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Did Katniss chose right por choosing Peeta?

I definitely think she did. I know a lot of people were on Gale's side during the first book... but I was mostly always on Peeta's side. He and Katniss just seem so perfect! :)

Btw... anyone else going to the midnight premiere??
i am so going to the midnight premiere! and she was right to chose peeta he is so sweet!]
nanabooklover posted hace más de un año
I'm with Gale all the way through, even in the third book. It wasn't his fault, what happened to Prim, and he has been por Katniss's side for a lot longer than Peeta was because she barely acknowledged his existence. I think Gale was the best choice for her and that she would've been happier with him rather than Peeta. Peeta is nice but Gale understands her a lot better and they have natural chemistry
hermantheworm posted hace más de un año
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los juegos del hambre Respuestas

kaatie said:
I'd prefer her with Gale because I honestly feel that he understood her más than Peeta ever could. But considering the whole Prim thing I think that Katniss never would've been able to entirely forgive him so their marriage wouldn't be completely healthy. So she choose what was right for her even though I wasn't happy bout it
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posted hace más de un año 
silverlocket said:
Peeta. 100%
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posted hace más de un año 
nanabooklover said:
a thousand times yes! Peeta was always there for katniss !!!!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
tdafan121 said:
It's both a yes and a no. I was más on Gale's side during the first two books, since I didn't like how Katniss and Peeta's relationship began. I've been very on the fence about who I like Katniss with better, although I've considered myself Team Gale. Then Gale left to District 2. That's when my opinion became rather shaky. But me saying "No, she should be with Gale" is rather selfish... if Katniss wanted to be with Peeta, then she got her wish. I can't argue with her. Mainly because she doesn't actually exist XD

And I AM going to the midnight premiere with two o three of my Hunger Games buddies~
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posted hace más de un año 
CRaftsman1459 said:
Initially I believed Gale was the best choice for Katniss. However, as time went on and Katniss and Peeta endured their numerous trials together, my mind was changed. Towards the end of Mockingjay, Gale speaks of the change too. He admits knowledge of the fact that Katniss does not need him when he responds to Peeta's pregunta regarding who she will choose. He says, *SPOILER* "Oh, that I do know. Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't live without." Furthermore, Katniss herself says in the book's closing, *SPOILER* "That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred..." She goes on to say that only Peeta can give her what she needs. I think that dado her two choices, she chose correctly.
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posted hace más de un año 
BoredomJunkie said:
I was on Peeta's side from the very first book, but that was mostly because I felt so bad for him. His mother was downright abuse and he was forced into the Games to fight against the girl he'd loved since he was a kid. Maybe it was just me being bitter, but the fact Gale was described as handsome from the get go made me not want her to end up with him as much. I thought "well, he's cute, he'll find other women. Let the nice guy win for a change."

Once I read the segundo and third book, I got less shallow and really started to see the chemistry between Peeta and Katniss. Unless I'm remembering wrong, the only kisses that Katniss described as moving were with Peeta. Her and Gale had a lot in common, but that was also part of the reason I don't think they meshed as well. They were both intense. And she needed someone who could calm her, not rile her up- she did enough of that on her own. I've forgotten the details already, but I remember 1 scene where Katniss and Gale hug; Katniss is upset about something, but when she looks up at Gale, he's angry and determined, not thinking about her but how to get back at the Captiol. I kept thinking if it were Peeta in that situation, he would have only been focused on her, not his revenge.
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posted hace más de un año 
Peeta forever :) *BA* thats was soo well put !!!
mockingjay2 posted hace más de un año
Tawnyjay said:
Personally, I wanted Gale to be her husband, but Peeta's okay, too.
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posted hace más de un año 
verbalize said:
& yes (hopefully).
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posted hace más de un año 
Caloria said:
In my opinion, yes.
At first I thought Gale, but then I read Catching fuego and Mockingjay.
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posted hace más de un año 
MusicGirl33 said:
Yes and no.

Yes because he's a pretty sweet, and risk taking husband.

No because I wanted Gale to be with her too. Gale has always been a long loved friend of hers.
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posted hace más de un año 
blackmagic101 said:
NO!!! i did not like peeta for some reason. go team gale!!!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
weirdkid said:
Gales cool, but he didn't "do it" for me.
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posted hace más de un año 
xgirl98 said:
i think shes better with gale. sure peetas sweet and all and rlly cares for her but i personally think shes better off with gale
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posted hace más de un año 
pasdoll said:
I was disappointed when she chose Peeta, because I always prefered Gale, but Peeta was the right choice for her, consider everything that happened. I wasn't happy about it, but I guess I'll live with it.
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posted hace más de un año 
Turtles3285 said:
I think she choose good with Petta because she didn't have much of a choice, Gale was in district (something can't remember to lazy to check) and he was a más compatable person opposites attract, right?
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posted hace más de un año 
flabaloobalah said:
she abolutely chose right i amor peeta hes so sweet and generous and gentle and funny and supermegafoxyawesomehot and cool and gale is too sullen and hostile and paloma in too late to really amor katniss

