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Pretty much everyone is expendable on SPN except Sam and Dean. However, there are major differences between Bobby and other supporting characters. Other recurring and regular characters are tied to their stories. When their stories end, there's no longer any need for the characters.

But Bobby isn't tied to a story. He's intricately linked to Sam and Dean.

Bobby knows Sam and Dean better than anyone. In some ways, he probably knows each of them better than he knows himself, better than they know one another, and better than the audience knows them. He's been their "uncle" since they were young children; after John died, he began taking on the role of adopted dad. Sam and Dean have no one else they can completely trust, except Bobby. Each brother can share personal confidences with him, knowing that, even if he doesn't approve, he'll keep what he's told to himself. Each can count on him to listen, offer consolation and consejos or, if necessary, give him a good, rápido, swift kick in the bottom. Even if they don't want to hear it, they know that Bobby will tell them the truth.

Every time the boys have faced a major crisis in their lives, they turn to Bobby because they know with absolute certainty they can rely on him to go to any lengths to help them find solutions, whether to personal problems o to chasing down and killing baddies. With each season, the boys have become closer to him. They now think of Bobby as a segundo father--the kind of dad who's always there for them, who would die for them without a moment's hesitation. They also know he thinks of them as his children and, probably, always has. The brothers have never really had a home, but this season, they've come to consider Bobby's place in those terms. Twice, Dean has spoken of Bobby's house as "home."

Bobby is essential in enriching and developing the characters of Sam and Dean, not only because of his history and powerful bond with them, but because he's so much like them. He shares their integrity, heroism, and mission in life. Like them, he got into "the life" as a result of suffering a terrible, personal loss thanks to a demon. He realizes they've been forced to endure much más than he has, and he feels deeply for them, but he never allows himself o them to wallow in self-pity o despair. He insists they not give up, but go on fighting, much as their dad would have done. Like them, Bobby is all about saving lives; like them, he's driven and determined to hunt down and kill every evil son of a perra he can find, while not sacrificing his own moral probity in the process.

Bobby is also essential because, for all purposes, he's the "Head Hunter." It seems he knows just about every hunter there is to know, whether personally o por reputation, and other hunters depend on him for help and advice. We don't know a lot about his past as a hunter, but it's clear he's highly experienced--so much so he's never intimidated por anything. As Jensen's remarkable "Weekend at Bobby" shows, Bobby is a master hunter. He knows o can find out the answer to almost any pregunta about the supernatural he can casually off a vicious monster with a wood chipper, interrogate a demon in his basement on a Saturday afternoon, and diminish even the King of Hell himself with a few choice words.

Also, thanks to the brilliant performance of Jim Beaver, what could have been a two-dimensional type of the grouchy, wise-cracking, crotchety "old" hunter has become a fascinating character who is tough on the surface, but vulnerable beneath--a complex character with many layers and many secrets.

