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posted by bigmanguy
After the disaster at disney World yesterday, I'm hoping Christian isn't too emotionally scarred. I got out of cama and went into Christian's room to wake him up. He was already awake and watching TV. I dicho "good morning buddy" and took him out of bed. I shut the TV off and he started shrieking. I dicho "okay then; I won't shut the TV off.”

I brought him downstairs and brought him some cereal. He pushed the bowl away and I asked "what's wrong? tu don't like this kind?" He climbed out of the chair and walked over to the countertop. I turned around and asked "what?" He pointed to the cookie jar and dicho "those." I stood up and dicho "you can't have galletas for breakfast silly!" He looked at me and dicho "yes!" I dicho "not this early" and he repeated "yes!"

I picked him up and tried to get him focused on something other than the cookies. I brought him back to the mesa, tabla and dicho "here's your cereal." He dicho "cookies" and I dicho "let me check to see if there's a different kind of cereal." I turned around to look in the cupboard and then I heard something hit the ground.

I looked behind me and noticed that Christian's bowl of cereal was spilled out all over the floor. I walked over to it with paper towels and started to clean up the mess. I looked up at Christian and asked "you didn't throw your bowl on the floor; did you?" He dicho "I don't want that; I want cookies!" I sighed and dicho "look at the mess tu made Christian!" He dicho "I want galletas daddy!" I dicho "I told tu no Christian."

He didn't like the idea of me telling him no and when I came back into the cocina his facial expression showed his irritation. I picked him up and cheerfully dicho "someone's grumpy. We can have galletas later; I promise!" He asked "why won't tu give me a cookie?" I dicho "because I don't want tu to have a cookie. Do tu want an apple?" He crossed his arms dicho "no!"

When I went to cama that night, I couldn't believe how out of the ordinary Christian was acting. I'm hoping a good night’s sleep will put him in a better mood. I definitely wasn't expecting what happened today. That's not like him at all.


I was just walking through the door after a long día of work, when I saw Christian and my mother in the living room. I walked in and my mother didn't look happy. I sat down siguiente to her on the sofá and asked "how was your day?" She sighed and dicho "Christian hit me today." I almost didn't want to believe her because the idea of Christian hitting anybody seemed so crazy! I asked "what did tu do about it?" She dicho "nothing; you're his father. Enforcing discipline is your job; not mine Michael. I'm going to head inicial now; see tu after the weekend."

She shut the door behind her as she left and I just stared at Christian with a blank look on my face. I didn't know what I should say o do because I didn't think I would be faced with something like this. I mover myself closer to him on the sofá and we sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes. I quietly dicho "it wasn't very nice for tu to hit grandma. Why would tu hit her?" He didn't answer me because he was distracted por the TV. I asked with an unsure tone of voice "you don't want to have to be put in timeout; do you?"

The segundo I dicho that, he burst out into tears and ran out of the room. I immediately chased after him and caught up with him at the end of the hallway. I knelt down in front of him and sincerely asked "what's wrong?" He uncontrollably shook as he continued to cry and dicho "no hit me daddy please don't!!!" I asked "hit you? Why would I do that?" I was about to pick him up when he pulled away and I felt terrible.

He ran upstairs and I walked into his room to see his feet sticking out from underneath the bed. I crawled underneath the cama and dicho "hey; it's okay Christian." He asked "you won't hit me?" My eyes started to water and I dicho "I would never hit you; EVER!" He dicho "mommy hit me when I was with her!" I pulled him out from underneath the cama and dicho "that's not what a normal mommy o daddy does Christian! tu don't have to worry about her anymore buddy! I don't think it was right for tu to hit grandma either though." He responded "I call her and say sorry." I dicho "I think that's a good idea."

We went downstairs and I dialed her phone number. I put it on speaker phone and she dicho "hello." I dicho "hi mother; it's Michael and Christian has something he'd like to say to you." Christian dicho "sorry grandma" she dicho "thank tu for saying you're sorry. I hope daddy told tu that it's not nice to hit." I dicho "I think we've come to an understanding. We'll let tu go now because I have to get cena started; bye." She dicho "goodbye; see tu Monday."


