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Which Little House Character are you?



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Which Little House on the Prairie character are you?
Your Result: Laura Ingalls
You are as strong as a little french horse and can be feisty at times. You are stubborn but sweet and very creative. You know exactly what you want, and are not afraid to fight for it. You do, however have a tendancy to jump to conclusions at times.
posted hace más de un año.
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Which Little House on the Prairie character are you?
Your Result: Caroline Ingalls
You are sweet generous and kind but not afraid to take charge and be a diciplinarian when the need arises. You are strong and can fend for yourself, but you love the company or your family.

posted hace más de un año.
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Which Little House on the Prairie character are you?
Your Result: Caroline Ingalls
You are sweet generous and kind but not afraid to take charge and be a diciplinarian when the need arises. You are strong and can fend for yourself, but you love the company or your family.
posted hace más de un año.