the Anubian's lobo pack Club
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posted by WolfCryer
(august 16th 2007)
I looked over the small cliffs edge. Our pack had gathered for a meeting, which i and my family was not aloud to hear. All the other young ones had gone out into the forest to play, but not me. I spyed on the grown alphas and betas, trying to find out what they were talking about. I managed to hear them talking they had dicho for the past minute, i was horrified to hear what they were talking about:
"so has anyone got any evidence that furors family is trying to unite us with the Northern pack" Asked Mantro (alpha leader) noone replied, but then a really musly black lobo walked through the crowd and sat down at the front of the crowd, he looked up Mantro "our spies heard that furors family is heading over to the north to meet Shadow"
Mantros eyes lightened, he snarled at the musly lobo then replied "Send our spies to confirmar their meeting, if it is confirmed we will have to take durastic measures. I will not accept my pack trying to unite with them!"
The musly lobo nodded his head and headed back where he came from.
I ran back to my guarida, den and layed in the corner. All the other lobos went back to their dens, while Mantro waited at the cliff i was spying on him from. I could only hope that my family was not guilty.
(august 17th)
5 hours of waiting. I still lay in my guarida, den waiting for the results. Then i saw the musly lobo and some really slim hunters approach Mantro. The musly lobo whispered to Mantro.
I layed down and put my head in my paws. But then i noticed Mantro glare at me, and snarl. The snarl sent a shriver down my spine. He turned away and walked of with the other wolves.
I then realised what the result obviously was.
And i knew that my family were guilty.

posted by nikaitla

The cub's development was rapid. He rested for two days, and then ventured forth from the cave again. It was on this adventure that he found the young comadreja whose mother he had helped eat, and he saw to it that the young comadreja went the way of its mother. But on this trip he did not get lost. When he grew tired, he found his way back to the cave and slept. And every día thereafter found him out and ranging a wider area.

He began to get accurate measurement of his strength and his weakness, and to know when to be bold and when to be cautious. He found it expedient...
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posted by nikaitla
 me (matching descripción one)
me (matching description one)

Lakota, a Great Plains subspecies of the gray wolf, was born April 28, 1993 and was the omega female to her sister MacKenzie since they were pups. When MacKenzie died on May, 21, 2008, she became the sole surviving member of the Retired Pack. To help her with the separation anxiety that she experienced with MacKenzie's loss, Lakota was dado access to the pack holding area for face to face contact with the Exhibit Pack, supervised visits to the lobo yard and lab, as well as visits from lobo Care Staff and the Curator's dog Jake. This eased the transition for her loss, and all of these efforts made her comfortable for the rest of her life.


posted by nikaitla
 me (matching descripción one)
me (matching description one)
Denali the male wolf

The two newest additions to the International lobo Center's ambassador pack, Aidan and Denali were successfully introduced to the Exhibit Pack on August 4th, 2008. Aidan and Denali, two gray lobo pups, were born on April 27, 2008 at the Wildlife Science Center in Forest Lake, Minnesota. The complete introduction took approximately 45 minutes. Under the right conditions, most lobos and lobo packs are very caring towards lobo pups, sharing feeding and pup-sitting duties and indulging in play. With the addition of the two pups to the Exhibit Pack, the Center now has, for the...
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posted by nikaitla
 me (matching descripción one)
me (matching description one)
Aiden the Male wolf

About me....

The two newest additions to the International lobo Center's ambassador pack, Aidan and Denali were successfully introduced to the Exhibit Pack on August 4th, 2008. Aidan and Denali, two gray lobo pups, were born on April 27, 2008 at the Wildlife Science Center in Forest Lake, Minnesota. The complete introduction took approximately 45 minutes. Under the right conditions, most lobos and lobo packs are very caring towards lobo pups, sharing feeding and pup-sitting duties and indulging in play. With the addition of the two pups to the Exhibit Pack, the Center now...
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posted by nikaitla

By the time his mother began leaving the cave on hunting expeditions, the cub had learned well the law that forbade his approaching the entrance. Not only had this law been forcibly and many times impressed on him por his mother's nose and paw, but in him the instinct of fear was developing. Never, in his brief cave- life, had he encountered anything of which to be afraid. Yet fear was in him. It had come down to him from a remote ancestry through a thousand thousand lives. It was a heritage he had received directly from One Eye and the she-wolf; but to them,...
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posted by nikaitla

For two days the she-wolf and One Eye hung about the Indian camp. He was worried and apprehensive, yet the camp lured his mate and she was loath to depart. But when, one morning, the air was rent with the reportar of a rifle close at hand, and a bullet smashed against a árbol el maletero, tronco several inches from One Eye's head, they hesitated no more, but went off on a long, swinging lope that put quick miles between them and the danger.

