yo soy bety, la fea Club
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added by sticktwiggy
added by dave
Source: ABC/Andrew Eccles
added by sticktwiggy
added by RpattzIsLove
Source: Ugly Betty Is In
added by Angie22
Source: www.entertainmentwallpaper.com
added by MelBelle2
Source: JenniLou
yo soy bety, la fea
added by lilie2
added by girly_girl
Source: zimbio.com
added by girly_girl
Source: zimbio.com
added by waichingliu81
Source: ABC/spoiler tv
added by snoznoodle
added by sticktwiggy
Okay, I've seen this is usual here. So I say why not? I'll give it a try.

I only write Gio and Betty fanfiction. So I'll post the most generic one. One with several characters. I am open to comentarios of any kind. Sorry about characterization. I am really bad at that. So if my characters seem a bit OOC, oso, oso de with me, please. It's just my style.

And spanish is my first language. So there might be english grammar mistakes in here. But en general, general the story is not that bad, even if I say so myself.


by Beatrice Benedick
Pair: Gio and Betty
status: complete

A friendly social gathering,...
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added by ShadowLVR
Source: ShadowLVR
added by waichingliu81
Source: waiching liu
added by waichingliu81
Source: ABC.com/TV.com
added by waichingliu81
Source: ABC.com/TV.com
added by dave
Source: ABC/Andrew Eccles