Bobby is an axis for the Winchesters. His amor and wisdom are what keeps their world from spinning off into a dark and hopeless void. He's guide, moral compass, and shelter. Above all, it seems to me, he represents reason, logic, decency, and good old fashioned common sense amid the all the chaos. He isn't God, but he reminds us there is one.
Dean was wandering through the aisles of the police station. He had no idea where to find Cas, but fortunately a helpful police officer walked his direction.
“What are tu doing here? tu can’t just walk around here” he dicho a little mad.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Castiel Novak. They dicho it was okay, but now I’m kind of lost” Dean explained.
The officer sighed. “Actually Castiel Novak isn’t allowed to have prisoners” he started. “But since he’s being transferred tomorrow morning, I suppose it can’t hurt”
The officer explained where Cas’ cell was. “Usually we bring...
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Meg was pacing up and down the living. Sam had been trying to reach Dean, but without success. He didn’t get it. Half an hora hace Dean had insisted that they would have to turn Cas in. It would break their hearts, but they had no other choice. Sure, they had killed as well, but those were monsters. Cas was simply a murderer.
“I still can’t believe Dean kissed Cas” he said, still a little perplex. “I mean, I know they have a…more profound bond, but I never thought of it like that”
Meg stopped pacing and turned to Sam. “Do tu mind? I’m trying to erase that image from my memory”...
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Cas was sitting in one of the hearing rooms at the police station. There some pictures laying across the table.
“Do tu recognize any of these people, Mr. Novak?” inspector Anderson asked. Cas glanced fleeting at the pictures.
“Nope, never saw any of those poor, poor dead people” he replied careless.
Inspector Anderson shoved a picture towards Cas. “You should take another look” Cas picked up the picture of Heather unwillingly. “According to your medical files tu once had a serious overdose of heroin, which turned tu extremely violent to yourself. tu see those needles? Those...
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Isabel was sitting at the bar of the local pub, trying to get some information.
“Can I get the usual, Neil?” she asked casual. Neil prepared a coca cola zero and gave it to her. “Hey, I heard a few nasty things went down here. Could tu tell me a little más about it?”
“Not here” Neil corrected her. “Outside”
“I heard some of tu regulars were murdered. Does the police have any suspects?” Isabel asked, pretending to be just curious.
“Yeah” Neil dicho obvious. “A lot of my customers saw him provoking them here. They went after him and didn’t return. Need I say more?”
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Heather was pacing up and down the kitchen, nervously waiting for Isabel to call her back. She couldn’t imagine what kept her so long. She didn’t have a job, she didn’t have a boyfriend anymore. She was probably wallowing in self-pity, while Heather was about to be ripped to pieces, according to the newspaper.
She dialed Isabel’s phone again and growled when it was her voicemail again. “Seriously? Where the hell are you? Cas is here. What part of get here ASAP did tu not get? Don’t tu read the newspaper? He’s a lunatic. He’s killed four people already in less than 48 hours...
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School was out and Jerrick walked to the gate. He didn’t see his mother anywhere, but a strange woman came his way.
“Hi, Jerrick” Meg dicho charming when she reached the eight año old. Jerrick took a few steps back. “Don’t be afraid. I know tu don’t know me, but do tu remember being sick and a man made tu feel better?”
Jerrick nodded heavily.
“I’m a very good friend of that man. He’s visiting your mom and I was so kind to come and pick tu up” Meg explained.
Jerrick’s teacher walked towards them.
“Is there a problem?” she asked suspicious.
“No, I’m just picking...
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Meg opened the door of her room and saw Dean sitting where she had expected Claire to sit. “What are tu doing here?” she asked, actuación calm. “And where’s Claire?”
“Oh, she’s with Sam” Dean replied. “She’s fine, por the way, no thanks to you” He got up and walked to Meg. “Seriously, Meg, what were tu thinking?”
“Hey, for the record, this was her idea” Meg defended herself. “She dicho I should tell her mother I’m keeping her hostage in exchange for Jimmy and I just figured it would be a lot más convincing if I’d do it for real”
Dean shook his head, furious....
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The motel.
Claire was still tied onto her chair. She rubbed her hands, trying to free them, but all she managed to do was tighten the quick-release straps and cause her wrists to bleed. She went with her tongue against the tape to make it loose.
In the room siguiente door Sam and Dean were trying to figure out the best way to approach Jimmy. Amelia might have dicho she hadn’t seen her husband, it was más likely that she was hiding him from them. And even if she was speaking the truth, it would only be a matter of time before Jimmy would try and contact his family.
Claire managed to loosen the tape...
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Cas was standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He looked very pale and his body felt like it was on fire. His hands had started itching again and this time Cas couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the mirror cupboard and took the scissors. He tried to open it, but the bandage was too tick and inconvenient to even hold it for five seconds.
He brought his right hand to his mouth and his teeth chewed the bandage. He unwounded the bandage with his teeth and when his hand was free, he used it to take the bandage off his left hand. He threw the bandage on the floor and looked at his scarred...
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Dean and Jo were sitting in a restaurant. Jo had convinced Dean to go out so that he could take his mind of Cas and whatever it was that kept making him ill.
“You look pretty” Dean said, with a faint smile.
“I didn’t even change my outfit” Jo answered cynical.
Dean looked down and Jo recognized his expression.
“Are tu texting?” she asked upset.
“What?” Dean dicho quick. “No, no, I was…I was checking time…”
“why? tu bored?” Jo asked offended.
“No!” Dean denied firm. “I just…I don’t want to leave Cas alone for too long. He’s sick and I’m afraid that...
