mindless behavior Club
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at school at assembly
me-*2 bree* i dnt wnna be here
bree-UR TELLING ME!!!!
ray-shut up yall!
me-nigga say it again!
prince-HA HA!
dray-*slaps him*
dray-ha ha!
tay-crazy ppl!!!!!!
bree-ikr. *cuddles up 2 roc* go tell her i dnt wnna be here
roc-u go do it!
bree-i dnt feel lik gttng up
bree-i cnt stand u
roc-u either
bree-*hugs him* lol!

teacher-ths assembly is a TALENT SHOW!!
bree-BOO!!! R U KIDDING ME?!
roc-sit dwn bree!! *pulling her in2 her seat*
teacher-now mindless behavior-
teacher-will do a performance 4 us!!
school-*cheers so loud the place really shakes*
ray-*kisses me* will u guys perfom with us?!
girlz-h3ll nawl!!
ray-*pulls me*
roc-*pulls bree*
prince-*pulls dray*
prod-*almost pulls tay*
tay-no prod! 2 many ppl!
prod-if u do ill giv u somethng 2 apologize!!!
tay-dnt hav 2 tell me twice!!!n *goes with him*
crowd-who r they?!
ray-*in mic* they performin with us now be quiet!!
prod-where is mrs...
ray-whe-whe-whe-where is mrs...where is mrs right?!
prod-i gotta see her! travel all acros the world just 2 meet her
prince-get me on a flight!
prod-i got 2 see her travel all across the world just 2 meet her! travel 2 l.a maybe 2 the bay!
all of thm-AYE!
girls-*getting dwn on the boys n they grind on us*
dray-omg prince!
prince-smh. dnt act lik u dnt lik it!!!!
dray-no ur freakn package deal is showing!!!
prince-n so is urs! *takes her hand n twirls her*
me-i cnt believe im doing ths! *drops it low*
ray-i cnt believe ur doing tht in front of me!
tay-ppl! oh God ppl! r watchng me!! y?!
prod-u get use 2 it!!!! dnt freak out! theyre cheering 4 us so we're good!
tay-*rolls eyes as he picks her up spins her n puts her dwn*
bree-i dnt lik u roc
roc-n i luv u 2 bree! *smiles*
bree-0_0 *almost falls but pulls it off as roc dips her*
diggy-*comes out* light skindded dar-dark skinded! long hair dnt care long as ur-*holds mic out 3 crowd*
diggy-lookin 4 my misses *holds out mic*
diggy-matter fact aye yp prodigy sang! *turns around n thn* 0o0!!!!!
dray-*hides face with hair*
prince-u okay?
prince-*shrugs n they do the duggy*
tay- n prod-*cat daddy*
me n ray-*just dance on each othr*
dray n prince-*stop doing the duggy n they start grindin on each othr*
boys-so high! so high!
prod-destination evrywhere! gtta find away 2 get 2 where u r! u r!!!
diggy-where's my mrs right now?! i need huh rite now! i got sum things i want 2 say so im gon write it dwn! wipe me dwn wipe dwn! if i lik u, u wifey now! *holds mic out*
diggy-been 2 the south been 2 the bahía evn took a field trip out of states! i kno u an ángel so maybe i should look out of space! aye d-i-double g-y lookin 4 the rite one! prodigy double r princeton rayo, ray rayo, ray let em kno where u coming frm!
prod-where is mrs right?! *music ends n we turn around so our backs r 2 crowd n swaggah walk!!!!*

at seats gurls come up askn 4 boys autographs n stuff
mari-hey guys did good!
ray-*smiles* thanks
mari-im a fan u 2 gurls!
ray-*wraps arms around me* be nice!
me-*crosses arms*
me-*ignores him*
ray-okay come on *grabs my hand tighty*
me-no! i dnt want 2 go!!! i wnna stay now!
ray-*ignores ME n keeps walkng in2 the hallway*
bree-he a freak

in ahllway with us
ray-y wont u be nice?
me-*looks at wall*
ray-*makes me look at him* dnt look at the wall
me-*looks at muro again
ray-*backs me up on the lockers n presses his body against me*
me-get off!
ray-listen 2 me!
me-*rolls eyes*
ray-dnt do tht.
me-y not?!
ray-cuz im about 2 do sumthng 2 u i might regret if u do anothr thng tht makes me mad
me-well thn dnt get mad!
ray-*sighs* kenzie be nice
me-idk who kenzie is randy!
ray-*presses hisself más in2 me n says in my ear* say one más gtdmn thng kay!!!!

