaah!! I know I shouldn't get angry with something so stupid! But just ARG!!!

I went out with my friends last night and my sister had a little sleepover with her freaky friends, when I came back they had stuck a huge Twilight poster with Eddie's face on it in my room with a piece of paper above it saying: MY LOVE. I know, she is hella weird. And she got my HP books and put little sticky notes over the characters faces on the front cover and drew Bella, Edward, Jacob and Kermit the Frog on there instead. I am going to kill that girl. Now my brother is acting like a total idiot. He keeps being really annoying and is being SUCH a drama queen.

Oh, frigging family!!
hace más de un año katiecain said…
Poor GrintCat.

*takes down Edward poster and replaces it with her own Jacob poster* xD Jusssssst kidding.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Lol katiekain. XD

That would annoy me too, you haven't done something like that to her stupid Twilight stuff have you? It's just unfair and annoying. I say you have license to do something back. :) Nothing too big, just something to really upset her and to teach her to stay out of your room and leave your stuff alone.

What's your brother been doing?
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Haha! Thanks guys, that's a great idea, Asvini. I've already bought her some anti-twilight stuff for Christmas, stickers and stuff. I think she's gotten me an Edward Cullen calendar, my brother, Elliot tipped me off. Well, HAHAHAHAHAHA TO YOU!! I ALREADY BOUGHT A HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE ONE!! GO DIE.
Asvini, the spell check is messing up because you dissed Hermione about her eyebrows and now she's hexing you. She had enough trouble with her teeth, (LOL!)

I just went on the JK Rowling website and discovered that she's a hard-core Pink fan, that made me laugh.
LadyCat: My brother is just being blatantly annoying, with all HIS weird little friends. They scare meh.
hace más de un año Plenilunio said…
Kittehs, I'm getting scared. This is turning into SMeyer's Forks. No, there aren't any hot, incandescently cold, sparkling, dazzling things around... that I have seen yet. But there might be some soon if the weather continues like this. December in my country, except for some northern regions, is usually cold, but dry. I might snow once or twice, but rarely settle, and it doesn't rain.

This year, however, things are being weird and so attractive to vampires! I haven't seen the sun in days, literally. The longest we go without rain is a couple of hours and it's always foggy. Regions where water is constantly lacking are now flooded. Incidentally, it's not raining in the traditionally wet north. Up there it's freaking windy these days.

Should I buy stakes or something? I'm scared, I don't wanna encounter Eddiekins next time I leave home.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Edward: *Pops out of bushes next to Plenilunio's house* Plenilunio! You smell so delicious! That must mean you're my soul mate! *Starts running at you*
hace más de un año Plenilunio said…
Nooooooo! Where are Death Eaters when you need them the most?
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Bahahaha! Quick everyone, press your Dark marks!!
hace más de un año katiecain said…
I don't get fangirls at all. If you're a fan of something, you don't want them to hate you. So you DON'T go on their official facebook page and lay into their long term girlfriend. Crap, if I was like that when I was younger I will shoot myself.
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Got something on your mind, katiekain? *Points wand at Edward, dices him a couple times with the sectumsempra spell then lights his limbs on fire with incendio* There, you can have my services for free...muahahaha.
hace más de un año katiecain said…
Haa, wasn't even Twilight fangirls this time xD Teenage fangirls are just crazy xD except me of course :P
hace más de un año katiecain said…
big smile
Happy new year kittehs! Even though I hate New Year's >.<
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
Happy New Year to you, too! I don't really care for it either, but meh. :)
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Happy New Year, kittehs!

katiecain, I know what your getting at. A rabid twilight fan actually propped me and wrote a really horrible message on the prop. Commenting on my selfisness, immaturity and personal hygiene. Oh yeah, and my sanity and parentage. Nice. I didn't talk back (HUZZAH!) but it was bloody hard. Oh well, I shall amuse myself with the Pirate English on facebook.
hace más de un año katiecain said…
What? You are so not immature, you're 13, right? You are wayyyy more mature than most 13 year old's on here. Personal hygeine? LMAO what 'I don't know where you live but I can smell you from here!' xD Pirate English is amazing!!!