My bodyguard Tim was excited to introduce me to his sister and niece because they are in town for the weekend. I told him that he doesn't need to come into work so he will be able to spend time with his family; but he insisted on at least coming in for an hora because his sister is a huge fan of mine.

Tim, his sister, and his niece arrived at around 10 o'clock in the morning and I dicho "you must be Jessica; it's nice to meet you!" She hugged me and dicho "I've loved tu since I was a little girl! I amor the new album! I saw tu on the tour at your Louisiana show!" I dicho "thanks for supporting me; I hope tu enjoyed the show!" She dicho "of course I enjoyed the mostrar Michael!"

I looked at the little girl she held in her arms and asked "how old is she? What's her name?" Jessica dicho "this is my daughter Sarah; she turned two a few months ago." I grabbed Christian from the mesa, tabla and dicho "this is my son Christian; he turned three two weeks ago."

I put Christian on the ground siguiente to Sarah and he immediately hid behind me. I dicho "I bet Sarah would like to play with tu Christian." He clung to my leg and Jessica asked "are tu shy?" I chuckled and dicho "yeah he is." Sarah dicho "mommy bathroom" Jessica asked "can I use your bathroom Michael?" I dicho "of course tu can. It's right over there."

Afterwards, I asked "she's toilet trained already?" Jessica asked "yeah; isn't Christian?" I dicho "no; I wasn't even thinking about that." Just as we were getting into the conversation, Tim dicho "Jessica; we don't want to miss our lunch reservation." She picked up Sarah and dicho "thank tu for letting me meet tu Michael!" I dicho "I'm glad I got to meet tu too; have fun this weekend Tim." He dicho "I will Mike; thanks for the time off!"

I was getting Christian ready for cama after getting him bathed and decided to hint at getting rid of the diapers. I dicho "maybe it's time for tu to be a big boy." He looked at me like I was crazy and I asked "you don't want to learn to use the potty?" He whispered "no" and quickly tried to change the subject. He dicho "I want a snack daddy!" I quickly dicho "I'll get tu a snack in a minute. tu really don't want to be a big boy?" He didn't answer me and I dicho "well; I'd be glad if tu did! I don't think tu want to be wearing those anymore; do you? Those are for babies; don't tu want to be a big boy?" He whispered "no" again and I decided to drop it to think about it for a while.


I was woken up por a knock at the door. I came downstairs and answered the door. I was shocked to see Rosemary standing there. I immediately asked "you're not going to take him back are you?" "She laughed and dicho "of course not Michael; I'm just required to make a surprise evaluation to make sure I made the right decision with letting tu adopt Christian. I'm supposed to give tu an in-depth background of Christian's history. I figured I would come stop por unexpectedly early enough in the morning; so Christian isn't awake yet. I only need to ask him a few preguntas when he wakes up and until then tu and I can have a conversation about his past."

I got the two of us some coffee and we went into the living room. I have to admit that I'm curious to hear about where Christian came from and how he got to the point of being in foster care. I passed her the cup of coffee and she looked like she was about to cry. She dicho "first of all, I can't thank tu enough for taking Christian and giving him the inicial that he deserves because I have a feeling he would've been at the orphanage for a long time if it wasn't for you!!!" I hugged her and dicho "you don't have to thank me! I amor Christian and I don't regret pursuing adoption.

Rosemary cleared her throat and dicho "alright; I will warn tu that some parts of Christian's past are going to be hard for tu to hear; but I think it's important for tu to know just in case he asks tu preguntas one day. I took a deep breath and dicho "okay; go ahead."

She dicho "Christian's mother had him a few months after she turned 18 and she was living with her mother at the time. Melissa was always in and out of trouble with the law. Her mom kicked her out with Christian and she decided to mover into a three-bedroom place with a guy who would later become her boyfriend Adam. Everything was good for the first six months of Christian's life; but then Melissa seemed to get sick of being a mother." I asked "what about Christian's biological father? I saw the picture of him in the folder of all his information." Rosemary dicho "that picture was the only thing we were able to find of him. We don't know where he is. We don't know if he's alive o dead. We don't know if he's a good man o if he's like Melissa. We don't even know if he knows that Christian exists.

