monster high A Trip To Scaris (Paris) {Monster High Role-play!}

xMiss-IceQueenx posted on Mar 04, 2012 at 08:58PM
A Trip to Scaris (Paris) 

Hey and Welcome to this new Role Play I made where you favorite Monster High Characters are going  to go to Scaris (Paris) for Spring Break as they signed up at school and now the RP will start at the airport to go to Paris 

Invited ~HelloKitty_Love 

Other Rules 

1. If you are not on the invited list please ask to join using these - -> ( )

2. When I say yes you may join in :D then you can be all the cannon characters you want to RP unless someone else is already RPing them .
3. If you would like to RP OC's then just tell me there names and a little background on them and if I accept them I will say so. (Oh and HelloKitty_Love I already approve of Baxter and Drake if you want to use them)

4.Please stay on the topic and not go into random gibberish and adding characters I never approved it just sort of irks me sorry :(


Now I will claim my characters and I guess start us all off :D

My Characters ~ Abbey, Frankie, Jackson, Clawdeen, Clawd, Operetta , Toralei, and Venus.


Beginning Post~

Abbey had just arrived at the airport from Headmistress Bloodgood dropping her off. She rolled her suitcase to the gates to meet her friends before they go to security and soon to the plane.  

She looked down at her ticket

"Gate C #13 ." She read as she looked for the sign ,but what was really on her mind was Scaris and how beautiful this city was she just hoped she would not bump into someone for she was not paying any attention at all.


Frankie sat with Clawdeen at Gate E #13 . She turned to her ghoul friend as she was just so nervous . 

She hoped she could just survive the ride without some kind of major embarrassment like barfing all over the plane or falling out of the lavatory .

"Clawdeen you promised me everything is going to be okay right." Frankie asked Clawdeen nervously as Clawdeen rolled her brown eyes.

"Yes Frankie don't fret girl I got your back." Clawdeen smiled reading her newest issue of Teen Scream.


Toralei walked through the airport just fighting to get to her Gate . 
She couldn't believe that she was stupid enough to get caught up in the crowd and she lost Mweoldy and Purrsephone ...what are the odds.

How could this day even get worse let's hope all the losers are not going to Scaris also or her and M&P's trip is ruined.


Clawd was looking in the latest shopping place around which was a general store and of course he was packing up on the goods.

He need specifically everything and I do mean everything to survive one simple air travel trip to Scaris.

"Clawd can we get a move on" Jackson whined from the front of the store as he had already bought his stuff a bag of jerky and a cookie with a new nerdy magazine and a book to keep him busy.

"We need to get to the dam gate" Jackson yelled as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall in the store.

"Just hold on a sec" Clawd barked as he gathered more things.


Operetta was shopping around for some new songs and maybe an Coffin Tunes card before she left so she could put more music on her iCoffin.  She soon had run into Venus who was also in the store for music so she could keep busy on the flight also.

(There we go this RP is now ready to begin Have Fun~Cali <3)

