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This is the Part 1 of the interview, cause it's very long... I hope tu like it! <3

On October 26, 2001 Michael took part in an online audio chat, answering fans' preguntas via the telephone through moderator Anthony DeCurtis. The interview was sponsored por GetMusic.com and RollingStone.com and has been archived online at GetMusic.com.
The text transcript of the interview is below.

Anthony: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, this is Anthony DeCurtis. You're on Getmusic.com and we're here tonight for a very special event. The King of Pop, one of the greatest artists in the history of popular music, Michael Jackson, is going to be joining us. He has a new record coming out on Oct. 30, it's called Invisible [interviewer's error]. tu can check it out at Michaeljackson.com, tu can preorder it at getmusic.com.
Anthony: Michael, it's a pleasure to talk to tu man.
Michael: Pleasure to talk with you.
Anthony: Tell us a little bit about the new album. It's your first new record in 6 years. Uh, do tu still get exited when tu have something come out? Obviously you've accomplished so much over the years. tu know, do tu still feel that, like, "Wow, I wonder what people are gonna think" or, tu know, feel all of that kind of anticipation?
Michael: I kinda parallel it to a, uh, tu know... It's like the gestation process of, uh, birth. tu know, it's a... tu know, it's like having children, and having to raise them and bring them out into the world, and once they get into the world they're on their own. So, it's, it's, very exciting. I mean, tu never get too used to it, ever. It's, uh, an incredible process. But tu leave it in the hands of God, like tu do when you're having a child.
Anthony: Absolutely. We've got preguntas already beginning to pour in from your fans on the Internet. We've got Electric Eyes, male, escritura in. Says, "Michael, tu are, in my mind, the greatest artist of all time. The true King of pop, rock, and soul." And he wants to know, "What is your favorito! song on the new album?"
Michael: My favorito! song on the new album. Can I pick two?
Anthony: Uh, yeah, I think tu can do that. tu can pretty much do whatever tu like.
Michael: Uh, it would probably be Unbreakable... I'll pick three. Unbreakable, Speechless, and The lost Children.
Anthony: Tell us about a couple of those tracks. tu know, what was it like work... I mean, were there special guests, o were tu working with new producers, o how tu wrote them. tu know, something that gives us some flavor.
Michael: Well, the songwriting process is something very difficult to explain because it's very spiritual. It's, uh...You really have it in the hands of God, and it's as if its been written already - that's the real truth. As if its been written in its entirety before were born and you're just really the fuente through which the songs come. Really. Because there is...they just fall right into your lap in it's entirety. tu don't have to do much thinking about it. And I feel guilty having to put my name, sometimes, on the songs that I - I do write them - I redactar them, I write them, I do the scoring, I do the lyrics, I do the melodies but still, it's a...it's a work of God.
Anthony: Samantha from Canada just sent us in a question. She would like to know, "How would tu describe the sound on Invincible and have tu incorporated any other genres into the album?"
Michael: Well, the sound is...sonically, we always try to make sure we have, tu know, pristine, detailed, uh, tu know, the best sound, the best engineers, the best technicians available. And of course, I tried to make the album a potpourri of just wonderful melodies of any style. Because I don't believe in stylizing o branding any type of music. I think a great artist should be able to just create any style, any form, any...any thing from rock to pop to folk to gospel to spiritual to just, just wonderful música where every, uh, anybody can sing it, from the Irish farmer to a lady who scrubs toilets in Harlem. If tu can whistle it and hum it, that's the most important thing.
Anthony: Now, when you're working do tu find, are tu in a mode where tu like to listen to a lot of other music, o you're listening to the radio and maybe picking up people's CDs. o when you're working do tu like to just kinda shut it all out and concentrate, tu know, intently on what you're doing?
Michael: I pretty much... I always know what's going on, on the radio and in clubs, that people are listening to. Even though people think I live at Neverland -- mentally I'm in Never Never land all the time -- I'm always connected. I always know what's going on in the música world, all the time. Not just in America but Internationally. tu know, all over the world. And uh, when I'm working though, I don't... I'm not in... I don't think I'm influenced por a lot of the música today. Uh, I pretty much create what I think is in my heart. Very original. I try to be as original as possible. I don't say, 'OK, I'm gonna make this a great R&B song, a great pop... I just want to make a great song.
Anthony: Like the song takes it's own form.
Michael: Yeah. Yes.
Anthony: Well, uh, Amber here on the Internet offers tu lots of amor and wonders if, um, it was fun for tu to make the rock... the tu Rock My World video.
Michael: Yes, that was a lot of fun. Uh, it was... We stayed up all night, which was very hard [giggling]. We, uh, it was fun hearing it blasted on the set on really good speakers. That's one of my favorito! things, hearing the música really loud. 'Cause I like to play música loud. I mean, it's, uh... If tu play something over the Internet o small speakers, it doesn't have the same punch. That's why tu have to buy it. tu have to buy that CD to really hear that punch. It makes a huge difference. Huge difference. There's no comparison. Buying the CD is the best thing. There's no comparison. [Interruption from host]... tu can't hear all those sounds if tu do it on a smaller system.
Anthony: And when you're, uh... So when you're out on the video set, uh, you're able to just kinda crank it up as loud as tu want?
Michael: As loud as I want.
Anthony: Very good [laughing]. Well, we have Michael Mathew from Canada. He says, "I just saw Ghosts on MTV. As always, tu are awesome, Michael. Do tu have any plans of releasing it as a DVD in America?"
Michael: Yes, it will be released as a DVD in America in it's entirety, and some of the making of Ghosts. And that was one of my most favorito! things I've ever done because it's been a dream of mine for a long time to do something like, tu know, scary but comical at the same time, and, uh, it's all the elements, just fun. 'Cause I don't want to scare people to the point where they're afraid to go to sleep. I want it to have a little twist of humor. And within the laugher there is a tear, tu know? It's fun, tu know. These ghosts, they weren't really scary, they were fun. They walked up the ceilings. Little kids were laughing at them. They were fun. tu know, we don't want to horrify them. But we gave this fat man, this Mayor, his justice, for coming into my house, which was private property, judging me. tu know.
Anthony: Absolutely. We have Cloudlee2000 who writes in and wonders, "Why did tu name the album Invincible?"
