serie de televisión el diario de los vampiros Club
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Katherine was sitting on a chair. A row of small stakes pinched each arm to the arm-rests and a special kind of muzzle kept her mouth shut. The muzzle also had stakes, smaller than the arm stakes, and they pierced through Katherine’s jaws. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience” Veronica dicho demeaning. “Actually, I’m not. tu had this coming. tu broke in here, tu threatened me” She took a chair and put it down in front of Katherine. “Such a pity Derek chose the wrong side. If he hadn’t Damon Salvatore would be sitting siguiente to you”
Katherine managed to produce a smirk.
“Oh, don’t be so smug” Veronica sniffed. “I’ll get to him. He’s the one that killed Kelsey. He will die a slow and painful death” she said, más to herself than to Katherine. She stood up and walked to a corner, where she picked up her cross-bow. “In the meantime” she said, while she aimed the crossbow at Katherine. “I have tu to have fun with” and she fired.
Stefan looked around him. Rebekah had brought him to a party for which they weren’t invited. But she had used her charms to have the owner of the house to invite them in. “What are we doing here?”
“Doing groceries” Rebekah replied. She let her eyes glide over the guests as if she was comparing products.
“I have blood bags” Stefan said. Rebekah gave him a disgusted look. “I’m not eating deep fried food. I prefer it to be fresh. Sure tu agree”
“Blood is blood” Stefan said.
“There” Rebekah pointed at the corner left from Stefan. “He looks yummy”
“Rebekah” Stefan...
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Damon was still lying on the sofá when a shadow came over him and he opened his eyes difficult. “Elena?” he dicho weak. Katherine shook her head. “It’s me” she said. She took his shoulder and helped him sit up. She took the glass of borbón from the table. “You should drink something”
“Shouldn’t tu tell me to drink blood?” Damon asked sarcastic.
“If tu don’t want to it’s your business” Katherine dicho and she held the glass in front of Damon. He wanted to take it out her hands, but she refused to gave it to him. “I’ll do it” she said. “Katherine? I’m not...
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Caroline and Tyler dropped on the ground. They looked up and discovered they were outside. A red glow enlightened the scene and the sun was slowly rising.
“Good thing Bonnie gave him back his ring” Tyler said.
“Can tu please not say that name?” Caroline asked. “I don’t want to think about what she got me involved into, let alone hear her name, especially not from you”
Tyler took her hand and nipped it softly. “I’m sorry’
“ ‘s Okay” Caroline said, treating him with a little smile.
“Ehm, shouldn’t they have come out por now?” Tyler asked looking at Bonnies house.
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Elena was tied onto a pillar in the center of the parking lot. Damon could see her from where he was standing. He could also see how hombres lobo and vampiros were lurking from the dark. With the chance of being his corazón ripped out he speeded to Elena who was still unconscious. He carefully tapped her face, to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes and when she realized it was Damon who had come to her rescue a little smile appeared on her face. “I knew you’d come” she dicho weak.
“Ssh” Damon said. “Don’t speak. I’ll get tu safe”
“These ropes are really tight. It hurts” Elena...
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Elena was sitting in the kitchen, playing solitaire. She picked up a card and squeezed her eyes at the Joker image. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” She got tired of the game, because she was losing, and collected the cards. Then she took two card and placed them against each other, creating a triangle. She did the same with two other cards and placed them siguiente to the first triangle. “Are tu seriously building a card house now?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting in the couch, playing a computer game. Elena didn’t respond; she needed all her focus on the construction. “Let her be,...
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Bonnie was still wide awake when she heard someone banging on the door. “Jeremy” she growled as if he was the last person she wanted to see right now. The scene earlier that día made her realize he would come inside anyway and she may as well save him the trouble of breaking in. “What are tu doing here?” she asked short. She didn’t see her boyfriend was scared to death o that he was soaked and if she did, she definitely didn’t care. “I know tu dicho tu were going to fix this, but can tu please hurry up a bit” Jeremy dicho agitated. He showed the holes in his arms. “They...
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“- Stefan’s method was very successful for Caroline, and we’ll see him trying to teach Elena, where Damon is taking the opposite point of view.

- We were heading toward the end of the road knowing that as a human, Stefan was Elena’s choice.

- We really wanted to see Stefan and Elena come back together after a really long and really horrible season. She was his champion and fought for him, even when he didn’t deserve to be fought for, she still came back and dicho “I couldn’t stop loving you, I could never stop loving you.” That deserved payoff. When we wrote “The Last Day”...
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Clocking in at number five: Damon. Is. Alive. We won't say we told tu so, but well, we told tu so! TVD writers decided to keep the sexy and snarky vamp breathing -- for now. Whew! But what was actually shocking was that it was Klaus' hybrid blood that kept him from croaking.

Speaking of blood, that leads us to number four.... Stefan drank a lot of it. And we wouldn't be surprised if he's M.I.A. come fall because of it. Yep. Evil Stefan is back! He did the unthinkable and partnered with Klaus to secure a cure for Damon's oozing werewolf bite. And por that we mean he sat around sucking down bags...
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce (born Katerina Petrova) is a vampire from the Salvatore brothers' past in 1864 and the main antagonist of the first 7 episodes ofThe Vampire Diaries in Season Two. She had compelled Stefan to drink her blood, and Damon did it willingly and they got shot while trying to save her from being taken to the tomb to be destroyed. It was later revealed that she created most of the tomb vampiros and later sent her friends and family to their deaths just to fake her own.
This character is a member of the Pierce Family.

