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I know I did this kinda lista before.. But it's mostly a new take.. Orginally this featured Windwaker, but he had no ideas.. So I had my friend Sarah.. AKA.. xXBalorBabeXx, from my account..

Mine has imágenes so your know the difference..


I never watched Dragon Ball Z. But I find it interesting. Though I could only get though first season, and stick to youtube videos.. But anyway, Frieza is always amongst the highest of DBZ villain lists. For one thing, the reason Cell is so evil, is because Frieza is a part of him. Unlike most DBZ villains, Frieza was not created to be evil, he 'does' know better.

But what makes Frieza unique in this list. Is that he’s so calm and often polite, one of the only times Frieza loses his cool is when goku turns Super Sayan, which even manages to frighten him.. Which honestly builds all the más towards the moment..

#9: NICHOLE HORNE (Max Payne):

A ruthless and amoral businesswoman, Horne was responsible for the killing of Max Payne's wife and daughter and the production of designer drug Valkyr.

During his quest for revenge, Max initially believed that the Punchinello mob are behind the murders until Punchinello himself was killed in his manor por Horne's men. Casually strolling from her helicopter into the manor, Horne stumbled upon Max, who was held at gunpoint por her men. Horne injected him with an overdose of Valkyr as an attempt to kill him.


Fontaine is one of the most cold and ruthless characters in the game, obsessed with power and manipulation. He constantly utilizes people to further his ends, as seen por his keeping Elsa Lichtmann addicted to drugs in order to investigate the breakdown of an addict and using Lou Buchwalter for the Fund, causing his death. He is also a master at manipulating people, demonstrated por how he convinced Courtney Sheldon to give him the stolen army surplus morphine in blatant abuse of his trust. Furthermore, he manipulated Ira Hogeboom to assist in the Fund's nefarious plans.
And when Sheldon confronted Harlan about the Suburban Redevelopment Fund, Fontaine easily played on Sheldon's trust. Tricking him into thinking he was innocent, and using the opportunity to inject and overdose Sheldon with morphine, killing him (and after all they been though)..

#7: NELLE BENSON (General Hospital):

August 2016: Nelle arrives in Port Charles looking for Carly Corinthos. She arrives at the Corinthos family home, Greystone Manor, during Bobbie Spencer's birthday party where she meets Carly's son, Michael Corinthos. Michael thinks she is applying for a babysitting position and asks her to wait until after the party to speak to Carly. After the party winds down, Michael introduces Nelle to his mother, Sonny Corinthos and Jasper Jacks, who were all attending the party. Nelle tells Carly that she saw her articulo in Crimson Magazine and believes she is her daughter, Josslyn's kidney donor.

March 2017: Nelle is revealed to be Carly's adoptive sister and having not agreed to the kidney donation, Nelle believes that Carly contacted Frank for a kidney, which prompted Nelle to kick off her revenge scheme.

Summer 2018: Nelle, having driven Carly crazy, is exposed as her fiance's killer and exposed for lying about how she ended up hurt and in the hospital while 7 months pregnant. When the car crashes, she leaves Michael to die and ends up having her baby in the middle of the woods before switching baby Jonah with Brad Cooper's deceased adoptive son, baby Wiley..

#6: VALEK (Conjuring 2):

Valek is my favourite Conjuring villain. Which is why I don't wanna watch THE NUN.. I like that Valek has no motivation for any of this.

Valak is the demon behind the Amityville horror. The story of a man claiming that a demon influenced him to go all "jack torrance" from the Shining, murdering his family, mostly childrun.. After Lorrane Warren investigated Amityville, Valek decides to follow, taking the form of a nun to challenge her faith.. At the same time Valek comes across a british family when the daughter Janet uses a Ouija board. And blackmails the ghost of Bill Wilkins, who was still in the house, denying him any chance of moving on, till he torments Janet and her family, when he has no malice towards, and only wanted to scare them out of his house..

Also, to those who seen the film, the Crooked man was Valek as well..

#5: DAMIAN SMITH (General Hospital):

1993: Damian Smith was the son of notorious mob boss, Frank Smith and was just as despicable. He showed up in town as an old friend of Ned Ashton and scammed his way into ELQ por reporting the company to the Environmental Protection Agency. He miraculously claimed to solve all their woes for 2% of the company stock as payment. Damian then gave half of his stock to his secret bedmate, Katherine Bell. Damian goaded an equally greedy Katherine to marry recently widowed Scott Baldwin for inheritance, as she didn't take him to bed. Damian promised to keep Scott's friend, Lucy Coe, at bahía so Katherine could use her feminine wiles on Scott.