It was stunning to me to find out that there is so little known information about Christian's biological father. I asked "how did Christian end up in the orphanage?" She dicho "the neighbor siguiente door to Melissa's house reported hearing crying for hours coming from the house. She dicho she thought she had seen Christian looking out the window and crying. She alerted us and we went over there. We had to get a buscar warrant to get inside the house because Melissa wouldn't let us in and that's when we realized she had locked Christian in the bathroom while she got drunk to the point of disorientation! We estimate that he was stuck there for close to 24 hours. We think she got fed up with taking care of him and totally forgot about him."

Tears streamed down my face and I dicho "that's horrible! That woman is so demented! I can't believe she would do that to her own son!" She dicho "okay; enough about this! Why don't tu take me to Christian's room to see if he's awake yet; so I can ask him a few questions." I wiped the tears away and walked upstairs as she followed behind me.

I walked into Christian's room with Rosemary and she dicho "wow Michael; this is the coolest room I've ever seen! Christian is one lucky kid!" I picked Christian up and whispered "wake up buddy!" He opened his eyes and looked at Rosemary. She dicho "hi Christian; do tu remember me?" Christian dicho "hi" and I put him down on the floor. He started playing with his toy racetrack and I sat down on the floor siguiente to him with Rosemary. She asked "do tu like it here with Michael Christian?" He dicho "yeah; he's my daddy." She asked "does daddy take good care of you?" He dicho "yeah; he does!" She asked "what's your favorito! thing about having a daddy Christian?" He leaned in to give me a kiss and dicho "kisses and hugs!" Rosemary laughed and I asked "what's so funny?" She dicho "I honestly can't believe that he just gave tu a kiss Michael! Never in 1 million years did I think this shy little boy would ever be open to a parent's affection; let alone just walk up to tu and randomly give tu a kiss! His speech is getting so much better and whatever tu doing is working. He's come so far since the last time I saw him and that's all because of you! I'm más than comfortable with my decision to let tu adopt him permanently!"

Rosemary got off of the floor and dicho "I better get going now because I have to catch my flight back to London." I asked "will tu be checking in again?" She dicho "no; I trust tu Michael. I guess this is the last time I'll be seeing tu o Christian." Both of us gave her a hug and I dicho "it won't be the last time; we'll visit tu one day!" We waved goodbye to her and started our day.


I had been dreading the día when Christian would need a haircut because I have a feeling he's not going to like the idea of scissors near his face. I invited my hair stylist Karen Faye over because I knew I would need her help. Christian was watching TV in the living room and moving his hair out of his face.

Christian was sitting on the floor with his back up against the sofá and I gestured for Karen to slide onto the sofá and try cutting his hair without him noticing. She was a few snips in when he realized that she had scissors in her hand. He ran behind me and I dicho "it's okay; I just want tu to have your haircut!" He looked at the scissors as if they were daggers and I picked him up.

I sat down on the floor with him on my lap and dicho "just cut his hair as fast as tu can Karen.” He started squirming in my arms as I dicho "it's okay buddy!" I felt absolutely terrible as I had to hold him down so she could cut his hair. I only did it because I didn't want him to get poked in the eye.

Once she was done cutting his hair, I looked at Christian and dicho "you look so cute!" That wasn't so bad!" I don't think Christian was very happy with me because he didn't say anything to me until after Karen had left. I was sitting on the floor in front of him while he sat on the sofá and watched TV.

Out of nowhere, Christian smacked me on the back of my head! I turned my head to look behind me and dicho "that wasn't nice Christian! tu need to say you're sorry because I told tu it's not nice to hit." He crossed his arms and dicho "no!" I dicho as I continued to look back at him "you need to say you're sorry Christian!" He dicho "no" again and I really didn't know what to do.

I thought about it for a few segundos and got off of the floor. I dicho "alright then; I guess it's time for a timeout." I picked him up and once he saw that I was actually bring him to a chair in the kitchen, he dicho "I'm sorry daddy; I'm sorry!" Part of me wanted to believe that he was actually sorry; but I knew deep down that he was just saying that because he didn't want to have a timeout.

