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posted by lucius_malloy
I just kinda need to rant this all out, and also I kinda hope it might help y'all if tu ever apply for the IB :D this might turn out crazy long though...

Part One: In The Morning
I swear, I've never been as nervous and/or panicky as I was this morning. Not even the día of my confirmation, the día of my summer job interview and the día I left for Brazil put together. I mean, in a way, it's just one test (well, technically two); but on the other hand, that one test will basically determine my future for the siguiente three years and possibly even further. So, yes, I was más than slightly nervous.
Although waking up was nothing compared to the way I felt when I got to school and met up with the other IB applicants in my class, and we all just started babbling on parte superior, arriba of each other in this insane display of common panic. Panic that was in no way alleviated when we went to sign up and saw some of the 'outsiders', people applying from outside SYK, my school. They were insane, seriously. About half of them had the "I IZ ASIAN, NOT FUCKING B-SIAN" look, and I swear some of them were even wearing suits. Some of the Asians even had their parents with them. And then of course there were the other Finnish kids, and most of them looked like their GPA was 9.95 (on a scale of four to ten, remember) with only their bad PE grade bringing it down. tu know the type. So there we were, me and five guys in my class, staring at them and thinking If that's what we're up against, we might as well go inicial now. And then we got the schedule thing, and saw that if we got as far as the interviews, we'd be interrogated por various lovely people including the principal (he's a nice enough guy, though) and the Economics teacher who hates our entire class after eighth-grade optional Econ. Yeah. That was the point when one guy's mum called him like, "Do tu have everything with you? Your calculator, your ID?" tu know, just being a mum. But it was kind of like the straw that broke the camel's back, because we all kind of cracked up at that point. tu could see the outsiders looking at us like, If those are SYK-kids, this school's reputation is way over-exaggerated... Yeah, did I mention? SYK is supposedly the best school in Finland. Not that you'd know por looking at, say, my classmates. But anyway. After we finally calmed down, we went to the exam room, which is this big and scary room on the third floor that seats like 150 kids and is, due to limited space, actually my homeroom. And then began the real panic. tu know, the concentrated, maths test panic.

Part Two: The Maths Test + The English Test
Yeah, the part I'd been most panicked over. And not without reason. When we finally managed to start it, after an explanation that had to be 20 minutos o longer, I was like O_o. Because that was possibly the most insanely difficult test I've ever taken, and that includes the Bio test I got a 7- on once. It had really crazy questions, like If (x+y-4)*3=10, what is (2x-6y)/8?. Well, not exactly that difficult, but still insanely hard. There were 20 preguntas in total -- three points for each right answer, minus one for each wrong one and zero for each pregunta skipped -- and it was considered an accomplishment if tu answered over half. I got 16, but I don't know if they were all right... I mean, most probably were, but some I really really don't know about. But apparently what they say about adrenaline upping your performance is true, 'cause I got this sudden rush of clarity when I was really panicked about this one pregunta that I really didn't understand at all. But then I realised I was thinking it way too complicatedly, and then it turned out to be really easy.
After about an hour, they collected the maths papers and handed out the English ones right away, no bathroom break o anything. The essay was fairly simple, though: it wasn't technically even an essay, but rather an correo electrónico to a friend based on a short text about the 'Slow Movement'. (Gems, if you're lectura this, I wrote to tu -- tu kinda popped into my head 'cause I was talking to tu right before I went in) I almost ran out of el espacio on that one... they were really strict about not escritura más than there was el espacio for, and I barely managed to squish Love, Emmy on the last line. But then I had like 25 minutos to spare, because it honestly doesn't take too long to write two pages of bullshit about calming down and not rushing through life and whatnot. So after staring into el espacio for a minuto o two, I grabbed a piece of spare paper and started listing HP characters off the parte superior, arriba of my head to pass the time. I got to 262 before the test ended, an accomplishment I'm actually quite proud of.

Part Three: Lunch and Results
So then we had lunch, and everyone was in a kind of weird mood, 'cause we all just kept going through the maths test in our heads, asking the others about the respuestas and generally enjoying the after-panic that comes with any serious tests. That tided us over actually eating, and then came the time to start really worrying about whether o not we actually passed the maths test we were so eagerly talking about just moments ago.
They'd asked us to come back to the big scary exam room at 12:50, so there we all were, 80 o 90 people crammed into this tiny el espacio behind these glass fuego door type things -- I swear the temperature went up five degrees (Celsius; assuming it went from, say, 19 to 24, it would be a change of almost ten degrees Farenheit) when tu walked through the doors. Then they kept us waiting for around five minutos más before letting us back into the big scary exam room. The made us all sit down, and then they read the names really slowly, one por one, and it was legit the most horrible fifteen minutos of my life, ever. I swear. But I can't even describe the feeling I got when they called my name. It was like... well, suffice it to say it was awesome. Because there was like 80 o 90 applicants, and only 50 o so passed the maths test, so it was kind of a big deal. At least for me.

