The Thriller Era Club
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added by Esmiralda14
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by liberiangirl_mj
posted by Esmiralda14
Release Date: 1982

Off the muro was a massive success, spawning four parte superior, arriba Ten hits (two of them number ones), but nothing could have prepared Michael Jackson for Thriller.
Nobody could have prepared anybody for the success of Thriller, since the magnitude of its success was simply unimaginable -- an album that sold 40 million copies in its initial chart run, with seven of its nine tracks reaching the parte superior, arriba Ten (for the record, the terrific "Baby Be Mine" and the pretty good ballad "The Lady in My Life" are not like the others).
This was a record that had something for everybody, building on the...
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added by lucaslover528
thriller era
king of pop
michael jackson
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by lucaslover528
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
added by Reis7100
added by liberiangirl_mj
michael jackson
thriller era
king of pop
added by MJ_4life
added by lucaslover528
added by lucaslover528
added by cherl12345