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Okay so for the final chapter we will be seeing the story in the finale in the last three episodes, so enjoy the story.

Sozin's Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters
Jet after weeks of traveling finally managed to find the Order of The White Lotis. However he was attacked when they first saw him. "Wait! Wait! I come in peace! I just need you're help!" begged Jet.

"Let him go!" dicho an old man. The man was kind of fat, old, had long hair with a bald spot, and a beard. "It's nice to see tu again."

"It's you! What are tu doing here?" questioned Jet.

"I'm the leader of the Order of The White Lotis. Now tell me my boy, what is it tu desire?" asked Iroh.

"Well tu see there's this girl..." Jet paused for a moment and blushed, he snapped out of it and continued. "Well tu see the problem is she's the princess of the fuego nation."

Iroh was shocked for a moment and than he came back to us "I think tu better just forget about her!" reasoned Iroh as he walked off.

Jet was confused and just went after him while talking. "What? Wait! Please be reasonable! I've traveled all the way from Ba Sing Se to have someone here help me!" begged Jet.

"Trust me, tu don't want to get involved with her. She's nothing but trouble!" dicho Iroh coldly.

"No she's not! I know her, I've gotten to know her and I understand what she's been through. She's good deep down and I just need help to get her back! Please I..." begged Jet before getting interrupted.

A beautiful young girl than comes. Her has tan skin, long gorgeous wavy dark brown hair, big blue eyes, and was dressed in water nation clothing with a necklace. "Jet is that you? What are tu doing here?" asked the girl.

"Katara! I came here for help! There's this girl who's so amazing, brave, and the most beautiful thing ever created!" proclaimed Jet.

Katara than blushed believing that he was talking about her. "Jet I... this is awkward... I don't know how to tell tu this but... I don't feel that way about you... tu need to mover on." stuttered Katara.

Jet felt awkward and didn't know how to tell her. "Katara, the girl I'm talking about isn't you." dicho Jet.

Katara is than embaressed "Oh... well... oops..."

Than a handsome young man with a scar on his eye come up from behind them. "Uncle shouldn't we start this meeting?" he than is shocked to see Jet. "What are tu doing here?" asked Zuko in a defensive way.

"I came for help, I'm in amor with the princess of the fuego nation." dicho Jet.


"No she's not! I know her!" shouted Jet.

"Really? I think I know her better since she's my sister!" shouted Zuko.

"You're her brother?" questioned Jet.


Jet become angry than punched Zuko in the face and shouted "SHUT UP! DON'T tu EVER TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT! tu DON'T KNOW HER! I KNOW HER! I got to know her and we understand each other! I amor her and she loves me too! She saved my life!"

"She saved your life?" questioned Katara.

"Yeah let me explain and you'll understand better". They went to the meeting with team avatar where he told his story.

"But Jet that means that she doesn't remember you. They've changed her back and she'll kill tu on sight without a segundo thought." dicho Katara.

"I managed to bring out the goodness in her before and I can do it again." dicho Jet.

"Don't be so sure my boy. When they erased her memory they not only took tu out of her head but they also took amor out of her heart. A corazón without amor is the most dangerous thing of all. Now she's even más destructive and angry than ever before. You'd be a fool to go there alone!" dicho Iroh.

"I don't care! I need her! I amor her! I'm going to go help her see the light and none of tu are going to stop me!" dicho Jet.

"Wait! I'll go!" dicho Zuko.

"So will I! We can go on Appa!" dicho Katara.

"But if she doesn't listen to tu than you'll have to let us fight her." dicho Zuko.

"Fine but I know she's there somewhere!" dicho Jet.

They left on Appa while the others discussed the plan on what to do. The three set out on their journey to get to the princess.

Sozin's Commet, Part 3: Into The Inferno
After their long travel to the fuego Nation they finally arrived just when Azula was about to be crowned fuego Lord. Her bangs had been chopped off and she looked like she hadn't slept all night. She became angry but satisfied that she could finally finish her brother off. "Here for a fight Zuzu?" asked Azula in satisfaction.

