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posted by Styles_Smile_
*Sayna's POV*
I looked out of my car window to see my old house staring at me. The same house I had left suddenly a año ago. The same house which had been my safety net ever since I was little, the same house, same street, same number. We had to mover away to Australia a año a go. A whole año I'd been gone, it seemed to go so fast, yet everyday away from here seemed to drag on forever. I'd left everything behind, friends, family, a perfect boyfriend. I'd left it all, one minuto I was here, the siguiente I was on a plane travelling so far away from everything and everyone I loved. A quick snap of the fingers, a quick blink of the eyes and I was gone. I sleepily climbed out of the car and ambled up the driveway. I walked through the front door and headed upstairs towards my room. It was 2am and i was tired and majorly jetlagged.  I opened my bedroom door. The same room stared back at me. The same dull colours, the same pictures which bought back so many memories of before. These alone bought tears to my eyes. But I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve. I was too tired to waste energy on crying. I dumped my bag on the floor and slumped down onto the bed. I turned onto my side to see the picture still sat on my bedside table. The picture of me an Zayn from back then. Him holding me in his arms. We had all been out all día together, me, him, Kasin and Liam. That was the week before I left. We had all gone out while the weather was nice, spent some time together. Little did I know it was out last proper día out as a 4. The four best friends, my best friends. My eyes were then drawn to a picture hanging on my wall. It was of all of my usual group from school. All 10 of us. There was me and Zayn hand  in hand, there was Kasin and Liam his arms around her waist, then there was Harry and Ally lips locked onto one another as usual, Leslie and Niall both smiling sweetly at the camera his arms around her waist, and louis and Seana, him tickling her so she was half falling on the floor in a rather comical fashion. These guys had been there for me through everything and I had always been there for them. They were my rocks. And I'd just left them. Completely walked out on their lives, without so much as a goodbye, without so much as a warning. 

I got up, took my clothes off and slipped a pair of pyjamas on and climbed under the covers of my bed. I wondered if people would still remember me. If they would still like me. I know Kasin wouldn't have forgotten me. After all we had been best friends, we'd never had a fight, we had clicked from the moment we met and out minds were always in sync with one another. She was always so nice, always laughing and never had a bad word to say about anyone. I couldnt bare it if I lost her. We'd laughed, cried, gotten mad and smiled together thousands of times. I felt a tear run down my face as I remembered how much we had been through together and just how much that really meant to me. Kasin wont have forgotten me I kept telling myself over and over inside my head. But i couldnt seem to completely convince myself. There was always a doubting thought at the back of my mind. Why would she still remember me? She'll have moved on. I shook these out of my head as I rested my head on the pillow. She won't have forgotten me. She cares. She always has. But then there was Zayn. He was a completely different story. Before I left we were together. A proper couple. He was my world, my everything. He always had been from that moment when he'd asked me out on 23rd March. The día always remained in my mind. We had been together almost 2 years before I left.  There had been no words of an official end to it all, no words of a break up. But how could I expect him to still be around, to still want me back, to still be the same as before. After all I'd been away a year, a lot can happen in a year. I knew that. He wasn't going to wait around forever. Not for someone like me. Someone who just walked out on everything, someone who didnt even say goodbye. I wanted to, i really did. I just couldn't, i wasnt allowed. The tears kept streaming down my face as I buried my head into my almohada and shut my eyes tight. It took a while to regain control as I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and closed them slowly to allow myself to sleep. After all, I would have to face the música tomorrow as I was going back to school. 

^"you sure you'll be okay Sayna? I can walk tu inicial its no problem" Zayn dicho holding me in his arms. 
"No. It's fine. I only live two streets down Zayn. I'm a big girl now ill be fine" I dicho back reaching up on tiptoes and besar him gently on the lips. 
"Well if your certain. Just make sure tu ring if there's a problem alright?" 
"Course I will" I dicho as he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly on mine. My corazón skipped as he did so. 
"Good. Goodnight beautiful. I'll see tu tomorrow" He dicho pressing his lips on mine again. I turned around, opened his front door and walked out.  
"see tu tomorrow" I dicho smiling. 
"Goodnight beautiful. I amor you" he dicho smiling. 
"Night. amor tu too" I called back making my way down the driveway as he shut the door behind me. I started the walk home. It wasn't far. About 5 minutes. The soft naranja glow of the streetlamps lit the path in front of me as it was already dark. I felt happy and warm inside, Zayn always made me feel like this. I continued to walk inicial feeling on parte superior, arriba of the world. Then I saw two figures up ahead, standing in front of a van. They looked up as they saw me approaching. What should I do? Do I cruzar, cruz over? Carry on walking? Turn back? It's not too late to ask Zayn to walk me back. I carried on walking, pulling my chaqueta around me as I looked at the floor. I could feel their eyes on me. It was too late to turn back now.^
I woke up, cold and scared. These dreams had been happening más and más frequently recently. Dreams of being chased, dreams of being taken, and dreams of Zayn. I quickly checked the time on my phone. 6am. I suppose I should get up. After all I had to face school..

I climbed out of cama and headed towards the bathroom. I stared at myself in the small bathroom mirror. My long brown hair hung past my shoulders, messy and all over the place from where I had been tossing and turning all night. My brown eyes looked tired as they stared back at me. Who was I kidding? Why would Zayn still want me back? Plain old me. A tear slowly fell down my cheek leaving a trail of wetness down the side of my face. I missed him so much. Not a día had gone past when he hadn't come running though my mind. Every couple I saw walking hand in hand reminded me of him, every memory had replayed itself in my head a thousand times, whenever I shut my eyes his face was always there smiling, every feeling had come rushing back to me. I got into the ducha, ducha de carefully and washed my hair, i got out and got dressed in to my familiar uniform. I quickly ran a brush through my hair, dried it and let it fall down in my natural loose waves. I didn't bother with any makeup. My eyelashes were too long and only clumped themselves together making them look worse.  I carefully made my way downstairs, not wanting to wake anyone who was still asleep. I walked into the cocina to find Tom already sat at the mesa, tabla eating breakfast. Tom is my brother. He's 18 and very protective over me. He's tall, about 6ft and has dark hair, his eyes are green and sparkle when he smiles. 
"morning Sayna" He dicho looking up and smiling, "hey what's wrong" he dicho sensing something was up. 
"Nothing" I dicho forcing a smile out,
"And por nothing tu mean everything. Sit down, I'll make tu breakfast." he dicho standing up and pulling a chair out which I sat on obediently. He knew me so well. After a while he slid a slice of brindis, pan tostado across the table.  
"Now Sayna. tu going to tell me what's bothering you" he looked concerned. 
"I'm just scared. Scared to go back to school, scared that the others have forgotten about me," I took a deep breath in, "scared that Zayns moved on" I whispered. 
"Oh Sayna. The others won't have forgotten you. How can they, your quite hard to forget. Trust me I've tried. But I can't promise that Zayn hasnt moved on. We've been gone a año Sayna. A whole year. A lot happens in a year. We know that más than anyone" he dicho kindly,
"I know Tom. But i just don't know if I can fit in anymore. I don't know if I can still see Zayn without thinking of how it used to be" I pushed my breakfast away, hardly touched. I'd completely lost my appetite. I stood up, grabbed my bag and started to walk towards the front door. 
"It will be alright Sayna. I promise you." Tom called out. I walked out the door and made my way up to school. 

I walked through them same old silver gates and up to the brown doors of reception. I walked in to be greeted por a familiar sight of school. I walked over to the desk.
"Erm.. Hi. I'm Sayna. Sayna Mckenzie. I'm meant to be starting back today." I dicho to the receptionist. 
"oh hello Sayna." she dicho politely, flicking through her computer  "Your in the same form room still. I'm presuming tu still remember your way around." 
"Yeah. I still remember" I dicho back. 
"Thats good. Well here's your timetable and Miss Bellamy should be expecting you" I took the timetable and made my way towards my old room. The corridor bought back so many memories of when I was last here. I walked towards the door to my form room and pushed it open gently. The whole class looked up and stared. Kasin let out a small smile of recognition. She still knew who i was. 

