LillyBlack Eos fantasía RP

LillyBlack posted on May 29, 2023 at 01:31AM
Within the ground of the beautiful planet of Eos flows a strong magical energy that moves throughout all of the lands and nature. On this planet of Eos, there’s a region of land largely dominated by a Capital City, Selfarion, and its surrounding cities: Yeres, Aralos, and Easea. Within each of these cities is an enormous tree that emits abundant amounts of magical energy. There’s a phenomenon that states that each tree was grown by its respective gods in order to encourage advancement in humanity and further the potential of mankind. These trees, it has become the central source of magical energy for these neighboring cities and has been the reason why they have prospered. Controlled by the Central Council located in Selfarion, the cities Aralos, Easea, and Yeres have all formulated their own guilds in order to not only protect their own cities but to come together and protect all their lands as a whole!

Selfarion, The Capital City
Native God: Selfarion, God of Fortune
Noble Family: The Walker’s
Elite Families:
The Forrester’s
The Voss’
Central Council Members:
Kaius Ida
Claudia Steel
Kurota Jaeger
Rylon Alves

Yeres, The City by the High Mountains
Native Goddess: Yelena, Goddess of Earth
Tank Guild of Yeres Members:
Guildmaster Kurota Jaeger, the Dark Knight
Available Guild Classes:

Aralos, The City by the Mystical Forest
Native God: Arafel, God of Nature
Damage Guild of Aralos Members:
Guildmaster Rylon Alves, the Swordmaster
Available Guild Classes:
Dark Mage

Easea, The City by the Elegant Sea
Native Goddess: Elysia, Goddess of the Seas
Support Guild of Easea Members:
Guildmaster Claudia Steel, the High Mage
Available Guild Classes:
White Mage

Other Places
Village of Astrola (Between Selfarion/Aralos and Yeres)

Height: (because why not)
Guild: (only if you’re in one)
Class: (if in guild)

Ize Konda
Marlene Steel

**wanna mention that you can also put your class as "unclassified" if there's something unique you wanna do but doesn't fit under any of the available classes... or we can always add new ones too**
last edited on Jun 18, 2023 at 07:26AM

LillyBlack 603 respuestas

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Showing Replies 551-600 of 603

hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He blushed* Back to calling me cute huh? But, it's no problem... Besides, I want to make you happy. I want to give you good memories to look back on... I'm happy I got be with you.... Us being together in Selfarion like this......You've already done that for me, just bringing me here.. So....... I'll ask you a question.. You said to wait until we got to Selfarion for me to tell you what I wanted.... Though, you never mentioned when in Selfarion.... So, would you prefer it when we go to your place? Or perhaps, when we go to the rooftop?
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"Hmm..." Marlene thought about while taking her final bites of her skewers. "Considering the little snippets you've given me already.. I'd say save it for when we're at the rooftop. I wanted to bring you up there because it'd be a cool first time, but also because it's our little moment to sit back and just enjoy the scenery... We've been on our feet for quite a bit and I wanted you to finally settle then." She looked to him with a smile, "If that sounds ok with you, then it's perfect for me."
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He took a last bite from his skewers then looking back at her with a smile* It's more than ok... [Good, so I can finally get this off of me.... I can finally tell her......] The rooftop view of Selfarion..... It's something about a view that just.... It just feels right, you know?
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"That's why I've always like going up there! It's really nice, I know you'll love it." Marlene then stood up and threw their trash away in some nearby bin. "Though, I'm sorry I've been making you wait so long just to tell me something. But... When we do get up there, I want to use that chance to tell you about Mystic before anything else..." She said, purposely keeping her voice a little low around the Grand Plaza. "Then, I promise I won't make you wait any longer.. As long as that's also alright with you?"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Yeah, that's fine.... *He began to think* Marlene.... I could be overthinking, but... You don't have to run so much by me... I don't know about this character, but.... You don't need my approval to make moves.. [If she's talking like this, then Lucia's dislike to him may very well be justified... Marlene says he's not that bad, but even so...] Oh well.... Guess we should keep on with the grand tour then.... *He said, standing up and wanting to shift the subject back to normal*
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"It's not so much that I'm looking for your approval... It's more of.. I just like it when we're on the same page, you know? And I don't want to leave you in the dark either." Marlene equally wanted to shift from the subject, so she held onto his hand again to continue on the tour. "But yeah, let's just keep going for now. After all, we're pretty close to finishing it up since next stop is the Central Council. There not much else I can show for the Grand Plaza besides the fact that it partially serves as a marketplace. There's a lot of stuff to explore here and it ends to rotate between different markets every once in awhile!"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: [Guess I really was overthinking it..] So the vendors are on eventual rotation.. Seems like I'm gonna have to figure out the market rotations to get certain things at certain points.. Maybe I could even try to vary some things up with the recipes in that case.... [But, good to know we'll be heading to the central council. Now I can finally get this off of my chest...]
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"I'll make sure to keep an eye out just for you! But also, they always have more than just food around here. So, you're free to look around for almost anything." Marlene then took him over to the north path from Grand Plaza. "And, like I said before, Grand Plaza is a pretty good place to use as a reference point.. Just gotta walk down this path and we'll be at Central Council. Honestly, you can probably even see it from standing here....." She sweatdropped, "You know, if you look realllyyy closely.."
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: North path in the Grand Plaza leads to the Council.... Noted.... [Right, I thought so much about the recipe that I didn't think about the other things they'd sell.... Is Marlene a flowers kind of girl? Well, I can't exactly surprise her with then now...] I'd have to use Crow's Eye to get a clearer visual from here... But, the idea of walking beside the world's best tour guide is better..
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"Oh yeah? I think I have it a little bit better since I'll be walking with the best guest I've ever had!" She giggled, "Well, you might be the only one, but I have a good instinct.~ I already know you're both the best and the cutest."
last edited hace 1 mes
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Best AND cutest? Watch out Marlene, you might give me a big head... Not to mention, that instinct hasn't failed you yet.. Perhaps I'd dare say you've got pretty sharp instincts.. You know what? I think I'm starting to understand what Yuma was talking about... The great view, among other things... He meant you.... Every time I look at you... You truly are a mage of beauty....
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
Marlene instantly blushed, genuinely not expecting that from him, "Ize.. Say all that and you're gonna be giving ME a big head instead. I mean he was referring to some of the best views of your life, I don't know how much I fit under that category...." She smirked, "You sure he wasn't referring to when you look in a mirror?"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I doubt he'd be saying that looking at myself would be a best view... Besides, I know you call me cute and all.. But even so, I can't quite look at myself in that way.. Not when beauty like yours exists around me.. And believe me, I don't just mean the physical beauty... *He then tapped a finger on his head* That mind of yours, it's a treasure to Eos....