Zuko was angry and ready to fight "Yeah!" dicho Zuko about to fight.

Jet stopped him "Zuko tu dicho you'd let me talk to her first before tu tried to battle her."

Zuko than signed "Fine! But if it doesn't work than I'm taking over."

Jet went up to Azula but she just fired at him, but he avoided it. "Who are you?" she asked coldly.

"Azula listen to me! It's me Jet, tu know me!" started Jet.

Azula than fired at him again, she walked to him with a sinister grin on her face. "The world is at my finger tips, whoever tu are tu can't stop me!"

"Azula it's me Jet! The rebel in Ba Sing Se tu were suppose to kill but tu didn't. Try to remember! When he were talking at my hideout, when tu saved those peasants, when tu let me live, when we spent the día together, and when tu saved my life!" reasoned Jet.

She fired at him again as if it was nothing. "My brother put tu up to this didn't he? Well it's not going to work! The idea of me doing those things is ridiculous!" dicho Azula coldly.

"IT'S TRUE!" he went up to her and held her por the shoulders. "If it was a lie than how do I know you're favorito! color is red, that tu sing in your sleep, tu find it hard to trust, that tu have a birthmark of a flame on your right foot, tu use to burn dolls, your favorito! flores are fuego lily's, your biggest dream is to be fuego Lord, tu sometimes sing when you're sure your alone, your favorito! song is I'm All Alone, you're favorito! story is The Tale of Two Lovers, tu wake up in the middle of the night crying because your afraid of failure, tu were betrayed por your two best friends Mai and Ty Lee, your Uncle Iroh ignored you, your dad treats tu like a weapon, you're mom disappeared when tu were eight years old, she never told tu bedtime stories as a child, tu felt like she loved your mother más than you, and that tu think that she thought tu were a monster?". Azula's face softened as he was talking. He than pulled out the collar he gave her from his pocket "Look at this! It's the collar I gave tu when we spent the día together! They brainwashed you, that's why tu don't remember! Please believe me!"

She than snapped out of it and kicked him to the ground "NO! IT'S ALL LIES! SAY GOODBYE FILTHY PEASANT!" she dicho in anger as she was about to strike.

"AZULA STOP! Leave him alone, it's me tu want!" interrupted Zuko.

"You're right! I'm sorry it has to end this way brother!" dicho Azula in satisfaction.

"No you're not." dicho Zuko coldly.

They started a firebending battle to the death. Jet tried to stop them but Katara got in the way. "Jet give it up! tu tried but she just doesn't remember tu o any of those memories! The Azula tu knew is gone and she's not coming back! There's nothing tu can do about it! tu had you're chance and it didn't work! She's gone forever!" shouted Katara.

At that moment tears went down his face realizing that it's possible that she really was gone forever. They watched the Agni Kai, both were evenly matched. Azula got angry and eventually knocked down, causing her hair to go loose. "What no lightning today? What's the matter, afraid I'll redirect it?" taunted Zuko.

"OH I'LL mostrar tu LIGHTNING!" she generated lightning and was about to strike Zuko. However she saw Katara and shot at her. Zuko saw and managed to catch it in time to redirect it back at Azula. She just stood there because she was tramatized por her failure. However Jet ran as fast as he could and pushed her out of the way, however it got him in the chest. Zuko and Katara than tried to run to him but Azula fired at them to keep them away, she than walked up to him.

Sozin's Comet, Part 4: avatar Aang
Azula went up to Jet and knelt down on both knees. "Why did tu do that?" she asked in both anger and confusion.

Jet is barely breathing "I had to... save your life!"

"Why would tu care if I lived o died" pregunta Azula with distrust.

"Because... I... amor tu and I would do anything for you..." dicho Jet who was barely able to speak.

