michael jackson Club
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Chapter 14,

April 13, 2007,

We've been here in Las Vegas for about two months now and just moved into a rental house a week and a half hace because we had been living in a hotel. AEG entertainment division is paying all our bills until we get moving on the whole "Michael Jackson hotel" as planned last year.

It was 12 o'clock at night and I was wide awake because I had taken a nap earlier. I looked out the window and walked back and forth. I dicho to myself "this is so boring, I need something to do!" I looked back out the window and then looked at my bedroom door. I walked out of my room and down the hall to peek into dad's bedroom. He was fast asleep with his mouth wide open and snoring. I gently shut his bedroom door so he wouldn't wake up and went back into my bedroom. I looked at the rhinestone studded mask that was laying on a chair and then I went to my closet so I could change out of my pajamas.

I got dressed in a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees and a Kobe Bryant baloncesto jersey. I kicked off my slippers and put on my sneakers that I wear when I go skateboarding. I put on my LA Lakers hat; facing backwards like usual I grabbed my skateboard that was leaning up against the wall. I remove my hat because I decided to see if my fohawk was looking okay. I took one last look at the mask and shook my head to snap myself out of it.

I walked downstairs and snuck into the basement because I didn't want the security guards to notice me on the cameras. I knew that if I was going to be able to sneak out of the house than that was the way because that door could only be opened from the inside so there was no reason for there to be security cameras in that area. This is my first time ever attempting to sneak out of the house and I was not about to let my nerves get to me!

The moment I shut the door to the back gate, I took a sigh of relief and booked it down the calle because I didn't want to leave time for someone to notice me. Once I knew I was a far enough distance away so no one would suspect that I was gone, I stopped to catch my breath. I drop my skateboard down and climbed onto it. I revved up speed with my foot and started skating down the hill.

I had skated all the way down to the beginning of the Vegas strip but; I knew that if I went beyond that point I would for sure be caught because minors aren't allowed because of various reasons. I turned back to go back the way I came and saw another street. I decided that I would go down there to see what was on the other side.

When I got to the end of the calle there was a group of kids roughly around my age I'm guessing and they were spray painting the side of a building. One of the guys turned around and noticed me. He dicho "you better not snitch on us dude!" I'm assuming that he thought I was a guy because of the way I dress but; it doesn't bother me! I've dressed in boys clothing since I was two years old!

I decided that I should get out of there because I didn’t know what this boy would say o do next. There was a boy standing siguiente to him with shaggy hair (pretty much like a Justin Bieber style haircut) who dicho "whoa; chill man! tu know that's a girl; right?" He quickly smiled at me and flipped his hair. I barely smiled at him as I skated away. I did a few skateboard moves and I could hear him say to his friend "I've never seen a girl who can skateboard like that!" As I skated home, I couldn't get that boy off my mind!

May 4, 2007,

I was upstairs in my room sleeping and it was one in the afternoon. Now that am 13 years old I like to spend my time during the día sleeping like most teenagers do. Dad came into my room and flickered the light on and off. He dicho "come on AJ; it's time to get up!" I covered my head with my almohada and rolled over. I was laying on my stomach when he came over and patted me on the back. He dicho "come on; wake up kid!" I groaned "no; I'm tired still!" He dicho "you wouldn't be so tired if tu didn't stay up till 4 AM playing video games." I dicho "I had to unlock a certain achievement before I could save the game! o else I would've had to keep the Xbox on all night long and it would've overheated!"

Dad tickled my feet and I dicho "stop it; I'm trying to sleep!" He moved the almohada off of my face and continued to tickle my bare feet that were sticking out of the bottom of my comforter. I turned my head away as I started smile and laugh. He asked while giggling "is that a smile I see; right there?" I put the almohada over my feet and he asked "do tu want me to pour water on you?" I didn't answer him because I thought he was joking and got back into a comfortable position.

He came back into the room but; I didn't really hear him because I was falling back asleep. The siguiente thing I knew; dad threw a tall glass of ice cold water on my head. I point my eyes and spit water out of my mouth. He laughed and dicho "that must have woken tu up!" I was going to get mad at him but; then I paused and started cracking up! I dicho as I stood up "oh; tu asked for it now!" He ran for it and I chased him down the stairs with a sharpie marker in my hand. Dad dicho while laughing "Alanna no; I have a meeting later; no!"