Part Four: Interviews
The purpose of the groups we were put into was basically just so we wouldn't get lost and shit, 'cause SYK is a really huge school. We were also interviewed as a group, but it was only your individual respuestas that count, so it didn't really matter who your group was. Except that we spent the hora (yes, hour) waiting for the interview in the groups. tu got to know your group kinda well, at least I did. They were all really nice people. I hope they get in.
So, after that torturous hour, we went in for the English interview, featuring Darby, a teacher who's never taught me but has an overly good picture of me since I passed on a message from her to my English teacher yesterday; and Agniezska, the old Econ teacher who really doesn't like me. It went okay, though, even though the preguntas were kinda crazy. I mean, some of them were to be expected, like What do tu think of the IB way of having classes and not separate groups for each subject? and What do tu think of the fact that in IB, class attendance is mandatory, whereas in Finnish high schools no one really cares if tu skip occasionally?. Then again, some of them were really weird, like What current event have tu been following in the news lately? So I just spouted some bullshit about how I followed the elections because I never really used to care about politics and then it all went downhill and whatnot. That's a talent I never knew I had, por the way: spouting complete bullshit with a perfectly serious expression. It's vair useful.
They ended the interview with a pregunta I used to never be able to answer: Who do tu admire? But now I just automatically say JKR. She's, like, my idol. I swear.
After the English interviews was another hora of waiting, as if the first one hadn't been enough to make us almost physically ill, and then we were escorted into the principal's office for round two, interrogation in Finnish feat. the principal and the IB coordinator. Not very important people at all. The preguntas were all really basic, though -- Why the IB program at SYK? What are your hobbies? What do tu consider your personal strengths? (And no, Alex, I didn't tell him that I'm hilarious.) I think I might have earned some brownie points for telling the principal that I wanted to get into the SYK IB because I've been at SYK since the third grade and I feel like I have a kind of bond with the school.
Like I said, spouting bullshit with a perfectly straight face is a useful talent.
And then came the real kicker: What do tu think of language education in normal Finnish schools? And I was off. Seriously, I can't even count how many times I've ranted about this particular subject to my friends IRL. So I had a whole bunch to say, and not very much time to say it in, which resulted in me speaking so fast I had trouble understanding myself at times. Apparently the principal got it, though, 'cause he kind of laughed when I was done. It was a good laugh, though, I think... And the IB coordinator was like, "Mr. Language School Principal agrees," 'cause in case I hadn't mentioned that before either, SYK is specialised in languages, which means we learn más of them than other schools.

And that's the entire sordid tale... now I just have to wait until JUNE FUCKING SIXTEENTH until I find out whether I got in o not, because the stupid Finnish Board of Education has decided that no high school is allowed to announce any results before then. Bah.
added by simpleplan
added by simpleplan
Yet another one :P

Superbowl: a REALLY big bowl.
this superbowl can, like, hold all my cranberries! Mmmmm, cranberries!

Anime: 1. Japanese animation.

2. Yet another thing that americans managed to completely fuck up, resulting in poor translations, unnecessary censorship, horrible dubbing, and people who don't know any better hating japón for it.
Cartoon Network and 4Kids are mostly responsible for the godawful anime that plays in the US.

(This one for GD XD) Clown kiss: Eating a girl out while she is on her period so when tu are done your lips look like a clown.
I puked after giving a girl a clown...
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If I get reported becasue this shit will go down XD

Pig: a government-funded butt-picking fucktard addicted to donuts. Just about every cop you've ever met was the little chickenshit pussy with the smart mouth who got its culo (yeah, that's right; "ITS ass", not "his ass" o "her ass") kicked on a daily basis back in school. Don't be surprised if tu recognized the pig who's giving tu a rash of senseless shit for no good reason as Myron, the trailer park-dwelling, booger-eating mutant from high school who got fired from McDonalds for fucking the hamburger buns.

