el diario de los vampiros Club
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This Has Got To Be más Than A Coincidence


1. Damon tried to kill John; Katherine tried to kill John.

2. Damon used Isobel to send a message to Katherine; Katherine used Caroline to send a message to Damon.

3. Damon has been obsessed with Katherine for 145 years; Katherine has been obsessed with Stefan for 145 years.

4. After things ended badly with them; Damon went and killed Jeremy and Katherine went and killed Caroline.

5. Damon tried to stake Katherine, but Stefan pulled him off her; Katherine tried to stake Damon, but Stefan pulled her off of him.

6. They both read Stefan’s diary.

7. Damon...
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“So, where exactly are we going, Damon?” Again he told me I’d have to wait and see. We drove for a long time until we reached a huge forest. Driving through the thick undergrowth made me remember what Stefan had talked about the night before and I shivered.
“You ok?” Damon looked at me, a puzzled look on his face.
“I’m fine, don’t worry.” I sat back against the asiento and closed my eyes. Suddenly someone was shaking me gently.
“Elena, wake up, we’re here,” a voice drifted into my consciousness.
“Wha- Did I fall asleep?” I dicho groggily. Damon laughed softly.
“Yes you...
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Damon looked up at Bonnie, agitated and feeling betrayed. “What are tu doing? You’re supposed to help me. tu just came back to finish what tu started, didn’t you?” he said.
“No, Damon” Bonnie dicho calm. “I am helping you”
“By putting me back here? How is that going to do any good?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t put tu back in here” Bonnie dicho cryptic. “You never left. Physically, sure. But deep down you’re still here and tu want to know why?”
“Please, yes, the curiosity is killing me” Damon replied sarcastically.
“Deep down tu think tu deserve this” Bonnie...
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Before I start I want to say that I amor EVERYTHING about TVD and these are just the couple of things I amor most!

1. Katherine/Stefan relationship. She really loved him, he really loved her (She never compelled him). And after 145 years, tu can see that Katherine deeply loves him, and after everything she's done, he still cares about her.. Isn't it that the most romantic story you've ever heard?
2. Damon/Elena relationship. He makes her laugh, she makes him happy. A relationship starting like a friendship, the bad sad boy and the girl who lost her parents.. The chemistry they have.. Why does...
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The sun rays shone through the curtains and illuminated Elena’s face. She slowly opened her eyes and brought her hand to her head. She threw off the sheets and swung her legs over the edge off the bed.
She frowned and rubbed over her arms.
“Are tu cold?” Damon asked, who had woken up as well. He couldn’t see Elena’s face and thus couldn’t know that it wasn’t the temperature in the room that was bothering her. She turned around and Damon flashed to her.
“You’re hurting” he realized worried.
Elena nodded. “Yeah, and I’ll be hurting a lot más since we’re training all...
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Rebekah stormed downstairs into the sitting room where Elena was still sitting on the couch.
“What happened?” she asked worried when she saw Rebekah’s face. Rebekah didn’t answer, but raced to Elena, grabbed her neck and attacked her.
Elena screamed and Rebekah tightened her grip.
“Hey!” Damon shouted and he rushed to Rebekah. He grabbed her hair and swayed her into the room. He bit his wrist and held it against Elena’s lips.
“No” she groaned. “No vampire blood”
Damon pressed his wrist against her lips and forced her to drink. Elena’s neck healed and she relaxed.
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Elena was leaning against the door trying to hear what was being dicho when Damon pushed the door open. Elena rubbed her temple and looked angry at Damon.
He frowned, then got the picture. “Sorry” he mumbled.
“Where’s Kat?” Elena informed.
“Gone” Damon dicho short. “She won’t bother to come here…ever”
Elena gave him a weird look, but decided not to ask any further. Not about Kat, anyway. “Was that Caroline? I thought I heard her voice”
“Yeah, but she’s gone too” Damon said.
“Why?” Elena asked.
“I sent her away” Damon said, avoiding Elena’s look.
Elena shook...
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posted by delenafan123
Hi everyone I am escritura this articulo to let everyone know that we do not need to fight o argue over who gets to be with Elena. I know that there has been rants over Delena o Stelena but we need to be grown ups about it and stop poking fun of eachothers teams. I will admit that I am a Damon and Elena fan but I don't like to rub it in other people's faces that they belong together. I will be brutally honest that I was like that from season 1-2. I wanted Elena with Damon and I kept poking fun at Stelena fans. But then I realized that it is just a mostrar and that none of it is real. It really...
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One día after Stefan has joined Klaus.
Damon was lying in his bed, his eyes closed, when a shadow came over him. Soft lips touched his and he opened his eyes, staring at the brown ones of the woman he had loved for many years. He knew it was her; the other girl wouldn’t be so playful, especially not now her boyfriend was gone.
“Get off” Damon said, not in the least impressed por her lack of clothing. She held her head diagonally and put a teasing smile on her face. “Damon, Damon, Damon, tu should know better than to say no to me. tu know how … vicious I get when I don’t get what...
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Stefan and Rebekah were driving. They had stopped to get their selves a late night snack and now they were on their way home.
“Can tu try and call Damon for me, please?” Stefan asked, his eyes on the road. Rebekah conjured her phone and dialed Damon’s number, which Stefan had dado her.
“Goes straight to voicemail” Rebekah said. She turned to Stefan. “I’m sure he’ll be okay. He’s got that boy looking out for him”
Stefan shook his head. “Derek’s just a teenager. Damon was in no good shape when I last saw him. I think he might be really sick”
“Then let’s go check on...
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Tyler parked his car on the parking lot of the Mystic Grill. He saw Caroline leaning against the muro outside drinking some Bourbon. He hoped she wouldn’t look up. But as he made his way to the entrance she looked up.
“Tyler?” she dicho surprised.
Just keep walking, Tyler thought.
“I know tu can hear me, Tyler” Caroline dicho uncomprehending. “Why are tu avoiding me?”
Tyler stopped and walked towards Caroline. “Caroline, hi” he forced himself to say. He scratch his hair, feeling uncomfortable. “Don’t you…don’t tu have school to go to?”
“Lunch break” Caroline explained....
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The basement door opened and Rachel looked up. Gabe was coming downstairs with a plate of comida in his hands. “I made tu some dinner” he dicho as if he expected Rachel to be grateful. He put the plate on a box and gave her a plastic fork and knife. “I’m only playing it safe” he dicho when Rachel gave him a dirty look.
“You can’t do this” Rachel said.
“You’re really such a hypocrite” Gabe said. “You let me send away my daughters, when tu are just like them. Does this mean Amber had the werewolf gene? Well, in that case she’s better off dead”
Rachel gasped. “I can’t...
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posted by Katherinemay
[MAJOR SPOILERS] What's in store for for the show’s amor triángulo, triángulo de number two? Plec says that Klaus — who will be back to his own body fairly soon — will find “sportier más dastardly ways of driving a wedge” between Caroline and Tyler. In other words, the Klaus/Caroline/Tyler saga is far from over. She explains: “The finale wasn’t putting a final point on any relationship. If anything it was just creating a new beginning for all the relationships. Things are going to be evolving and changing for all points of all triangles on this show.”
Carol Lockwood walked into Tyler’s room, who was sitting on his bed, his iPod in his ears. She walked to the cama and threw a collection of photographs on it. Tyler put out his earphones and looked at the photographs. “What is this?” he asked, pretending to be dumb.
“I found this in our mail. There was a note with it. ‘Dear Mrs. Lockwood, you’re son’s a werewolf. Have a nice day’” Carol said. “Who is this person, Tyler?”
Tyler shrugged, actuación careless, but doing his best to avoid his mother’s eyes. “Just some dude who needs to get laid really soon”
“These are pictures...
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“Hey, tu okay?”
Kelsey looked up at her best friend Veronica who came check on her.
“Did that guy hurt you?” she asked. Kelsey shook her head. “No, he tried, but I could stop him”
“You want to get back inside?” Veronica asked.
“No, actually I’d like to go home” Kelsey said.
“Okay, tu want me to give tu a ride?” Veronica suggested.
“No, thank you, Ronnie” Kelsey said. “I only had a little alcohol and I want tu to have fun”
“You sure?” Veronica checked.
“Yes” Kelsey insisted. “Go back inside, have fun, get wasted”
“Call me when you’re home”...
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posted by maryam1311
♥ Because he remember her bedroom. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he was doing “tst, tst, tst” at her. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he gave her a flower. | 1×18 Under Control

