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For a minuto Cas completely forgot he was an ángel and that he could fly. o maybe he wanted to be sure Dean knew he was furious. Either way, he slammed the door open and shut again and on his way outside he collided to Meg.
Meg watched him rush away and frowned. She opened the door of Dean’s room and pursed her lips.
“Well, that explains it” she said.
“Jesus, Meg, get the hell out of here!” Dean dicho angry. Jo had already put on her clothes and Dean was putting on his. “Your boyfriend just left. tu might have missed him, but if tu hurry tu might catch up with him”
Meg squeezed her eyes. “You know, envy is a sin, and not one that suits you”
“Oh, I’m not jealous, believe me. tu and him, tu deserve each other. I hope you’ll both be happy” Dean dicho sarcastic. He grabbed Jo’s hand. “Come on, let’s go, this place stinks of trash”
They tried to leave, but Meg blocked their way.
“Move, Meg. I’m not going to ask twice” Dean dicho sharp.
“When Cas and I were in hell, he took my pain” Meg said. “I was being cut open and I was bleeding, but Cas took all the pain, so I wouldn’t have to. And tu can call it my humanity o my weak spot, but if tu ever treat him like your perrito, cachorro again, I will kill tu and all your loved ones in their sleep. Got it?”
“Wait, what?” Dean asked confused. “What do tu mean, Hell? What was he doing in Hell?”
“He didn’t tell you?” Meg asked a little surprised. Dean shook his head. “He went to Hell to make a deal with Crowley. He dicho Crowley could do with him whatever he wanted if he released tu from Purgatory”
“I…I didn’t know that” Dean dicho sheepish.
“Did tu bother to ask?” Meg snapped bitter. “He did this for you. When’s the last time tu did something for him?”
“Where’s Zoey?” was the first thing Daphne asked.
“She’s at the hospital” a nurse said. “She’ll be alright, but tu need to go too, for a checkup”
Daphne shook her head. “I feel fine” she mumbled. She looked down and realized she was naked under the sheet. She looked helpless at Cas. He wrapped the sheet around Daphne’s body like a dress and lifted her in his arms.
The crowd parted when he came their way and walked past them.
Twelve segundos later they were home. The door was still open and Cas carried Daphne over the doorstep. He carried her upstairs to the third room...
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Someone knocked the door and Cas jumped up. He wasn’t supposed to let strangers in. But the person outside kept knocking and ringing, so Cas shuffled the hallway in.
“Who’s there?” he asked.
“It’s me, Meg” the person outside said. “From across the street? I brought tu a plate with muffins earlier”
The door opened.
“I know you” Cas said. “You’re not a stranger, tu can come in”
“Thank you” Meg dicho sweet and she smiled as he let her pass. She entered the sitting room and turned around. “Okay, confession, I waited until your girlfriend left before I came up here....
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Daphne parked her car at 309 Jerry calle Suite 202. She and Zoey, who was carrying the box, stepped out of the car and walked towards a building with the name ‘Hope’s Promise’ on it. As they were walking an older woman came their way.
“Daphne, how lovely it is to see tu again. The children have missed you” she dicho and she lay her hand on Daphne’s cheek.
“Not as much as I missed them” Daphne smiled.
“Zoey, how are you, my dear?” the woman asked, taking Zoey’s hands in hers.
“Oh, well tu know, trying to save my soul from eternal doom” Zoey replied sarcastic.
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*WHIC=What Happened in Colorado

ps: I know Cas met Daphne when she was hitchhiking, but I forgot that when I wrote this. And I don't think it really matters.

Hundreds of Leviathans drifted over the complete surface of the lake. Lifeless Cas’ body sunk to the bottom. His bare feet touched the ground and his eyes flashed open. He looked up and saw sun rays sparkling on the surface. He jumped up and started swimming.
Two women were jogging in the woods, one of them wearing a field-glass around her neck.
“Can we have a break, already?” the brunette said, leaning against a tree.
“Oh, come...
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Dean was outside, leaning against the cabin, when Jo came standing siguiente to him.
“You look happy” she dicho sarcastic.
“It sounds weird, but right now I wish Dick Roman was still alive” Dean said. “I have too much time to think”
“You want me to call mom? I think she knows a few ways to fix that” Jo commented.
“Where is she?” Dean asked.
“To the city, doing groceries” Jo answered. She looked up. “Did tu hear from Cas? I mean, that’s why you’re so neurotic, right?”
Dean shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it. He’s had his chance, he blew it. I’m done with him”
“Have tu tried talking to him?” Jo asked.
Dean leaned adelante, hacia adelante and kissed her. “No talking about Cas” he said.