I saw that Prince was standing there and I dicho "Prince; hold his arms down so I can draw a mustache on his face!" Prince held dad's arms down so he couldn't swat the marker away and I drew a dark handlebar mustache under his nose with the permanent marker! Dad couldn't help but laugh as he stared at the mustache in the reflection on the microwave. I dicho "throw water on me again and see what happens!" He messed up my hair and asked while chuckling "what am I going to do with tu AJ?" I can only imagine the awkward looks he got from the AEG executives today at his meeting when he showed up with a sharpie mustache on his face!

June 11, 2007,

Since I was able to sneak out of the house a few weeks hace without getting caught I thought I would do it again tonight because there's nothing better to do here. I did the exact same thing that I had done last time to get out of the house and then started skating down the calle on my skateboard. I went back down the alley way and once again; the same group of guys was spray painting the same building. I didn't say anything at first and then the shaggy haired boy threw an empty spray paint can behind him.

I picked up the empty can and slowly walked up behind them. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. He looked shocked to see me and dicho "hey; you're the girl that can skateboard!" I passed him the can of spray paint and he looked at me confused as he asked "what are tu giving me this for? It's empty." I rolled my eyes and dicho "you shouldn't litter! It's bad for the earth!" He looked at me feeling guilty and dicho "oh yeah; I didn't think about that part." He looked down at my skateboard and asked "so… tu can shred?" I dicho "yeah; I'm pretty good I guess." He looked at his friend and dicho "you should come down to the patinar, skate park with us tonight! They just opened it a few weeks ago, it's really sick!" I hesitated to say "um… I don't.... tu know what; I'll go with tu guys!"

As we walked down the street, the four boys and I started talking. I looked at the shaggy haired boy and asked "so; what's your name?" He dicho "Damien Hayes and yours is?" I dicho "AJ." He asked "what's that short for?" I dicho "Alanna" and he asked "what the J stand for?" I kind of panicked inside because I knew that things would be totally different if I told him that the J stood for Jackson! For starters I didn't want him to treat me differently because of who my father is and secondly, I didn't want dad to find out that I have been sneaking out of the house. I dicho "Jamie" and he dicho "oh; I wasn't expecting that to be your name." He pointed to each one of his friends and dicho "this is Colton, Brandon, Chase, and Sketch. Don't worry; Sketch isn't his real name." I gave him a confused look and asked "why do tu guys call him Sketch?" Damien dicho "because he draws all the outlines for the buildings we spray paint." I dicho "oh" as we walked into the entrance of the patinar, skate park.

My jaw dropped as soon as I saw how awesome this patinar, skate park was! There must've been over 50 different ramps and railings! I looked at Damien and dicho "wow, tu weren't kidding when tu dicho this place is sick!" He dicho "dude, you've got to mostrar me what you've got!" I dicho "okay" as I got on my skateboard and slid down a railing in between two staircases. Then I went over to a tunnel and skated through it, doing a few flips at the end. He dicho "I can honestly say that I've never seen a girl skateboard as well as tu can! Come to think of it; I don't think I've ever seen a girl skateboard until now; other than on TV that is."

I skated with all the guys for a while and then Damien and I broke off from the group. He asked "do tu want to get something to snack on at the convenience store a few blocks away from here?" I dicho "sure" because all this skateboarding made me really hungry. He looked at his friends and dicho "we'll be right back guys; we’re going to get something to eat." Colton dicho "bring me back some…" Damien looked at him and jokingly dicho "no way man! What do tu think I am; a waiter?" With that just Damien and I left the patinar, skate park to head for the store.

The two of us slowly made our way back from the store after I had gotten chips and a blue Gatorade. He had gotten some sort of energy drink and a king size pack of maní, cacahuete mantequilla cups. We left the store and sat down at a picnic mesa, tabla in a gazebo. He asked "so; how old are you?" I dicho as I opened my bag of chips "I turned 13 in March, how about you?" He dicho "I'll be 15 this year." He asked "so, did tu just recently mover to Vegas?" I dicho "yeah; my dad moved us out of here for work." He asked "do tu have any brothers o sisters? I have a sister named Raven, she's nine and she is really annoying!" I dicho "yeah; I have two brothers and a sister. Mine are really annoying too; so I understand how tu feel!" He asked "what about your mom?" I dicho "I know I have a mom but; I don't know who she is yet." He dicho "my dad doesn't live with us either. He left right after my sister was born and we haven't seen him since. My guess is that he's gotten himself in trouble and is locked up somewhere." I asked "what time is it?" Damien looked down at his watch and dicho "one in the morning; why?" I dicho "damn; I should probably get inicial just in case my dad decides to wake up and check on me!" Damien dicho as I got up from the picnic bench "you snuck out of the house?" I dicho "yup" and threw my empty chip bag in the trashcan siguiente to me. As I ran down the street, Damien yelled "sneak out tomorrow and meet us at the patinar, skate park so we can hang out again!" I shouted back "I will" as I dropped my skateboard to the ground and skated off into the distance.