Michael: Well, invincible is something of... I think it's a proper name. It's one of the cuts on the album and I've been an artist.. uh, not to pat myself on the back but the guinness Book of World Records just listed me, uh, another time, as the artist who's had the longest stretch career 'cause since I was a little, little kid to this point with still hit records from number one records, and uh, I'm so proud and honored that I've been chosen from the Heavens, o whatever it is, to be Invincible, and to just continue to grow and to be, tu know... serve the people. It serves the people with wonderful entertainment.
Anthony: Now, one of the, tu know, the kind of conventional wisdom in the música industry is, tu know, audiences don't really have an attention span any more, tu know. If an artist stays away for too long the audience wanders off and goes somewhere else. Was that a concern of yours with coming out with a record and taking a while to work on Invincible o do you, uh, are tu convinced your fan base is still there and will be as strong as ever?
Michael: I'm, I'm ... No, the answer to your pregunta is that has never concerned me once and I've never thought of it. Because I've always known if música is truly great o if a movie is truly great, people want to see it o hear it. No matter where you, how long you've been away, o whatever the situation is. tu know, greatness is greatness and if tu really do a great job on what you're doing, people want to hear it. o they want to see it. tu know, it doesn't matter, It really doesn't. Long as you're an innovator and a pioneer, tu know. And that's the most important thing. Give them what they want to hear.
Anthony: Now Slimslady420US sends in a pregunta and wonders "which song on the Invincible album do tu think tu personally relate to the most?"
Michael: Ummm, Unbreakable.
Anthony: Talk a bit about that track. Now tu mentioned it a couple of times, I'm getting really curious about it. Could you... What could tu tell us about it?
Michael: 'Cause, uh, I' m one of the few people, probably in mostrar business, that have been through the ins and outs, tu know, of so many different things. Um, I've been through hell and back. I have, to be honest, and uh, and still I'm able to do what I do and nothing can stop me. No one can stop me, no matter what. I stop when I'm ready to stop. tu know, and uh, I'm just saying, tu know, I will continue to mover adelante, hacia adelante no matter what.
Anthony: Now we have Warful writes in, "Are tu working o planning to do any más short films for Invincible, specifically for the really fast tracks such as 2000 Watts, Heartbreaker, Unbreakable, and Invincible?"
Michael: Absolutely, and she said... Whoever dicho that dicho the right word when they dicho dicho "short films." And uh, that's what we try to make them, short films: a beginning and middle and a ending of a story. Uh, to take the medium to a new level but absolutely. There's like a an array of, an encyclopedia of just great short films to make from the album. It's very exciting. I can't wait to do Threatened. It's a kind of scary one with Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone. I can't wait to get my hands on that one.
Anthony: We have a pregunta here from Nepolian3, says his name is George really, and it says, "Michael, I think this is your most cohesive and impressive album since Thriller. Or, really, Off The Wall. What are some of your most memorable moments while recording the tracks for this album?"
Michael: Most memorable moments were, it was... of all my albums I would say this one was the toughest. 'Cause I was hardest on myself. Uh, I wrote so many songs, I don't want to say the number, just to get to uh, how many are on there, 16? Just to get to the 16 that I think are acceptable. And, um, it's the album where... I didn't have children before other albums, so I caught a lot of colds; I was sick a lot. Cause my children got [interruption from host]. So we had to stop and start again and stop and start and... constantly. But I enjoyed it very, very much.
Anthony: Now, when tu describe yourself as being tough on yourself during the recording process. How does that, tu know... what is the process that tu go to. If tu think something isn't quite what it ought to be o maybe tu could do better o tu know, maybe tu want to mover something in a new direction. tu know, what is that like?
Michael: If I truly told you, I don't know if the fans would like me anymore [giggles]. I've had musicians who really get angry with me because I'll make them do something literally several hundred to a thousand times till it's what I want it to be. Um, but then afterwards, they call me back on the phone and they'll apologize and say, "you were absolutely right. I've never played better, I've done better work, I out-did myself," is what they'll say. And I say, "That's the way it should be because you've immortalized yourself. This is here forever. It's a time capsule." It's like Michelangelo's work. tu know, it's like the Sistine Chapel, it's here forever. Everything we do should be that way, tu know?
Anthony: To try to bring it to the best possible standard that it can be.
Michael: Absolutely.
Anthony: Now Sweetpea4286 wonders, "Are there any surprises on the new album?"
Michael: Any surprises? Boy. I think it is what it is, and tu can interpret it the way tu want to interpret it. Um, but uh, that's all I can say about that. Other than some ... we will be releasing some surprise CD singles at some point -- something like that, yeah. In the future, though. That's coming up.
Anthony: Very good. I wanted to ask you, just as... in performing... and recently you've done a couple of shows, tu did a couple at Madison Square Garden and tu did a mostrar at RFK stadium, a benefit concert, and tu know, obviously, tu know, you.... live performance has been one of the things that has distinguished tu throughout your career. You've been offstage for a while. I wonder if tu could talk a little bit about what it was like to be out there again in front of an audience and, tu know, getting that opportunity to perform again.
Michael: It was, um, it's hard to explain. It was quite exciting, to feel the audience and to see them and to be accepted so warmly por them. Um, it's just an incredible feeling. It really is. They're there to support tu and to amor tu and to hear their favorito! songs and you're just standing there and they're just giving tu so much adulation and amor and the sprit is just full of love, it's wonderful. It's very emotional. It, uh, brings me to tears. It's wonderful.
Anthony: I remember in your book tu describe that like sometime on stage is when tu feel the most alive, that those are the moments that, tu know, really are the whole -- kind of the most transporting for you.
Michael: It is. It's being offstage that's difficult for me. Uh, being on stage ... either escritura música o escritura poetry, and being on stage, and watching caricaturas are my favorito! things to do in the entire world. Um, that's what brings me to life. I amor that. That's what inspires me to do what I do, tu know?
Anthony: Excellent. We have a pregunta from someone calling themself The best dancer in the world. Well, we've got tu on the line, I'm not sure that uh, we might have to contest that a little bit. But anyway, the best dancer in the world wants to know, "Michaeljackson.com dicho that jay z will appear with tu on the new album. Is that true?"
Michael: No, but we are talking about doing something in the future together.