monster high 1789 respuestas

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hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd looked at him and shook his head "No I just want the ghoul."
Toralei tapped her foot to the beat.
Jackson nodded "Because you lived here." he said
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath rolled his eyes "Fine." he scoffed as he walked to find another ghoul.
Meowlody giggled, as she started humming along.
Rochelle nodded "Its beautiful, and i'm glad i get to see it again." she smiled.
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd rolled his eyes as he watched Heath.
Toralei smiled as she started giggling at Meowlody.
Jackson nodded "I'm glad I get to see it with you" he blushed.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath came back "So i kind of struck out over there." he explained.
Meowlody blushed in embarrassment "I love this song."
Rochelle smiled "Well thanks, i feel honored now."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd laughed rolling his eyes "Don't you always" he said.
Toralei smiled "It's okay" she told Meowlody .
Jackson smiled "You are honored" he told her.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath rolled his eyes "Not always, just look at Abbey. She is mine." he smirked.
Meolody beamed as she continues to hum.
Rochelle nodded "Just to be with you."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Then why do you want more ghouls?" Clawd asked Heath.
Toralei hummed along with her.
Jackson blushed "You don't have to be that sweet ." he said kissing her forehead.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shurgged "I don't know. I'm selfish." he smirked.
Purrsephone hummed along with the other two.
Rochelle blushed and snuggled into him "I guess it is in my nature."
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd chuckled rolling his eyes again "So what were you planning to do if you had them and Abbey anyways?" he asked Heath.
"So where are we going again?" Toralei asked the two.
Jackson wrapped his arms around her "Well you do have pink hair." he chuckled.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath smirked darkly "A possible three some I suppose, you know with Cassie and Abbey. Two hot chicks."
"The hotel I think." Purrsephone meowed.
Rochelle rolled her eyes "You mention my pink hair a lot don't you." she giggled.
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked as he chuckled "But which one would you want more?" he asked him just curious.
Toralei nodded "so are we done shopping?" she asked them for a clarifacation.
Jackson blushed "Sorry it's just really bright" he told her.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath thought for a second. "Hmmm Abbey is curvier, taller, and I already have her but then there's Cassie and she's so...... New."
M&P nodded "Well I'm done, shopping but I could go for a bite." Meowlody smiled.
Purrsephone shrugged "I think I'm done, but I'm not sure.
Rochelle giggled "Fine I'll hide it if it's too bright." she told him as she started to tuck her hair in her hat.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd rolled his eyes "I think you might have complemented Abbey too much." he chuckled .
"How about we hit the hotels resteraunt then?" Toralei asked the two .
"No ,no I like it" Jackson smiled as he started to untuck her hair.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath nodded "Fine I guess I'll go Abbey then." he beamed "You can take new girl."
Meowlody smiled "That sounds grrrrreat!" she purred.
Rchekle blushed as she let JacKson intuck her hair "Really? Bright is a good thing?"
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked with satisfaction "Okay then." he said . "It's like you have too many good nightmares about that ghoul." he said to Heath about Abbey "Is that where you now everything about her body?." he smirked darkly asking him.
Toralei beamed "Knew it." she chimed as she turned around heading towards the hotel.
Jackson nodded as he kissed Rochelle's forehead "A very good thing when you date a bright guy like me." he said pointing to his yellow sweatervest.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shook his head "I nver notice a ghoul's face." he smirked "Its only their body I pay attention to."
M&P smiled as they headed to the hotel with her.
Rochelle smiled as she looked up at him "I happen to live bright guys. You are both bright in colors and wits." she giggled.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked chuckling "So you just want their body" he asked him.
Toralei soon pulled into the hotel as she parked the car.
Jackson smiled beaming "Thanks Rochelle." he said.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shrugged "Yes, but I kind of like to see how the personality plays out too."
The twins go out and strted walking in.
Rochelle smiled "Its true."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "So Abbey's personality or body.". He smirked asking Heath.
Toralei also started walking away as she locked the car and caugh up with the twins.
Jackson smiled back "Well I'm glad it is" he told her.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath smirked "You made it so obvious and easy. Both are great but that body is just... Damn."
The twins held the door open for Toralei as they waited for her.
Rochelle giggled "Your different. I like different."
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked "I know right" he grinned "So you like curvy and tall?." he asked him smirking.
Toralei smiled "Thanks guys" she purred as she walked in the doors.
Jackson smiled looking down at Rochelle "Me Too"he told her "A lot."
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath nodded with a smile on his face "A lot. And she has got tall and curvy, not to mention sexy also." he smirked darkly.
Meowlody smiled back "Your welcome Toralei." she purred.
Rochelle beamed "Really?" she gasped happily "This means so much."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked "Something you just want to touch all night long." he said darkly to Heath.
Toralei smiled as she walked towards the elevator to drop her stuff off at their room.
Jackson smiled back "I'm gla it does Rochelle." he said to her sweetly.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath nodded smirked "Something I wanna touch, caress, and do all night and all day long."
Meowldy and Purrsephone follows her into the elevators.
Rochelle smiled "I love you. A lot, more than life."
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked "I know you would give anything to have at least even one short fuck session with her." he said to Heath.
Toralei pressed the button as the twins hopped into the elevator.
Jackson sighed "You shoulnt " he told her "It's more wise to love life more." he said.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath smirked "Hell yes I would. Haven't you ever taken a good look at her? She is fine."
The twins played with eachother's hair as they waited.
Rochelle glanced down "Okay, but now I feel embarrassed." she sighed.
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd smirked "So if I set you two up tonight." he said "What would you offer me?." he asked him.
Toralei tapped her foot to the elevator music.
Jackson smiled "That doesn't matter " he said "You shouldnt be." he told her patting her back comforting her.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shrugged "I don't know. What do you want? A new casket ball or something?"
M&P giggled when they saw Toralei tapping.
Rochelle nodded "I should be embarrassed. I put my feelings out there."
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd rolled his eyes "Hmm how about 40 dollars in cash" he smiled .
"What?" Toralei asked them raising her eyebrow.
Jackson smiled warmly "No you should not be it was a very nice expression" he said to Rochelle.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shook his head "No way! I have no money at all. So pick something else, I kind of already spent if all." he chuckled nervously.
Purrsephone shook her head "Nothing."
Rochelle smiled "Thanks. I still love you. "
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"On What?" Clawd asked Heath shocked.
Toralei nodded "Are you sure?" she asked her slightly glaring at her.
Jackson smiled "I love you too" he whispered . "You know I have always wanted to do one thing on top of the Effiel Tower." he said to her.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath glanced down at the ground "I spent it buying some hair gel, but it all melted some how."
Purrsephone bit her lip nervously "So I see you happen to like the elevator music."
Rochelle raised her eyebrow "What is it?" she asked him curiously.
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd face-palmed "Heath it melted because your a fire-elemental" he stated obviously " so try not to invest in flammable objects" he said .
Toralei smirked"Not really my foot just itched." she said .
Jackson smiled as he tilted her chin and kissed Rochelle tenderly.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath rolled his eyes "That's not the weird part. The weird part is that it keeps missing too."
Purrsephone rolled her eyes "Ok Toralei, lets go with that lie."
Meowlody giggled "Hey that rhymed!"
Rochelle moaned as she started to kiss him back.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd frowned "Who in the he would steal hair gel" he said weirder out.
Toralei smirked "We can" she hissed .
Jackson smiled as he kissed her again .
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shrugged "Someone who's trying to mess with me." he mumbled "Or maybe i misplaced it."
Purrsephone shrugged as she took a step back.
Rochelle smiled "So you have always wanted a kiss on the Eiffel Tower?"
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I'm thinking you misplaced it" Clawd said nodding.
Toralei smirked as she turned back around.
Jackson smiled "Yeah that was it" he said nodding.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath nodded "Lets hope i did, cause i'm not spending anymore money on it."
Purrsephone rolled her eyes as she waited.
Rochelle beamed "I thought it would be cheesy but it was romantic."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "How are you going to survive the week now?" Clawd asked Heath.
Toralei waited also for the door to open.
Jackson smiled "Well I kind of always wanted to do it." he said blushing.
hace más de un año HelloKitty_Love said…
Heath shrugged "I have no idea, so go any hair gel?"
The elevator dinged and the twins walked out.
Rochelle blushed "I kind of wanted to also, just to see what its like."
hace más de un año xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Clawd nodded "Yeah I do" he said to Heath.
Toralei walked out with them going to their room.
Jackson smiled "Well I think it was amazing" he smiled.