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Which Barone are you?



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ecpjll said:
I'm most like MARIE in relationships.
I'm most like FRANK in my moods.
My sense of humor is most like MARIE'S.
And my values are most like DEBRA'S.
posted hace más de un año.
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I'm like FRANK in my relationships (self centered)
I'm like RAY in my moods (romantic) I'm like ROBERT in my humor (zany)
and like ROBERT in my values (conscientious)
posted hace más de un año.
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I'm like DEBRA in relationships-devoted
I'm most like RAY in moods-horny
I'm like RAY in humor-dry
and my values are most like ROBERT'S-conscientious
posted hace más de un año.
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Same as Sunshinegirl's.
posted hace más de un año.