"Well hello Sayna. Welcome back" Miss Bellamy dicho softly, "Your old asiento is still free if tu wanted to reclaim it." I nodded in approval and went and sat down behind Kasin. She turned around almost instantly. 
"Sayna" she dicho smiling broadly, "your back. Where have tu been? Why did tu go? I've missed tu so so much"  she dicho almost to quickly to catch. 
"Ive missed tu too Kasin. I really have" I dicho back. 
"I didn't think you'd ever come back. But tu did" she smiled as her eyes sparkled behind her glasses. 
"Course I did. How could I leave tu here por yourself?" I giggled. 
"that's true. I'm surprised I haven't been in some sort of accident. Saying that i haven't had tu walking diagonally downs sets of stairs and knocking me down" she dicho as we both started laughing.  
"so come on then Kasin. Fill me in. What's been happening while I've been away?" I dicho once I had regained control over myself.  she started to tell me about everything that had happened since I'd been gone. How her and Liam were still together and so were the others. But after she'd relayed nearly everyones life stories, i noticed that she hadn't mentioned Zayns name once. Not even a small hint that he was still even here, still talking to her, still thinking of me. I wasn't even sure if he was still at this school anymore. What if he'd moved away? What if I never saw him again? So many what ifs. As the campana went for the start of first lesson I stood up as Kasin threw her arms around me. 
"I really have missed tu Sayna. Ive never forgotten you". 
She still remembered me. That was all that mattered for now. At least I still had my best friend, even if I didn't have anyone else, Kasin was all that mattered to me..

*Sayna's POV*
We walked out of our form room together, me and Kasin. I felt happier knowing that she still remembered me. I walked out to be greeted por Liam, Louis and Seana. 
"Sayna!" they all said. 
"Hey guys." I dicho smiling at them. Seana threw her arms around my neck. 
"We've missed tu Sayna" she dicho detaching herself from me and taking a step back towards Louis. 
"Awww come here you." Louis dicho pulling me into a quick hug, before stepping back and placing his arm around Seana. 
"We've missed tu Sayna" Liam dicho as I spun around to face him. His arms were around Kasin and her head was resting gently on his chest. 
"Now, we better be getting off to class." Kasin said, always the sensible one. We headed off to siguiente lesson catching up on things I'd missed along the way. 

The morning went past quickly and I'd quickly gotten back into my small circulo, círculo of friends. I'd been greeted por many hugs and been told how much I'd been missed. It made me happy to know that people had missed me while i was away. But there was only one person missing. I hadn't seem Zayn all day. Not even a glimpse of him. It was lunch time por now and we were all sat round the table. Kasin was playfully feeding Liam pieces of chocolate, Leslie was sat snuggled into Nialls chest as he spoke softly into her ear, Seana was sat on Louis lap him gently playing with her hair, and Ally and Harry were happily sat together, lips firmly locked onto one another. That was until Louis threw a piece of his emparedado, sándwich de at them, making them pull apart quickly. 
"Sorry to be disturbing such an intense game of tonsil tennis, however some of us are trying to eat here." Louis dicho laughing at them,
"Awww. I'm sorry Boo. Couldn't help myself" Harry dicho back winking at Ally as she giggled quietly before resting her head in the crook of Harrys neck.  
I kind of felt like the odd one out, surrounded por all these couples, I'd never felt like this before. I'd always had Zayn here. I'd always had someone to make me feel special, to feel loved. I wondered where he was, what he was doing, if he was even still living down here, still going to this school. I looked up towards the door and spotted someone walking in. My corazón raced as I realised who is was. He still had the same effect on me as my corazón skipped a beat and I melted into my seat. Zayn walked in, his black hair perfectly styled, his brown eyes sparkling, and he still had the most amazing fashion sense. But then my corazón sank as I saw someone stood siguiente to him, someone holding his hand, someone with their head leaning on his shoulder. My corazón stopped as I stared at the girl with Zayn. Her long, straight, brown hair was perfect, her eyes blue and shining. She was tall, taller than me anyway. She was beautiful. Zayn slowly placed a hand around her waist as he stood talking to a group of people. After a while they started to make their over to us. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap, resting his head on her shoulder. A rush of hurt ran over me. I looked over at Kasin. 
'Im sorry' she mouthed looking apologetic. 
"Oh hola Sayna. Nice to see tu again" Zayn dicho in his perfect accent. 
"Er. Hey." I dicho back, trying to hold back the tears as he pulled her in closer to him. I stood up quickly and walked out, the lump in my throat hurt and my eyes were filling with tears. 
'oh hola Sayna' was that all I was worth. I've been away a año and all I get is a 'Hey', just sat there with your new, perfect little girlfriend on your lap, can't even be bothered to say a proper hello. I thought to myself as I walked outside. I had no control over the tears now as they ran down my face. I walked around the corner and onto the playground. No one was around as it wasn't really the weather to be outside. I sat on the floor in the corner, head in my hands and sobbed. After a while I felt someone sit down beside me and put their arms around me. 
"I'm sorry Sayna." I heard Kasin say, "I should have warned you" 
"It's okay" I dicho back quietly, pulling away and wiping away the tears. I had always known that he wouldn't still be here, still waiting around for me. I just always hoped that he was. Always hoped that I'd come back to find Zayn still waiting, still wanting me back. 
"Who is she?" I asked after a while. 
"Her name is Scarlett." Kasin said 
"How long have they been. Well. tu know... Together" it was hard to get the words out, they hurt so much to say. 
"a few months. 4 I think." 
"Look Sayna" Kasin started, "When tu left, Zayn was a mess, we all were. He was broken, he was so upset that you'd gone. He couldnt handle it. He didn't eat, didn't sleep, he never smiled. He was a mess. For ages. Then Scarlett came along. Don't be mad at her. She mended him. She bought him back."
"I know. I'm sorry" I said. I had messed people around por leaving. How could I expect it to be the same. I couldnt just come back and it be the same again. Everything had changed, everyone was different, I was different. I couldn't change that. Not now. After a while, the campana went meaning we had to get back to lessons. 

The rest of the día sped por but Zayn and Scarlett never left my mind. I practically ran home, threw my bag down on the floor, ran up to my room and threw myself down on the cama and sobbed, my head in my pillow. After a while I heard a quiet tapping at the door as Tom walked in. 
"Oh Sayna" he dicho shutting the door as he walked over to me, "Come here" he dicho pulling me onto his lap and holding me close, "what's up?" he asked
"Just a bad día at school." I said, sniffing and wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. 
"Want to talk about it?" He asked.
"Not now Tom." I said. I couldn't face relaying it all now. 
"Okay. Well tu know where I am if tu need me yeah?" he dicho standing up and walking towards the door. 
"Yeah" I dicho laying back down on my bed. I was glad I had someone as caring as he was. Someone who was always there for me whenever I needed it. I turned onto my side and saw the picture of me and Zayn on my bedside table. I grabbed it and threw it down onto the floor where it smashed with the impact. The glass smashed and shards covered the floor. The glass had cracked straight down the middle, separating the two of us, a crack was on Zayn too, covering his perfect face. 
"I amor tu Zayn" I whispered softly, kicking the broken picture. "Always have and always will"..

*Sayna's POV*

^I continued to walk towards the 2 figures, I could feel their icy stares running straight through me. As I approached them I heard them gruffly whisper to each other. 
"Oi. You. Sayna Mckenzie?" one of them said. I didn't answer just turned around and tried to walk off. But they were faster, one of them came in front of me, blocking my only escape route. I took a step backwards and knocked into the other man. 
"We said. Are tu Sayna Mckenzie?" He dicho again, roughly and in my ear. 
"Er. Ye. yeah" I shakily stuttered. 
"Good. Well this," he dicho waving a white envelope in my face, "Is for your father. We expect it to reach him. Is that understood?" 
"Er. Yeah." I dicho taking it and trying to push past. 
"Erm. Little lady. Where do tu think your going. We ain't finished with you. So don't be running no where." I could feel the man behind me pull something out of his pocket, something cold and hard. I turned around slowly to see a long silver cuchillo catching the light from the streetlamps, reflecting the naranja glow into my eyes. 
"You ain't going no where yet." The man dicho gruffily.^

I woke up shaking and freezing cold. I looked at the time, 1am. I shakily got out of cama and went to Toms room and knocked on the door before walking in. Tom was still awake and on his computer. 
"Hey Sayna. tu okay?" he asked
"Yeah. Erm. Can I talk with tu please?"
"Yeah sure. Come sit down." He dicho switching his computer off and sitting on his bed. 
"Well today, at school well. I saw everyone. As usual. But Zayn...He's different"
"How do tu mean?"
"He barely dicho hello. And. He's moved on Tom. He's got a new girlfriend." I broke down in tears. 
"Sayna. Come here." Tom dicho reaching out for me and pulling me into his strong and protective arms, embracing my body and letting me rest my head on his shoulders, "don't get upset. He's the one missing out. Missing out on a beautiful and clever girl who thought the world of him. Don't worry, you'll find your prince one día princess. And when tu do, he'll be the one, he'll be the one who loves tu as much as tu amor Zayn, he'll be the one to treat tu perfect, he'll be yours Sayna"
"But what if I've already found my prince Tom? What if I've found my perfect guy but I'm just not his princess anymore?" I whispered. 
"Then he's not your perfect guy" Tom whispered back, "he's not the one who deserves your heart. He once held the key to your corazón but the locks have changed now beautiful, the key no longer fits" he cradled me in his arms and rocked me gently. I felt seguro and warm and sleepy. I closed my eyes and let sleep invade my body. It wrapped it's soft, silky arms around me and lifted me into sleep. 

