alexander rybak Believe tu , that Alex buys an engagement ring?

ajsa posted on Dec 09, 2010 at 08:54AM
I can not believe this.

alexander rybak 57 respuestas

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hace más de un año clubery said…
How you know that?And hu is that woman ,hu gets ring?
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
i do not know if he is buying engagement ring either. I remember him saying a while ago in an interview on radio, that there was someone he liked, but they could not be together yet. Whenever he decide's to get engaged then i will be happy for him, no matter what,as long as Didrik is single, i am happy, cause he is awesome and love him lol. xx
hace más de un año jo135 said…
How do you know that, sorry??? I say : "No, its ALL NOT TRUE!!!!!"
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
If he has I hope he has been with the girl fore more than a year. 70% of norwegian couples gets divorced because they marry to early, and often one year after they get children
hace más de un año kuutti said…
I think he´ll buy it when he find the right person. The men are often so jealous that they want to mark their sweethearts, when they are seriously.
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
ok totally random. but omg i just found out in a recent video that Didrik is NOT single *falls to ground and cries into pillow*, cant believe it, ok so he is goodlooking, so yeah i guess it was only a matter of time, but still why are all the good guys taken.

OK im sworn of guys now and away to join convent where there is no talk of guys, to help get over my heartbrk *tears down bedroom posters of guys, and runs down street looking for convent* lol x
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Awww yeah I read months ago he got a girlfriend :DD But at least shes pretty <33
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
@ helene- yeah i guess so, its good that he is happy and with someone, and furthermore she is pretty as you say. why do all norwegian guys have to be hot and furthermore taken, not fair. Ok plan B, if convent does not work, will move to norway and meet some nice single guy- ahh bliss lol

But for now i need to spend time with two guys to get over heartbreak, one named Ben and the other Jerry- in moments like this, a girl just needs her ice cream- well me anyway lol xx
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Are yiu kidding me? Norwegian guys are hot? xD I can only remember I have seen one hot norwegian man in my life, and that is Didrik xD
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol helene you make me laugh with comments- i guess you are better judge than me, seen as you live in norway and know more about the guys there, Ok so plan B is out of window lol- need to think- oh well will stick with the convent, where temptation of hot guys is not on display lol.

Ok so bk to topic point, with alex being engaged. I do not know if he is and perhaps if he was buying a ring it may be for mother for xmas or to a friend, does not necessarily mean he is getting engaged, it would like m eating to much and looking a bit bloated, and for someone to say 'omg she is pregnant'- we need solid evidence if he is engaged or not, i mean i find it little hard to beleive, seen as he dates fans and kisses them on stage in concerts and he is always claiming he is single furthermore. You would think that if he is with someone surely, we would have seen a picture of them together properly just once.Alex said once that he doesnt get time for a proper girlfriend and to settle down and have family etc, because his schedule is to demanding and their would be the possibility that he would cheat if he was commited to someone and yet was away from them a long time travelling and meeting loads of available girls. He did say he missed not having a gf to wish him good luck etc before he goes on stage, so sweet. We need concrete evidence before we can make the statement of him being engaged. OK i am going to shut up now lol x
hace más de un año Tianalove said…
Where do you got that rumour from?
I have never heard that he is going to be engaged now, or that he have a girlfriend.
But he have said that he prefers friendship with girls instead of I really don`t think he got a girlfriend..