my pov
boy iz fine.

ray's pov
lol! she is sexy wen she scared!!!!

ray-now im gnna tak eu back in there n if u insult her just a little bit...
me-i wont
ray-*laughs shortly* good.
me-um...just of curisosity n i really dnt wnna kno but wat would u do if i DID?!
ray-*evil grins n looks me in the eye* más than u'll evr xpect
me-oh man
ray-*takes my hand n we go back in*

at home
me-*sitting on rays lap on couch.* im bored
me-i wnna go sumwhere!
ray-*rubbing my thgh* where

my pov
dnt stop plz!!!

me-i wnna go...hmmmm
ray-2 the bedroom?
me-lol! lets go 2 the beach!!
ray-yay! come on!

at the beach
me-we're alone!!
ray-*pulls me close 2 him por my waist* thts a good thing!
me-*bites lip n smiles*
ray-*looks me up n dwn* u kno bttr than 2 wear an outfit lik tht around me. cuz u kno wat it does rite?
me-ik. thts y i wore it. *kisses him slowly*
ray-*pulls me closer 2 him n holds me tightly*
ray-lol! *keeps besar me n squeases my butt*
me-keep ur hands 2 urself!!
me-lol! jk u can! *starts back besar him again*
ray-*puts arms around me n squeases my butt again*

my pov
y does tht feel so good?!

ray's pov
heh heh!!! tounche!!!

ray-*sticks tounge dwn my throat*
me-mmmmmmm!!!!! *kisses him deeper*
ray-*picks her up*
me-*wraps legs around waist*
ray-*pulls away* ur beautiful.
me-lol no im not!!!
ray-*in my eyes* yes u r!
me-*looks away* okay. i believe u!
ray-n say ur not beautiful one más time!!!!!
ray-bttr be! *lays me dwn on sand*
me-*puts arms around his neck*
ray-*kisses my neck n collar bone n almost goes dwn my chest but brings it back up*
me-y ddnt u go dwn
ray-no más children *smiles*
ray-*kisses me gently*
me-mmm!!! i luv u ray!
ray-*nuzzels my neck* luv u more
me-lol! tht tickels!!
ray-wat about ths? *sucks my neck*

my pov
im gnna hav a huge hickie!!!!

ray's pov
ha ha! i gav her a hickie!

me-lol! yeah it does!
ray-want me 2 keep going?

my pov
no! i dnt ppl knowing our buisness!!!

ray-*keeps suckng my neck*

my pov
i admit it does feel good! hmmm!!!

me-mmm! rayyyy!!!!!
me-*bites lip* okay
ray-nah! i got a bttr place *stares at me*
ray-just a little?!
me-ur not havng a magdalena 2day ray!!!!
ray-just one?!
ray-*takes it anyway*
me-omg! u did NOT!
ray-i did!
me-*hits his arm* lol i told u not 2!
ray-did u lik it?
ray-thn u should be happy!
me-get off me!
me-cuz u dicho ONE!
ray-u nvr dicho tht! *mischeiveous smile*
me-oh me!
ray-*kisses me*

my pov
cuz it feels good!

ray-yay! *givs it*
me-*bites lip 2 keep frm screaming, "OMG THS BOY KNOES HOW 2 GIV SUMTHN 2 SUMBDY!!!!!!!!!!!"*
ray-dnt do tht
ray-bite ur lip!
ray-it makes me wnna do thngs u dnt wnna kno about
me-okay-*slowly licks lips*
ray-*gets off me n turns me ovr on him n kisses me hard*
me-lol! u clingy 2day!
ray-i want u 2 kno ur mine.
me-ill always be urs!
ray-*stares at me*
ray-*keeps staring*
ray-*looks me in the eyes*
me-come on!
ray-i luv u
me-u 2!
ray-ur sexy
me-n ur...i cnt xplain
me-lets go home.
ray-hold up
ray-i wnna watch the sunset with u
me-awwww! cute! but okay!
ray-*lays me beside him n wraps arm around me n i put my head on him*

at home
dray-where evrybdy et?!
dray-im bored
prince-u always r
me-lets go dwnstairs
orince-but i ddnt guv a f*ck away 2 u yet!!!
dray-good. *leaves room with a pouty faced prince*
dray-um...h-hey guys! *outs head dwn*
bree-look! diggy's here!
dray-uh...yeah i see tht!
tay-how can u?! u got yo hair dwn!!
prince-dray i wnna go upstairs!