I pulled the chair out from the mesa, tabla and placed him in it. I looked at him and dicho "it's not nice to hit people Christian!" He started crying and I felt awful. I started the timer on the microwave and dicho "three minutos Christian." As I stood there at the counter a few feet away from the table, Christian cried "daddy; I'm sorry daddy! I amor tu daddy! I be good!" It took all the willpower I had to ignore him because I was on the verge of tears!

When the timer finally beeped, I walked over to the chair and asked "do tu know why you're in timeout Christian?" He dicho "it's not nice to hit daddy! I'm sorry daddy!" I hugged him as I picked him up and dicho "thank tu for saying you're sorry. Do tu still amor me even though I put tu in timeout?" He dicho "yeah" and kissed my cheek.


I heard Christian walked downstairs this morning and dicho "come here buddy." He walked into the living room and I had shopping bags in front of me on the floor. He sat down siguiente to me on the floor and I dicho "wait until tu see what I got you!" I opened one of the bags and asked "what would tu think if I told tu that I threw out all your diapers? He dicho "no tu didn't!

He went to the place where I usually keep them and when he noticed that I was serious, he looked at me with a blank look on his face. I took some of the Mickey ratón underwear out of one of the bags and dicho "look buddy; Mickey!" He just looked so distraught and I picked him up to comfort him. I know because of his past I can't make this into a negative thing if it's going to work.

I sat him on my lap and sat down on the sofá as I dicho "it's okay buddy! I promise tu that it's not going to be the end of the world! Look, don't tu want to be a big boy?" He started crying and I dicho "look at how cool these are!" He shook his head no and dicho "diaper!" I excitedly dicho "big boy" and he dicho "I'm scared daddy!" I asked "of what; these?"

I picked up the underwear and dicho "these aren't anything to be scared of!" I put them on my head and he started to laugh and I joked "what's so funny?" I brought him into the bathroom and explained to him that there wasn't going to be any más diapers and he didn't want to hear that at all. It was hard enough to convince him to wear the underwear; I don't think I really know what I just got myself into.

There was a knock at the door in the midst of all this; so I went to answer it. It was Frank and he dicho "I brought the book cover for your book Michael; so tu can see what it will look like! Why do tu have Mickey ratón underwear on your head?" I reached my hand up to the parte superior, arriba of my head and realized that they were still there. I laughed and dicho "it's a long story!"

Christian came into the cocina and dicho "diaper!" I dicho "I told tu buddy; tu don't need those anymore!" He started crying again and Frank dicho "on that note I think it's time for me to get out of here; good luck with that Michael." Just as he dicho that, I noticed that Christian was soaked. Frank chuckled and dicho "I told tu that tu weren't cutout for parenting Mike" as he shut the door.

I dicho "uh –oh; that's why you're supposed to tell daddy when tu have to go! It's no big deal buddy; we'll try again siguiente time." He dicho "I don't like this daddy!" I dicho "like I said, that's why tu have to tell me siguiente time!"

I invited my sister Latoya over for lunch because she hasn’t gotten a chance to really get to know Christian. I had ordered lunch because I didn't want her to have to wait for me to cook anything. Christian was just coming downstairs after taking a nap when Latoya finally pulled into the driveway.

I let her inside and she helped me set the mesa, tabla for the Chinese comida that I had ordered. I dicho "Christian; time to eat buddy." He slowly walked into the cocina and asked "can I sit on your lap daddy?" I lifted him onto my lap and moved his plate of comida in front of him. He looked at Latoya and I dicho "this is your aunt Latoya Christian." He waved at her and started to act shy.

He was barely touching his comida and I dicho "you have to eat Christian." He dicho "I don't want this." He dropped his fork on the floor and Latoya got up to grab him a new one. She brought it back to the table; but Christian was still refusing to eat. I tried feeding him because I want to be a fun dad; I don't want everything to end up with him being in trouble. I've only had to put him in timeout once and I don't really want to have to resort to that again.