Anthony: Is jay z an artist who's worked you've liked, is ah.. as a person, have tu spent time with him? What's your impression of him?
Michael: I think he's excellent. He has incredible rhythms, counter-rhythms. And he's just one of the newer contemporary artists that the kids really love. He's really, really great.
Anthony: We have a pregunta here from Sweden. Tony from Sweden writes in and says, "Hi Michael. You're the most amazing artist of all time. I just amor your music. Do tu want to tour, and will tu do a world tour o a European tour?"
Michael: Um, gee, we haven't thought about it much right now, but uh, I don't want to say it's not in the works. Um, we're concentrating on a lot of different things right now. But I can't quite say.
Anthony: Fine. I wanted to ask...
Michael: tu know what, in the near future I'm sure there'll be something that'll come up. In the near future.
Anthony: People should, ah, keep their eyes open for announcements on that front. We have a pregunta from Noria, describes him o herself as a 32 año old Spanish fan, escritura from Los Angeles, would like to know if tu have any plans to release any of your songs in Invincible in Spanish o any other language besides English.
Michael: Uh, as of now we haven't but that would be a great thing to do. We haven't written that off. We think it's a big market, so that's a great possibility.
Anthony: Especially for someone like your self who has a big International following -- tu know, for many people, their following is in England o in the US, but your following is very International obviously.
Michael: Thank you.
Anthony: Um, talk a bit... One of the things that was of kind of a little bit of a sensation this año was Alien Ant Farm's cover of Smooth Criminal. I wanted to see if you'd paid attention it, if you... Do tu enjoy it, o how tu felt about it.
Michael: I saw it and fell in amor with it. I loved it. I said, I just gotta have this come out. So, they wanted my permission; I saw it and I approved it and gave it a triple A, and dicho "go right ahead."
Anthony: Fantastic. It must be interesting, as a songwriter, to have other people do your songs and come up with another interpretation. What is that like?
Michael: It's a great compliment. It's a wonderful compliment. It makes tu feel worthy and that your música is reaching all the different generations. tu know, and all the different, uh... I mean, everybody's out there listening and that makes me very happy.
Anthony: Now we have a pregunta from Canada. Gary, who is 19, writes in, "What other artists did tu collaborate with on Invincible?"
Michael: What other artists did I collaborate with on Invincible...
Anthony: Do tu have any special guests.
Michael: Umm, oh yeah, Carlos Santana. He and I have done, like, a duet. He plays the guitarra and I sing and it's something that, uh, we've written. And it's really, really a nice song.
Anthony: Now had tu known him from over time o did tu meet him recently?
Michael: I've met him before, but we've been talking a lot on the phone recently. After winning his Grammy award he dicho to the press that he would like to meet me and he's ready to work with me. So everybody's been telling me that, and uh, I called him up and he dicho he really would, it would be his dream come true. And he was the nicest man. He's so kind and so spiritual. I found him to be so humble, so I dicho to myself, "We have to make this work."
Anthony: And so tu wrote a song together?
Michael: Well, there's a song that myself and two other people wrote and he was a part of it, and uh, Whatever Happens.
Anthony: Ok.. We have a pregunta from Anicia. Says, "Michael are tu a fan of Chris Tucker." Describes him being in your reciente video.
Michael: I am a huge, huge fan Chris Tucker. He makes me laugh so hard. um, I uh, I've seen all of his films, and he's just a funny guy. I like people who can make tu laugh without using vulgarity, o bad words. For the kids, they're for all different demographics, all the corners of the earth and he's just a funny guy.
Anthony: We have another pregunta from Canada. Tony, who's 17 from Canada, writes and wonders, "How long does it take tu to produce a song from the initial conception to the final recording?"
Michael: Well....
Anthony: [laughing] I guess it probably varies from...
Michael: Yeah, it does vary. And for me it's really different than most artists because I'll do a couple of songs, they'll be 5, 6, 7 o 8 o 10 of them; I'll throw them all away and start over. So, that's a difficult pregunta to ask me.
Anthony: I wonder if... is there a specific song on the album -- say Invincible -- tu know, how long... when... Do tu remember getting the first inspiration for that song and then maybe the día when tu finally said, "This is it, I've got it exactly the way I want it?"
Michael: On Invincible itself?
Anthony: umhum.
Michael: Ummm, yes. Yes. I remember having the guys go back in and create más innovative... 'Cause we don't... um, this is our thing, we don't, uh, a lot of sounds on the album that aren't sounds from keyboards, uh, that are, tu know, pretty much programmed into the machines. We go out and make our own sounds. We hit on things, we beat on things, so nobody can duplicate what we do. We make them with our own hands, we find things and we create things. And uh, that's the most important thing, to be a pioneer. To be an innovator.
Anthony: Absoluteluy. Now we have Vernay who writes to us from Newark, Delaware, the good ole USA, and Vernay says, "I'm so pleased with the new album but I was particularly touched por Speechless. What was your inspiration for this song?"
Michael: Speechless was inspired to me by, um, I spend a lot of time in the forest. I like to go into the forest and I like to climb trees. My favorito! thing is to climb trees, go all the way up to the parte superior, arriba of a árbol and I look down on the branches. Whenever I do that it inspires me for music. There are these two sweet little kids, a girl and a boy, and they're so innocent; they're the quintessential form of innocence, and just being in their presence I felt completely speechless, 'cause I felt I was looking in the face of God whenever I saw them. They inspired me to write Speechless.
Anthony: Well, that answer actually might touch on this siguiente pregunta which we have, which wonders, "Where do tu look for inspiration when tu write your songs. Does inspiration come from a variety of different places?
Michael: Well, the best songs that are written write themselves. tu don't ask for them, they just drop into your lap. Then there are those songs that, tu know, tu kind of uh, incubate. tu know, tu plant the seed, let the subconscious take its course, and within time tu hope something comes, and most the time it does. I don't believe in the concept of writer's block -- that is a bad word. tu create it when tu say it. There's no such thing. Um, like any painter o sculptor, they paint... they do their best work when they're in the 60s and their 70s. fred Astaire did his best dancing when he was in his 70s. Angelo [Michelangelo] sculpted late into his 60s and 70s, doing brilliant ingenious work. But in the música business some of these great artists have become stumped because they self-abuse themselves at a young age, with all these crazy things they drink and pills and things, and uh, that's just not good -- just not a good thing. I hate to say that to hurt anybody, but we should take care of our bodies a little more.