dray's pov
oh no!

dray-u kno my name!!!
prince-u guys kno each othr
dray n diggy
they dicho thth at the same time
diggy-*looks at dray*
dray-*looks at prince*
prince-*look at both of thm* wat?!
dray-i went 2 one of his concerts b4! n met him backstage'
diggy-*leans back on couch* u nvr told him
prince-told me wat?! im confused!!!!!
diggy-nothn man!
dray-thts it! nothng...wat he said!!! *nervouse smile*
prince-*grabs her hand n takes her upstairs*

in their room
prince-*pushes dray in n slams the door* WTF HPPND?!
dray-*mumbles somthng*
dray-i *mumbles*
prince-*walks up 2 her n grabs her arms n shakes her a little* speak up!!!! wat hppnd between u 2?!
dray-*cryng* we-i kno him cuz-*sniff* i-um...
prince-*sigh* dray just tell me
dray-*cries hard n prince wraps her in hug*
prince-its okay. just tell me!
dray-the-baby's no-nnot u-urs!

prince's pov
did i hear rite?! am i losing it?! idts

dray-its not urs *pulls away frm him* ur gnna hate me 4 ths
prince-*not really looking anywhere* y?
dray-its diggy's

prince's pov
im gnna kill him. he knows dray iz mine!!!!! NOBDY ELSE CAN HAV HER!!!!

prince-*goes dwnstairs n punches diggy*
diggy-wat was tht 4?!
prince-stay away frm her!!!! n ths house n i dnt EVR want 2 see u again! cuz if i do im going 2 jail! *leaves house slamming door*

smh poor prince!!!

me n ray
me-im tired. *half sleep*
ray-*looks ovr 2 me* wow.
me-wat *closes eyes*
ray-ur adorable wen ur sleeping
me-mmhhmm *lays head dwn*
ray-*picks me up n takes me 2 car n drives me home*

at home
ray-*with me in arms* *opens door*
ray-SHHHH YALL! dang!!!
ray-*takes me upstairs*
dray-i feel bad
diggy-u did the rite thng.
dray-i meant por not telling him dumb dumb!!!
diggy-watevr. im gone
dray-bye! *she dicho tht irratated*
diggy-y u hatin?! u kno u lik this!!!
dray-psht plz!
diggy-smh bye! *leaves*

5 minutos later
prince-*comes in n evrybdy turns their attenion frm The Color Purple 2 him but all he odes is goes upstairs not loking at anyone*
prod-he jealous of me
evrybdy-*looks at him*
tay-u out choah mind!!!
roc-hey yall! *coming in house*
bree-hey-wtf did u do?!
bree-wow. u look bttr!
roc-ha ha very funny! *sarcasim* did u tell em?
dray-*nods head*
prod-n he wasnt happy!
roc-i could tell
dray-wat u mean?!
roc-well i saw him beating sumbdy up. but it waznt diggy. he was at TH
dray-no way!
roc-yes way!
dray-oh great! 1st rayo, ray now him!!!!
roc-bttr go tlk 2 him. u kno wat, ill do it
dray-no i will
bree-mmhhmm, tlk...yeah rite!
dray-trust me thts all were doing.

me n ray
me-*waking up* ow!
ray-*looks up frm tv* wat *comes ovr 2 me n gets in frnt of me*
me-i got a huge headache!
ray-okay *goe in2 bathroom n gets my pills* here
me-*takes thm with water* im bored
ray-u just got up!
me-ik tht!!!
ray-okay thn *gets in cama with me* hi.
me-lol hola boy
ray-*puts arms around me* i luv u
me-*kisses him* i hope tht respuestas ur question
ray-i does!

dray n prince
prince-*laying on cama looking at ceiling*
dray-*comes in*

dray's pov
butterflies. oh great

prince-i dnt wnna tlk
prince-*shakes head*
dray-*bites lip*
prince-dnt do tht
dray-how can u see me?!
prince-*shrugs* ik u.
dray-oh. y not
prince-just dnt.

dray's pov
wats rong with him?! im tryng 2 work ths out!!! maybe he'll come through?

