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Name: James Valor


Faction Ties-Old Alliance

Rank in Faction-Private, First Class

Appearance-Tanned skin, dark brown eyes, curly black hair. Lean, about 6"2'.

Attire-A rather plain attire consisting of a white tee camisa, camiseta under a rather worn brown leather jacket, dark brown, nearly black jeans, and shin length boots.

Weapons-Prefers not to carry any due to his strong beliefs regarding violence.

Equipment-He doesn't have any equipment, other than a pair of goggles he wears around his neck.

Story- James Valor was raised in a very religious household. From an early age, he was instructed por his father and mother that violence is never the answer, regardless of what anyone else tells him. His family were middle class workers, his mother a seamstress and his father a farmer.(Even in Steampunk, they gotta get food, right?)

When he was seven years old, both of his parents were killed in a siege on his old inicial town, the name of which he can no longer even remember. As one of the surviving children, he, along with the other orphaned children, were rushed to the nearest Orphanage, which was located in Weslock. Being an odd child in the group of regular children, dark skinned and taller than the rest, he was considered "strange" and never adopted, eventually growing into an adult and living alone.

Despite these hardships, James has never once changed his opinions on violence. The death of his family and the violence he witness only further established his beliefs that violence lead to nothing but death for everyone involved, and he vowed to never resort to violence to solve his problems. Since he's became an adult, James has worked odd jobs to try and help all over the city, from selling newspapers to working at shops, to running errands for the elderly. He is commonly known all over for his good deeds and peace-loving attitude, but is a bit controversial due to how outspoken he is with the soldiers fighting the war.

Some label him a genius, some label him naive, but no matter what he's labeled, he's held those beliefs his whole life and has no intentions of changing, o fighting, in the war.

NOTE: I am aware that mentioning his ethnicity being a factor in his backstory goes against the statement that the old alliance tolerates a diverse pool of ethnicity, however, such generalizations can't apply in every instance and everyone can't be perfect regardless of the Old Republic's reputation.