Azula's face than softened and was very confused "You would really die for me?" she asked confused.

"Look at me... does it look like I'm lying..." he asked.

"No one has even been willing to do something like this for me." Azula said.

He than put his hand on her face "I would... please remember... I know it's hard but tu can do it... I know you, you're stronger than this... tu can do it... I believe in you... tu can do whatever tu set your mind to..." he gave her the collar he gave her.

She than closed her eyes trying hard to remember, than after a moment she did. She than put her collar back around her neck. "I remeber! Jet I remember!" she than realized it was her fault for Jet's injury. "OH NO! No, no, no, no, Jet stay with me! Look at me, I'm right here! It's me Azula, I remember everything!" she kept shouting.

"Azula... I'm really weak... I don't think I'm... gonna make it..." he dicho with bare enough strength.

"No you're gonna be fine! Look at me! Stay with me! We're together again, everything will be fine, we'll be happy forever!" she dicho trying not to cry. He than gathered all his strength and kissed her one last time and whispered he loved her, than he died. She than burst into tears "JET NO! tu FOUND ME! I REMEMBER YOU! I CAN'T LOSE YOU! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME! I amor you!"

Katara and Zuko came up behind her, Zuko put his hand on Azula's shoulder. "Azula I can help, I have healing abilities, I can save him if tu let me." dicho Katara. She than tried with all her power but it was no use. "This isn't good, I can't help him. His injury is too great for me." she dicho with sadness.

They all three began crying, even Zuko, but Azula cried the most. Than the woman who gave Jet the map appeared. "Who as you?" asked Azula.

The woman than removed her capucha, campana revealing Ursa. Zuko than ran to hug her. After a warm hug she went to her daughter. "So it looks like my little girl is in love" dicho Ursa with joy.

"I was, now he's gone!" dicho Azula in sorrow.

"Not necessarily. I went por the Order of The White Lotis, Master Pakku gave me water from the Spiritual Oasis. I can't use it but a waterbender can." Katara took the water and tried with all her power to heal him. While she was Ursa whispered to her daughter "Azula, I'm sorry that I wasn't a better mother for you. I guess I was making sure that Zuko got enough amor and attention that there wasn't enough left for you. But I want tu to know that I amor tu and your brother más than anything, I missed tu both so much." they than shared a hug.

Katara than used up all the spirit water and it disappeared but nothing happened. Azula went over and a tear landed on his injury. At that moment his hand went on her face wiping away her tears. "Don't cry, you'll get your beautiful face wet" he dicho with a smile. Azula than smile and gave him a hug. Than she punched him hard in the exact same place his injury was. "OUCH! GEEZ WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" he asked in pain.

"That was for scaring me, and this..." she than gave him a kiss on the lips "is for everything else."

We all know what happened with Aang, Ozai, and everyone else but here's what tu don't know. Azula was crowned fuego Lord and was considered the best fuego Lord in history. But I know what the real pregunta is; did Jet and Azula ever get married? Well on Azula's twenty-first birthday Jet proposed and they got married on the día avatar Aang defeated the fuego Lord, because it's the same día where they found each other again. They had a few kids and told their story, which was told for generations after.

posted by Gretsel
Information by:wikia


"I guess tu just don't know people as well as tu think tu do. tu miscalculated - I amor Zuko más than I fear you."
— Mai explaining to Azula why she saved Zuko in The Boiling Rock, Part 2


Mai is the daughter of the Governor of "New Ozai" and his oldest child. During the course of the series, she becomes one of Princess Azula's main sidekicks (thereby one of Team Avatar's greatest foes), as well as Prince Zuko's amor interest. As one of the most privileged girls in...
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posted by KataraLover
The sun is down, the gang is talking about who should go and talk to Azula to find out how she feels about Jet.