prince-*sits up n sighs thn looks at dray who stopped biting her lip wen he looked at her* y did u do it?
prince-*looks at her lik she's crazy* u dnt kno?!
dray-*shakes head*
prince-how could u NOT?! u did it. so u must hav an xclamation!!!!!!!!!
dray-but i dnt
prince-*rolls eyes n shakes head n lays back on bed*
dray-*bites lip again* (wen she's nervous thts wat she does*
prince-DNT DO THT!!!!!!
prince-*pushes her 2 wall* ik u. unlik diggy! he doesnt evn kno ur real name! I DO!!!! he doesnt kno ur fav color! I DO!!!! he doesnt evn remembered wat u wore wen u met him!
dray-neither do u!
prince-wat día was it?!
dray-*looks dwn* may 25th
prince-u wore black jeans a light green tank white hightops n u had ur hair in a ponytail
dray-how did u kno?!
prince-thts how much i care.
dray-*puts head dwn* im sorry prince
prince-*turns n gets back on bed* yeah okay watevr
dray-*bites lip but thn stops*
dray-*grabs right arm with the left arm*
prince-*short laugh with no humor* i bet he 4got wat ur wearing rite now.
prince-no. he did 4get! trust me! he doesnt care about u!
dray-ik he doesnt
prince-n u slept with him?! i dnt get it! *another laugh without humor*
dray-*almost cryng*i-
prince-*without looking at her* n ur about 2 cry now
dray-i get it! u kno me más than anybdy!!!! dnt remind me!!
prince-y not?! cuz im the only one who use 2 care!!!
dray-u...used 2?!
prince-thts wat i said.
dray-*bites lip again* but it-
prince-*gets up n stands in frnt of her* do NOT do tht again. o i swear im gnna losse it n it wont be pretty
dray-0_0 o-okay *stops n puts head dwn*
prince-*stays there glaring at her thn goes ovr 2 the nightstand n puts fro in a puff ball ha ha!! thn lays back on the bed*
dray-wat about the baby?
prince-ask diggy.
dray-o......okay. one más thing
dray-y did u beat sumbdy up at TH
prince-my life my decisions
dray-*about 2 cry so she runs out the room n goes dwn 2 the basement where she always goes wen she wants 2 get away frm evrybdy*

prince's pov
i dnt care about dray anymore. she cheated n she can keep diggy. idgad about wat hppnd between thm but i dnt get y dray would cheat on me!!! i remembered wat she wore A año AGO!!!!! i remember wat kind of makeup she had on!!!! wat kind of socks she wore! wat she had 4 breakfast! wen she keft 4 school! WAT SHE SAID!!! i remember it ALL!!!!! diggy doesnt remeber anythng. 2 prove it lemme txt him rite now!!

txt convo
prince-wat was dray wearing about 20 ago?
diggy-um...idk. uh...ourple?
prince-nah. nvrm thts all i wntd

my point xaclty

the siguiente día at school
dray n prince locker
dray-*getting her stuff thn all of a suden a guy came up 2 her* hola babe
dray-dnt call em tht
guy-*looks back* sorry! i lik u n idk how 2 tlk 2 a girl n i askd my friends 4 help n-
dray-lol i get it! ur new 2 relationships
guy-yeah. so...um...u wnna go out
dray-um...maybe...ill let u kno
guy-plz say yes! but anyway ill be waiting!
dray-*flirting* i kno u will *bites lip*
guy-wow u look good
dray-thanks. so do u!
guy-ty! until our fecha ill see u later
dray-okay bye! *aftr he leaves* um...dang 4got class!!! uh...science?! no-
prince-*without looking at her* english
dray-*looks at him 4 a second* um...thnaks
prince-*closes locker n walks away*
dray-*2 herself* bye prince.

me n ray
me-got any pills?
ray-no. look in ur purse
me-here *hands him purse*
ray-o...kay? *finds advil* WTF U GOT IN THS PURSE?!
me-idk!!!! *takes pills* leggo

tay n prod
prod-im bored
tay-me 2. i wonder how prince n dray doin'...
prod-i feel bad 4 BOTH of thm. dray cheated on prince. i feel bad 4 prince. prince broke up with dray...i feel bad 4 dray!
tay-me 2. its sad.
prod-ikr. im glad we aint lik tht
tay-ikt! we hav 2 go

in class
girl-ewww! look at u! ur own fiance broke up with U!!
dray-go away.
girl-*laughs evil* okay but prince iz mine'
dray-u can hav him
girl-oh i will
dray-*puts head dwn on escritorio n cries silently*
prince-*looks at her frm across the room n sighs*

prince's pov
i feel bad 4 her. but im not going back 2 her.