1994: Damian made a bet with Lucy that he could seduce Bobbie Spencer. At first, Bobbie was picking Damian's brain for info about Frank Smith on behalf of her brother, Luke Spencer. Damian was the "liason" between Luke and Frank Smith, arranging for Luke to smuggle people out of the country for Frank, in exchange for the Spencer family safety. Then she found herself infatuated with him. Damian trashed Bobbie and Tony Jones' marriage, taking advantage of the tragic school bus accident that caused their daughter BJ's death. Tony caught Bobbie and Damian in a lip lock and then threw her out of the brownstone.

A distraught Bobbie ended up sleeping with Damian. Damian had won the bet and it was time for Lucy to pay up! The siguiente día Bobbie came back to Damian's place after a long shift and found Damian in cama with Lucy! She poured ice water on him but that was only the beginning of her revenge. Bobbie lured Damian into the catacombs por pretending to be a secret admirer. Then she cut the electricity and left Damian trying to climb out of the tunnel in the dark. Not being able to see three inches in front of him, Damian fell and broke his back, Tony having to operate on it to fix it.

1996: Damian now wanted revenge against Katherine. He came up with the perfect revenge where he faked his death and framed Katherine for his murder. However, using her own "psychic" abilities, Lucy tracked Damian to a spa in San Antonio, and proved he wasn't dead at all.

Damian wanted the land that the Ward house orphanage was on to build a shopping mall. Laura Spencer now owned the orphanage and adamantly refused to sell it. Damian showed up late one night and set fuego to Ward House with Laura and all the children inside. Justus Ward saw him and knocked him unconscious with a baseball bat. Sadly, the fuego completely destroyed the Ward House. Damian perished in that very fire..


Phillip has disturbing similarities to Jim Jones and Charles Manson.. He manpulates Woodbury por hiding his true colours, and actuación like a kind rational person to them.

But unlike Charles Manson, Phillip does the dirty work himself.. Blake is responsible for the deaths of vast majority of the cast, executing most of them personally in cold blood. He also pressures one of the residents to kill Rick's wife Lori and her infant daughter, Judy in an action so horrible that the dicho resident personally betrays and executes the Governor shortly afterwards, leaving his corpse to be devoured por the zombies..

#3: JOKER:

I even once made a lista of parte superior, arriba ten worst things Joker has done.

Joker is popular. But we can't forget that Joker is a true monster. He abuses and manipulates Harley Quinn. Would kill a bunch of children and laugh, and in THE KILLING JOKE, he shot Jim Gordon's daughter in front of him, leaving her crippled. And further crosses the line por mostrando Jim Gordon a slideshow of Barbara in a bloodied, unconscious, injured and totally n*** condition. I'm not sure I felt about in the film.. But I'm sure in the comic this was jaw dropping..

And of coarse. batman can't just kill Joker.. batman believes this would be the last thing to draw himself insane.. He already is. But has his morals..

#2: DEKE WOODS (General Hosital):

Boy, she sure loves this show.. Anyway, Deke Woods married Adela Corinthos when her son Sonny was about seven years old. Three weeks into the marriage, he started beating both Adela and Sonny. To outsiders, he appeared to be a nice guy and was a well-respected police officer. Behind closed doors, however, he continuously beat and verbally and emotionally abused both Adela and Sonny. He often locked Sonny in a closet, causing him to become claustrophobic.

Sonny now distrusts police officers, since Deke, a so-called "good guy," was two-faced, a cop on the outside, and a raging wife and child beater on the inside. Sonny was sixteen when Deke beat him for the last time, Sonny fought back and almost killed Deke, but Adela stopped him and told him to leave. But, without Sonny there to take the beatings, Adela became the focus of Deke's violent rages.

Deke met Marcus Taggert when Marcus was a child. Marcus was a troubled kid and Deke was someone he could look up to. Deke was good to Marcus, and made him want to become a cop just like him. Marcus did become a cop, and Deke's partner as a rookie.

Then, one día Deke beat Adela so badly that he put her in a hospital, but being an unscrupulous coward, he pinned the blame on Sonny and told Marcus to go after him. So Sonny told Joe Scully the local mobster who took him in after he left inicial what happened, Joe told him to be out in the public the siguiente night. Deke was in an alley in Bensonhurst investigating an anonymous tip from an informant about a string of burglaries. Scully put a gun to his head and took Deke's gun from the holster. Deke identified himself as a cop. Scully pressed the gun to the back of Deke's skull. Scully finally spoke, "I know who tu are, and I know what tu are." Joe then attached the silencer to his own gun. He stepped closer to Deke. "You're a pig, and I don't just mean a cop. You're a coward passing for a man." Deke was now nervous. Vince knocked Deke to his knees and Scully shot Deke in the forehead. Scully then fired one más shot into Deke's chest. The siguiente day, Deke's body was found in an alley, shot in the head and the heart. Marcus blamed Sonny for killing his mentor and partner, and vowed to get revenge.

Deke's abuse toward Adela eventually led her to an early death. His abuse towards Sonny and Adela continues to cause Sonny great grief. Deke was a great influence in making Sonny the man he is today, claustrophobic, manic, verbally abusive, and distrustful of cops..