Some Edward fangirl is being a little mentally unstable on the Jacob spot. Apparently her and the 'Edward worshippers' are going 'hunt us down and slay you fuckers alive'. LOL forever!
hace más de un año katiecain said…

Yeah I like snow :P
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Aw, thank you, katiecain. :D Pirate English is AMAZING! It sounds bristolian. <3

Oh my goodness! LOL! What a nutter. XD
hace más de un año LadyLilith said…
That's a little...redundant, isn't it? PROPPING you to insult you? She could have just messaged you, but she instead chose to 'congratulate' you? XD Dumb bitch. If you wanna say anything, just prop her back. "=D Thanks for propping me!" Lulz.
1.) You sure in the hell aren't selfish, that being that you contribute so much to...pretty much every other spot I go to myself. XD And always being polite (to those deserving of it, anyway), and if someone's got a birthday, you always say happy birthday to them. Because that is SO selfish of you, no?
2.) Immature? That made me snort. I'm several years older than you, and I think sometimes you're more mature than me. You're certainly more mature than the majority of your age group. So she can suck it(there's my immaturity rearing itself! SEE?)
3.) O.o How would she know about your personal hygiene? And if she's a Robert Pattinson fan, she's making herself looking hypocritical. He looks like he NEVER bathes. (Sorry, Pattinson fans!)
4.) Sanity? Well... ;P But us CATs are the good kind of insane. Twihards are not. And the fact that she PROPPED you to insult you (*Giggle*) instead of messaging you shows that her beloved series may have addled her brain a little bit.
5.) Again, does she know you? No. And I think that her parents are doing more of a bad job than yours if they've let her become this Twitarded.
HA HA! Taken down!

Lawl. That's scary, but still rather funny katiekain. XD Threaten to tell the jewelers where her precious Eddiekins is hiding. (What sells better than ordinary diamonds? Twilight 'vamps' do! Chop up Eddiekins and sell him on rings, necklaces, etc.) She'd probably be torn between devastation (Noooooo! Not my Eddie!) and excitement (He's gonna be turned into a ring? That I can WEAR? Cool!) ...Okay, so maybe that was lame. XD But least he'd be useful then!

It snowed over here too, we got an hour delay. It was kind of cool. :) (Excuse the pun, lawl.)

hace más de un año katiecain said…
Kittehs. The Eclipse script has been leaked and I have heard from people that have read it that they've taken some of Edward's controllingness away. I AM NOT HAPPY. Grrrr.
hace más de un año Plenilunio said…
^ Gosh, really? They definitely wanna make that freak appear like Prince Charming.
hace más de un año katiecain said…
Yeah, and apparently *SPOILERS FOR ECLIPSE SCRIPT* they've completely changed the scene where Bella visits Jake for the last time, in the book she cries all night after it and when Edward hugs her, she 'craved a different set of arms' (Jacob's). And there's nothing of that. Oh yeah, way to make it seem like Bella doesn't love Jacob. I know many fans don't like to admit that, but it's fact.
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Oh. Well. Really?! Well, that'll be a bummer for Jacob fans. But..but... isn't that the whole point of Eclipse?! That Bella is torn between Eddie and Jacob? Ah, just have to see how it goes, eh?

Aww, thank you LadyCat, that was so sweet of you. :P :)
hace más de un año katiecain said…
Yes it is dammit. I need to find less stressful fandoms LOL
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
Yeah, LOL. Ugh, I am SO ANGRY. GRR. The same twilight fan keeps...grrr...egging me on. I better spend some time of this spot to calm down. :)
hace más de un año katiecain said…
*pats Grint's lion mane* xD
hace más de un año Mrs-Grint said…
*Purr* :)
hace más de un año Frizzhead said…
Dont worry about the twihards grintcat we can set voldemort on them :)