Anthony: Naw, I think a lot of people have realized they've damaged themselves. tu know, many people have talked about it in reciente years, tu know.
Michael: Yeah.
Anthony: We have a pregunta from Allen here who asks if tu think that Rodney Jerkins and tu have created a new sound for 2001.
Michael: For the song 2000 Watts?
Anthony: He says, "Do tu feel that tu and Rodney Jerkins, of course the producer, have created a new sound for 2001?"
Michael: 2001? Anthony: Yes
Michael: Oh. Um, that would be a nice thought, yes.
Anthony: What was it like working with him. How did tu guys meet and, tu know, how did your collaboration go?
Michael: He was this guy who went around Hollywood and around the industry saying his dream was to work with me to everybody. Then at Carol Bayer Sager's house, who's this great song writer; won several academy awards for her songwriting, said, "There's a guy I used to work with. His name is Rodney Jerkins, he's been crying to me begging to meet you. I mean, why don't tu pick up the phone and say 'hi' to him." And he came over that día and he said, "Please, my dream is to work with you. Will tu give me two weeks and I'll see what I can come up with." And uh, we ended up working together.
Anthony: And what were your impressions of him, like as just somebody... What did he bring; what did tu feel that his contribution was?
Michael: His contribution was he loves to create in the same kind of way that I like to create. But I pushed Rodney. And pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed him to create... uh, to innovate more. To pioneer more. He's a real musician. He's a real musician and he's very dedicated and he's real loyal. He has perseverance. I don't think I've seen perseverance like his in anyone. Because tu can push him and push him and he doesn't get angry. Yeah, I think he's a great guy, he really is.
Anthony: That is a great compliment.
Michael: And um, and Teddy Riely is just incredible. He's innovative too. I amor working with him.
Anthony: And tu had worked with him in the past, of course.
Michael: Yeah, he's one of my favorite... as a human being, he's one of my favorito! people in the world. He's just a really sweet, kind guy. tu know. And Rodney's very funny. tu laugh all día when you're with him. He turns his música up in the studio and he starts dancing around the room. He's fun.
Anthony: We'd like to remind everyone, you're on Getmusic. We're here talking with Michael Jackson, whose new album Invincible is out on Oct. 30th. tu can check it out at Michaeljackson.com. tu can preorder it on Getmusic.
Now we have a pregunta from ItsJackson who is really named Rachel from Connecticut, wonders "Do tu have any new dance moves that you've invented while tu were making your album?"
Michael: For the first time working on any album, I put a halt to dancing. Because I was just so engrossed and so infatuated with what I was doing um, I did something that was very unusual. But once the música started playing, of course, I started to dance. But um, uh, it's starting to now create itself and, uh, with the música playing I'm coming up with some new things. But that's coming in the future with the newer short films. They'll be seeing... they'll be seeing all kinds of innovative things and movements that have never been seen before. We'll go places where we've never gone in dance before. Cause all the hiphop things that are happening now are beginning to look like aerobics, it's kinda getting annoying.
Anthony: [laughs] We have a pregunta from Simon who, tu know, you've obviously mentioned tu know, all the people who have wanted to work with you. He wonders, "Michael who wold tu amor to do a duet with, past o present?"
Michael: Uh, if it's past, it'd be somebody like, uh, I would say Sarah Vaughn [*] o Nat King Cole. Present, I think, uh, Whitney Houston is brilliant and Barbara Striesand has a beautiful voice. tu know, those kinds of artists, they're just wonderful.
Anthony: What's your impression of some of the artists who've come on the scene just in reciente years, tu know, people like Britney Speares and Christina Aguilara. tu know, young pop stars who are obviously hugely popular. tu know, obviously, Britney participated in your mostrar at the Garden, tu know, what was your sense about her?
Michael: I think they're a new breed that are coming out. They're doing a very good job. And what impressed me más about any of these artists, like Speares and Christina, they're so determined. I've heard about the way they work. They'll work on a dance step, I mean, like, for months, and, uh.. to get it right, tu know. Uh, they're just so determined. And I've met... I've met Britney several times and she was very sweet and humble. She came to my room. We quietly talked for couple hours, and she was just, uh, like a barbie doll. She was very sweet, she was very kind.
Anthony: I imagine that someone like tu would be a kind of interesting and important resource for her, tu know. As someone who was a estrella when tu were so young, and then when... I don't think people necessarily understand what a kind of strange reality that is, tu know, within all the acclaim and the fame and the excitement, tu know, to be a kid and have all that attention focused on tu must be kind of scary also. Did tu find it that way, uh, in your own experience?
Michael: Yeah, because where ever I go, um, I disguise myself, now -- but now I can't with, 'cause, tu know, with what's going on in the world -- so I don't wear a disguise. And uh, people they just go... They really go crazy. They're very happy to see you. They feel as if they know you. tu have to respond back to them like tu know them. They feel they personally know you. My picture's on their walls, tu know, my música is playing in their house, so they grab tu and they hug tu and they touch tu and they... So I usually respond back with hugs and loves and kisses. Cause I love... I love... I truly amor my fans. Truly, truly from the heart. That's the real truth. I amor them. And the ones who are, um.... Like when we go to a certain country and they're outside, and outside they're sleeping on the calle and I throw them pillows and cover and everything. And I have my security guards buy them pizza so they can all eat, and get the candles and, tu know, we really take care of them. They're very, very, very sweet and supportive.
Anthony: Sam who is 20 years old and from Texas here in the US wonders, "Will tu release mariposas as a single? That's one of your best songs."
Michael: mariposas is, uh, is a single that's released now. It's a single now. Tell him thank tu very much.
Anthony: Great. What other plans do tu have, tu know, when you... As somebody who's been a kind of innovator in terms of making short films to accompany your songs, do tu conceptualize all that ahead of time or, tu know, do tu decide, on a kinda step por step basis, tu know, this is gonna be the siguiente single and I want to make a, tu know, a kind of visual statement to accompany it. tu know, how does that all proceed?
Michael: All right, the short film itself?
Anthony: Yeah.