Hungry: The worst possible torture...
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posted by emilyroxx
Okay, I have some freaky rules about comida that don’t even make sense to me. Here’s some of them:

1.    I eat the hot dog out of the bun, but I won’t eat the bun.
2.    I eat one end of the hot dog, but not the other.
3.    When I eat hot perros at home, I don’t eat either end of the hot dog.
4.    I won’t eat veal hot perros out of a bun.
5.    I won’t cut up hot perros from a restaurant.
1.    I lift the ramen above my head and eat the end of the ramen first....
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posted by harrypotterbest
I need constructive feedback, si'l vous plait :P And don't be shy xD Tell me EXACTLY what tu think!
His blood on my cuchillo is all I ever thought of, all I ever dreamed of. His presence made me go crazy with longing to drive my silver blade through his chest and be done with it. His mere glance was all I needed to remember how it had felt, when he had stood siguiente to me, and whispered sweet lies of a place that didn’t exist. I remember how he felt that day, I remember his cold touch, how it made me shiver, I remember how I could hear my corazón beating...
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She huddles in the corner, lonely and afraid, knowing that He will return tonight. Silent tears make their way down her cheeks. The room is unbearably cold; she shivers in her thin sweater, wrapping her arms around her again. She hates herself for crying, it is a weakness, it is useless, and no one will help her. They thought she was mad. Before, she was sure she wasn’t mad, yet now, she fears she is losing her mind.
The room’s temperature drops even más and her blood runs cold. A huge gust of wind blows down the window, and she screams. He is getting más powerful. And soon, oh, very...
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He has not been going to school. He keeps actuación think he is sick he does not care they he will fail he does not care that he will be taken away. I just want to puñetazo, ponche him.......... he thinks nothing can happen he does this about 2 years hace because some kid was not letting him play football but he says not one is picking on him so whats his bloody problem. We called his princible but he did not call back he dicho he help us but he is not even around. My dad he is never there so he no help. My mum she has to work alot she cant have the exra stress. All my brother cares about is his self.

sorry about the rant but i had to let it out
Alright, so ya'll know cause of the pick. This is my old Percy Jackson/Avatar crossover. For those that don't knowso tu don't get lost, avatar is a cartoon about a fictional world where people can control, o "bend" the 4 elements. And the Avatar, (s)he's like this powerful spirit that never dies and is supoosed to keep balance. Well, this incarnation, Aang, is an airbender, the last of his kind, cause the fuego Nation killed them in a 100 año war. Him and his friends are trying to stop them from winning the war.

I admit, I took like the first 5 chapters from this other, unfinished abandoned...
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posted by simpleplan
(Note: One día I was very bored so I wrote this story I thought tu guys would like to read it. The story will have spelling mistacks I sucks with spelling and Grammer.)

Once upone a time a monky stold Harry's Lucky Charms. Harry was mad he wanted to eat it becuse of it was the best wizarding comida of all time but the monkey wanted to flush it down the potty. Harry chast the monkey all around the world and they can to potty city. The monkey throw the Lucky Charms it almost when in the potty intell pikachu saved it. Harry Potter and pikachu jump around becuse they got he lucky Charms but then Ash when over and kicked Harry and pikachu stold the Lucky Carms then ran to NeverLand.

The End XD
posted by TempCC

My name is Amber and I live somewhere in England. My family consists of my Mum, my Dad, my 9 año old brother, two hamsters called Freddie and Dora and a cat called Flora who we've had since before I was born! :D

I have 2 main obsessions. Harry Potter (Duh) and Doctor Who. Lets start with Harry Potter. One evening I had nothing to read. I had read all the libros on my bookshelf. So, I complained to my Dad and he suggested a few titles including Harry Potter. I hated Harry Potter even though I had never watched any of the films o read any of the books. My friend liked HP so I decided to...
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posted by GemonkDruid
So these are all the instruments I remotely know how to play and shit like that.

