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posted by hornean
Run outside to play in the warm summer sun where the césped, hierba grows tall and sunflowers fill the fields.

Baby bears play just like you.
They grow fat and round on fresh summer césped, hierba and learn to catch their first pescado cena down por the riverbank.
Summer is time to learn and to grow.

Baby mountain oveja learn the safest path to summer meadows. ansarino, gosling wings grow stronger, their voices louder.

Up in the trees, the songs of spring suddenly soften. curruca, reinita mothers and curruca, reinita fathers, busy feeding their young, have little time to sing. Hummingbirds sip nectar for themselves and catch bugs for their tiny babies.

Baby birds flap their wings to beg for juicy spiders, beetles, and ants.

Then one day, the baby birds finally fly, testing their wings on the warm summer air.

Beneath the cool umbrella of forest leaves, woodpeckers tap for beetles.
Nearby, bluebirds buscar for diamond drops of dew in the morning meadow.

In summer heat, coyote’s capa is sleeker, cooler.
comadreja sneaks from rock to rock wearing a new summer capa too.
And, perdiz nival, perdiz hides in feathers painted like a summer meadow.

Summer is time for baby moose to grow, and grow, and grow. por summer’s end it is hard to tell who is mother, who is daughter.

Now that his antlers are fully grown, the toro moose carries a heavy weight.

Caribou grow new summer antlers too. They wander far to the north in the land of all night sun.

Here at the edge of polar ice, great white bears hunt in the longest days of the year.

If tu flew with the snow ganso flocks o with the arctic loon, this would be your summer home.

The far north is where the snowy owl hunts mice and lemmings, as the long days end in summer’s last golden slumber.

Then, lobo howls ring in the first crisp nights.
A cool wind feels like fall is near.
Another winter will soon be here.