I woke up the siguiente morning in my own bed. It was 6am. Tom must have bought me back in here last night. I didn't think I could face another día of school. But somehow I managed to drag myself out of cama and get dressed and ready for school. At 8am Kasin came and knocked on my door and we left together. We got to school and were walking through the corridor when I noticed Zayn and Scarlett walking towards me. His arm around her tiny waist, her giggling and something he had said, and him smiling sweetly down at her. As he spotted me he smiled a little and walked over. 
"Sorry for yesterday" he dicho to me, "its good to have tu back. And I don't think tu two have officially met yet. Sayna, this is Scarlett, my girlfriend. And Scarlett, this is Sayna. She's my ex" It broke my heart. His ex. Is that all I was. Just an ex. Just a name at the bottom of the list. Just an ex. He could have dicho a friend. But no. An ex. I tried to hold back the tears as I walked away, into class and sat, head in hands and cried..

*Sayna's POV*
The día went por so slowly. Zayns words hurtled around my head, 
'Shes just an ex' Just an ex? He was más than just an ex to me. A lot more. He had been my world, my everything, my reason to wake up in the morning. He still was all of that. But as much as I still loved him, I could see how much he loved Scarlett. I could see how his eyes lit up when she walked into a room, how he held her gently in his arms, how he always looked down at her lovingly. I wasn't going to break that. If she made Zayn happy then to some extent, I was happy. I couldn't bare to see him upset. School dragged on. The clocks seemed to be ticking extra slow. The hands hesitant to mover on, the segundos lingering on. All I wanted to do was go home. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, the campana went, allowing us to leave. As I was walking out Kasin caught up with me. 
"Sayna!" she called. I turned around to face her, "Sayna. I forgot to ask tu earlier. Louis is having a small house party at his tonight. Just us lot and a few of his friends. tu coming?" She asked. 
"Erm. I'm not sure," I replied. 
"Awww come on Sayna. It'll be fun. How else are tu going to spend a Friday night?". She was right. I didn't have any plans, and I could do with having a good time. 
"Fine. I'll come," I said
"Yaaaay!" she practically shouted in my ear, "I'll meet tu there, 7o'clock ish" she dicho before smiling and walking off towards her house. 

*7o'clock ish*
Okay. So it wasnt 7o'clock. It was fast approaching 8. The amount of times I'd nearly turned around and not come. The amount of apologetic texts I had written out, then deleted again. So many thoughts were running through my mind. I wasnt sure if I really wanted to be here anymore. I knocked on Louis front door and shortly after he opened it. 

"Hey Sayna." he dicho a little too loud, someone had already had a little too much alcohol. 
"Hey Louis. Sorry I'm late" i dicho walking in. 
"no problem. The others are through there" he dicho pointing vaguely towards his front room. I walked in to find all of my group and a few people who I didn't know, all sat down together. 

"Hey Sayna" Kasin said, her head resting on Liams chest as she laid on the sofa. 
"Hello" I dicho back smiling. She moved her legs over to leave a little el espacio for me to sit. I sat down carefully looking around the room. Ally was sat on Harry's knee besar one another as per usual. Leslie was sat siguiente to Niall, his arms protectively around her. And Kasin was still laying on Liam. There were a few other people in here too. Another guy, tall, dark hair, not great looking but average. There was a blonde guy sat on the floor near to Ally and Harry, he was just sat looking bored. There was also two girls sat with one another on the floor siguiente to me, one with dark hair, the other blonde. They were engrossed in conversation and happily sat drinking away. I felt lonely, sat on my own. I got up an decided to go see who else was in the kitchen. I stood up out of the sofa carefully and walked out into the hallway. I opened the door and saw Zayn and Scarlett. Him besar her passionately, her fingers running through his hair as he pulled her closer, his hands on the bottom of her back. I couldn't take anymore. I ran, tears streaming from my eyes, past Louis, past Seana and out through the back door and into Louis' garden. I sat down on the damp césped, hierba and sobbed. I laid down, feeling the damp seeping into my clothes. But I didn't care anymore. I stared up at the sky as the tears slid down my face and dripped off my cheeks onto the wet grass. I could see the moon staring down at me. Watching as I let the tears slide down my face. The stars twinkled at me softly and glimmered in the sky. The sky was black, illuminated only por the soft silvery glow of the moon. The garden was dark as I lay there watching the sky. After a while I felt someone come and lay beside me. I turned my head to see Harry laying there, staring up at the sky. He didn't move. I looked back up to see a shooting estrella go past. 
"Make a wish Sayna" Harry whispered softly. I did.. Harry sat up slowly and I did the same. I hadn't noticed how cold it was out here until now and I shivered in the cold. Harry slowly took his chaqueta off and placed it around my shoulders. 
"Thanks" I whispered to him 
"your welcome. Look Sayna. I know it's hard but dont let Scarlett and Zayn get to you. He doesn't amor her how he loved you" he whispered in the darkness. He dicho no more. 
"What do tu mean?" I asked. He nodded his head at me, stood up and walked inside. What had he meant? I laid back down on the césped, hierba and closed my eyes and I must have fallen asleep. 

*The siguiente day* 
I'd woken up outside. It was starting to get light as the sky was flashed with red and pink. I pulled Harrys chaqueta around me. I was soaked through and freezing cold. I stood up slowly and walked inside. Everyone else was still asleep. So I walked back inicial to get changed. 

The día seemed to drag on. I stayed at inicial after numerous offers from the others, but I declined then all saying I was busy. I needed to be alone. por night time I had thought everything over. Debated my feelings and worked out that I needed to focus on something else. Zayn had moved on. End of. If he could mover on so quick. So could I. I slipped on my pyjamas and closed my eyes and let sleep take me away. 

^I had to get out. Had to run. But I couldn't. I looked around, tried to find a el espacio to get out. The only way would be to push past and run. I braced myself for what was coming but as I tried to push past I felt something cold hit my back,something cold followed por an agonising pain which shot up my back. I placed my hand on the fuente of the pain. The man behind had plunged his cuchillo into my back. Blood was pouring out through my fingers. My head spun. I needed to get out. I pushed past and ran. I stumbled as my head span and the ground beneath my feet seemed to swim. I could feel a hot liquid running through my fingers. My parte superior, arriba was soaking wet and I could feel the warm blood dripping down my back. I ran up my driveway and threw open the door. 
"MUM!" I shouted weakly before it all went black'
I woke up screaming. I was cold, shaking and scared. Tom came running into my room. 
"Sayna! Are tu okay?" he said 
"Yeah. Bad dream" I dicho still shaking. 
"come here." he dicho sitting on the end of my cama and hugging me. I told him about my dreams I'd been having. About how i was feeling. It helped, talking to him, it helped to get everything off of my chest and out in the open. 
"Look Sayna. As hard as it may seem, tu will mover on. I promise. And all of this will blow over. You'll be happy again."
"But what if I'm not?"
"You will be"
"But...." I started
"Shhhh" he interrupted "no más but's, no más what ifs." He rocked me gently as I felt my eye lids go heavy and I slowly fell asleep in his arms. 
I was awoken the siguiente morning por my phone going off. 
'We need to talk. Meet me in the park in an hour. Zayn x'