Michael: Well, I let the song pretty much speak to me and I get in a room and I pretty much start making notes... tu know, I'll speak to a writer -- like Stephen King and myself, both of us wrote Ghosts, the short film Ghosts, and we just on the telephone started escritura it and let it create itself and go where it wants to go. But we try to do things that are very unusual. And it's... it's not an easy thing to do because tu have to time it with the song, and tu can't spend too much time, and the special effects can take 5 months sometimes to execute. So, it's just .. .it's kinda difficult thing and the record company's saying, "Come on, come on, come on, we have to go, we have to go." So, I understand. So we try to do the best we can in the amount of time that we can execute it in.
Anthony: We have a pregunta now, uh, Helen from Scotland says, "If tu could only perform one of your songs for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?"
Michael: Ooh, it would probably be... if I could pick más than one, up to two o three?
Anthony: yeah, I think we can go that far.
Michael: Heal The World, Speechless, um, and that's a difficult one... I think, uh.. huh... ummm, tu Are My Life.
Anthony: So, tu went for the ones that are the... the kind of, uh, the biggest statements, in a way, it seems to me.
Michael: Yeah, because, uh, the point is that they're very melodic and if they have a great important message that's kinda immortal, that can relate to any time and space, tu know.
Anthony: One of the things, actually, I wanted to ask tu is, tu know, we've had these, tu know, horrible terrorist attacks here in New York City and in Washington, DC. What is the role that tu feel, tu know, artists can play in the wake of something like that. tu know, I mean, tu did that benefits mostrar in Washington. tu know, is there... In música and in... tu know, can artists do something to help people get through what for many of us has been a very difficult time?
Michael: Yeah, tu give of yourself. tu give of your talent, of your ability... The talent that was dado tu por the Heavens. That's why we're here, to bring a sense of escapism in time of need. And, uh, if you're a painter tu paint; if you're a sculptor, tu sculpt; if you're a writer, tu write; if you're a songwriter, tu give songs; if you're a dancer, tu give dance. tu give people some amor and some... some bliss and some escapism, and to mostrar that tu truly care from the heart, and be there for them. Not just from a distance, but mostrar tu really care. tu know, take the long mile and be there for them. And that's what I did, and many others who cared and helped. And it's an important thing.
Anthony: We have a pregunta now from Chili Boy who wonders, "I've always wanted to know, how do tu come up with a dance move, and how long does it take for tu to put the choreography for a song together?"
Michael: I pretty much just get in a room and I start to dance, and uh, I don't create the dance, the dance creates itself, really. tu know, I'll do something and I'll look back... I'll look back on tape and I'll go, "Wow," I didn't realize I had done that. It came out of the drums. tu become.... Dancing is about interpretation. tu become.... tu become the accompaniment of the music. So when tu become the bajo of Billie Jean, I couldn't help but do the step that I was doing when the song first starts, because, uh, that's what it told me to do. tu know, if I turn around, spin, stop, mover my legs to the side and then lift up the collar of my shirt, that's for that moment is an accompaniment.
Anthony: I remember watching that moment on televisión and just leaping out of my chair. It's so extraordinary.
Michael: Thank tu very much.
Anthony: That was really one of the great, great moments.
Michael: It's all spontaneous movement. Nothing in that piece was, on, uh, Billie Jean, was planned but the Moonwalk. Everything else was just, tu know, improvising, really.
posted by mjfanforever22
a walk through michael's shoes isnt a easy thing to do some people think that it would be a happy walk some think that it would be a good idea to do o an exiciting thing to do for one día to take a walk though michael's shoes to see what he saw and to see the things that he did for children not just children for people journalist think that michael is a nornal person some think that it is easy being michael jackson just because they saw his inicial life hanging out with his children at inicial and having some fun playing some bored games such as monopoly and a puzzle game o too some thought that...
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Published in 2007, "Conspiracy: Inside The Michael Jackson Case", Journalist, Aphrodite Jones gives her insight on what really went down in the 2005 child molestation trial how Michael's attorney, Tom Messereau, alongside his legal team, exposed A.D.A, Tom Sneddon and the Arvizo family as dirty lowdown hustlers trying to blackmail Michael into providing them with the lifestyle they were accustomed to. In her book, Ms. Jones reveals startling information pertaining to the case and how the Arvizo family made a habit of swindling celebridades into giving them money por way making up stories about...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michael and marie start to take a walk around neverland to check if the rides are all good they start to talk about what are there favorito! things to do and what they like to do for fun as michael starts to talk about what are his favorito! rides and what he likes to do for fun marie starts to drift off and start to think she cant believe that she's hanging out with michael jackson and not a fake one that's trying to be him as marie starts to smile michael starts to wonder why she's smiling so he askes her she tells him that she is so excited to be hanging out with him and that she's so happy...
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posted by mjfanforever22
its a beautiful saturday morning at the neverland ranch as michael is standing up in front of the window while looking out the window michael starts to glaze at the trees and the césped, hierba and the birds and flores and the soft sky blue sky with not a nube in the sky with beautiful sunlight gleaming infront of him michael starts to think what he wants to do he starts to think if he wants to go outside and just take a walk around the ranch o care for the animales michael desides to just walk around the ranch and to check on the rides to see if there working properly as michael heads his way to...
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even though alot of jurnalist thought that they could acutally get through to michael por trying to ask pregunta after pregunta about him not having a childhood and then trying to sugar capa it por saying aw tu didnt have a childhood and after the interview they would bash him about it they just didnt and wont understand what its like not having a childhood and wondering if tu could find it alot of people thought that they could just try to comfort him por telling him how they felt about it o tried to say some words that he wanted to hear just so he wouldnt kick them out of his house for intance...
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posted by mj231
Sani looked at Michael's sleeping and innocent face then looked down at his curled up feet and smiled,softly canto a song in his ear "You are my michael ,my only michael. tu make me happy when skies are grey,you'll never notice how much I amor you. Please don't take my michael away ,please don't take my Michael away." she kissed his cheek and played in his hair as he dicho in a cute little voice"Sani" and turned his head and kissed her lips softly and greeted her with a warm mama hug. "Well good morning." she dicho in a sweet tone.