Instrument: Voice
When I started: Pretty much my whole life? lol
Why I started: It's fun. :p
Skill level (out of 10): 6.5...7? I dunno, depends on the day. :p And what song.
Do I own one?: What a dumb question. lol
How cool I look playing it (out of 10): 7
How much I enjoy playing it (out of 10): 10

Instrument: Piano
When I started: 8 years ago, but I stopped.
Why I started: My parents forced me. Haha.
Skill level (out of 10): 2. x]
Do I own one?: Yes.
How cool I look playing it (out of 10): 4.
How much I enjoy playing it (out...
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tu know very well that tu will never have read to much of Harry Potter!!! ::sniffs::
You say things to people like "Wingardium Leviosa!" and "Expelliarmus!" to trolls and incompetent professors.
You've read all the Harry Potter libros out so far ten o más times!!! (I have!!!)
You follow any kids around with any of the character's names, prodding them to do magic.
You often call a teacher tu don't like "Snape."
You're always getting weird looks from people when tu ask if they have possibly seen your toad.
Your parents think you're nuts; this is because tu often ride around your inicial on a broom...
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posted by Italktosnakes
So everybody's doing these bio thingy mjigs, so I thought I should registrarse into this :) x
My name is Alice Lucy Nugent. My nombre de usuario is Italktosnakes, but tu can call me Accio. I've been here for just over a año now. I started on the '1000 reasons why Harry Potter is better than Twilight' foros and the first person I ever spoke to was Moo. From then on, I have spent almost everyday on this AWESOME website, and I really consider some of the people kn here as my best friends.
I live in England, but- before tu all picture me with a posh accent with teas and crumpets- I am definitely NOT a Sloane/...
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posted by Gred_and_Forge
We know we're called Gred and Forge

Yeah, since everyone else is escritura artículos about themselves, I guess it's time to registrarse in the anarchy.

First off, not giving out my name and age and exact location (Hawaii, that's all I'm gonna say). Not that I don't trust anyone, but with the way this page is growing in numbers, I'd like to keep some things private. Now that that's out of the way, on to the details of lil ol' me, miss Gred_and_Forge (or Gred o aunty o betch, etc. etc.)

I amor where I live, but honestly, the stereotypes is getting kind of old. Yes, I live in a house (not a césped, hierba shack)...
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posted by rapunzeleah123
Yes, I've seen all of the other artículos from the older members, and I've been thinking: Wouldn't it be nice if they could get a newbie's perspective on all of this?

Well, first off:
I was a little confused at first. I mean, tu guys mostly welcomed us with open arms and all that, but then tu wrote the confession articles. I'm actually glad tu did, because I understand that tu were all close and stuff. But if we all were older members, o joined at the same time, would tu be so concerned about our family being big? DL is right, imo. I'm glad she had the courage to write her article, because...
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So... yeah.

This is about the reciente onslaught of fans and everyone getting all worked up about it.

And it's kind of weird for me coz I'm only a spectator of events that happen like 7 hours hace (STUPID FUCKING TIME ZONES) but I wanna put my opinion in too.

I like newbies.

I know I often post "You Must Be New" pics, but really. Newbies to me are like a blank sheet of paper. I pardo, dun mean this in a bad, Bella Swan-like way. I mean this in a moldable, teachable way. I like newbies because tu can teach them the ways of... whatever the subject they may be new at. It's kind of like how I converted Best...
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The Biggerstaff Story
The Family is Formed

They laughed together, they talked together, they cried together. That night they ran together. Two girls ran from a mob of trolls, their green faces distorted and warty, their eyes a murky brown. They'd come from a village where debate was going around, over two religions, Twilitianity and Pottism.
Right now they ran through a forest, where the trees spindly and leafed hands and arms hung above them, shielding the sun from the muddy ground. The women wore long, billowing robes that flew behind them as they ran. They carried wands in their hands and...
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So this is my response to this article, the "One Last Go At a Joint Account":

Please oso, oso de in mind that this is just my opinion, and I'm not trying to offend anyone o anything.

First off, making another joint account isn't going to stop anything.
Sure, maybe no one knows the contraseña yet, but if anybody's going to go abusing anonymous accounts, there are two other ones that they can do that from. There's "xbiggerstaffx" and "MrMsBiggerstaff". They don't need to know about the new account. And besides, even if they did, they could just wait around for a while, and THEN abuse the new account....
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posted by alexthedog
1. If a genie granted tu three wishes, what would they be?
Wish that JK Rowling would write another HP book- That would just be wicked:D x
Wish that there was no such thing as exams and that I was already the cleverest person ever :D x
Wish that Riker Lynch falls in amor with me <33 x

2. Who is your closest fanpop friend?
Urrghh, I hate this question. But I'd have to say that it's mainly Moo, Malloy and Best- cause we were the 'Reasons Gang', Then Alex and Vamp, because I talk to them quite a bit. Then Miss, cause we're both Gleeks. Although I amor tu ALL, so much. but if I had to pick ONE,...
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