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Victor: Greetings everyone! My name is Victor Rodenmaar Jr.! And I'm the new host of Total Drama. This season of Total Drama is set at my boarding school here in the UK in the House of Anubis. I will have 12 contestants living in this House going throw challenges based on the history of the house... sadly, I haven't thought of the first challenge yet. But putting that aside, let's meet our new members of Anubis House! First up Lia and Jake!
(Cab drives up and Lia and Jake step out)
Lia: Why did tu have to stop for a coke?
Jake: I got thirsty.
Lia: (rolls eyes)
Victor: Welcome to the House of Anubis.
Jake: Your face isn't that great of a welcome.
Victor: (Glares at Jake)
Jake: Just sayin'.
Victor: Moving on. The siguiente person is Danny!
(Cab pulls up and Danny steps out)
Lia: DANNY! (runs up and hugs him)
Danny: hola Lia. Jake.
Jake: Danny.
Lia: Why didn't tu tell me tu were going to be on the show?
Jake: I wanted to surprise you!
Lia: (blushes)
Victor: siguiente is Elizabeth!
(Cab pulls up and Elizabeth steps out)
Elizabeth: Good día everybody! I'm Elizabeth-
Jake: Yeah. Yeah we get it.
Elizabeth: Well.
Victor: siguiente is Arther!
(Cab drives up and Arther steps out)
Arther: hey.
Elizabeth: Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Elizabeth.
Arther: Arther.
Elizabeth: Well good día to tu sir.
Victor: Right... well siguiente is Sophie!
(Cab pulls up and Sophie steps out)
Sophie: hola guys!
Victor: siguiente is Rochelle!
(Cab drives up and Rochelle steps out)
Rochelle: hola guys!
Victor: siguiente is Autumn!
(Cab drives up and Autumn steps out)
Autumn: Hey! What's up?
Victor: siguiente is Even!
(Cab drives up and Even steps out and looks around and sighs)
Even: What a dump.
Elizabeth: Are tu kidding me? This place looks amazing!
Even: Yeah what ever.
Victor: siguiente is Mathew!
(Cab drives up and Mathew steps out)
Mathew: hola guys.
Victor: siguiente is Jordan.
(Cab drives up and Jordan steps out)
Jordan: Sup guys?
Victor: And finally: Eli!
(Cab drives up and Eli steps out)
Eli: hola everyone!
Victor: And that's our members of Anubis House. What will happen on this episode of... Total Drama... House of Anubis!

(Theme song)