*Sayna's POV*

I walked down my calle towards the park. My corazón was skipping as it knew who was waiting. I walked through the small gates into the park and instantly saw Zayn sat on the ground por the trees. His eyes were focused on something distant. I walked over and sat down on the césped, hierba siguiente to him. I felt uncomfortable, kind of awkward. It wasn't the same. After a while Zayn broke the silence. 
"Look. Sayna. This isn't easy for the both of us. I just needed to sort myself out. Look. Why did tu leave?" Zayn asked not looking at me, "Why did tu not say goodbye?" he whispered, his voice cracking slightly. 
"Things happened Zayn. We were told to move, leave, without a trace and have no contact. I wanted to say goodbye. I just couldn't" I dicho slowly. 
"What happened Sayna?" he asked again. 
"I'm not ready to say" 
"please Sayna. It will help me. I'm struggling to get my head round it all. Please." 
I sat in silence for a while. Maybe it was time to tell my story. Time to let it out, time to break down the strong walls I'd built up around myself, time to let someone in. 
"if tu really want to know I'll tell you. But I don't want any interruptions." I dicho looking at him.
He looked up and into my eyes, 
"Well. tu remember that día before I left. I was at yours. tu offered to walk me inicial but I dicho no" He nodded his head, "well as i walked inicial I could see people ahead of me, two men. I didn't know what to do. I didnt know if I should cruzar, cruz over o carry on walking o come back to yours. But I carried on. I got closer to them and as I tried to pass they blocked me in, I couldnt get out." a small tear came into my eye. 
"What did they do Sayna?" Zayn asked. 
"No interruptions remember. Well they spoke for a bit, asked me who I was. I was scared Zayn I just told them. They gave me an envelope to give to Dad. I tried to get away. I tried to go but they pushed me back and I turned around. The man behind had a knife." 
"Sayna. Please tell me they didn't" I put my head in my hands and cried. I lifted up the back of my parte superior, arriba slowly to mostrar the long red scar down the back of my back. 
"Sayna! Please tell me they didnt" I nodded my head slowly. He moved over siguiente to me and pulled me into his chest. 
"not my Sayna." he dicho "not my princess" I sobbed into his camisa, camiseta until it was wet with tears. I looked up at him. He stared down, his perfect brown eyes staring straight into mine. 
"I'm so sorry" he dicho pushing my hair off of my face and wiping the tears, "I shouldn't have let tu go inicial on your own." the tears were still falling down my face as he pulled me into his chest again. I could smell the familiar smell of Zayn, the one that I always loved when we were together. It made me cry even more. He rocked me gently in his arms as I cried. When I finally regained control I started to explain again. 
"Dad had been getting these envelopes for a few weeks. They never really dicho a lot. It was because he was a main witness in court against a murderer. His assistants outside of jail were posting us threats. The police dicho that they would try and stop them. But they couldn't. When i got inicial that night dad called the police. Obviously with an ambulancia for me as well. I was admitted to hospital overnight and the police told us to go away. As far as we could. To not have contact, because the less people who knew we has gone, the less chance we had of them finding out. We moved to Australia for a year. We changed our names completely to avoid them finding us. And don't get me wrong, whenever tu called I wanted to pick up. Just to tell tu I was safe. Just to hear your voice. But I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to." The tears fell down my face again and small spots of rain were starting to fall. They covered up my tears as the rain got heavier. Zayn stood up and held out a hand to help me up. I took it, as soon as our skin touched, it sent electricity up my arm and my corazón raced. He didn't let go of it as he led me under a árbol where we were sheltered from the rain. He gently wiped the tears from my face as he placed his chaqueta around my shoulders. 
"Thank tu for telling me Sayna. And I'm so sorry I couldnt have helped." he still had hold of my hands as he stared down. Slowly he started to lean forwards as he placed a kiss on my lips. It was gentle as they always had been. But he pulled away quickly. 
"I'm sorry Sayna. I don't know what came over me" He turned on his heel and left without so much as a backwards glance. I slumped down onto the floor and cried. His chaqueta still around my shoulders. I pulled it off and dumped it siguiente to me. I sobbed to myself head in hands as I felt strong arms envolver, abrigo themselves around me. 
"I'm sorry" Zayn whispered into my ear...

*Zayn's POV*
**one año ago** 

Sayna hadn't been in school all week. She hadn't picked up her phone, o replied to any of my texts. I was getting worried, I'd visited her house nearly everyday, hoping that maybe this time when I peered through the window that she'd be sat there laughing with her family and waiting to invite me in. Hoping that the quiet tinkle of keys would indicate that someone was opening the door. But everyday had been the same, I'd knock at the door, wait then look into her living room window. Everyday I was faced with the same room, nothing was missing from there, it was the same. And everyday I walked away, feeling slightly más broken than I had been the día before. Kasin would usually come with me. We'd stand at the door praying she'd answer, praying we'd see her smiling face again. No such luck. Where was she? It wasn't like her to just disappear without a trace. I just hoped she was alright. The last time I saw her had been at mine. Why hadn't I walked her home? Why am I so stupid? 

After a week I could feel my normal self slowly slipping away. My arms ached for the comfort of her hugs. My corazón hurt and craved the loving of Sayna again. My ears ringed as they cried out for her soft voice. My eyes were tired and heavy from a lack of sleep. I couldnt sleep anymore. I was too worried. Every time I closed my eyes I could see her face. Her beautiful brown eyes sparkling, her long hair tumbling down past her shoulders in waves, and her beautiful smile which could light up a whole room. I missed her so much. I needed her here, with me, in my arms.
 It was lunch time now at school,but I hadn't got much of an appetite anymore. No matter how much comida the guys threw under my nose, I couldn't eat. I put my head in my hands and just sat. 
"Come on man. You've got to eat" Louis dicho placing a hand on my shoulder. 
"I'm not hungry" I replied not even looking up. 
"Zayn. I know its hard mate and I know tu miss her, but you've got to look after yourself. Else tu won't be around for when she's back" 
he was right. I couldnt keep going on like this. I took a bite out of the emparedado, sándwich de Louis and pushed in front of me. It felt heavy in my stomach. I pushed the rest away. It made me feel sick. I wasn't up to eating. Not now. 

It had been 2 months now since Sayna left. I can't remember the last time I smiled o laughed. My eyes always stung from tears and my corazón ached from being broken so much, so often. It's been thrown down on the floor and trodden on a thousand times. It hurts and no matter how much everyone tries to help, they can't take this feeling away from me. They can't make it better. I've learnt to live with the fact that Sayna's not going to call, she may not even come back. But I can still hope. Every time my phone rings, o the doorbell goes, my corazón skips them sinks again as I realise it's not her. I just want to hear her voice one más time, see that smile again and feel her arms around me and her head resting against my chest. I want to hear one of her lame jokes again just to hear her soft laugh, and I want to tell her how much I amor her just one más time. I just want to hear her voice saying my name and feel her hands running through my hair. I want to see her standing up on tiptoes, reaching up to kiss me. I want to twirl her around and dance with her in the rain. I want to feel her arms around my neck as I hug her. I want to hear her corazón beating. I want to be the person who makes her corazón race and I want to be the person who's corazón races for her.  I just want her to walk through the door like nothings happened, like she's never been away. I don't want to hurt anymore. I need her to come back and fix me again, to wipe away the tears that fall. To tell me it's all going to be alright. To tell me how much she loves me, how she's always loved me and always will. The tears fall down my cheeks as I lay on my cama and stare at the ceiling. I turn over and see a picture of us two together, her in my arms. I took hold of the picture, kissed her little face, gently caressing her. I held the picture to my chest, close to my heart. 
"Where are tu Sayna?" i whispered softly.
She meant the world to me, no she was my world, my everything and now she was gone. I had nothing but memories and pictures. But what are they worth when tu used to have the real thing? 

*3months later*
Louis is having one of his parties tonight. Everyone knows what they entail. A lot of alcohol, and a lot of fun. I've finally managed to regain control of my life. Sort of. I haven't laughed properly in months and I haven't had fun. I needed this. I needed to go out and smile again. I can't just sit and cry forever, no matter how hard my corazón protests. 

While at Louis' I met Scarlett. She was tall with dark hair. She reminded me a lot of Sayna. I got talking to her. We clicked instantly. But she was so much like sayna. Her smile, her sense of humour, her laugh. Maybe that's why I was instantly attracted to her. After a few weeks I was slowly getting over Sayna. Scarlett was slowly bringing me back to life. She made me smile, she made me happy. And she fixed my broken heart, made it work again, made it feel loved. When we finally got together I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit guilty on Sayna's behalf. But I loved Scarlett I really did. She meant everything to me and I didn't want to lose her. I took her out often, spent time with her and made sure she was always happy. I couldn't bare losing someone else. Scarlett was my life now. But every night I'd go inicial and see the picture of me and sayna together. My corazón still longed for her. I ended up putting it away, out if sight. I couldn't bare thinking about that now. It still hurt. 

*A few months later*
Today had started off as usual. The same school, same lessons, same friends. It was now lunch time. I went and met Scarlett from her lesson and walked off to lunch. My arm was around her waist as I pulled her in, the familiar smell of her perfume made me feel happy. She wrapped her arm around my back as we walked on together. I loved her so much. I took hold of her hand as we walked in. I went and spoke with Sam and David for a while about our música lessons. They were in my lesson and we were sorting out our siguiente assessment. Once we'd finished I turned to look in the direction of our table, expecting to see the usual people sat there. But something was different. Someone else was sat siguiente to Kasin. Someone beautiful, with long brown hair which fell in waves, and a bright happy smile which lit up the room. My corazón buzzed in my chest as I realised who it was. Sayna. 