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Cas glanced at the clock on the wall. An hora had gone por and they hadn’t heard from Jo o Meg.
“I’m sorry, buddy” Dean said, a little too chipper. Cas shot him a furious look and Dean swallowed. “Maybe if tu just get some sleep, then I’ll take care of dinner. And don’t come up with the ‘I can’t eat, when Meg’s not around’ crap. tu have to eat”
Cas shrugged wearily. “Fine, then, if tu insist” he mumbled and he stood. When he walked around the mesa, tabla he quickly bagged Sam’s phone, which Sam had left on the table.
He took the phone to his room and put it on the...
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Meg had stayed behind in the hospital after Jo had advised her to get a checkup. She wasn’t injured like Cas, but she had still been in ice cold water and she had been in contact with electricity. So, a checkup wouldn’t hurt.
The doctor draw some blood.
“How long have tu been feeling sick?” he asked.
“Since now, really” Meg answered in full honesty. “One moment I’m feeling fine, the siguiente I’m running off to the bathroom, puking my guts out”
“Do tu get stressed easy?” the doctor asked.
“No” Meg responded. “I don’t know. I’m not really familiar with emotions”...
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Cas was sitting up in his hospital bed. There was a bandage around his neck and his hands and feet were bandaged. Dean, Sam, Jo and Meg were sitting around the bed.
“This picture is starting to get too familiar” Cas dicho grumpy. He lifted up his hand and tried to scratch his neck, but didn’t really succeed.
Meg took his hand and cast him an approaching look.
“What? It itches. tu didn’t get stabbed por a piece of a mirror” Cas muttered.
“Don’t be such a baby” Meg reproached him.
“I almost died in that maze” Cas defended himself upset.
“So did I, but tu don’t hear me complaining”...
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Dean stared at his car, his mouth wide open, unable to speak.
“What?” he dicho shocked. “Baby, what have they done to you?”
“Dean” Sam said, elbowing him and pointing at the entrance of the hospital. Meg came outside and walked towards.
“I saw tu two from the window” she explained.
“Why are tu wearing Cas’ clothes?” Sam asked.
“Long story” Meg replied.
“And what the hell did tu and Cas do with my car?” Dean demanded to know, though part of him wished she wouldn’t answer. Unfortunately she did.
“We fucked” Meg dicho smug. The look on Dean’s face was priceless. “And Cas bled on the front seat. Speaking of Cas, he’s fine. Thanks for asking”
Dean had the courtesy to look ashamed.
“Eh, yeah, I just wanted to ask” he mumbled.
“Follow me” Meg said. “I’ll explain everything inside”
The siguiente room, which was also the last, led both players to what looked like a workshop. They were standing on some kind of balcony and Meg walked closer to the edge to get a better look at the people down there, when she heard a weird noise. She turned around to see Cas stumbling out of the other room.
“Oh my God” she gasped and she ran towards him. Without thinking she took off the camisa, camiseta again, allowing Cas to see the scars on her skin.
“Press this against the wound” she said. Cas, too weakened to protest, did what she told him. “Follow me” she took his free hand and pulled him...
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Meg had returned to her spot on the floor opposite the ICU room Cas was in. She heard footsteps coming their way and she averted her head to right. A young girl with wavy, blonde hair, green eyes and thin lips walked towards them. She didn’t say a word, but turned to the guard.
“You should go and eat something” she dicho sharp and the guardian left.
Meg widened her eyes. “Hey, what are tu up to?” she asked when the girl put the latch down and opened the door. She reached out her hand to Meg. “Get up. I want tu to witness this miracle” Meg accepted her hand and let the girl pull...
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“I will come back. I need to ask Castiel a few preguntas too, but as long as he’s on intensive care…” Isabel didn’t finish her sentence. She stood, walked to the door and left.
“What is she talking about?” Meg asked urgent at Heather. “What is Cas doing on intensive care?”
Heather took a deep breath. This was going to be really hard, ‘cause even though Meg would never admit it, it was obvious she cared deeply for her…friend, as she called him.
“Meg, I need tu to listen very carefully” Heather started softly. “Something happened to Cas. When tu were brought to the...
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One week later.
Heather was sitting por Meg’s bed. A week had gone por and Meg hadn’t opened her eyes once. The doctor had told her she was not in a coma, but just fast asleep. She would live. It was just a matter of time before she woke up.
Cas was less lucky. Someone had tried to kill him again, but fortunately there was a camera in the room and so the doctors could interfere just in time. Heather couldn’t help but wonder if keeping Cas alive wasn’t just extension of execution.
She felt something soft and cold on her arm and she looked down to see Meg’s finger moving.
“Meg?” she said.
Meg’s eyelids moved and slowly, but surely she opened them.
“Welcome back” Heather sighed relieved.
Meg tried to sit up, but Heather gently pushed her down again.
“Careful” she said. “I’ll go get a doctor” She hurried to the door and walked outside to call a doctor.
Meg opened the door of her motel room to let Cas in. Cas widened his eyes. “Did tu paint your hair?” he asked, glaring at the blonde wisps on Meg’s head.
“No, I woke up like this” Meg replied sarcastically. “The correct term is ‘dye’, por the way” She walked back into the motel and Cas followed her.
“I like it. It’s shorter, but I like it” Cas dicho and he reached for Meg’s hair, but she pulled away.
“So, eh, why are tu here? I thought you’d moved back in with Dean and Sam” Meg asked casual, while she consciously tried to avoid looking at Cas. “You two lovebirds...
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Meg was sleeping on the couch. She was so bored she had fallen asleep. She abruptly woke up when someone was banging the door and she had to get up.
“What?” she asked grumpy when she saw Anna standing in the doorway.
“Can I come in?” she asked as she entered the motel room. Meg raised her eyebrows as she closed the door. “We need to talk” Anna dicho casual. “You probably wonder why I didn’t fly into your motel room”
“Not really, no” Meg comentó slowly. “What do we have to talk about?” she asked slightly nervous. Now that she was a human, ángeles really scared the crap...
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