edward cullen Club
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Source: volvocars.com
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Source: Summit Entertainmet
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Source: Summit Entertainmet
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por Hughmickullen on YouTube
edward cullen
bella cisne
luna nueva
added by mr-cullen
This not any of my work all rights go to Jessica L

Things are pretty boring these days on the college front. I have been attending classes, hanging out with Alice and Jasper on campus, and being a regular guy. It is very weird to be looked at like everyone else. This is the first time since my creation- since any of our creation actually- that we haven't turned any heads. People really don't notice us in any odd way. It is hard to get used to, almost like losing a part of your personality.

The women here are all over me also, but not in the obsessive, girly way the high school group I...
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added by miss_anne
added by Natbr
Source: fuckyeahtwilightsaga
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
added by marthatsal
added by ebcullen4ever
added by pompeybabe
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