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What's Your Playground Personality?



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Vixie79 said:
You Were a Geek
You didn't exactly relish your time on the playground - you would have rather been reading.
You probably avoided any kind of physical activity and preferred friends that did the same.

And while you may have been a bit awkward as a kid, you rule the world now - as all geeks do.
You've got the smarts and skills to compete in this modern world. Thank goodness you didn't waste your time playing sports!
posted hace más de un año.
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You Were a Loner
You may have had a few friends on the playground, but you never felt like you really fit in.
And while this was not the greatest when you were little, it's served you well as an adult.

You have learned to be independent - both in your thoughts and your actions.
Not fitting in is now your strength. You defy labels, and you are completely original.

LOL how true can these quizzes get...
posted hace más de un año.