(Anubis House Foyer)
Elizabeth: WO! This place looks amazing!
Rochelle: I know. So old but pretty.
Even: eh, I've seen better.
Trudy: (walks down stairs) Hello everyone! I'm Trudy Rehmann. Your House Mother.
Eli: Hi! I'm Eli!
Trudy: hello Eli!
Victor: Moving on. Let's start with the teams. Team 1: Jordan, Lia, Mathew, Eli, Even, and Elizabeth! tu guys are Team Sibuna! Team 2: Jake, Autumn, Danny, Sophie, Arthur, and Rochelle! tu guys are Team Fabina!
Sophia: Cool.
Victor: Now for your rooms. Boys will room down stairs and girls will room upstairs. Each boy from each team will room in the same room and the girls from each team will room in the same room. So go to your rooms!
(Everyone starts to go)
Victor: WAIT! I forgot something. Each team must elect a captain. GO!
Even: I think I should be captain.
Eli: No way. Lia would make the best captain.
Lia: awwww... tu really think so?
Eli: Totally.
Jordan: I agree.
Lia: (blushes)
Mathew: So it's settled. Lia is team captain.
(Team Fabina)
Jake: I'm team captain!
Rochelle: who made tu the boss.
Jake: Me. I just dicho I was captain.
Danny: If anyone's captain, it's not you. It's me.
Sophie: Can we just pick out of a hat?
Danny, Rochelle, Jake, Arthur, and Autumn: okay.
(Arthur picks out of a hat)
Arthur: Danny.
Danny: OH YEAH!
Victor: Okay Captains. Please come to me.
(Danny and Lia walk up to Victor and Victor puts a locket around their necks)
Danny: What's this?
Lia: Yeah. What is it?
Victor: Its a locket. It will come in handy for some challenges.
Mathew: So what's today's challenge?
Victor: Nothing. No challenge today. Go to your rooms.
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
Elizabeth: There my cama is made perfectly!
Eli: (To Lia) What's in side the Locket?
Lia: hmmm.. Let me check. (Opens locket reviling a portraits of a little girl) It's a little girl.
Eli: awwwww she's cute.
(Lia's Locket starts glowing)
Elizabeth: aaaa... Lia?
Lia: Yeah?
Elizabeth: Your Locket's glowing.
Lia: Huh? Oh. It might be something Victor had it do when ever tu open it. I'm fine.
(The light covers all of Lia and screams then she dispersers)
Elizabeth and Eli: LIA!!!!
(Somewhere under the House)
(Lia appears in side)
Lia: Wo! Hello? Where am? Hello? Anybody?
???: (appears) Chosen one. Are tu she?
Lia: (screams)
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
Danny: So Lia just vanished. In thin air?
Eli: Yeah. Her Locket started glowing and she just was gone.
Rochelle: That's really strange.
Mathew: We should go tell Victor. Maybe he'll know what to do.
Sophie: Yeah. Good idea. Let's go!
(Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Eli, Elizabeth, Even, Autumn, Danny, Jordan, Jake, and Arthur exit)
(Somewhere under the House)
Lia: Wh-Who are you?
???: The time will come when everyone shall know my name. Now tell me. Are tu the chosen one?
Lia: The chosen who now?
???: The chosen one. tu have the locket so tu must be the chosen one.
Lia: I- I-
???: wait a second. I since another in this house. Oh one must be a fake... but which one? I shall find out soon. Bring him to me!! (vanishes)
(Victor's office)
Victor: Now corbiere. We got new guest in the house. But we need them be kept busy so I can go searching for the artifacts. o should I make them buscar for them? hmmmm... Maybe that will be plan B. First, let's think of a challenges to keep them busy. But what?
(Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Eli, Elizabeth, Even, Autumn, Danny, Jordan, Jake, and Arthur enter)
Autumn: VICTOR! We have a problem!
Victor: W- what is it?
Rochelle: Lia's been taken away some how. She's-
Jake: She's gone!
Victor: Gone tu say?
Eli: Yeah. Her Locket tu gave her started going and- Like that! (points to Danny's locket glowing)
Danny: AHHH!!! I don't want to vanish! Here take it! (hands it to Jordan)
Jordan: What? (vanishes)
Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Elizabeth, Arthur, and Autumn: JORDAN!?!?!?!!
Danny: oops. Sorry?
Even: Well his gone. Who cares.
Victor: I got it corbiere! I know what their challenge should be now!
Autumn: (whispering to Arthur) Who's he talking to?
Arthur: (shrugs)
Victor: Your challenge is to find Lia and Jordan. What ever team finds them, wins. The team that fails to find them, has to vote someone off tonight. Ready? GO!