He just kept pushing the fork away and I looked at Latoya as she dicho "I think he's adjusted to having a daddy Michael." I asked "I know tu don't have kids; but do think it's normal for him to act like this? He only acts this way when he wakes up from a nap. It's definitely not like him to be like this." She dicho "I think he's just getting used to having a daddy and I have a feeling he wants to test tu to see what he can get away with. It's just part of being a three-year-old Michael. Every three-year-old challenges their parents’ authority over them at some point. I don't think he's going to act like that for very long because if he's as sweet as tu say he is he won't want to frustrate you."

Christian grabbed the fork out of my hand and started eating because I think he realized that he wasn't doing what I wanted him to do. I dicho "thank tu for eating buddy." Latoya asked "what's your schedule like this week Michael?" I dicho "I have an interview with 'Jet’ magazine tomorrow and then I'm heading to New York for a couple of days por myself because I have a meeting with a publishing company to talk about my autobiography." She asked "what is the magazine interviewing tu for?" I dicho "I'm hoping that it's just a small interview because I want to introduce Christian to my fans and I want the tabloids to stop harassing me. They all want to get a picture of Christian because word has gotten out that I've adopted him and I figured if I let the magazine feature the two of us on the cover they'll leave us alone. I just want Christian to have a normal life and I want the paparazzi to stop harassing him because he's just a kid." Latoya asked "who is going to watch Christian while you're in New York?" I dicho "mother is out of town for a mes because she and Joseph went on vacation; so my hair stylist Karen is going to watch him for me." Latoya asked "how do tu think Christian's going to handle being away from tu for two days? He hasn't been away from tu overnight since tu adopted him." I dicho "I don't know if I'm going to tell him until after I'm in New York because I just can't handle hearing him cry! He should be fine during the día because I usually don't see him until I get inicial from work every día around 5 o'clock. When it's time for him to go to cama at night he might be a little worried because I won't be there to tuck him in like I always am. Karen will know that I'm only a phone call away if she needs me! If she needs me to come back I'll be on the siguiente flight back here as fast as I can."


I looked at my watch because I was worried that the "Jet" magazine journalist and photographer would arrive at the ranch within minutes. I was in the middle of debating with Christian. I sat on the bathroom floor and Christian just looked absolutely terrified. It's all his mother's fault that this is so difficult for him. I think my approach of trying to be extremely positive about toilet training him isn't going to be enough. After lectura some parenting books, they say that if it doesn't start to work within the first few weeks I should probably take a break. I hate to say it; but I think it's time for a break.

Christian started crying and dicho "don't leave me in here por myself daddy! Don't lock me in here!" I sympathetically dicho "sweetheart; I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying right here and I promise tu that I won't lock tu in here like your mother did!" He dicho "I'm not ready for this!" I dicho "okay, okay, but tu have to promise to tell me when tu are ready."

I had a feeling that something like this would happen; so I didn't end up throwing out the diapers like I had told him I did. I was hoping that if he didn't think they were there he would be más prepared to use the bathroom instead; but I guess I was wrong. I quickly changed him back into them and he reassured me that he wasn't ready por saying "not a big boy yet daddy." I dicho "that's okay Christian."

The journalist and I photographer from "Jet" magazine knocked on the front door and I opened it up. One of the men introduced himself as he dicho "hi; I'm Andrew. I'm so glad tu decided to discuss Christian for the first time publicly with the interview in our magazine Michael."

Before we started the interview, the photographer took a bunch of pictures of me with Christian; so there would be a lot to choose from to use in the magazine. Christian was surprisingly patient with having his picture taken so many times in a row. I didn't expect him to be okay with these two people that he never met before because he’s usually so shy.