Maybe he will be engaged and married about..5-6 years from now..but he have to find the right girl first.. and I don`t think he have time to get in a stabile relationship yet.
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hace más de un año ajsa said…
Is it rumour? Maybe? But you know in all time the woman is a boss.For christmas one nice e.ring is wonderful gift.
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hace más de un año Alexhelen24 said…
I completely agree with you, Tianalove
hace más de un año jo135 said…
Tianalove, I agree with you 100%
hace más de un año ajsa said…
Girls Alex has not already a little boy
hace más de un año Vestulka said…
yeah, now he is very handsome Man :DD
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Ajsa do you mean " Alex is not a little boy anymore "?
hace más de un año Jenni- said…
About hot Norwegian guys: I know another one: ÅDNE ! He is so cute ! =)
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Ådne got a grrrrrrrrrrrreat body :D But his face is not my type. It's a bit to boyish for my taste. I like more mature looking men xD
hace más de un año Jenni- said…
Yeah, his face is boyish. And for me he is too short because when I'm wearing hig heels I'm almost taller than him and I want man to be taller than me. :)
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hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
How tall is Ådne? xD Or how tall are you?
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
can totally emphasize with you jenni. I am tall as well, so when i wear heels i am even taller, even though i get compliments and guys like the length and slenderness of thm. I am quite self consious wearing stuff tht makes me look taller, me dont like being taller than guys and esp dating someone smaller than me. Its just not good lol x
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
How tall are you guys? O.o I feel like a midget! xD
hace más de un año ajsa said…
I'm176cm. He is an adult male, and in vain we want to that he do not go to bed with girls...he do. Who is the Adne?
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Holy crap! 176! I'm only 159 cm
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
im 180cm i think, well 5 feet 9 inch anway. So with heels, me to tall with the added bonus of thm. And btw i think its completely selfish and unfair to not want alex to sleep with any other girls. Have to understand tht he is 24 years old, you cannot expect him to stay celibate, just for the fear of hurting fans who are in love with him, thts just plain ridiculous. I think alex is entitled to sleep with whoever he wants, as long as he makes girl aware if he is only after casual fling and uses protection to stop spread of diseases etc, thn why should he not go to bed with girls, even if it brings him comfort and happiness for a while. Im sure those who are in love with alex are perhaps little jealous and saddened if they hear he has a gf or has been intimate with other girls, but you have to realize, alex is just like any other guy and needs to lead his life as well, not fair to place demands on him. I dare to thing wht would happen if he went exclusive with a gf, i mean its just not right, wht abt those who are in love with him, its just not fair or have romantic feelings, he should stay without a girl, to make ppl happy. To those who have this attitude, sorry to burst bubble, seriously get real. X
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Omg Rebecca you are so tall!
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol, yeah helene i am a little bit taller thn some ppl, must get it frm parents they are tall. Believe me, i would love to be your height, i always wanted to be little bit smaller. Being tall has its disadvantages as well, for example, the idea of heels is to give you than extra inch more, so whn i wear heels and go on nite out with friends and have on a dress with dark tights or high waisted stylish shorts also with it and combined with heels. Sometimes guys just ogle the length of my legs, like they do with girls that are big chested, it just feels at times they are more interested in my body, than who i am as a person. Even whn im in a relationship with a guy, im scared to wear heels sometimes if we go out for the night, incase im taller than him and im the one slightly bending down to kiss him, it just doesnt look good. So i love a guy taller than me, someone who is at least 6 feet, and also a nice personality, looks are not tht important. Thts my ideal type of bf anyway, got any suggestions lol
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Mmm, I don't like being so short, and I would love to be ten cm more ^^
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hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol, i would love to be your height, and you would like to be 10 cm more, if only we could swap places height wise. Thn tht would perfect, as i would be able to wear heels on nite out without guys overly staring, and wouldnt worry abt being with someone and bending down to kiss him, as he would be taller thn me, aah if only lol. Why dont u like being short?
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
And if i were that tall I would look less fat *sighs and imagines being tall with slim legs*
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
awww helene i bet your not fat, and look fine just the way you are. I think majority of guys like girls who are smaller than thm, cause if girl is taller sometimes guys find it embaressing, as they are the one who is smaller thn girl for a change. Im sure you have slim legs as well, and perfect height. I mean if you want guys to stare and ogle your legs, and others to beep their cars, while your out helping grandmother with shopping etc (sooo embaressing), then yeah being tall is amazing (sarcasm). Believe me i would love to be your size for a change. Being tall and slim legs is not that good x
hace más de un año Alexhelen24 said…
Hehe helene, take it easy! I'm something like your height, actually I'm 1.62 and I like how I am it's not that bad.. :)
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hace más de un año AnitaFable said…
Talking about height? ^^
I'm 1.75 and I like my height (:
But my friends are 1.60 - 1.68 tall and sometimes I feel stupid xD
wow! Rebecca you're soo tall! :D and btw. Hi ;) I think we've never met here before (: I'm Anita ^.^
hace más de un año Lindaah14 said…
1.74 here! :D
And Rebecca are taller than an average Dutch woman! :D
And Dutch are average the tallest people in the world ^^ (1.75)

And Helene you're midget, but not fat! :DD
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Goddamn tall Dutch people!
hace más de un año s0nja said…
161,8 (or 9) xD :D No, higher powers won't let me grow to 162 xD :PPP I can be a Christmas Goblin ^^D Jingle Bells, Jingle Bulge... What? :DDDDD
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
hi anita, nice to meet you. I just joined bk in november this year, so kinda new to club, but alex is awesome, so wanted to meet ppl who liked alex and his music as well. As my friends dont know alex and could easily mistake his name for being a bottle of shampoo, thts how unknowing they are of him, i need to educate thm in the awesomeness of alex lol x
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol you guys are fine height, i do not like to tall. Aww me want to be a christmas goblin to sonja, instead i look like a beanpole, lol its jingle bell, you have alex bulge on your mind, it gives the song a ring to it though. Omg linda, i need to go to netherlands, if ppl are tall there, need to get a tall dutch bf, someome who is taller thn me, *imagines having tall bf, without having to worry about wearing heels* lol x
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Omg me and Sonja will be the elfs! :DD
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
aww elfs are cute, me like thm. I will never get to be an elf, instead im stuck with being a lampost, its not good. Dont worry abt height, i think alex likes girls who are smaller than him anyway. @ jenni wow, i cannot walk in high shoes, esp the ones in your pic, i would fall and break my neck if i wore something tht high lol
hace más de un año ajsa said…
big smile
Helene he is very likes of girls who just reached his to lower chest.
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol its a good thing i do not fancy alex. Omg imagine if we went out together, we would be round abt the same height and i may even be little taller than him when wearing high heels- argh scary. I think he would be quick to break up with me lol.
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
Haha I have a friend who is about Alexs size, and I reach up to his nipples :DD I guess that is a good thing.. Ok that only turned out awkward xD
hace más de un año Fairlex said…
Helene, I reach up to Alex' shoulders, so I guess you're about the same height. ^-^ (You might even be a bit taller than me)
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
@helene, lol well i guess tht is you know an advantage being the height of his nipples, for erm obvious reasons *coughs*. Lol, yeah i think i would put alex of me with my height, as i would be more or less in unison height with him, i need a guy a bit taller thn me, so i can wrap my arms around his chest for a hug lol x
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
furthermore the thought of alex nipples and rest of his body, scares me. For some reason i just cannot picture/imagine myself touching his body or in bed with him. Ok lol, turning a bit awkward as well x
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
@Fairlex if you reach up to his shoulders youre a tiny few cm taller than me :)

@Rebecca after your nipple comment i got weird images in my head O.o
hace más de un año rebecca19 said…
lol you were the one who mentioned nipples first, not me. and i dare to think what weird images you are getting in your head lol x
hace más de un año Helene17Norway said…
They won't go away, his nipples are haunting me!