August 10, 2007,

Over the past few weeks, I've snuck out of the house every single night to hang out with Damien and the other guys. I find it really funny that dad hasn't caught me yet because he's really hard to fool. I'm starting to get really confident that he won't ever catch me! During the día actually; my behavior hasn't been as bad as it usually is and dad loves that. My grades have improved a lot and I think he's let his guard down.

We were all sitting in the living room watching TV in the afternoon and dad dicho "you know AJ; I've been meaning to tell tu that I'm really impressed por your behavior lately! I mean; I haven't had to put tu on punishment in over a mes and for tu that's a new record!" I dicho "thanks" while desperately holding back a smile because of how clueless he is! I asked "can I ask tu a hypothetical pregunta dad?" He dicho "sure; go ahead!" I dicho "would it be awkward for a 13-year-old to fecha a 15-year-old? Keep in mind that this is purely out of curiosity because I was watching a movie where an older guy was dating a younger girl." He dicho "no; I guess it wouldn't be that weird just as long as the guy treats the girl with respect. What movie was this from?" I dicho "I can't remember, I caught a glimpse of it when I was flipping through the channels." He dicho "oh okay; I was just wondering" and brushed it off.

August 12, 2007,

I was just arriving at the patinar, skate park when I spotted the guys. I ran up to them with my skateboard in my hand and dicho "hey guys!" Damien immediately got excited and dicho "hey; I was worried tu wouldn't mostrar up!" Brandon joked "why? AJ always comes here at 11. Why are tu so excited man?" Damien quickly punched him in the crotch and dicho "cup check!" We all burst out laughing as Brandon fell to the ground groaning in pain.

The siguiente thing I know; Damien's cell phone started ringing and he picked it up. He dicho as he talked to the person on the other end of the call "why? Do I have to? She's so annoying! Can't tu just switch shifts with one of your coworkers? Well; can I at least bring one of my friends inicial to sit there with me until tu get back? Okay; thanks… I'll be there in 15 minutes!" I asked confused "who was that?" He dicho "that was my mom and she dicho I have to go inicial to watch my sister while she is doing a night shift at the hospital that she works in." I dicho "oh; that sucks!" He dicho while smiling "not exactly." I asked "what do tu mean?" He dicho "she dicho that I could invite a friend over to hang out with me until she gets back and I wanted to know if tu wanted to come with me for about three hours?" I was shocked that he wanted to hang out with me but; I dicho "hell yeah I will!" We waved goodbye to the other guys and started walking to his house.

About 10 minutos later, we showed up at this average sized modern inicial and Damien took out his house keys so he could open up the door. We both walked inside and there was a brown haired woman standing at the cocina counter. Damien dicho "mom; this is my friend AJ! She's a tomboy and an awesome skateboarder!" His mom shook my hand and dicho "nice to meet you! My name is Kate. I have to leave now and don't forget to make sure that tu two are quite because Raven is sleeping upstairs!" Damien rolled his eyes and dicho "I know mom!" His mother left carrying her car keys in her hands.

I followed him into the living room and he turned on the TV. He looked over at me and stared at my hat. He dicho "I just noticed that I haven't seen tu without a hat on before!" He started tugging at my hat and then pulled it off my head. He dicho "I didn't know that tu have blonde hair o a mohawk!" I laughed and dicho "it's not a mohawk; it's a fauxhawk!" He dicho "so what? It's pretty much the same thing!" We joked back and forth about how one another were correct and then he turned on the nintendo Wii that was set up siguiente to the TV.

Damien started up a bowling game and passed me a controller. We played two games; I won the first and he won the second. I dicho "we have to do a tiebreaker now to see who actually wins!" He looked at me with a gleam in his eye and dicho "alright; but do tu want to make this más interesting?" I raised my eyebrows and asked "in what way?" He dicho "loser kisses the winner." I dicho "sure" and he started a new game.