I went inicial that night not knowing what to think. Sayna was back. She had come back. But por the way she had run off earlier, she didn't want to see me at all. From the moment I saw her again I realised that I still loved her. My corazón still raced for her. As much as I loved Scarlett it wasnt the same as my amor for Sayna. But I didn't want to hurt Scarlett. She meant everything to me. But so did Sayna. I threw myself down on the bed. I was so confused. I stood up and headed towards my set of drawers and pulled out a box. I sat on my cama and opened the lid. Inside was the picture of me and Sayna together. I pulled it out and held it to my chest just like I had done all those months ago. My corazón skipped a beat. I looked down into her beautiful shining eyes and saw how full of amor they were. I looked at how happy we both were. The smile on my face was one I hadnt seen for ages. My arms longed for Saynas hug, my fingers longed for hers to be attached, my corazón longed for her loving again. A tear slipped down and landed on the picture. I wiped it away with my finger, caressing Sayna's face softly. How I wanted to see her properly. I wanted to push a strand of hair behind her ears carefully, and hold her head in my hands. How I wanted to kiss those lips of hers and hold her in my arms. But I had Scarlett now. What am I going to do?...

*Sayna's POV*
I was woken up Saturday morning por my phone buzzing on my bedside mesa, tabla noisily. I sleepily rubbed my eyes as i reached my hand out to take hold of my phone. I looked at it to see who was ringing. It was Scarlett. What did she want at this time in the morning? 

"Err.. hello?" I answered groggily. 
"Sayna. Hey. It's Scarlett. I'm sorry have I woken you?" She asked. 
"Er. Yeah. But it's fine." I sat up in bed, pulling the duvet up around me and rubbing my tired eyes. 
"Oh I'm sorry. I can ring back later"
"No worries. Whats up?" as much as I disliked her I had to be civil. At the end of the día she hadn't done anything wrong really. She just happened to be dating the boy I was still madly in amor with. 
"Look. Sayna. I. Well... I. I need to speak with tu please. If it's not too much trouble, I mean. tu can say no. If tu like. We don't have to."
"No that's fine. When and where?" 
"Err. As soon as possible and how about I meet tu in the park somewhere."
"Yeah. Okay. Give me half an hora I'll be there"
"okay. Thank tu Sayna. Bye" 
She hung up.

 Why did she want to meet me? What did we have to talk about. I mean. We'd never spoken before ever. Except the first time when Zayn had introduced us. And that wasn't much of a conversation. She'd smiled at me a few times around school but I never really returned them, just dismissed it. I dont see why she needs to rub the fact in that she's with Zayn and I'm not.  I climbed out of cama and pulled some clothes on and ran a brush through my hair, before grabbing a hair band and tying it up into a loose bun. I threw some shoes on and made my way out the door, grabbing a capa from the hanger as I started walking towards the park. I saw Scarlett sat on a bench, her eyes looked distant. As I approached her I noticed that her eyes looked red and slightly puffy, like she'd been crying, her hair was slightly messy and out of place as it fell past her shoulders. She smiled a small smile as I sat siguiente to her and she looked down at the floor.
"You okay?" I asked her. 
"Mmm.." she nodded slowly as a small tear ran down her face, she took a deep breath as she quickly wiped the escaped tear away "Zayn broke up with me." she dicho slowly. I placed my arm on hers reassuringly as I handed her a tissue. "That's what I wanted to talk to tu about."
"What, breaking up with him?" I asked curiously. What could I tell her about that?
"No" she giggle slightly taking the tissue and wiping her eyes, "It's obvious. Zayn still loves tu Sayna."
"Course he doesn't." I said, my corazón skipping a few beats. 
"Sayna. He loved me. He really did. But I've seen it in his eyes how much he still loves you. How much tu make him smile. How happy tu make him." she paused as she looked up at me, "when I first met him and we got talking, we clicked. We got on. But at first he told me about you. How much he missed you. How me and him could only be friends.  After a while, he seemed to get better, he didn't hurt as más he let me into his life. Then he told me he loved me. And he meant it. He really did. But then tu came back. And his eyes lit up like I've never seen. It was if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Every time he saw tu around school, I could feel his gaze draw away from me and his mind wandered onto you, I could sense that he missed you. I could feel him slipping away from me" a small tear escaped from her eye as she wiped it away with her finger. 
"I'm so sorry" I said. I felt bad. I'd always thought of her as some bad person, stealing Zayn from me. She wasn't though. If anything I was stealing him away from her. She was just a frail girl who loved Zayn

"Don't be sorry. Its not your fault. Look. I bought tu here today to tell tu this. Zayn loves tu so so much Sayna. And i can tell tu amor him too. I can tell how much he means to you. The fact you've  let him and me stay with each other and tu haven't intervened shows just how much he means to you. How tu just want him to be happy. Please Sayna. Promise me something. Look after him." she whispered softly, "He means the world to me. Please don't hurt him"
"I won't I promise." I dicho wrapping my arms around her as a few más tears escaped from the corners of her eyes.  
"You deserve him Sayna. Your a nice girl. A good girl. Someone that deserves a good guy" 
"And tu deserve someone too Scarlett. Someone who loves tu as much as tu amor them, as much as I amor Zayn. And you'll find him. There's someone out there for everyone."
She smiled softly, "I hope so"
She stood up slowly, "I'm glad I could talk to tu today. Thank you. tu really do deserve Zayn. He loves tu so much Sayna. Remember that" She smiled as she walked off slowly leaving me sat on my own. I felt guilty, I'd just ruined a perfect relationship. But Zayn was single. I shook my head. I couldn't think about that now. I couldn't believe how horrible I had been towards Scarlett previously. I'd never spoken to her, never returned her smiles, I'd just blanked her out. Wishing she'd just go away.  Thinking she was some sort of evil person who had deliberately stolen Zayn from me when I was away. She wasn't though. Underneath she was just a little girl who had fallen in amor with Zayn. Fallen for his charm, his personality, fallen for everything I had done. She'd fallen hard but she had the courage to let Zayn go, to let him be with me. She knew how much he meant to me and was allowing me to take him from him. I just hoped she was right and he really did still amor me. 

*Zayn's POV*
That was it. I'd broken up with Scarlett. She meant everything to me. She really did. I loved her. But I couldn't get Sayna out of my head. How could I carry a relationship on when I was constantly thinking of someone else. It was hard. Letting Scarlett go. She'd been strong, took it well. She understood when I told her i still had feelings for Sayna. She knew. Only a few tears escaped her sad looking eyes. These made me feel bad, but I knew it was for the best. The way she pulled away from my hug and walked off slowly made me sad. Now the siguiente task was Sayna. What if she didn't want me? I mean, she'd come back to find me with someone else. What if she'd moved on. I held the picture of us two in my hands, tracing the shape of her face with my finger. She was beautiful. She always had been. The way her smile could make me feel happy just por looking at it. I wanted her with me now and forever. She was the only one for me. The only one who understood who I really was, the only one who knew how to put a smile on my face, and the only one who held the key to my heart. She was the only person I wanted. The only one I wanted to see the moment I opened my eyes, and the only one I wanted to see the moment i went to sleep. I wanted to have her back in my arms, tell her how beautiful she looked, tell her how much I loved her. I wanted to be able to call her in the middle of the night just to hear her voice. I wanted to be the first person to text her in the morning and the last person at night. I wanted to be the person she thought about día and night. I wanted to be there for her, the person she could run to crying and I could just hold her gently and tell her it would all be alright. I wanted to be the one who made her smile and the one who made her corazón race. I just wanted to be hers. Because I knew that she was the only thing I'd ever wanted so badly. The only one I would go to the end of the earth for. The only one I'd do anything for. A tear rolled down my cheek and splashed silently on my picture. I wiped it off and held it to my chest. I needed Sayna back, my Sayna, my princess.. 

*Sayna's POV*
I was woken once again por my phone noisily buzzing on my bedside table. I should really learn to put it on silent. I rolled onto my side sleepily looking down at it. 
{Zayn Malik calling} it said. My corazón fluttered in my chest. 
"Hello" I answered sleepily. 
"Er. Hello Sayna. Have I woken tu up?" he asked in his deep husky voice, my corazón thudded loudly in my chest as I heard him say my name.  
"Yeah tu did. But it's fine" I laid back down, resting my head back on my pillow, smiling. 
"Oh I'm sorry. I was just wondering if we could perhaps meet up later. If tu want to I mean?"
"Yeah of course" I dicho smiling broadly down the phone. 
"Thank you. I'll come to yours in about an hora and meet you" he said. I could hear his smile in his voice. 
"Okay. I'll see tu then. Bye"
"Goodbye Sayna" he dicho slowly before hanging up. 
I pulled my duvet up around myself smiling. He wanted to see me again. My corazón fluttered gently in my chest. I smiled as I carefully got out of cama and quickly got in the ducha, ducha de and got dressed. 