♥ Because he was her escort instead Stefan. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because they danced together. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because he stayed with her. | 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls

♥ Because he wondered if she stays overnight. | 1×20 Blood Brothers

♥ Because he was helping her with Stefan. | 1×20 Blood Brothers

♥ Because she wanted to hear the rest of the story from him.| 1×20 Blood Brothers

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posted by tvdamon150
tu may be dangerous, but tu make me whole,
I can't live without you, tu touch my soul,
Your lips stained red, your blue eyes bright,
As tu hold me close throughout the night.

I should run and hide, but I feel safer at your side


Ooh, I shouldn't amor you, but I always will,
Ooh, I shouldn't stay, but I can't run away,
I shouldn't amor you, but I always will,
I always will

Your amor just consumes me,
Your amor sets me free,
tu challenge me to pregunta everything,
Life with tu is ever interesting.

Chorus 2x

I cannot fight it, I will not deny it…
tu consume me.
Caroline walked out of the grocery comprar and closed the door. She turned around and bumped into Tyler.
“Sorry” she mumbled and wanted to walk away, but Tyler called her.
“Caroline, wait up” he said.
Caroline held her steps, but didn’t turn around. Tyler walked to her.
“Hey, I’m…I’m sorry for last time” he started uneasy. “I was a little uptight”
Caroline raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t act uptight, Tyler. tu acted like a jerk”
“I know, but I’m trying to explain myself here” Tyler continued.
Caroline shuffled with her left foot over the paving. She then looked...
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Elena was still in the hospital. She had traded the cama for the seat, which was much más comfortable than the former.
The door opened and Damon came back with two coffees. He gave one to Elena and she took a sip, curling her nose.
“Is there alcohol in this?” she asked surprised.
“Oh, right, that’s mine” Damon apologized. “Sorry” He switched the cups and took a sip from his coffee with bourbon. “Why aren’t tu in bed?” he asked a little accusatory.
“Damon, don’t start” Elena dicho in begging tone.
Damon shut his mouth and signaled that she had to get up. Elena pulled...
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Bonnie unchained Damon’s other hand and he dropped on the ground. With his unbroken and unbitten arm he tried to drag himself out of the cage, though he had no idea where the entrance was.
He felt how Bonnie grabbed his foot and dragged him back. In a reflex he kicked her and she fell backwards.
“You son of a bitch! My lip’s bleeding!” Bonnie cursed.
Damon kicked her again.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Bonnie exclaimed furious.
Then everything went quiet. Damon waited for Bonnie to do something horrible, but another aching stayed out.
Then Bonnie lifted up her feet and stamped his broken arm with her high heels. She grabbed his hair and dragged him to the wall, throwing him against it.
“You’re not playing por the rules, Damon!” she dicho furious. “No one told tu tu could try and get away from me!”