I have to admit that I was hoping and praying that I would win because I didn't want to make the first move. I think we both knew por now that the two of us had crushes on each other but; when he dicho that; it definitely caught me off-guard. I've never really kissed a guy before but; I wasn't about to let Damien find that out! I was determined to win and nothing was going to get in my way!

After about 20 minutos of playing, I had the last mover and the two of us have the exact same score. I rolled my last ball and just as I thought I was going to lose; the last bowling pin toppled over! Damien looked at the screen in shock and laughed as he dicho "that is such bullshit!" I dicho "oh my God; I can't believe I won por two points!" He turned the game off and walked up to me. He asked "are tu ready for this?" I dicho "yeah" and he moved closer. One good thing about me being Michael Jackson's daughter is the fact that I'm really tall, only a few inches shorter than Damien. He looked down and started besar me. I think he wanted to make out but; I didn't pick up on that until afterwards when I pulled away. We both looked at each other awkwardly while blushing and I dicho just as his mom got inicial from work "I better go now; it's getting late! I'll see tu tomorrow I guess." He cleared his throat and dicho "okay; thanks for hanging out with me!" With that; I grabbed my skateboard, waved goodbye to Kate, and started to head home.

I quietly snuck up to my bedroom and shut my bedroom door. I put my pajamas on and flopped down on my bed. I lay there staring at the ceiling and dicho to myself "I can't believe I kissed him, wait yes I can! He’s really hot! I just had my first kiss!" I started giggling like a giddy schoolgirl and had to stop so I didn't accidentally wake anyone up. The weird thing was, I think I wanted to make out with him too… Now that I think about it. That felt right and I really want to kiss him again! Oh my God; is this really happening!!! I know no matter what happens; dad can't find out because I'm not supposed to be dating anyone until I turn 16!

August 13, 2007,

I came downstairs for breakfast and sat down at the mesa, tabla with my siblings and dad. He dicho while I sat there still kind of in shock from what happened last night with Damien "why are tu so red?" I dicho trying to come up with a decent excuse "oh; I was just staring at my Jesse McCartney posters again!" Dad laughed and asked "are tu ever going to get over that guy? You've liked him since tu were 10 years old and now you're 13." I dicho while laughing along with him "no; probably not!" I got up from my asiento and dicho "I'm going to go clean my room because there are magazine clippings of Jesse McCartney all over the floor and I have some new posters to hang up." He looked at me in shock and asked "did tu just say that tu were going to clean your room without me asking you? Are tu feeling okay? What happened to my daughter?" I dicho "what's the matter? I can't be good for a change?"

September 2, 2007,

I walked up to Damien right after I got to the patinar, skate Park and I asked "can I talk to tu alone for a while?" He seemed excited and dicho "yeah; sure!" I pointed toward the skateboard tunnel and we walked over there. We both sat down inside it and he dicho "I think I know what tu want to talk about!" I dicho "we haven't talked about that kiss since it happened and I think it's time we do." He dicho "I want tu to be honest with me; was that your first kiss?" I asked while smiling "how did tu know?" He dicho "it was pretty obvious because I was nowhere near done besar tu when tu pulled away!" I laughed and dicho "I had no idea what I was doing! He laughed and we both looked at each other seeming to know what the other was thinking.

Damien cleared his throat and asked "so; did the kiss feel as right for tu as it did for me?" I dicho "of course it did! I couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards!" He dicho "me either; so does this mean tu and I are dating now?" I dicho "yeah; that sounds good to me! I want to make up for that crappy first kiss!" He dicho "okay but; don't forget not to pull away this time!"

We were making out for almost a half hora when he stopped and asked "when can I meet your dad?" I totally forgot about that and I knew it wasn't a good idea because I'm not even supposed to be out of the house right now; let alone having a secret boyfriend! I dicho "wait; because I'm only 13 I don't want to jump into things too quickly! I don't mind making out with tu o going on dates but; until I turn 14 sex is out of the question!" He dicho "I completely understand and just so tu know; I'm still a virgin." I was surprised and asked "really?" He dicho "I wouldn't lie to you!" He quickly changed the subject back to my dad and asked "when am I going to meet your dad because you've already met my mom?" I dicho "we're going to have to keep things between us for now because I'm not supposed to be dating for another three years." He dicho "I don't want tu to get in trouble just because tu want to fecha me!" I stood up and laughed as I dicho "please; tu should know por now that being in trouble doesn't phase me at all!"
 las vegas skatepark
las vegas skatepark
added by janulinecka
added by Beatit
added by Beatit
added by Beatit
I finished my song, I saw my fans, I smiled, and I dicho : " Wow, tu are wonderful!!" a scream escaped . "Aww I amor you!! I yelled and I could hear "we amor tu too!!"
Awww when I say that, I think about someone, an unforgettable someone. So I dicho : "For the finish of this fabulous concert, I will canto my favourite song that I created, Guess what!" "Stop to hide your wings" screamed the crowd. "Yeah!! Just for tu and for our Angel, of course!" I told them. I ran to the middle of the stage, I closed my eyes and began to sing :