Early Life
Katherine's human life is vague other than...
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A couple of hours later Veronica unchained Damon. “Don’t even think about running” she dicho threatening. She opened the door and three of her minions appeared. They cuffed Damon’s hands and feet and when Damon looked up he saw Stefan, Katherine and Caroline were all chained onto each other. Veronica’s minions dragged Damon adelante, hacia adelante and chained him onto the rest.
“Now, walk” Veronica ordered. They wouldn’t mover and thus Veronica nodded at one of her minions. He fired a bullet and Katherine screamed.
Stefan started moving, but Katherine, Caroline and Damon tried to stop him.
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Klaus walked over the street, dialing a number. He looked furious as he held his phone against his ear.
Rebekah’s phone buzzed and she rolled her eyes when she recognized her caller.
“Nik, what?" she asked annoyed.
“Funny, I was about to ask tu the same question” Klaus replied. “I can’t find Tyler anywhere. Do tu know where he is?”
“No, Klaus, I don’t know where your little perra is” Rebekah replied. “Now, for once in your life, do as I say and stay inside. Lock the doors and the windows and watch American Horror Story o something”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,...
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Evening fell and Stefan walked out of the hospital. There was no one outside, at first sight. Stefan headed to the parking lot when he heard a whoosh and turned around. No one was there. He turned around again and faced Rachel.
“Rachel, hi, I was wondering when I’d see tu again” he dicho calm.
“I’m sorry, Stefan, but I have to do this” Rachel plead apologetic.
“Do what? Stefan asked suspicious. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Three of Veronica’s minions had snuck op him. Stefan turned around and grabbed the vervain stabber por his throat. Stefan snarled and the minions...
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Elena was sitting at the living table, escritura a letter. Damon was trying to reach Caroline, to get más information about the herbs she’d been providing for Elena. Elena was so focused on her letter that she didn’t hear Damon come in.
“I can’t reach her” he dicho apologizing. “I’ll try again in a few minutes”
“You don’t have to worry her” Elena dicho soft as she folded the letter. She stood up with the intention to put the letter in her purse.
“What’s that?” Damon nodded suspiciously at the letter.
“Just some scrabbles” Elena lied and Damon jerked the letter out...
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“Alright, I’ll do it!” Rachel exclaimed, looking angry at Stefan. “But if I get killed por Veronica’s minions I will come back to haunt you”
“Is that a promise?” Stefan teased. Then he was serious again. “Did tu guys hear that?” he asked concerned. Rachel nodded, Jeremy shook his head. Stefan walked towards the bushes, when a swarm of birds flew out of the them.
“Mystery solved” Jeremy dicho and Stefan shrugged and walked back.
Derek almost let out a sigh of deep relief, but realized just in time that the sound of his breath would give him away. Stefan and Damon believed...
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“I met Kelsey in the hospital” Jeremy started his story. “I was looking for some meds, because seeing dead people kind of keeps tu up at night. She busted me, lectured me” he smirked at Kelsey who remained invisible to her mother. “but helped me out anyway. The segundo time I saw her was also the last time. She came knocking at my door, asking me to keep an eye on Amber, who was dying. Kelsey had bitten her during a full moon and she wanted to find the cure. I told her she needed Klaus’s blood and she left to get it. She came back without it. I didn’t think Klaus would give her...
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“Where are we going?” Rachel asked when Stefan dragged her along at a rapid pace.
“I need tu to meet someone” Stefan responded. He stopped at Mystic Falls Cemetery, where Jeremy was waiting for them. “I’m glad tu came” Stefan dicho appreciative.
“Anything to help a vampire” Jeremy replied cynical.
“What’s going on? I thought tu were on Veronica’s side? You’ve been at our training sessions” Rachel dicho confused.
Jeremy squeezed his eyes in disbelief. “You really think I would betray my sister and hand her over? She’s the doppelganger, Veronica is going to want...
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Katherine was standing in front of Ric’s loft. She was practicing her speech and gathering her courage.
“Come on, Katherine” she told herself. “Just go in there and tell him tu amor him” She pushed the latch down and entered.
“Stefan?” she called.
“I’m in here” Stefan replied from out of the living room. Katherine walked further into the room. Stefan was standing against the closet. He was alone. “I didn’t expect you, but I’m glad you’re here”
“Really?” Katherine asked hopeful. She couched to restore herself. “There’s something I have to tell you”
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Bonnie closed her suitcase and lifted it from the ground. She carried it, but it was really heavy. She needed Caroline for this. After all she would need a place to stay when she left the clinic. Which was today. She had signed her release.
“Are tu going somewhere?” a male voice asked. Bonnie waited for Keith to catch up with her. Maybe he could carry her suitcase for her. And indeed, as soon as he was standing siguiente to her he said: “Here, let me do that”
He took the suitcase out of her hands and released Bonnie from her burden.
“So, are tu leaving?” he asked.
“Yeah, I feel a lot...
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The siguiente morning.
It was still very early and the sun hadn’t gone up completely yet. Nevertheless, there seemed to be quite some activity down in the woods. The night before sheriff Liz Forbes had received an anonymous phone call, giving her the exact location of where to find the body of Gabe Lindy. Liz had heard the voice before. It had been the same person who told her where the bodies of the Lindy sisters were. So it was pretty obvious that whoever the caller was, they were the murderer o at least they knew who did it.
“What do tu got here?”
Liz would never get used to her daughter...
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