Traditional vampiros Links
@ Amazon.
3 fans
Awesome fansite about Dracula, his movies, history, etc :)
2 fans
2 fans
A Silent Masterpiece por F.W. Murnau.
2 fans
por Snarkerati. Great list!
8 fans
3 fans
| lists what they think are the worst vampire products out there. Do tu agree with the list? and are there any things on the lista tu would actually buy?
2 fans
| lists their 8 favourite movie vamires. Is there anyone tu think they missed out?
2 fans
A count down (the count...get it? k lamest pun ever) of hot female vamps. Most of my favourites didn't make the list. Do tu agree with this, if not who would tu add o remove?
2 fans
A funny articulo on about the lamest types of vampiros in mythology from around the world
2 fans