It's not my place, no, it's not my place ~
I know, it's...
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as well all know michael was never allowed to call him daddy as a little boy and dad as an adult joseph never showed michael any affection towards him at all he never huged him and never dicho i amor tu to him not once as a kid and not once as an adult

when michael was little joseph always inlisted in him and his siblings that they were not allowed to call him dad he always dicho to them that its not ok to call him dad o daddy its joseh to them he always was a strong disciplinarian to his children

when michael and his brothers would practice for shows o tours joseph would always...
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michael always shared with many people that he didnt have a childhood and how he never got to play with the neighborhood kids because he always had to practice o record songs with his brothers and never have a chance to meet new friends of his own he always had to hang with his brothers because of course they were a band but michael always wanted to just be a kid sometimes and have some fun

this is from something that i read about that broke my corazón

michael has shared this with a close friend of his that he felt like a orphan because he wasnt hardly inicial with the rest of his family he always...
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I woke up to a fresh morning in my hotel room. There was a bright rayo, ray of sunlight that hit my eyes perfectly. Too bright that it almost made me blind. I sat up and yawned and remember what happened before I left seven days ago. Every morning I think about Michael and I from the airport. And everytime I do, I end up feeling a tear rolling down my face. I wiped it off then walk into my bathroom and saw a vase filled with nothing but purple, blue, black and red roses. There was a card leaning against the vase that had my name on it. I opened it and pulled out a note. The note read,"Evanescence...
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*Nine Months Later*

"Good job, tu guys! That was an amazing show!" I dicho to all my brothers as we gave brotherly hugs before we were to end the night. I was exhausted but I had to stay up long enough to get to my hotel room and call Taylor. "You too, Michael. tu were amazing. Good job, lil' bro. tu did good." dicho Tito. We all stood in a circulo, círculo and gave one big group hug for the night and then we went our separate ways to go to our hotels. For some reason, and I don't understand, we are all staying in separate hotels. I don't get it but I honestly don't care. All I cared abou was getting...
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She woke up in some big soft arms,carrying her through the forests,straight to a beautiful big castle.She knew that castle...It was Mark's!She opened her eyes wide and looked at the one holding her,it was Mark.He told her:"Don't be scared,Michael is not here to hurt tu anymore..."."But he didn't hurt me,I..."."Look what he did to you,he almost killed tu too,thank God I felt tu were in danger and I thought I should come to see you!I don't wanna think what would have happened if I wouldn't have been there when tu fell!That murderer won't get away with this,he hurt tu and this is something...
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posted by 2468244
Hee, hee
Doing it

Love ain’t what it used to be
That is what they’re telling me
Push it in stick it out
That ain’t what it’s all about

He wanna do something keen to you
He wanna envolver, abrigo his arms all around tu girl
He wanna shake it up shake it down
Doing it right
He wanna jump back half flap doing it right

He wanna lay tu down
Turn it up
Kicking it loose
He wanna fly high nigh high
Baby for yous

He wanna motor mouth
Float around
Baby the back
He wanna shake it up shake it down
Moving around ha ha

Love ain’t what it used to be, hee
That is what they’re telling me
Push it in stick it out
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
The way she came into the place
I knew right then and there
There was something different
About this girl

The way she moved
Her hair, her face, her lines
Divinity in motion

As she stalked the room
I could feel the aura
Of her presence
Every head turned
Feeling passion and lust

The girl was persuasive
The girl I could not trust
The girl was bad
The girl was dangerous

I never knew but I was
Walking the line (Hee)
Come go with me
I dicho I have no time (Hee, hee)
And don’t tu pretend we didn’t
Talk on the phone (Hee)
My baby cried (Hee)
And left me standing alone (Hee)