“Okay” Jo agreed. She threw her arms around Dean’s neck and kissed him back. Dean lifted her in his arms and carried her inside the cabin.
Cas beached on the street, far away from Rufus’ cabin. He wasn’t sure how to feel. He was angry, because Dean wouldn’t listen to him. Dean always thought he knew everything better. He was disappointed, because Dean had no faith in him at all.
He was so up in thought that he didn’t hear his name. But maybe that was because she didn’t use his real name.
Someone grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around. He looked at the woman. She looked familiar.
“Didn’t tu hear me?” the woman asked. Cas stared at her. “Don’t tu recognize me? It’s me, Daphne, your wife?”
Cas widened his eyes as he remembered her.
“Daphne” he dicho breathless. “How did tu find me? What are tu doing here?”
“Well, I hired a detective, I needed to find you” Daphne said. She searched in her pockets and conjured a big brown envelope. “I need tu to sign these”
“What is it?” Cas frowned.
“A petition for annulment” Daphne answered.
The siguiente morning.
Dean was lying in his cama in Rufus’ cabina when he felt someone was staring at him. He looked up and saw Cas standing at the end of his bed.
“Hello, Dean” he said.
Dean got out of cama and collected his clothes.
“It’s good to see tu again” Cas said.
Dean put on his clothes. “Wish I could say the same”
“I don’t understand. Have I done something wrong?” Cas asked.
“You mean other than leaving me in Purgatory?” Dean asked sarcastic.
Cas looked down, ashamed. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to leave tu there. I tried to get tu out”
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Meg opened the door of a motel room and helped Cas inside. She guided him to the single cama and put him down. She gently pushed him down and he opened his eyes a little. She walked to the bathroom and dampened a towel.
She walked back into the room and sank down on the bed. Unlike Meg’s Cas’ clothes hadn’t been restored. Meg opened the ruined and bloodstained hospital camisa, camiseta and dabbed his wounds with the towel.
Cas groaned from pain.
“You don’t have to do this” he dicho weak. “I will heal eventually”
“I know” Meg dicho absent-minded. She stared at Cas’ body. Even with all the cuts he still looked…jumpable.
“But thanks for the gesture” Cas dicho with a weak smile.
Meg continued nursing his injuries. “You know” she said. “If I was still human, I’d fall for you”
Cas gave her another weak smile, before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Dean an Jo had successfully brought Sam to the cave.
“You know, the goal was to get me out of here, not to get yourself in” Dean dicho and Sam shot him an annoyed glance. “Sorry. So, where’s Cas?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him. I thought he was here, with you” Sam said.
“Figures” Dean dicho bitter. “Son of a perra doesn’t have the guts to mostrar his face anymore”
“I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation” Sam dicho uncertain. He didn’t want to believe Cas had betrayed them again. After all, Cas had healed Sam from his mental illness.
“Yeah, right now I...
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The demon jumped up and floated in front of Meg.
“Missed me, pumpkin?” he smirked. He noticed Meg’s clothes were restored and her cuts where healed. “We should do something about that”
He ripped her camisa, camiseta open and Cas looked aside, something that didn’t go unnoticed. “I think you’ve got yourself a spy, Meg”
“Leave her alone” Cas dicho sharp.
“Okay, because tu ask so nicely” the demon dicho sarcastic.
“She’s suffered enough. Take me now” Cas insisted.
Another smirk appeared on the demon’s face and he averted his head to Cas. “Angel’s being a little impatient,...
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Daphne was still tied up in her seat, while ‘Castiel’ was watching television.
“Exactly where did sweet Emmanuel go?” he asked, keeping his eyes on the screen.
“I don’t know” Daphne answered scared. “Look, if tu don’t let me go, I’ll start screaming and then my neighbors will come”
“Then I’ll just kill them” ‘Castiel’ shrugged. “Talking about neighbors…You know Meg, the slut who lived across your house? My boss has been looking for her too”
“What?” Daphne asked breathless.
“You didn’t really think it was a coincidence she moved in there, right after...
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Zoey got in her car and drove away. She was going to check all places Daphne went. While she drove she dialed a number.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Gerard asked when he picked up.
“Nothing, eh, I’m just calling to say I’ll be inicial late” Zoey said.
“It’s 10:30 pm. How late is late?” Gerard asked grumpy.
Zoey sighed. “Look, something happened. Daphne escaped. She’s now wandering around somewhere. I need to find her before she hurts herself” she explained.
“Well, at least you’ll be free of her then” Gerard dicho annoyed.
“Gerard!” Zoey snapped shocked.
“What?” he snapped...
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“What do tu mean, she’s gone?”
Cas and Zoey had been told that Daphne was gone.
“She’s not in her room. But we’re searching the entire building and the neighborhood. She can’t get far” the head doctor said.