and yes im going to the midnight premiere with like ten of my thg buddies were gonna dress up too itll be soooo funny :D
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posted hace más de un año 
isabel5ization said:
at first i was on team gale but when i got to know peeta better i was on team peeta.
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posted hace más de un año 
I have always backed Team Peeta. :)
no1drwhofan posted hace más de un año
doyouknow said:
I was so happy she chose Peeta. I just didn't think there was much closure between everyone. Like did she was with Peeta because Gale wasn't there o did she amor him all along?
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posted hace más de un año 
smitty235 said:
I actually do not think so. I don't think she picked him for the right reasons, I don't doubt that she loved him, because i truly think she did. But i think she chose him over Gale because she and Gale are so much alike. And she could never be sure if he would ALWAYS stay with the other person, because she couldn't be sure either. (Although I think he would have) And she chose Peeta because she knew he would stay with her until he dicho leave. I think she thought más of the bond they had because of the Games, and the stability Peeta showed rather than fuego and passion she could have had with Gale.
I think Gale would have been better for her, because he was with her so much. He helped her through her father's death, just because he wasn't in the arena with her didn't mean he didn't help her through the games before and after, he took care of her family while she was gone and his own because he knew it was the most important thing to her, he stuck with her in District 13 even though she was kinda actuación like a brat at the beginning (But i can understand her reasoning for doing so, she should have been informed about the plan) He wouldn't let anything come between going with her when she wanted to break into the Capitol and kill Snow. His words every time she talked about "I'm going with you".
I also think he's the only one who can push her to her best. Because of their competitiveness they're always trying to out do each other, even if it is a playful way. I think Peeta is too meek and timid to push her to do something she might not want to do at first. Gale, however, would push her because he knows and believes she can do it. And vice verse. They push each other to their best.
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posted hace más de un año 
hornetfan2014 said:
Katniss needed to be with Peeta. Gale understood her better but that's only because they were exactly the same. She needed some one to balance out her fire. And Gale couldn't do that.
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posted hace más de un año 
I completely agree!!!! :)
no1drwhofan posted hace más de un año
Couldn't have dicho it better myself!
BoredomJunkie posted hace más de un año
TD_life14 said:
Yes.! Katniss && Peeta .. forever. !c;

They're soooo cute together.
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posted hace más de un año 
no1drwhofan posted hace más de un año
no1drwhofan said:
Definitely!!!!! Peeta's más handsome, too. <3
I am not too keen on Gale Hawthorne.
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posted hace más de un año 
nikhil89043252 said:
I think she made the wrong decision por choosing peeta. WHat did peeta have that gale didn't. The only thing is that they went through things that she and gale didn't but even katniss and gale went through things that peeta didn't. Gale knows katniss like the back of his hand and peeta can't even tell if she was in amor with him in the hunger games. Katniss also dicho that she didn't want anything capitol made and isn't her amor for peeta capitol made. If it wasn't for the hunger games would katniss be together with peeta o would she of married gale.
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posted hace más de un año 
actually Gale dicho he didnt want anything Capitol made ! i found that rude to Katniss cuz she was practically made in the capitol.
mockingjay2 posted hace más de un año
mockingjay2 said:
Alright so first of all, to all tu Gale enamorados : HE KILLED PRIM. ITS NOT A LIE, HE AND BEETE MADE A BOMB THAT EXPLODES, WAITS AWHILE THEN A segundo más POWERFUL BOMB TAKES THE PEOPLE AND MEDICS OUT. THAT'S WHAT KILLED PRIM! I bet he didn't mean to kill her, but he did. Face the fact, that was straight from the book.
siguiente GALE WAS NOT THERE WHEN KATNISS NEEDED HIM, WHAT WAS HE DOING : in district 3 'probably besar somebody else cuz he certainly forgot about Katniss. SHE WAS DOING FREAKING NOTHING !! LITERALLY, NO LIE !!NOT ONLY WAS HE NOT THERE IN DISTRICT 12 o BACK IN 13 AFTER SHE KILLED COIN !!!
Then Peeta appears and everything is better. I don't think she would have children with him if she didn't amor him ppl !! She never wanted kids, so to have to 2 she needed to really amor him. Gale' s fuego is kindled with rage and hatred !! I wouldn't want a husband like that, and he was in FREAKING district 3 !
112346678580033745381926553828 % she made the right choice :)
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