They did not go far - a couple of days' journey. The she-wolf's need to find the thing for which she searched had now become imperative. She was getting very heavy,...
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added by nikaitla
added by nikaitla
this is some lobos
posted by anubis210
Hours later Jessica came to the gates looking at the door "Do I dare go in? she tried to open it but couldn't "crap" she realised that the back gate may be open, she sneaks around the back to the servants gate, she opens it and walks in "thank god for that"
Jessica UN-locks the door and walks in, she looks around to make sure no one was their. she quietly walked up the stairs to her room and closed the door. On the other side of the stairs was Akiak looking at her as she walked back in, he growled to him self, in anger he turned around and walked back to his room.
The siguiente día Calvin knocked...
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'Calvin tu dumb culo we're falling off a cliff and we got i say 1 minuto left before we hit and we're gonna die!' 'Fuck tu i don't care!' snarled Calvin who was underneath Curtis and then they hit the was a loud crack the both got knocked out when curtis came through he found himself laying on Calvin's body he got off and as he did he had a very sharp pain in his chest and legs 'AHHHHHH! FUCK!' curtis cryed in pain but then he realized were the landed in the same crevase they killed Fukaro in and left him there the legend goes [Legend starts]: Well it goes like this Not far from here there...
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posted by WolfCryer
[V1]/It is our right as human beings to care/ and watch the worlds beauty and stare/ and live in our rights and be free/ but how can we?/ be who we want to be/ when these people with powerful fucking over rule us/ like the MP who's a wuss/ who i fucking knocked out/ in the last rap which most people knew about/ but en general, general how can we be free when the president and other people like he/ who dont give a shit bout other people they see/ thats why we need people who know bout rights, people like me/ who can see the real world and how its being treated/ well guess what im making a stand, and i wont...
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added by alpha y omega
What can we do to stop this?
added by alpha y omega
lobos in captivity in Krakow zoo, Poland. This was filmed por me
life alpha omega humphrey kate winston eve garth lily anubian's pack
added by xscash23
It was Sunday after curtis had seen Calvin die in war and it was his fault that his brother was dead he began having health problems such as the listed : Coughing,Hard time breathing, Bad headaches, Vomiting, coughing up blood, He knew that he was dying slowly inside his life was slowing down he was gonna die soon and he knew it He became más affectionate and hung around his sons más often he no longer hung with the drug dealers and shit like that he stayed inicial most of the time mumbling about death and how it was coming and then one night he knew it was his last night before he went so...
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I think my mom is a perra
I fuckin hate my ex shes a perra
posted by nikaitla

The día began auspiciously. They had lost no perros during the night, and they swung out upon the trail and into the silence, the darkness, and the cold with spirits that were fairly light. Bill seemed to have forgotten his forebodings of the anterior night, and even waxed facetious with the perros when, at midday, they overturned the sled on a bad piece of trail.

It was an awkward mix-up. The sled was upside down and jammed between a tree-trunk and a huge rock, and they were forced to unharness the perros in order to straighten out the tangle. The two men were bent over the sled and...
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posted by nikaitla

Breakfast eaten and the slim camp-outfit lashed to the sled, the men turned their backs on the cheery fuego and launched out into the darkness. At once began to rise the cries that were fiercely sad - cries that called through the darkness and cold to one another and answered back. Conversation ceased. Daylight came at nine o'clock. At midday the sky to the south warmed to rose-colour, and marked where the bulge of the earth intervened between the meridian sun and the northern world. But the rose-colour swiftly faded. The grey light of día that remained lasted until three o'clock,...
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