Afterwards, I sat down with Christian on my lap and Andrew across from me; so he could ask me preguntas for the interview. He asked "how did tu come to the decision that tu needed to permanently adopt Christian?" I dicho "I just felt like I was meant to be his father and I couldn't leave him with his mother; she was just awful!" Andrew asked "what's the best part about being a father?" I dicho "being able to make him smile and when he just randomly walks up to me to give me a kiss and hug out of nowhere; for no reason at all!" Andrew asked "what did it feel like when he called tu daddy for the first time?" I dicho "to be completely honest, he brought me to tears when he called me daddy for the first time." He asked "why did he make tu cry?" I dicho "I didn't cry right away; I waited until he was asleep. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and reality just hit me. I dicho to myself 'I'm officially his daddy now!!!' I just burst out into tears because I knew I didn't have to worry about wondering if he was okay. I had no idea if his mother was even taking care of him when I had to give him back to her. When I finally did get him back, I felt terrible because he was in horrible condition." He asked "how would tu describe your parenting style Michael? Are tu a strict dad?" I laughed and dicho "no; I've only enforced any kind of discipline with Christian once so far and that was tearing me apart! I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I disciplined him for every little thing! Plus, he's a really well behaved little guy. I don't really have to deal with him giving me issues. He has the occasional moment where I can tell he's thinking 'oh; I wonder if he’ll let me get away with this.'" Andrew laughed and asked "have tu mastered the 'you better not do that’ look Michael? Do tu do the 'I'm going to give tu until the count of three and tu better not let me get to three’ thing?" I chuckled and dicho "no; I don't do the whole counting thing! I'll definitely have to try that look tu were talking about one day. I've always wondered if that actually works!" He asked "if tu had to pick the worst part about being a father, what would it be?" I dicho "that's a hard pregunta for me to answer because I enjoy pretty much everything about being a father; but I’d probably have to say it would be having to leave him for any amount of time. I always miss him so much; even if it's just for a few hours a día while I'm working." Andrew dicho "thank tu so much for letting me interview tu Michael!" I dicho "you're very welcome. I think they're going to leave now Christian; I'll make tu something for lunch because tu must be hungry! That took a lot longer than I thought it would."


I leave for New York tomorrow and I'm just enjoying some quality time with Christian. I had bought some double stuffed Oreo galletas and they were on the cocina counter. Last night, I was up lectura parenting libros in hopes that I would find some más toilet training tactics; but I guess I'm going to have to figure out something on my own. I know I'm supposed to be giving him a break and I think he's glad that I'm not asking him every five minutos if he has to go; but I know that he's más than ready. He will literally tell me that he needs to be changed before he even goes; which in this case isn't a good thing. I just wish his mother never locked him in a bathroom! Why would she do that to him? She's the reason why he's still wearing those diapers at three years old!

Anyway, Christian had just finished eating cena about 20 minutos hace and I was doing dishes in the cocina when he walked in. He walked up to the counter that he can barely see over the parte superior, arriba of and saw the package of galletas sitting there. He asked "can I have galletas daddy?"

I put the dish I was washing back inside the sink and looked over at the cookies. I looked at Christian and dicho "I'm sorry buddy; tu can't." He asked "why not?" I picked him up and dicho "because those galletas are only for big boys." He looked like he wanted those galletas so much and I felt like maybe this might work. I lightly teased him as I dicho "oh; it's too bad tu don't want to use the potty because I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy these galletas all por myself." He stuttered with a look of shock on his face as he dicho "but, but, but that's a lot of galletas daddy; tu can't eat all those por yourself! Maybe I could just have one!" I had to hold back my laughter as I dicho "I'm sorry; these are only for big boys Christian. tu could go use the potty so tu can have some." He sighed and dicho "no; that's okay daddy! tu can eat them!" I put him down on the ground and he walked back into the living room.

I stood there at the counter and dicho to myself "come on Mike; that almost worked!” I thought for sure the galletas would work. I dicho "time for plan B; it's not considered teasing him with the galletas if I'm doing it for a good cause." I poured some of the galletas in a bowl and walked into the living room.

I sat down siguiente to Christian on the sofá with the bowl of galletas and that immediately caught his attention. He watched me start to eat one of them and I dicho "wow; these are good!" He tried to grab one of the galletas and I dicho "I'm sorry Christian; tu can't have these!" I could tell that he was debating it back and forth in his mind. He complained "I can't go daddy!" I joked "oh; that's too bad that tu can't; because all it would take is a few minutos and these galletas would be yours. I think he was getting frustrated with me because he could tell that I was deliberately making those galletas seem amazing. That didn't work either because he just went upstairs to his room. He is definitely making this difficult!