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"Ooh, not even just Selfarion or all of the cities, but all of Eos.. You're really flattering me here.~" She let of his hand to hold onto his arm, "Hmm, if my mind is such a treasure to Eos, then there has to be some good truth to what I say, right..? So, why can't you look at yourself that way? I'd say nothing's wrong with a little confidence, especially when someone looks like you.."
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Mm.... I guess I just never looked at myself in that regard.. I don't deny the charm... It's just... I've seen the way people carry themselves, praising their own physique and being above themselves... "With the way I look, I'm sure I could get her easily. She'll dump the loser and get with a real guy." Ugh, it's annoying... Thankfully, they've been humbled as needed... *He looked at her as she held his arm* [Normally I would tell her not to do that to keep people from mistaking us as a couple.. But, all things considered... I like this...] So..... There was something I was kind of wondering.... I mean, since Yuma isn't here I can't exactly ask him.... What's your ideal first date with a guy? Restaurant? Maybe even just a hillside sunset view?
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"My ideal first date.. I honestly don't think I'm too much of a restaurant person... but, I do like the sound of the sunset view! I really like being out, so anything like parks, gardens, picnics... or honestly anywhere out of the city.. I think that would make for a cute date for me." Still holding onto his arm, she looked at him with a smirk, "I get not being to ask Yuma, but.. why the sudden curiosity, hmm?"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: What's wrong with it? That's all it is, just curiosity... Besides, everyone has different ideal dates... Some like restaurants, some like a date with a view. Or, some people like a walk... At least, that's what I've managed to pick up... I don't exactly have one, I've never thought about it.. I guess just being beside her, never wanting to let go... An ideal first date, is one where she's happy and having a good time.. For me, it isn't about location... As long as she's comfortable and happy... Then I want to think in my eyes, that the date is a success.
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"Aww, see that's precious! You would think a lot of people would feel the same, but there's a lot of people who just tend to be selfish. I think the reason why I like outdoorsy kinds of dates is because its like a peaceful moment to get to know the person more and relax with them... I like being social, but I like when my mind can just rest too, you know? So, being able to share that moment with someone else is nice." She blushed just slightly, "Maybe that's part of the reason why I like being with you. We have our banter between each other, but I can always have those moments of peace with you too. I like it.."
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: That's what I'm striving for now..... Ever since you woke up, and allowed me to be your moment of peace... I realized how happy it made you.. I knew then, I wanted to be your peace in this world.. Well, we're outdoors... We're in a pretty relaxing setting... Your mind is relaxed and at peace... So what? Are you gonna consider this our first date? *He said jokingly, seeing if he could mess with her*
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"W- Well..." Marlene's blush only got worse, even though she knew probably brought that onto herself. "Would it be? Technicallyy, neither of us ever formally asked the other on a date.." She then tried shifting it onto him, "If that was the case, would that finally confirm your crush on me?~"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
I,e: My crush? *He smirked again, seeing what she was trying to do* Who said I was admitting anything? After all, all those things were your idea of a date... [Too soon.... Just you wait though...] Relax, you and I aren't even dating to begin with... Though, if this was a first date.... Then I'll admit, you're doing pretty good.
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
(Hey, sorry I've been inconsistent recently! I've been a little all over the place this past week.)
"You think so? I hope I'm doing good enough to be asked on a second one then.~" Marlene replied with a giggle, going along with it. As they go on with their cute conversation, they soon finally make it to the end, the Central Council. Up ahead, they were met with another large plaza where the Aether Eldertree stood right in its center, in all its glory. The aether flow of the tree was restricted with magic to prevent abusive use, but it also still allowed the tree to be displayed to everyone. Along either side of the plaza were staircases which led up to the grand building itself; the Central Council.
"Before we end up getting sidetracked from my Tour Guide duties... Welcomeee to, technically our final destination, the Central Council!! At this place you can find all kinds of people around here; guild/council members, mercenaries, or maybe residents from other cities to come see Selfarion's tree! Oh, and like you mentioned before.. If we get lucky, you might even see some of the Guildmasters if they're around!"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
(Hey, it's no problem. I figured you were busy. As I've said, as long as you're staying safe, it's all good.)
