My Wall

Hi, so this is me, NyoHetaliaCreed. Back again after ANOTHER very long.... hiatus? o something like that?
I'd like to say that this time, I'm going to actually TRY and stay active on here and fanpop as a whole (but mostly here). But I'll be doing it on a different account, because while I do still like hetalia and Assassin's Creed I'm just not loving this nombre de usuario anymore. So I'll comentario below with my new one so everybody knows and I'll hopefully keep más active around here this time! publicado hace más de un año
NebulaSkies comentó…
Here is my new account NebulaSkies! So I'll be using this as my main account from now on! I'll might make a quick articulo o muro post explaining what I;m going to do with my FCs since my mind has changed on them since my absence. hace más de un año
Mapware13640 comentó…
:3 hace más de un año
XxTeNTeNxX comentó…
Aaaaaand she's gone hace más de un año
haremaster99 apoyar por mí a my images
Zoe~~ I MISS YOU!! ;A; i really do....T.T oh well.... publicado hace más de un año
XxTeNTeNxX dicho …
PRUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! publicado hace más de un año
LadyBerry apoyar por mí a my answers
Thanks for adding me back~! n_n publicado hace más de un año
GearGirl666 dicho …
thnx 4 the add publicado hace más de un año
XxTeNTeNxX apoyar por mí a my answers
thanks for answering mah queston on the Rp <3 publicado hace más de un año
big smile
ppgcowgirl apoyar por mí a my answers
thx for answering my pregunta on the vocaloids spot publicado hace más de un año
pariapink apoyar por mí a my images
ur welcome!i like ur icon! publicado hace más de un año
Malalani_Hawaii dicho …
Really? That sounds amazing! I'm happy they found it in one of my observatories, but I wonder why my boss did not tell me about this....
((Thanks for telling me! Admin is such a astronomy geek. :3)) publicado hace más de un año
Malalani_Hawaii dicho …
There is a difference between immortal and invincible. tu see, though it is hard to kill them, and age is not a matter of importance, it is possible to kill them with sword, o hands! Do tu see? ^^
Really? What is it? Sounds interesting! publicado hace más de un año