Before the sequels ruined it, Michael was a man of mystery.. So I won't count the sequels.. Well, maybe the second..

Doctor Loomis defines him as the devil itself. And it doesn't seem to far from the truth.. What's worse was that he's got no reason to kill. Most real life serial killers generally have something motivating their murders, but Myers has no reason to kill these poor people. No motivation.. That's pretty terrifying if tu ask me..
added by Canada24
I amor everything about him now. Including the voice
rated r
added by Canada24
The song is called "old friend"
freddy krueger
posted by Canada24
Meanwhile, Dash Lucia continued staying with the Griffins within a week and a half now, over that time she spent some time with Peter and the guys at the Drunken Clam, but Dash got to the point that even Peter Griffin dicho she may have a drinking problem. And fortunately Quagmire couldn't do anything to take advantage of her drunken state while officer Joe Swanson was still with them.

Dash was coming inicial to the Griffin house when she finally met Brian in the kitchen, who was gone most of her time there.

“Hello beautiful.. tu got me, yes I am 'the' Brian Griffin. The writer, perhaps tu have...
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Lazlow; Right, so welcome back to Integrity. I'm here back in the studio cause after moving to San Andreas I realized it's too damn hot to really go outside, so we...

Female voice in distance; Lazlow tu forgot your lunch.

Lazlow: Pinkie gets out of the studio!

Pinkie: But when you're letting me on the show?

Lazlow; These people want likable personalities not my whiny adopted sister, now get out of the studio tu ginger bitch!

Pinkie; Whatever, just don't forget to take out the trash tu junkie puta. (door close)

Lazlow; Christ, women am I right?.. Anyway San Andreas is a wild place. Hey, here's...
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added by Canada24
#10: Batman: Gotham por Gaslight

Now here is the real R Rated animated batman movie. Unlike The Killing Joke, which was a good movie but was utter shit in the first thirty minutes, Gotham por Gaslight is pretty decent all over. Taking place in an alternate timeline where Gotham is a Victorian Londres city, batman must stop Jack the Ripper as he walks the streets of Gotham, killing women. With a plot like this, tu would think they'd just use The Joker again, like they always do. But instead, they resort to using a character tu would never expect. I won't say who, but I was pretty surprised,...
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MacFarlane is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, where he studied animation.[2] Recruited to Hollywood, he was an animator and writer for Hanna-Barbera for several televisión series, including Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, Dexter's Laboratory, I Am Weasel, and his own Family Guy-like "prequel", Larry & Steve.

As an actor, he has made guest appearances on series, such as Gilmore Girls, The War at inicial and FlashForward. In 2008, he created his own YouTube series titled Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. He won several awards for his work on Family Guy, including...
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added by Canada24
added by Canada24
#1: SGT FRANK WOODS (Black Ops):
Of coarse he's number 1. The guy who joined the Vietnam war because "it was fun". About everything he does is badass.. And I will give spoilers. So not only does he and Kra- (can't spell it) survive that gernade. But it's implied Woods escapes being P.O.W all por himself.. Though he than gets recaptured por Raul Menendez in Angola, and the first mission involves finding and rescuing him. The circumstances of Woods' capture - being tortured, having his men killed right in front of him, and locked in a shipping container with his dead comrades and left to die of...
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added by Canada24
added by Canada24
 The Guy
The Guy

As I survey the chaos, taking in the lack of raw humanity.
It's as if the entire world's fallen in amor with their INSANITYY!!
Hear the innocent voices scream.
As their tormentors laugh through all of it.
No forgiveness for all I've seen.
A degradation I cannot forget.

So sleep soundly in your beds tonight.
For judgement falls upon tu AT FIRST LIGGGHT!

I'm the hand of God~!
I'm the dark messiah!
I'm the vengeful one~!
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)
In the blackest moments!
Of a dying world!
What have tu become~!
(Look inside and see what you're becoming)

As the violence surges....
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Trevor, Ron and Wade followed the Bikers to their backup, and once they reached the spot, Trevor got his AK47 ready.
Trevor: Watch the entrance boys..
Trevor: (runs to the bikers) GET READY TO DIEEEEE!!
Audience: (cheers a litte)
(a huge gun right begins to take place, when Andrew WK - Get Ready to Die, begins playing as suitable background music).
Trevor: (violently shooting) Step wait up! STEP WAIT UP!
Trevor: (shoots a whole bunch of them, while canto along to the song).
Biker: (shoots at Trevor)
Trevor: (almost dancing) (almost singing) I gotta taste for biker blood!
The tank gets blown up)...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 30

Bartholomew's Departure

June 12, 1953

Bartholomew has worked on the Union Pacific for two years. He's from the United Kingdom, but still enjoys life in Equestria.

Orion: *stops freight train in yard*
Bartholomew: *Climbs out of caboose* Now to just take off...
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The campana and horn sound wonderful.