"I say Katara" dicho Sokka

"Why Me" asked Katara

"Because tu always putting your nose where it's not wanted, and you'll get an answer out of her" dicho Toph

"Why don't Zuko, Iroh, Mai, o Ty Lee do it, they've known her all her life" dicho Katara

"Because we can never get anything out of her, tu on the other hand always do" dicho Zuko

"Give it a try Katara" dicho Aang

"Fine" dicho Katara as she walked off.

Katara went to Azula's room which was Yue's room before she turned into the moon spirt,...
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posted by KataraLover
It's been a week since, Katara hasn't talked about Azula's mother because she know's it might upset her. They've been traveling until sunset, they found a place to stay with some nice rich people who offered them rooms to sleep in for the night and some dinner. The sun went down and Azula changed back into a monster. They gang was down at cena and wondered where Azula is.

"Where's Azula" asked Aang

"I think she's still in her room" dicho Katara

"I wonder why she's not down here for cena she hasn't ate since this morning" dicho Ty Lee

"Well she needs to come down for food, she can't exist on air"...
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posted by KataraLover
It's now morning the sun is up so Azula is a beautiful princess. She now thinks she'll need to act nice, so she picked some apples.

"Good morning everyone" dicho Azula

"Azula are tu alright" asked Zuko

"Yes I feel fine" dicho Azula

"Did Sokka give tu some cactis juice" asked Katara

"No. Who wants breakfast" asked Azula

"Azula did tu put any poison o rub them on some poison mushrooms" asked Toph

"No of course not" dicho Azula

"These a tasty apples" dicho Iroh as he ate an apple.

"I even made tu some té uncle, I hope I made it the way tu like it" dicho Azula

"My dear tu make good tea, after all this...
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That night Azula dreamed.

After a long while of staring at the ceiling, the cold metal shackles biting her hands all the while, and enduring Ling-Ling’s attempts to make conversation, she had found herself in something of a sleep.

Her dream wasn’t unpleasant.

The dream was a bit of a blur; she was a little girl again. Ling-Ling and Heekul were both real people, her mother loving. Zuko had joined them in whatever game they were playing.

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What is to become of a fallen princess?


Nothing at all.

Everything Azula had ever stood for seemed to have been taken from her. Her nation lost the war. Her father the crown. Like that mattered to her anymore anyways, the man was quick to leave her behind when he thought he’d get a bigger crown.

He promised they‘d do it together. It was a lie. Now she had no parents…not ones that loved her anyhow. In fact she had no one at all that loved her. Even her uncle, a man that seemed to see the best in everyone, viewed her as a lost cause.

The world seemed to have no room for her anymore....
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Authors Note: Hello, atla fans! This is another installment about Azula after her Agni Kai. As tu probably know, I am in amor with this characters complexity and amor to write about her. This one may hit u in the feels. Enjoy!

"Mother?! Mother?! Please hold me! Please be with me! Mother?! I'm sorry, Mother! Please don't be angry!" These tortured words reverberated through the courtyard as another gentle summer breeze landed upon the damp, salty face of the broken princess Azula. An hora had passed since her greatest defeat, and the troubled adolescent had been crying ever since. "He won again,...
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" What!" Aang said.

" Aang tu idiot the village is in trouble!" I screamed.

" Let's go then " Aang dicho quickly I know he was thinking about

Katara. We glided on our gliders and we got to the village we

were there before the fuego Nation and we told them our plan well

my plan Aang was to scared to think of one. A 16 año old boy

got out of the ship " Were is the Avatar!" he yelled then he

started to threaten the villagers that's it! I'm sick and tired of the

fuego Nation hurting people! I jumped out of the hiding place and

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"So your the Avatar" he said.

" We'll...
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Good T.V. shows come and go and everyone likes something different. However tu would have a hard time finding someone who wouldn't want the watch the last air bender. Just to clarify I now have to call it "the last air bender" because the name "Avatar"... well tu know. Anyway, it's growing popularity and soon could be the siguiente big talk of the world. Well ok mabye not but it will soon be bigger with the movie and everything.


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