(everyone starts running out)
(Some where under the House)
(Jordan enters)
Lia: Oh no! Danny! Is that you?
Jordan: No It's me. Jordan!
Lia: Oh. Why did tu have the locket?
Jordan: Because Danny-
???: (appears) Boy! Are tu he?
Jordan: Boy? He who?
???: Are tu he? tell me!!!
Jordan: I have no idea what-
???: TELL ME!!! ARE tu HE!!! YES o NO CHILD!!!!
Lia: (whispers to Jordan) Anger issues.
Jordan: mhm.
???: AHHHHHHH!!! tu have left me waiting long enough!!! Either one of tu tell me. o tu get the mark.
Lia: First tell us who tu are.
???: My name.... is Senkhara.
Jordan: Senkhara?
Senkhara: Mhm. Now tell me. Which one of tu are the chosen one? o are one of tu the chosen one and the other the Osiren?
Lia: What are even those stuff? None of us speak what ever language your speaking!
Senkhara: tu should learn not to back mouth me child. Now tu and your little friend will get the mark.
Lia: oooo.. The "Mark" I'm so scared...
Senkhara: (smiles) tu should be. (Hands start to glow in the shape of Anubis and she slowly walks over to Lia and Jordan and then grabs their hand and Lia and Jordan scream)
Arthur: LIA?! Jordan?! Where are you?
Rochelle: They have to be somewhere.
Arthur: Let's check the kitchen.
Rochelle: Okay.
(Arthur and Rochelle enter the kitchen)
(Jake and Sophie walk down the stairs)
Jake: hola Sophie. Maybe their in there.
Victor: (behind them) Going up into the attic o down into the cellar are strictly forbidden. Are I understood?
(Sophie and Jake nod)
Victor: Very well. I'll be upstairs if tu need me.
(Jake and Sophie watch Victor walk upstairs and when Victor get's to his room Jake runs to the cellar door and tries to pick it with a lock)
Sophie: Jake! What are tu doing?! Victor dicho not to go down in the cellar!
Jake: Yeah. That's because most likely she's down there. I'm finding my sister one way o another. (picks the lock and opens it) tu coming?
Sophie: (sigh) I know I'm going to regret this.
(Jake and Sophie go down stairs and Even comes out of hiding, smiles, then slams the cellar door)
Sophie: What the?
Victor: Who's down there?
(Even hides in under the stair case)
Victor: (walks down stairs) Did those little brats go in the cellar? (Takes out keys to go open the cellar door)
Jake: Hide!
(Jake and Sophie hide)
(Victor unlocks the door and turns on the light)
Victor: Who's in here? Anybody?! Tell me now!
Jake: Don't speak.
Sophie: Oh no. I was planning on canto the national anthem.
Victor: Hmmm... (goes to a mesa, tabla in the middle of the room that has a lot of stuff on it)
Jake: Oh no. What is he doing now?
Sophie: Maybe his a mad scientist?
Jake: tu go the mad part right.
Victor: (pours something in a bottle) To life (drinks it and then goes up stairs)
(Rochelle and Arthur are searching through the cocina when Trudy enters)
Trudy: Oh well isn't this a surprise. What are tu 2 doing?
Rochelle: We're searching for Lia and Jordan.
Trudy: in the kitchen?
Arthur: aaa..
Trudy: Oh never mind. tu know, tu kids are a lot like the last group of kids that lived here.
Rochelle: What do tu mean?
Trudy: They were always so mysterious.
Arthur: W- what happened to them?
Trudy: They graduated and went off to collage.
Arthur: oh.
Rochelle: Well, let's check for them somewhere else.
Arthur: Yeah.
(Rochelle and Arthur exit)
(Living room)
Danny: Maybe their in the attic?
Eli: Maybe... but at the same time how would they fit up there?
Mathew: I'm sure they're skinny enough.
Autumn: Nope. Not up there. Where though?
(Screams are heard)
Mathew: What was that?
Danny: It sounded like It came from under the house.
Eli: The cellar!
Autumn: Let's go!
(Sophie is screaming looking at a stuffed Cat)
Jake: Why are tu screaming?
Sophie: The cat! It's dead!
Jake: It's stuffed.
Sophie: Yeah. But stuffing like this happens when the animal dies and then someone takes all his insides out and fills them with stuffing.
Jake: It's still stuffed.
Sophie: What ever.
(Autumn, Danny, Eli, and Mathew enter)
Danny: What's wrong?
Autumn: We heard screaming.
Jake: Sophie was scared at that stuffed cat.
(Danny laughs)
Sophie: It's not funny!
Eli: Oh sorry. We thought it might have been Lia and Jordan screaming.
(Screams are heard)