at inicial dray's pov
me-*with the children n cat while evrybdy out*
me-*2 kids* i hope u guys dnt get ur hearts broken lik me. its not a good feeling. trust me *tears fall frm her eyes*
india-*goes 2 sleep on sofá along with charlie*
me-come on brazil were going 2 the kitchen!!! *picks her up*

in kitchen
me-wat u want 2 eat?
brazil-*looks awed por all the comida in the fridge*
prince-*comes in door*
me-brazil say hola 2 jacobe
brazil-*holds her arms out 2 him*
prince-come on brazil *takes her frm her me*
me-go 2 da-uh...jacobe-yeah um..jacobe g-go 2 him.
prince-*takes her* thanks
me-np *goes upstairs*

in room
dray-*layng on cama cryng in pillow*

dray pov
i cnt believe i almost clld a child thts not mine 2 go 2 her dad who's not hers!!!! he doesnt want me!!! i need 2 get tht in my head!!! i messed up! m i cnt hav my hubby back!!!!!

me-*cries harder n tlks 2 myself* y-y d-did i h-hav 2 do it?! y cnt ths curse leave me alone?! i just want the amor of my life 2 come back 2 me!!!!!

prince-*comes in n sees me cryng*
me-go away!
prince-but ur-
prince-*gets in frnt of me* tlk 2 me.
me-*shakes head*
prince-*sigh* okay but remember i still luv u.
me-AS A FREAKN FRIEND!!!!!! maybe not evn tht close!
prince-i may not hav feelings 4 u anymore but im still gnna always be here 4 u!
me-leave me alone
prince-*runs hand thrgh hair* okay. need anythng
dray-peace n quiet
prince-okay *leaves*
 Kay's outfit 4 the playa
Kay's outfit 4 the beach
added by Cuppycakes1
Source: Tumblr.com
added by rayraynicki
added by rayraynicki
The siguiente día at school I was walking up to bree when some boy with an afro bumped into me
Me: *I gripped his camisa, camiseta and lifted him off of the ground* What the fuck do tu think your doing!! WAIT Princeton
Omg why the fuck are tu here
Prince: Can tu put me down first?
I dropped him to the floor
Me: So what the fuck are tu doing here, I'm trying to get away from tu lot and tu always seem to find away back don't you
Prince: Look I'm sorry for bumping into you, It was an accident...
Bree: O no what is she doing now
Keke: So she always does that
Bree: And what does she always end up doing in the end
continue reading...
added by JMORGAN17
Source: mindless behavior
added by rayraynicki
added by MJFan4Lifee
added by MJFan4Lifee
added by minime23
posted by its_kristi_rae
tu are at the dance studio today with Princeton watching him practice for the tour. Every time tu come with him tu always get amazed at how incredible he dances. He can easily mover his feet to every beat of the music. tu on the other hand was not such a great dancer. I mean tu had skills but nothing compared to Princeton. He would always ask tu to get up and dance with him but tu always turned him down because tu knew tu couldn't level up to his dance skills so tu felt tu would be embarrassed. Now matter how many time Prince pouted his lips out tu never agreed to dance for him.

continue reading...
added by Mindless_ME123
added by rayraynicki
added by rayraynicki
added by im4evrmindless
added by RayRays1Wiffey
added by Jackson_Fan
added by rayraynicki
Bree-*Wakes up* Roc?
Roc-*Wakes up* Yeah
Bree-i-*Rushes up and runs to the bathroom and thrws up*
Roc-*Runs and gets her a towel and cleans her up* Wats wrong r u okay?!
Bree-*Crying* ok i hav 2 tell u something tht happened yesterday! uggggg!!!
Bree-i meet this guy-
Bree-i ddnt evn tell u wat it waz yet!!!
Roc-*angry* fine, go ahead
bree-okay and i thght he waz going to get me sum good insurance but he started flirting with me and touching me and i told him i had a bf and he dicho he ddnt care-*Takes a moment 2 cry*-thn...
continue reading...
added by minime23
added by minime23