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How shy are you?



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You Are 12% Shy

You aren't shy at all, in fact, you're probably quite outgoing.
You are comfortable in almost any social situation, no matter how difficult.
posted hace más de un año.
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You Are 68% Shy
You are a very shy person, and it has started to impact your life in a negative way.
If you can avoid human contact, you usually do. And as a result, you miss out on a lot.
posted hace más de un año.
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You Are 48% Shy
Although you live a pretty normal life, you tend to be a fairly shy person.
Many situations make you feel uncomfortable, and you sometimes find your shyness hindering your life.
You can survive daily life just fine, but you don't go out of your way to be social.
Watch out. You may end up missing out on some advantages that extroverted people have.

posted hace más de un año.