Mathew: Now that is Lia and Jordan.
Danny: It's like it's under the cellar.
Autumn: How are we going to get down there?
Eli: Maybe there's like a lever o secret passageway o something we can go into.
Jake: Let's look around.
(Even gets out from under the stair case)
Elizabeth: Even! Follow me!
Even: What is it?
Elizabeth: In the attic! There's something freaky in there.
Even: Okay.
(Elizabeth and Even enter)
Even: So what's the so freaky thing tu wanted to mostrar me?
Elizabeth: (Pulls a lever making the muro slide open mostrando a spiel stair case)
Even: WO!
Elizabeth: Mhm. Do tu think Lia and Jordan are down there?
Even: Only one way to find out. (walks down the stair case followed por Elizabeth)
Eli: We've looked everywhere. There is no way to get down there.
Danny: Well we have to think of something.
Autumn: Guys. Wait. what does this button do- (press button and the door opens a secret passage way)
Jake: YES! tu found it!
Sophie: Let's go.
(Mathew, Sophie, Autumn, Danny, and Eli go through the secret passageway)
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
(Arthur and Rochelle enter)
Arthur: Why are we in here?
Rochelle: just to see if maybe they're in here.
Arthur: I think Lia's room mates already checked.
Rochelle: (sigh) Then we're stumped.
Arthur: Hey, where are the others?
Rochelle: hmmm... no idea.
(Somewhere under the house)
Jordan: What is this?
Senkhara: It's the Mark of Anubis. If tu don't do everything I tell tu to do... this happens. (hand start to glow and the Mark of Anubis on Lia's and Jordan's shoulders start to glow and start to hurt)
Lia and Jordan: OWWW!!
Senkhara: (stops it) and if that happens a lot, death would soon come. (evil laughs and then vanishes)
Lia: I'm so scared Jordan. (Gets close to him)
Jordan: (blushes) It's- it's okay.
(A secret passageway door opens)
Lia: Someone is here to save us.
Jordan: But who?
(Autumn enter followed por Jake, Sophie, Danny, Eli, and Mathew)
Danny: YES! We found them!
Eli: WOHO!
Lia: DANNY! (runs up and hugs him)
Jordan: (sigh)
Sophie: We're so glad we found tu guys.
Mathew: Yeah.
Lia: Well thanks for finding us!
Autumn: Come on. Let's go mostrar Victor.
(Another Passage way door opens and Elizabeth and Even come out)
Eli: Aw man we missed it!
Elizabeth: (sigh) Yeah.
(Everyone exits)
Rochelle: Great. Now everyone's gone.
Arthur: aw man!
(Elizabeth, Jordan, Lia, Danny, Eli, Jake, Mathew, Autumn, Even, and Sophie enter)
Rochelle: There they are!
Danny: We found Lia and Jordan.
Arthur: we can see that.
(Victor comes down stairs)
Victor: Lia. Jordan. Who found tu first?
Lia: ummmm... I think I saw Autumn come in first If I remember right. Why?
Victor: Because Today's challenge was to find tu 2. And since Autumn found tu first, Team Fabina wins it!
Team Fabina: YAY!
Victor: Team Sibuna, I'll see tu guys tonight.

Okay, so Team Sibuna has to vote someone off tonight. tu can either IM me, bandeja de entrada me, o comentario below.

Here is who is on team Sibuna:

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Source: TDI-Exile
posted by Mariolover30
18th. Larpers
17th. tenis rivals
16th.Mom and daughter
15th.Ice skaters lol 😆
14th. Daters/ Haters
13th. Adversity twins
12th. Rockers
11th. Bloggers
10th. Geniuses
8th. Dad and son
7th. Stepbrothers
6th. Sisters
5th. Surfer dudes
4th.Police Cadets
3rd.Best friends
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Source: Fresh TV
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Source: Tyraaa
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Source: Original58
Noah walked down the full halls of people rushing to lunch. But Noah wasn't planning on going to lunch. He was heading to the biblioteca for some peace and quiet.

"Hey buddy! Coming to lunch today?" Noah's friend, Owen, asked loudly.

Noah shook his head and quietly mumbled, "I need to study for tomorrow/" He wasn't sounding like himself. He would usually make a sarcastic comentario but this time, he didn't.

Owen being Owen, he didn't think much of it. "You better come tomorrow then.' And with a small smile, he headed off to lunch.

Noah let out a small sigh before walking to the library.

He sat alone at...
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