I was just returning to the hotel after meeting with the company that's publishing my book and the phone started ringing as soon as I entered the room. I answered it and my hair stylist Karen dicho "thank God tu finally picked up Michael!" I asked concerned "why; what's wrong?" She asked "will tu talk to your son? I can't get him to go to sleep. I told him you're in New York and that you'll be back tomorrow night before he goes to bed; but he keeps crying for tu Michael."

I could hear her pass Christian the phone and he was sobbing. I asked "what's wrong Christian?" He asked "where are you? You're not here to give me good night kisses" I dicho "I know buddy; but I had to do something for work! I'll be back before tu have to go to cama tomorrow." He continued to cry and I started to sing to him the lyrics of "smile."

A few minutos later, Karen picked up the phone again and whispered "he's asleep Michael; thanks!" I dicho "no need to thank me. I knew he would have a meltdown when he realized I wasn't going to be inicial por tonight. It's getting late; so I'll see tu tomorrow when I get back. She dicho "bye Michael" and I hung up the phone.


I walked through the door of the house and Karen dicho "I just put him to bed; but he might still be awake because he wanted to wait for you." I dicho "okay; thanks for watching him for me. Have a good weekend Karen." She dicho "you're welcome Michael; I'll watch him anytime! I hope tu have a good weekend too!" She shut the door behind her and I started to make my way upstairs with my bags.

After bringing my suitcase to my room, I walked down to Christian's room to see if he was still awake. When I walked in there, his cama was empty and that made me panic. I started looking everywhere upstairs and dicho "Christian." I went back into my room and I could hear whining coming from down the hall. I exited my room and followed the noise down the hall.

It led me to the bathroom and I pushed open the door. Christian was standing at the sink and trying to wash his hands. I don’t think he saw me there watching him and I dicho “hey buddy; what are tu doing in here?” He asked “daddy can I have cookies?” I dicho “I told tu buddy, tu can’t have those unless tu use the potty.” He dicho “but I did!!!” I walked over to the toilet and realized that he wasn't just saying that to trick me into giving him Oreos. I looked over at him with a stunned look on my face and dicho "oh my God; tu really did go."

I excitedly picked him up and dicho "THAT'S MY GOOD BOY! I KNEW tu COULD DO IT!!!" He started laughing at my excitement and asked "I did good daddy?" I dicho "very good; I still can't believe tu actually went potty! What happened? I thought tu didn't want to be a big boy Christian!" He dicho "I wanted to make tu proud of me and I want those galletas a lot!" I laughed and dicho "well, I'm definitely proud of you! Do tu know how long I’ve wanted tu to do that Christian? I'm so proud of you! tu have no idea how happy I am right now buddy!"

He loved having me be so ecstatic over him going to the bathroom. What he dicho siguiente completely shocked me. He dicho "daddy I don't need those diapers anymore because I'm ready to be a big boy!" I dicho "thank God; I was worried I'd never be able to get tu to give those up! I'm seriously SO proud of tu right now buddy! I didn't expect to come inicial to tu wanting to be a big boy! It wasn't as scary as tu thought it would be; was it buddy?" He dicho "no; but I missed tu and I wanted tu to be here daddy!" I dicho "I know buddy; I can't believe I missed it! If tu had waited about five más minutos I would've been here. I won't miss the siguiente time buddy! Let's go get tu some of those cookies!"

After he had eaten the cookies, I brought him into his room and put him into bed. I covered him with the blankets and knelt down siguiente to the bed. I dicho "I know tu were really scared to be in the bathroom; but I'm so proud of tu for going potty!" He gave me a kiss and he whispered "I did it daddy!” I shut off the light and dicho "yes tu did; big boy!!!" He dicho "I amor you!" I responded "I amor tu más Christian" as I walked out of his room and into mine.
 the "Jet" magazine with Michael and Christian on the cover
the "Jet" magazine with Michael and Christian on the cover
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Source: Steady-Laughing.com:Photo Gallery
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Source: Steady-Laughing.com:Photo Gallery
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