Matt Club
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added by yoki96
Source: akatsukialltheway (deviantArt)
added by LMN314
added by IllusionDolls
added by tania_bells
added by tania_bells
added by tania_bells
posted by annabethxchase
i guess this one isnt sad this time :D

Hey guys i'm Matt,

I was born in England in 1990 on February 1st. My parents were killed when i was young which resulted in me been brought up in Wammys House. At the moment im the third successor of L, the worlds bestest detective. Mello, who is the segundo sucsessor of L, is my best friend and has been since i was brought to Wammys. He is determind to be the first successor to l but Near has that title, and Mello is not a happy bunny about it. I guess ive had a hard life, growing up with people who only want to study and watching my parents been killed...
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added by peteandco
Source: tumblr
added by tania_bells
added by IllusionDolls
added by tania_bells
Source: por bells jeevas
added by yoki96
Source: In Picture
added by michellepotter
added by IllusionDolls
Sorry for advertising, por using my own YouTube video. ;_;
death note
added by LMN314
posted by annabethxchase
yet another sad fic

Mello and I sat on the sofa staring at the blank computer screen. I could tell Mello was nervous about what we were going to do. Knots twisted in my stomach, there was an 80% chance we would die, actually probably higher.

Mello went to take a bite from his chocolate but set it down on the table.

"You sure tu wanna do this?" I looked up at the blonde and smiled.

"I was born ready Mel" mello held the rosary around his neck, tight. He always played with it when he was nervous.

"And you're not afraid of dying? Matt we may not make this!"

"I know Mel but we have to try" I picked up...
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added by LMN314
added by tania_bells
added by 0o0o_megan_o0o0
Source: 0o0o_megan_o0o0