I was ready and waiting when I heard a quiet knock at the door. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I ruffled my hair up a bit as I headed to the door. I opened it to see Zayn leaning up against the wall. His dark eyes shining and bright, his hair perfectly styled, and his smile making my corazón melt. 
"Hey." he dicho gently. 
"Hey." I replied quietly. 
"Ready to go" he dicho looking at me, sending my corazón crazy. 
"Yep. Where do tu want to go?" 
"I was just thinking down to the park for a bit. Talk things through." 
"Good idea" i dicho as we started to walk. Conversation soon got going as we got into the park and sat down on the bench. 
"Look Sayna." Zayn started, "I'm guessing you've heard about me and Scarlett?" 
"yeah. I'm sorry to hear that tu two broke up," I said
"I loved her Sayna. I truly did" my corazón sunk. Was he just here to tell me about how much he loved her?
 "But it wasnt going to work out.  Not now" he dicho staring at the floor.
"Why not?" I asked 
"Because. tu see. I seemed to be constantly thinking about this other girl. She was always running through my mind. Always making my corazón race. It wasn't fair to stay with Scarlett" he dicho looking down at the floor. 
"I see" I dicho sadly as my corazón broke and hit the floor. 
"But I don't know if she thinks the same way"
"Have tu asked her?"
"Not yet. But I'm going too. Why is this so hard to say. Look Sayna. This really isn't going to plan so I'm just going to say it. You've been running through my mind constantly. Your the one I can't stop thinking about you. I've missed tu so much and when tu came back I realised just how much I'd missed you. I did amor Scarlett but not as much as I amor tu Sayna. Scarlett meant the world to me, but you, tu are my world. I've always loved you. I've never stopped. Ever. My corazón still skips for you. It still beats for tu and my eyes only ever want to see you, my corazón only ever wants to amor you. And i was.. i was wondering if. Well. Maybe we could try again. Try us again. Please?" He stared into my eyes making me melt. He loved me. I smiled as I stared back at him. 
"Of course i want to try again" I said,
"Really?" his eyes lit up. 
"Why not" he pulled me into his chest as he hugged me tight. His strong arms wrapping around me, my head resting on his shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him and felt the warmth of his body. My corazón fluttered as he pulled me away and stared into my eyes. He leaned in closer, brushing his lips gently against mine, before pressing them together. My eyes closed as I felt his hands on my back as he pulled me closer. I kissed him back slowly, running my fingers through his hair. He pulled away softly as he smiled. 
"I amor tu Sayna" he whispered
"I amor tu too Zayn" I said, resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the parte superior, arriba of my head. 
I felt a drop of water land on my face, followed por another and another. I looked up to see a black nube lingering over us. Zayn stood up and took my hand as we ran towards the nearest árbol for shelter from the rain.  
"How do tu know when it's raining gatos and dogs?" I asked Zayn smiling. 
"I don't know?" Zayn dicho giggling slightly
"When tu step on a poodle" I dicho laughing as Zayn pulled me closer laughing,
"I've missed your jokes Sayna. Even if they are lame and have got worse since I saw tu last" He kissed me sweetly again, "I think perhaps we should be heading home. I think it's going to chuck it down" he dicho looking up at the sky. 
"Your right. tu can come back to mine if tu like" 
"I'm always right." he dicho adding a cheeky wink, "and okay" he took my hand in his as we headed out into the rain. We started to walk inicial but the rain was getting heavier and we were getting wetter. 
"Race you" he dicho letting go of my hand and smiling. 
"Your on" I dicho as I started to run. I could hear his steady footsteps catching up with me as I tried to gain speed. Then I felt him grab my arm, making me slow down to his pace. I stopped as he grabbed me around my waist and picked me up, spinning me around. The rain was falling around us, splashing on our faces and running down. Our clothes were soaked and they clung to our bodies. The rain dripped down my face, dripping off my eyelashes and onto my cheeks. Zayn placed me back down on the floor as he pressed his lips on mine as we kissed in the rain. His hands running through my sodden hair. I stood on my tiptoes, reaching up and placing my hands around his neck. After a while he pulled away, staring deeply into my eyes and smiling. Then he held out one hand to me. 
"Will tu have this dance with me Sayna?" he said
"Why of course" I dicho taking his hand. He spun me around again slowly, before placing one hand on my waist as we danced together in the middle of the calle in the pouring rain. I didn't care who saw us o what we looked like. I was happy. I wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted to bottle this feeling up and save it for one of them days when I was feeling down. Because I wanted to always be able to relive this moment. It was perfect in every way. 
por the time we got back to mine, we were soaked through but laughing uncontrollably. I opened the door as Tom was walking down the stairs. 
"Wow. Your wet" he dicho looking at us.
"No duh Tom. It's raining we are hardly going to still be dry" I giggled. 
"I can see that. I'll go get tu some towels. And hello again Zayn. Good to see tu back" he headed off upstairs. Zayn put his arms around me and pulled me close. Tom came back down and threw the towels over our heads along with some clothes for Zayn. 
"if I remember correctly. Your my size" Tom dicho smiling,
"I think your right." Zayn said, as he started to envolver, abrigo a towel around his neck. 
"I'm going to go up and get changed Zayn. Feel free to use the bathroom" i dicho as I started to make my way upstairs. I felt happy again, complete. I had my Zayn back. It felt good to call him that again, my Zayn. He was all mine and I loved that feeling. He made me feel so special, so loved. I never wanted to lose him again. I turned around on the stairs to see Zayn's smiling face looking up at me. I went into my bedroom and smiled to myself. I was happy again. Happier than I'd ever been before...

*Sayna's POV*
I pulled off my sodden clothes and threw them into my washing basket in the corner of my room. I quickly pulled on some clean, dry clothes and shoved my hair up into a bun. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and a soft tapping on the door. 
"Come in" I said. The door opened slowly and Zayn put his head around the corner before walking in. He was wearing my brothers jeans and a polo top. He looked good. Very good. I walked over and put my arms around his neck, planting a soft kiss on his lips. I pulled away gently and placed my head on his shoulder, snuggling into his warm neck. His familiar warm smell of aftershave made me feel happy. I pulled away and sat down on my cama and tapped down siguiente to me, indicating Zayn to take a seat. He did so. As he sat down, his foot scraped against something sharp. He jumped away from it before bending down to see what had scraped against his bare foot. He gently pulled out the broken picture from under my bed. It was the one I had broken all them weeks hace when I had first seen Zayn and Scarlett together. He picked it up gently, looking sad. 
"Why did tu break it?" he asked, carefully running his fingers over the cracks. His eyes were filled with sorrow and hurt. I looked down at the floor guiltily as I shrugged my shoulders. 
"Sayna. When did tu break this?" he asked as he carefully placed it down on my bedside mesa, tabla and kneeling down on the floor in front of me. 
"When I first moved back here. When I first saw tu and Scarlett together" I mumbled. 
"Hey" he dicho putting his fingers under my chin and lifting my gaze onto him, "I'm sorry Sayna. For all the hurt I caused you." I smiled as I stared into his eyes. 
"Me too" I dicho as he pulled me into his arms. 
"You know that's my favourite picture right? I still have it" he whispered into my ear, 
"I'm sorry for breaking it" I whispered in return. 
"No problem. Now we have más reason to take another one, one that's even better" he pulled me closer into him. He pulled away slowly, sitting back down on the cama and taking the picture into his hands. 
"I used to stare at this every night when tu left. Some nights I'd sleep with it in my arms. It was the only way I could feel close to tu again." his fingers slowly traced over the cracks, then gently over my face on the picture. I noticed his eyes fill with tears. 
"This was the only thing I really had left of us Sayna. The only thing that bought me close to you, the only thing that could comfort me when the tears fell. And even while I was with Scarlett, this picture was always in my room, in a little box. I still looked down at it every night. Praying that the siguiente día you'd come back to me." a tear gently escaped his eyes and splashed down onto the glass. He wiped it off. I took the picture out of his hands and placed it back on the table. I turned his head so he was facing me and gently wiped the tears away with my fingers. 
"Well I'm back now. And I'm not leaving tu again" I said, placing my forehead on his, "I promise". He smiled softly as he brushed his lips against mine. 
"I amor tu Sayna. So so much" he whispered. 
"And I amor tu too" 
I heard a soft knocking at the door and Tom walked in a few segundos after. 
"You two alright?" he asked 
"Er. Yes thanks" i dicho confused as to why he had just come in. 
"Erm. Good. Well I'm going out. See tu later Sayna. Bye Zayn" he dicho before walking out again. 
"Well that was strange" I dicho laughing at Zayn. 
"He's just checking your alright. I don't think he trusts me much" Zayn dicho staring down at the floor 
"Why not?" I asked. 
"Well. Let's just say he's had words with me" 
"What did he say exactly?"
"nothing. Not really forget I dicho anything" he dicho standing up and pulling me up and into his arms. 
"I amor tu Sayna"
"I amor tu too" I put my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. I could hear the steady sound of his corazón beating strongly in his chest and
I felt loved again. 