She’s so dangerous, ah
The girl is so dangerous,...
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It was about 6am when Diane woke up. Seeing that michael was still sound asleep, she quietly got up from the cama and walked into the baby's room. Little Lizzie was wide awake staring at the moblie that hung above her crib. "Hey sweetie." Diane dicho sweetly as she picked Lizzie up. She carried her over to her changing table. Diane then walked over to the closet where she grabbed a new onesie that she had bought the día before. Diane went ahead and changed Lizzie's diaper before putting on the onesie. After she was finished, Diane walked back into her cama room. She looked at the clock to see...
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It's been a mes since Easter now and Rose and Michael almost finished the short film.During a break,when Cassandra was not there,Michael went to Rose and invited her to Neverland to meet somebody who insisted to be introduced to her.She accepted and they met later.In the living room was a man,a bit younger than Michael,who apparently was in amor with her.But only Michael knew that.He left the 2 of them alone and Rose chatted with this guy named Mark.He seemed like a nice guy and a good friend,Rose was obviously not feeling the same way about him as he did about her.She soon wanted to leave,but...
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Now,it's been 8 months since Rose found out she's pregnant.There's one mes and they'll get married,finally,and hopefully live happily ever after!Now,Rose is sitting in a oscilación and looks around at Michael playing with Janet and the dogs.'I'm wondering if my child will have the luck to have such a wonderful brother o sister.I wish he o she will and I wish them a very special relationship just like Michael and Janet have.',she thought to herself.Just then Michael came to her and pushed the oscilación a bit:"Hey,honey,how are you?",kissing her cheek."I'm fine,thank you.I was watching tu and Janet...Michael,do...
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Please,we must stop this!!!
The haters are killing this family!!!!
We can't just leave fanpop 'cause of them!!!
They won't never be stronger than this family
We shared L.O.V.E ,We care for each other
This is one of the bests things ever happend to me
I don't want to lose the amor I found here
I can't believe that this is happening
Haters will always say bad things of MJ and his fans
But we don't have to read,listen o look at them!!
They can't see the true talent,the true love,the true FRIENDSHIP
Maybe I am not the one to tell tu what's wrong what's right
'Cause I've almost left you
But I won't
I have a...
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The siguiente day
Becca woke up to her alarm. It was set to 7 o'clock and she looked at it. 'I don't recall bringing an alarm clock with me...' She thought and soon heard a knocking. "Come in." She dicho and Katherine walked in. "I thought you'd be up. I bet your wondering why there's an alarm clock. I got that for you. The boys used to use it all the time for school in Gary. I felt as if I should give it to tu and let tu use it." Katherine told her. She smiled and nodded. "Thanks. I needed one anyway. My phone sometimes doesn't do the whole alarm thing." Katherine walked up to the cama and Becca...
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"Please dont hurt me." Ali said. "Well tu should have thought about it when tu asked those preguntas in the video." Michael dicho as he walked away from the computer. "Oh come on big bro tu know there would be girls out there that where going to post stuff like that anyway, calm down i mean come on do tu really think i would try and find tu a fecha on youtube?" Ali dicho as she followed michael into the kitchen. Michael gave Ali as serious look as he stood in front of the fridge. "Ok im sorry i shouldnt hae asked those questions...but did tu know that youtube was made to be a dating site..bet...
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 This one shows how sorry Invincible was on the terrace.
This one shows how sorry Invincible was on the terrace.
Albert told them to stop jiding and go talk to her,so they all went inside,except Albert,he had nothing to do with that story.They saw Madeline crying and looking at the stars on her terrace.She was so far away from this world she didn't even noticed that someone came in.They decided tht they should talk to her,but they choosed Invincible to do it because he was the most mature of all.He came siguiente to her and said:"Madeline,we're really sorry for this situation.From now long,we won't stay alone with you,only if there's one más person in the room except one of us and you.And we'll never try...
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Katherine Jackson is still ADAMANT her son never molested any children ... including MJ's 1993 accuser -- and insists MJ only paid the kid off because his lawyers gave him bad advice.

Katherine appeared on "Today" this morning ... where Matt Lauer asked if there was anything she wanted to clear up about her son's life.

Katherine responded, "As far as Michael being a child molester ... that's the biggest lie ever been told."

MJ's mom dicho she read an articulo after MJ died -- in which the 1993 accuser allegedly admitted he made up the story against Michael.

When Lauer asked why MJ forked over a settlement with the boy ... Katherine said, "His lawyers told him he should just pay the money .. they thought that just paying the money and shut the people up would be the right thing to do."

Katherine dicho she asked MJ why he made the mover -- and MJ told
her, "I didn't want to do it either mother, I wanted to fight it because I knew it wasn't the truth."