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Are tu a Spender o a Saver?



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ecpjll said:
You Are a Spending Saver

You know how to save money, and you love seeing your bank account build up.
You also believe that too much saving can be awfully dull. You do a fair amount of spending as well.

You strike the perfect balance between saving and spending. You enjoy the money you make, and you have it make you more secure.
You may not be able to spend as freely as you'd like, but you sleep well at night knowing that you're spending responsibly.
posted hace más de un año.
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You Are a Saver

You believe that a penny saved is a penny earned, and you do your best to save all your pennies.
Some people may say that you're cheap, but you're just planning for your future.

You'll spend your money on what really matters, but you choose to spend logically and strategically.
You never blow money on unimportant things. You make every penny count.

posted hace más de un año.
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You Are a Spender

You aren't big on saving for tomorrow. Tomorrow might not ever come.
Instead, you spend without abandon and enjoy your money. You don't worry about the future.

Some may call you irresponsible, but they're certainly not complaining when you're footing the bill.
One day your luck may run out, but for now you're living large (even if it's on credit).
posted hace más de un año.
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You Are a Spending Saver

You know how to save money, and you love seeing your bank account build up.
You also believe that too much saving can be awfully dull. You do a fair amount of spending as well.

You strike the perfect balance between saving and spending. You enjoy the money you make, and you have it make you more secure.
You may not be able to spend as freely as you'd like, but you sleep well at night knowing that you're spending responsibly.
posted hace más de un año.