*Zayn's POV*
I was so glad Sayna had agreed to start again with me. I had her back. That alone made me happy. We got back to hers and once she had gone upstairs to get ready, Tom pulled me into the living room. 
"I'm guessing tu and Sayna are back together again" he said
"yeah we are" I dicho back feeling a little awkward. Me and Tom used to be close before they went away. 
"Look Zayn. It's not I don't trust tu exactly. I just dont want to see my little sister get hurt again."
"I won't hurt her. I promise"
"Well, promises mean nothing to me really. tu havent seen her these past weeks. tu havent seen the tears, tu haven't heard her worries, tu dont know what I know. I just want to make sure that you'll be there for her, always. Because she's my sister. And I'll do anything for her. And if tu upset her, you'll have me to answer to okay?" he looked firm
"Yeah that's fine"
"Good. And look, mate, I dont mean to set off on the wrong foot with you, but I'm just an overprotective brother. And I've seen how upset Sayna has been recently. Seeing her like that broke my heart"
"I'm really sorry. Has she been that bad?" I asked. I felt so guilty that I'd caused all this pain for her. 
"Well, bad enough to be in my room sobbing and half 2 in the morning. Just look after her. She's a good girl. She's smart, loyal and beautiful. And she loves tu so so much. Don't throw this chance away" he stood up and walked out of the room. I really had hurt Sayna. I stood up and picked up the pile of clothes Tom had left me. I headed towards the bathroom and put them on. I left my wet clothes in a small pile siguiente to my shoes and slowly made my way up the stairs towards Sayna's room. I knocked quietly and heard her calling me to come in. She still looked beautiful, even after getting soaked with rain. She walked over, placed her arms around my neck and kissed me softly. My corazón skipped in my chest as I placed my hands on her little waist. She pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder. I pulled her closer into me. It felt good to finally have her back in my arms. It's where she belonged. She went and sat on her cama and indicated for me to do so too. As I sat down, something sharp scraped against my foot, causing me to jump back in pain. I bent down to see some broken glass on the floor. I then pulled out the broken picture of me and her. My corazón sank. It was my favourite picture ever, the one I had in my room, the one which I had kept the whole time she was away. And here it was, smashed on the floor. The glass was cracked over us, splitting us in two. It broke my heart. I picked it up, gently caressing the cracks. It was well and truly broken. I looked up at Sayna who was looking sadly at the floor. 
"Why did tu break it?" I asked. I felt hurt. I'd kept mine safe, unbroken. I'd loved it like I loved her. She shrugged her shoulders slowly. 
"When did tu break this?" I had a pretty good idea of when. 
"When I first moved back here. When I first saw tu and Scarlett" I knew it. She'd broken it just like id broken her heart. She'd smashed it up, trying to erase the memories. As I told her how I felt about this, a tear escaped my eye and tumbled down my face. She meant so much to me. And I'd just hurt her so badly. All the pain I'd felt became irrelevant as I thought about how I'd made her feel. I'd hurt her bad enough for her to smash the only picture we both had of each other, the only one that captured the feelings we had both felt for one another, the only one which held such a special place in my heart. She'd smashed it up, just like I'd smashed her corazón up. I had never thought about how I'd made her feel. I could see now that whenever I had seen her around school she'd ignored eye contact, the hurt building up in her eyes. I'd blanked this out. I didn't see how much she hurt. I pulled her up and held her in my arms. 
"I amor tu Sayna" I whispered into her ear. I really did amor her. más than anything. She meant so much to me, so so much. And I don't care who knows it. I would shout it out to the world if I had to, because she was mine again. All mine. I had my Sayna back, my girl, the one who was my life. And no one could ever take that away from me. Ever!..
*Sayna's POV* 
Monday morning I walked to school with a spring in my step. I'd spent all my weekend with Zayn, catching up on old times and generally having a really good time. I'd missed him so much, and por speaking to him he'd obviously missed me too. My corazón was slowly being mended again. The tiny, broken pieces were finding their way back to me, and very slowly it was beginning to work properly once more. I felt like me again. I was no longer the girl who walked slowly inicial in tears most nights, no longer the girl who often cried herself to sleep, and no longer the girl who's corazón was in a million pieces on the floor. I was a different person and I loved this new me. As I approached the school gates I could see Zayn leaning up against them. He looked up and stood up straight as he saw me. 
"Hello beautiful" he dicho softly. 
"Hello gorgeous" I dicho back to him. 
He took me into his arms and pulled me close. He
 Harry & Jenny
Harry & Jenny
Jenny was sweating a lot when Heather was firing her with lots of questions.
Heather: Answer me, Jen!
There was perfect silence for a minute.
Suddenly Heather started laughing weirdly. Jenny was very much confused.
Heather: Now, answer me Jen!
Jenny: Umm… Umm.. Har-
Heather: Hahaha.. I was just kiddin’
She sighed.
Heather: tu must have seen yourself in the mirror when tu had to answer me…
Heather couldn’t stop laughing.
Jenny took a almohada in her hand and threw at Heather. She fell flat on her cama and even Jenny lay beside her.
Heather started to talk in a cool way as she usually does.
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Ambers POV:
I sat on the coach with my mom and watched in terror as the segundo building came crashing down ever so quickly.
From the 8th floor of our apartment,We could see the cload of dust and sut cover lower manhattan.Mommy was crying and worrying about daddy.I didn't understand it at the time and it all happen to fast for me to grasp it.
She stood up,grabbed her bag then looked at me.She told me she loved me and told me to stay here then she kissed me on my forehead then slammed the door as she left me alone.I didn't know that would be the last time I'd see her ever again.
An hora must have...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
 Ruby's Diary..
Ruby's Diary..
Please comment!

"So how long will tu guys be gone?" Alana asked folding one of Harry's shirts.
Harry sighed grabbing a camisa, camiseta from the almost empty dresser, "Six months. Maybe more." He tossed the camisa, camiseta in the suitcase. Alana took it out and re-folded it, and placing it back into the suitcase neatly -yeah, kinda OCD, "More? I could barely get through the five months of tu being gone to go to the X-Factor!" Alana sat on the cama and Harry looked down at her, "I know." He whispered. Alana sighed.
"Are tu guys ready yet?" Liam yelled from down stairs....
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Shannon's P.O.V.
Grace took Louis number from me and pulled her phone out, I was starting to worry, what was she going to do? Her phone was ringing, she was calling Louis, I'n not surprised. She put the phone on speaker so we all could hear.
"Hello" Louis said. I instantly answered so he didn't think that some misceláneo fan had gotten his number.
"Hey Louis, it's Shannon" I said.
"Oh hey, was up?" He said. Before I could say anything Grace started talking.
"What tu can do is tell us how Shannon got your number" Grace dicho all sassy like, she was the sassy one in the group.
"Who are you?" He said.
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So as Niall left I went back into my house.

"Mum! I'm moving in with Niall Okay?"
"OKAY." she yelled.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. She doesn't even care. I was sad that noone really cared for me but now I have Niall and that's all that matters. The only person that really ever cared for me is my bestfriend Louis. I met Louis in the 6th grade and to be honest I used to have a little crush on him..

I called Louis to tell him how the día went.

[i] "Louis! Its Alana."
"Hey Alana."
"You won't belive the día I had today, Okay so I had my first driving test today!"
"Omigod How'd it go?"
"Awesome but...
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Shae's P.O.V.

