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Mercy Pregunta

Ronnie/Mike o Ronnie/Chris?

Okay, since there is a great deal of debate over who Ronnie should be with I’d like to see what people think in this kind of a forum. Now, the pregunta is who you’d prefer her with. This is a debate of sorts so YES tu can disagree with someone else and YES tu can state why but do not bash another person, please.

So, who do tu want Ronnie to be with- Chris o Mike? And here is the catch- WHY? And your answer CANNOT simply be ‘because I think *insert choice* is hotter’. Use some history we’ve been dado on the mostrar to back it up but please be aware that other people can contradict your statements with other events on the show. But please, try to keep it civil, everyone.

 cassie_volk posted hace más de un año
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Mercy Respuestas

samandeep88 said:
I used to be Ronnie/Chris until last night's episode. In the end of the episode I realized how much Mike cared about Ronnie because he was the only person who knew where to find her because of their history together. Also I feel he still loves her very much despite of everything she has done and gone through. He is definitely the person for her because he could keep her grounded.
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 I used to be Ronnie/Chris until last night's episode. In the end of the episode I realized how much Mike cared about Ronnie because he was the only person who knew where to find her because of their history together. Also I feel he still loves her very much despite of everything she has done and gone through. He is definitely the person for her because he could keep her grounded.
posted hace más de un año 
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