“How could this happen?” Zoey asked mad. “Don’t tu have some kind of security system here?”
“She estola a badge. She didn’t have to break into the system. She could just open the door” the doctor explained.
“And who’s the idiot who let her steal his badge?” Zoey asked demeaning.
“He’s waiting in my office” the doctor answered. “He already told me what happened. Listen, Mrs. Moore, Daphne can’t get far. We’ll find her por the end of the night”
He walked away from them; he had to go fuego the nurse.
Zoey looked at Cas. “We need to find her” she said, slightly panicking.
Isabel opened hearing two where inspector Anderson was still sitting with Andy. She signed and Anderson walked towards. She mumbled something to him and she and Anderson looked at Andy. Andy took a deep breath. He had a bad feeling about this.
Anderson walked behind Andy and ordered him to stand up. He cuffed him. “Andy Baker, I arrest tu for the murder on Shannen White”
“What? But I didn’t kill her! I’m innocent!” Andy shouted. Anderson motioned at the guard who walked to them. He took Andy’s arm with a firm grip and forced him out of the room. When they were on the hallway, Andy saw Zoey and Cas standing a few yards further.
“He’s the one! He killed her! He’s the one you’re looking for!” he yelled.
“Mr. Allen has an alibi” Isabel said.
“No! He’s lying! He lies about everything! Emmanuel is not even his real name!” Andy yelled, while the guard dragged him along.
Zoey rushed into the police station and headed to the head bureau, when the receptionist stopped her. “Miss, do tu have an appointment? tu can’t just walk in there”
“I need to speak with inspector Roberts. She took Emmanuel here for some questions” Zoey dicho breathing fast. “He didn’t do it. He didn’t kill Shannen”
“I’ll see if she’s available” the receptionist said. She pressed a button on the phone and a few segundos later she got Isabel on the phone. She explained what was going on. She hung up and looked at Zoey. “Inspector Roberts will be here in a minute”
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“Zoey asked me to keep an eye on Alexia, while she visited Daphne in the hospital. Shannen, her babysit, dicho she would come later and then I could go to the hospital too. When Shannen arrived here it was raining and she was soaked. She asked me if she could take a ducha, ducha de first and I let her. Twenty minutos later she came downstairs in the cocina and her leg was bleeding. I healed her and she wanted to give me some money, but I refused. Then she kissed me and tried to seduce me” Cas said.
Isabel’s colleague was escritura everything down.
“And did she succeed?” Isabel asked with raised...
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Cas forced Shannen against the muro and kissed her hard on the lips, while Shannen unbuttoned his shirt. Cas put his left hand behind Shannen’s neck while his other hand slipped underneath her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra. He lay his hand on her breast and massaged her nipple.
Shannen slipped her right hand in his pants and started jerking him off again. Cas removed his hands and removed Shannen’s clothes and took off his shirt. He lifted Shannen off the ground and she threw her legs around his waist. He walked her to the cama and lay her down.
“I think I need something” Cas said....
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Cas walked out of the room, while the nurses tied Daphne onto the bed. He leaned against the muro and felt his corazón beating in his chest.
“It’s my fault” he heard Zoey said. She was leaning against the opposite wall. “I told her tu only stayed with her because tu feel sorry for her. And now look what she’s done to herself. What kind of sister am I? I know she’s not well and yet I leave her alone?”
Cas walked towards and lay his hand on her arm. “It’s not your fault, Zoey. tu did the best tu could”
Zoey shook her head. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s too much”...
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Confused and tired of all the lies and secrets Cas came back home. He entered the house and walked into the kitchen, where Zoey was still sitting at the table. Her head lay on Daphne’s book; she had fallen asleep.
Cas tapped Zoey on the shoulder and she jumped up. She saw Cas leaning over her and she sat up. She rubbed her eyes. “I fell asleep” she dicho difficult. She yawned and stretched her arms. “How was your day? Alex wasn’t a pain in the ass?”
Cas shook his head.
“Is something wrong? tu act a little strange” Zoey noted. She yawned again. “Well, of course, tu must be...
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Cas and Alexia arrived at a townhouse. The mailbox dicho ‘Mr. and Mrs. Moore’ Cas frowned. “Are tu sure this is where tu live?”
“Of course” Alexia laughed. “I know where I live” She walked to the front door, but she didn’t have to ring o knock. The door was already opened and Gerard came outside.
“Hi, kiddo” he dicho and he lifted Alexia in his arms. He looked at Cas, not very pleased. “Thanks for bringing her back”
“Why wouldn’t I bring her back?” Cas wondered.
Gerard shrugged as he walked in Cas’ directions. “I don’t know” he said. “All I know is that...
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