We put our stuff in the bus and we went to say goodbye, I can't beleive the summer has gone so quick.
"Bye Niall, I'll miss you" I dicho before hugging him so tight.
"We'll see each other again, I hope" Niall said.
Shannon and Harry were saying goodbye to each other and Louis, Liam and Zayn were saying bye to the guys.
"I don't want to leave" I said.
"But tu have to, we'll see each other again, I promise" Niall said.
I couldn't take it I had to kiss him.
"Eww, get a room" Zayn said.
"I think tu should be saying that to the other half of Larry" Louis dicho pointing to Harry and Shannon...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Alana walked into Harry and the boys' mansion Monday morning. She and Lindsey have been flying all night.
"Harry!" Alana jumped on Harry's bed. His eyes opened and he hugged Alana.
"I missed you!" He yelled. Alana giggled, "I missed tu too!"
Harry got out of cama and pulled Alana up. She stood and Harry pulled her closer to him.
"You are so beautiful," Harry looked down at Alana's big brown eyes.
Alana smiled at him, "I amor you," Harry smiled bigger his big dimples showing, "I amor tu more." Harry released Alana, "Oh, and I wanted to know if tu want to go out to dinner, o go see a movie?...
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posted by delenadarti
Before tu read this, keep in mind that i’m not an expert o something, i’m just a girl that loves music, from Tony Bennett to The Cure (Check them out).

When the guys dicho that this album was better than the first one, they clearly weren’t lying, were they? Take Me inicial is pop in its pure form, though that isn’t all it delivers; it has little bit of rock-ish sounds and disco vibes that make it más mature and just…fun.

1. Live While We Are Young:
I can tell why the boys picked this as the first single, it’s catchy and slightly suggestive, the WMYB of the album, a lot of people...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley's P.O.V

the bullets were still going everywhere. lou was still trying to escape. i saw and ran grabbing lou's hand. and tooke them out-side. she thanked me in tears. i ran inside. i saw eleanor was trapped with a gun to her head. i thought of how to get her out. i ran and kicked him on the side. i grabbed the gun and shot the guy in the leg. i told eleanor to run. she did and her and louis ran up-stairs to the attic. that was our hang-out anyway. it was now me and harry. the rest of the lads were in the attic. we were runnig and dodging. i was runnig harry was fitting of the other guys....
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posted by fiestagirl12345
bailey's P.O.V

i woke up the song Gangnam Style. i tiredly shut it off. and got ready. i came out in my out-fit and walked out of my room link. i went down-stairs. "mornig sis" says harry. tu see harry is my older brother. practicly my dad. he is famouse. so i rarey ever spend time with hime. like we used to. "woah slow down. those shorts are way to short. let me see were youre finger-tips go missy" says harry. he looks and lets me free. it gets annoying whne he gets overly protective sometimes. but i got used to it. i was walking out when my bff madison texted me

madison: girrl hurry up gonig...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley's P.O.V

Danniell was their. With us. Telling us everything that happened. I was listening closely. That's how I got taken. First walking then break in. Now captured. We both hugged. And thanked at thanksgiving to be alive. And for the lads finding us. We all got done eating and started dancing. To GANGNAM STYLE I was dancing all the right moves. (Authors note: I looooove that song always dancing to it). Me and the girls were dancing. When somebody I never expected and thought was dead came. A gunshot flew across the room.

Harry's P.O.V

I saw the bullet. I was going towards Riley. I ran and pushed her. It missed both of us. And it hit the vase.

Riley P.O.V

I saw the gunshots flying. The first persons popped in my head. Lux. I ran upstairs. I grabbed her. Harry saw and took her to Lou. She ran out. The girls were hiding in the closet. I guess this is the end for me AGAIN.
posted by canal
 Allan in cat form
Allan in cat form
That night Mendy had the same dream, but the cat kept talking about off topic things. "So how much do tu really amor him" the cat asked. "Who" Mendy asked. "This té is wonderful isn't it?" the cat asked sipping the tea. "I guess" Mendy dicho also sipping the tea. "So, how much do tu amor Louis o Harry" the cat asked. "I amor them both alot, why?" Mendy replied. "I'm thinking about repainting the walls what do tu think" the cat asked. "I think the shade of green it is, is beautiful" Mendy said. "It is isn't it?" the cat said. "I'll be right back" the cat dicho sounding más human than a robot....
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Louies POV:
The Flight inicial was quite peaceful besides the fact that Niall argued for half an hora with a sercurity guard about why he couldn't bring his Nando's on the plane.Of course Niall won the argument,once he had the man convinced there was no way there could be a dangerous substance in his food.Nothing could get between that boy and his food.
"are tu happy now?You got your Nando's."Liam joked with Niall.
Me and Amber sat across from them in first class.
"Shh,Guys she's sleeping.."I warned them.
"Can we draw on her face?"asked Harry.
I gave him a stern look.
"just asking,gosh"harry dicho backing...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley's P.O.V

Harry saw me. With the knife. And me trapped down. Blood was running through my hands. He knew if he didn't think fast I would slip out of his life. "Take me.......leave her I'll risk my life"says Harry getting closer. "Harry NO"I scream. Head budding the guy. His knife. Slashes my arm. I scream but ignore the pain. I run over to Harry. In tears. "Please never ever do that again. tu scared me. " I say hugging him. "How did tu guys find me"I say holding my arm. Blood dripping through. "One of the guys wallet slipped out."says Harry smirking holding it. "People these days". We...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley's P.O.V

me and harry arrived back at the flat. with our faces painted. and loads of prizes. the lads saw and got jelly(jealouse). me and harry looked at each other put down our things. and we all headed back out. we were playing getting prizes. when i saw them. them the guys who almost killed me. i tugged harry's shirt. i was speechless scared. my tummy quiesy. i showed him the guys. harry told me to go behind him i did.

Harry's P.O.V

i saw those little punks. i told riley to go to the back. we wended up walking right past them. me and the lads gave them dirty looks. zayn had riley. we...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Harry's P.O.V

i was in the hospital. sitting onthe bench. the lads were also worried. Eleanor and Peerie. were crying. i was sitting my leg shaking. tears dripping on my white shirt. smelling that hospital plain smell. we were waiting ti'll the doctor came. i jumped up and went por him. "well thankfully and luckily it was a miracle that she lived. but she lost a kidney. would anybody like to donate?" asked the doctor pushin up his glasses. "i.. will yeah i would donate a kidney if its to save her life" i say the doctor leading.

**************7 hours ********************************

i was in the...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
 Lindsey and Alana!
Lindsey and Alana!
I see Lindsey as Taylor rápido, swift and Alana as Selena Gomez! If tu see them as someone else, tell me who tu think they seem like!

"Are tu sure?" Harry asked Alana taking a sip of his punch.
"Yes. Positive! What should I do?" Just minutos hace Alana saw Daniel Jason, Lindsey's fecha to Tanner Kingston's Spring Break party, besar another girl.
"Well, there's nothing tu can do! If Daniel is a true man, he will tell Lindsey."
"Oh, Are tu a true man?" Alana shifted her weight.
"I would never cheat on a women, unless I was drunk and had no clue what I was...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
I hope tu like it!!(: And, Pleasssse comment!

"Ally!" Jaclyn yelled running up-stairs, "Can tu bring me to Courtlyn's?" She asked leaning against Alana's opened door.
"I guess!" Alana put her over-heated lap-top on the escritorio and grabbed her keys. As she was driving inicial she saw Jesse and a girl talking at a little french cafe, Bon Appétit. She stopped at the stop sign and took a picture of them two together. They looked happy, and kinda cute together.
"Mom! Look!" Alana showed her mom the foto of Jesse and the girl.
"Oh, so Jesse has a little lady friend?"Mrs. Coleman said.

"Who is she?"...
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-Narrator,3rd person,POV-
Anna was just finishing up one of her chapters,for her biography,she was confident it would be a success.
She entitled it "One life" as a reminder of the song one thing.
She walked out of her office,and heard the sound of an old song.
"Mom,wasn't this dads song?"Ronnie asked.
She was play an old record,Dancing with Derek.
Ronnie and Derek were the proud parents of a intelligent 8 año old,They had named her Darcy because Harry and Matthew,close friends of theirs,couldn't have a child.
"Grandma," Darcy ran into the living room."That's what makes tu beautiful!"She sang along....
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posted by ShesNotAfraid1D
tu walked over to the cupboard to get two blankets for tu and Niall and Celine and Alex who were snuggled together.

“What movie” tu asked as tu open all the draws as the three of them look at the hundreds of cine tu had.

“I want a scary one” Niall dicho looking at Alex and winking as he looked back at the cine then me. “I want a chick flick” Celine dicho as we both high fived as the boys whined.

“Get what tu want and we watch it in the order” I dicho suggesting it because we are here all night and tomorrow. Niall picks saw 1, The Devil Inside and Despicable me, Celine...
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