They got dressed and took a walk around Neverland and talked...
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It's been 3 months now, since Michael and Sani have been together and Michael wanted to smooth things out between him and George
" George, I wanna talk to you." "Come in." George didn't wanna talk , he wanted Michael más than ever "Watcha wanna talk about?" Michael told him to sit on the cama he walked up to him then dicho "George I want tu to know that I'm with someone and tu can't jeprodize that. When I dicho I amor tu that ment I amor tu as a friend not a gay boyfriend. When I say things that are affectionate,don't take it all the way ok. Because I have someone who is a friend,lover, and...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michelle starts to get excited about the surprise that michael has for her as michelle starts to get excited about the surprise that michael has she starts to think about what is it what does he have for her as a surprise as she starts to think she is thinking that its something like a collar o a watch o something michelle starts to make her way to michael's house she is still so very excited about what michael has in store for her she is still trying to guess on what is it what does he have for her surpsise as michelle comes to the gate in front of neverland she is dazeled por the beautiful...
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posted by mjpeterpan7
Rumors are that Jermaine and Janet have teamed up to prove that Michael’s will is invalid. They reportedly assert that the fact that they don’t get any money – has nothing to do with their fight.

“We just want Michael’s wishes to be granted in full. He would want his siblings to have a good portion of his estate. We were always a close-knit family. It’s what he wanted.”

“No way, they don’t get anything,” dicho an attorney for Michael’s kids. ”The kids get 40% of Michael’s money, 20% goes to charity and 40% goes to Katherine – until she passes, then that money goes to...
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posted by mj231
Meanwhile, ''Hey Michael, are tu for the party yet?'' ''Yes,I'm really waiting on tu to come'on'' he dicho straighting up his tuxedo as she came down the steps wearing a elegant black dress ''Wooow, black and beautiful'' he in amazement of seeing her actual beauty ''My complection o the dress?'' ''Everything about tu baby'' he dicho as they walked out the house to the ball. As they walked in, everyone could notice them and were amazed at the couple and mumbled about how good they looked. The women looked at Nesha with envy and the men comentó Michael and asked for autographs. But one person...
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Before Michael and I knew it, 6 weeks had passed and we were in Yokohama, Japan. We were looking for our hotel, well, I was looking for it with some help and Michael was trying his hardest to pay close attention to what the Japanese taxi driver and I were saying. Once we got to the hotel, I paid the driver and thanked him. Michael and I got our stuff out of the back and he drove off. We looked at the map I smartly brought with us and saw that there was a hospital a couple blocks away from there. We went inside the hotel and got our key (of course, I had to speak to the front escritorio manager in...
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posted by 2468244
1, 2, 3, 4
This is it, here I stand
I’m the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love, I can feel
And I know, yes for sure, it is real

And it feels as though I’ve seen your face a thousand times
And tu dicho tu really know me too yourself
And I know that tu have got addicted with your eyes
But tu say you’re gonna live it for yourself, oh

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in amor wasn’t my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on please just understand
This is it, I can say
I’m the light of the world, run away
We can feel, this is real
Every time I’m in love...
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posted by 2468244
(Tonight’s story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction
A monster has arrived in the village
The major ingredient of any recipe for fear is the unknown
And this person o thing is soon to be met
He knows every though, he can feel every emotion
Oh yes, I did forget something didn’t I? I forgot to introduce tu to the monster)

You’re fearing me ‘cause tu know I’m a beast
Watching tu when tu sleep, when you’re in cama I’m underneath
You’re trapped in halls, and my face in the walls
I’m the floor when tu fall, and when tu scream it’s ‘cause of me
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posted by 2468244
Butterflies… ah… oooooooah
All tu got to do is walk away and pass me by
Don’t acknowledge my smile when I try to say hello to you, yeah
And all tu got to do is not answer my calls when I’m trying to get through
Keep me wondering why, when all I can do is sigh
I just wanna touch you

I just wanna touch, to kiss
And I wish that I could be with tu tonight (You give me)
‘Cause tu give me mariposas inside, inside and I

All I got to say is that I must be dreaming, can’t be real
You’re not here with me, still that I can feel tu near to me, ah
I caress you, let tu taste us just so blissful...
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Mj and Evan have just come back from their walk, mike goes up to his room and take a well rested nap. Evan decides to go to the biblioteca to read. There he runs into his father Mr. Zimmerman.

" hola son." mr. Zimmerman dicho flatly. "hey dad." evan replied as he walked over to one of the bookselves to grab him a book. "hey son may I have a word with tu before tu begin reading?", " sure dad what's up?" Evan asked. " Son what I'm about to tell tu is only between tu and me.... Keep mj and your mother out of this."Mr.Zimmerman replied. "Okay." Evan dicho unsure where his dad was going with this....
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posted by yoyojackson
Today I watch a movie about Michael Jackson and his trial on Netflix, and right now, I wish I could cry. But I really don't cry for anyone but family, me, and Jesus. I mean, the haters had NO proof. This one guy started talking about cutting off Michael's pe$$is and recording it and stuff. And there was this one guy who showed up with a puppet and started making jokes! The trial is NOT funny! Michael Jackson made history, he's a icon, and he'd never touch a child's private area.

Another thing I wanted to cry about was the fans, they fighted the haters. This one 18 año old quitted school and...
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posted by House34
I wanted to write a few words..because I miss him and I have no one to talk to..I don't know..he was so wonderful..I don't need a reason to write a few words about Michael, right? :) I feel like sharing some meaningless words with his fans..

I miss him so much..

It's been so long...and I still listen to his songs :) I still buy his albums, I still look at pictures with him every día :)

Did tu guys see how big Paris is now ? Wow..I'm so happy for her..she's talking to the media, she's strong and ..She's beautiful, she is so nice :) Right?

I sometimes think of him and I picture him in different moods..now if I close my eyes I see him smiling :) his beautiful smile..

How do tu guys feel? What song are tu listening a looot lately ? I've been listening a lot to Hollywood tonight and Man in the mirror :)

posted by beautifulmoe
Girl, Close Your Eyes
Let That Rhythm Get Into You
Don't Try To Fight It
There Ain't Nothin' That tu Can Do
Relax Your Mind
Lay Back And Groove With Mine
You Got To Feel That Heat
And We Can Ride The Boogie
Share That Beat Of Love

I Wanna Rock With tu (All Night)
Dance tu Into día (Sunlight)
I Wanna Rock With tu (All Night)
We're Gonna Rock The Night Away

[2nd Verse]
Out On The Floor
There Ain't Nobody There But Us
Girl, When tu Dance
There's A Magic That Must Be Love
Just Take It Slow
'Cause We Got So Far To Go
When tu Feel That Heat
And We're Gonna Ride The Boogie
Share That Beat Of Love

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The following día at the studio
Becca was ready and she had her laptop with her. She walked into the black box and put her laptop carefully in her locker and locked it. She put her hair up in a ponytail and got her trainers out of her bag and switched her loafers out with them. Kenny saw her in there and walked in. "Oh, Becca. I'm so glad your here early." He said. She turned and saw Kenny walking toward her. "I'm always here early, Kenny. What do tu need?" She asked. "We need someone to do the dancer for Black o White today. Can tu do it?" "Black o White? Well, I'll do it. Did anyone else...
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Becca woke up a few hours later por the song 'This Place Hotel'. She knew it woke her up with the scream in the beginning. It was around 5 am and she couldn't get back to sleep. She decided, since Katherine and Joseph were asleep still and they can't feel vibrations on the floor, that she'd rehearse Thriller a bit. She flipped to Thriller on her mp3 and started dancing her part. While dancing, she didn't realize Michael was watching her from her window. He knew she shouldn't be up at this time, but this was phase 1 of his plan. He placed a note on her window and threw a rock to make sure she...
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