Ize: Well, Selfarion has smiled upon on me quite a bit today...... So, if we get to see them, that'll be a happy bonus.. But if not, I've still had a great time with you as my tour guide.. *He then looked at the Eldertree* So, that tree... That's the Eldertree.... Incredible.....
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
(Thank you <3 I know you always understand, but I also find comfort in letting you know ^^)
"Mhmm..! Even though each city has their own Eldertree, its always so fascinating to get to see every one of them. It makes me a little sad we didn't get to see the one in Yeres, but I'm sure we'll get the chance again." Marlene walked closer to admire the Eldertree with Ize. "These trees have been around for tens of thousands of years and yet the mass amount of Aether they produce never wavers.. Isn't that so cool to think about?"
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
(I getcha, I appreciate it nonetheless.)
Ize: It is... More than cool.. It's impressive to have something like this all around Eos... Not to mention... There's magic around it....I guess that magic is to prevent the Aether flow from being abused by other people.. Has anyone even been crazy enough to take all of the tree's Aether? Wouldn't you overload?
hace 1 mes LillyBlack said…
"If you took it in all at once, probably. If anyone were to ever attempt that, they'd either have to be incredibly insane or have an incredibly high Aether limit. Way higher than mine.." Marlene closed her eyes and placed her hand against the tree, feeling its Aether flow. "I'm sure the seal is partially for general safety too. I couldn't imagine this place looking the same at all if all of the tree's Aether was let loose."
hace 1 mes TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I don't think there would be anything left.... Then if all the Eldertrees Aether were to be let loose.... You're talking about an entire attack on Eos itself.... Call it a morbid fascination, but thinking of just how vital these trees are to our world..... Something about it is just fascinating in its own right..
hace 29 días LillyBlack said…
"I'm definitely with you on that. These trees are the very thing that keep the three Cities going, and yet at the same time they could be the thing that destroys them and more." Marlene opened up her eyes and removed her hand from the tree, "It's really interesting, but I also hope that it's something we won't ever have to experience.."
hace 28 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: I'd say it won't be... We've got the council, not to mention... Some other powerful warriors and mages exist within Eos.. As long as they're around, I'm sure we won't have to experience that.. [At least, I'm really holding out hope for that.] How many other trees do you think exist? I imagine quite a few.
hace 28 días LillyBlack said…
"Oh yeah, there's definitely has to be a couple! I actually read up on this a little bit, but there's actually more than just trees that have such a strong aether flow... I've heard there's some regions out there that have rivers and lakes rich of aether. Maybe one day we'll be able to explore out and see some of them?" She looked to him and smiled, "If that's something you'd like to join me on one day."
hace 28 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He smiled back at her* Yeah I would... I know I've wanted to see Selfarion... But, there's so much of the world I also haven't seen...Just imagining... The Aether lakes and rivers.... It just sounds so cool to see..
hace 27 días LillyBlack said…
"Hehe, I'm glad we both feel the same about it. That's partially the reason why I wanted to leave Easea... Not just to figure out more of my background, but because I also wanted to explore more of the cities and Eos as a whole.. Now, I might even get to share that with you. Now c'mon, let's keep going with the tour!" Marlene took his hand like usual and now brought him up to one of the two staircases that led up to the one and only, the Central Council! The grand building took up most of the perimeter and it was surrounded by a tall gate, with enough guards around to protect it. A lot of townspeople, mostly guild members, wandered this space, but there were also a few statues up to commemorate past royalty or past council members for the people to admire. "This is the actual Central Council building itself!" She put her hand over her mouth, bringing her voice to a slight whisper, "Aka the building you're gonna be helping me sneak up on later, Mr. Assassin." She said with a giggle.
hace 27 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He looked at the building in awe* [So this is the building...] It's amazing to see it though.. [First there's the matter of the gate and guards... Security's tight enough, but there's always a weak point somewhere.... I'd have to use one of my gimmick bombs.... Use the timing in the distraction to take Marlene and move fast..] *He then looked at Marlene and nodded, giving her a thumbs up* [Worst case scenario I'll have to use my shadow immersion and use a bit of aether...]
hace 23 días LillyBlack said…
"Since this is basically our last stop for tonight, that means our plans are pretty up in the air from here. Not sure if any of the other guildmasters are around, but... if you wanna look at statues, orrr even look around building to observee.. Feel free!" Marlene looked up into the sky to tell the time, "When it gets a little dimmer, maybe that's when we should get moving.. Which is good timing because it seems like the sun is gonna set pretty soon..." She grinned, "But! I'll leave all those decisions to you; the professional."
hace 22 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hmm.....Well, I want to observe.... I need to see if there are patterns.... See if there are weaknesses in it.. The thing is, even if security is tight, there's always bound to be a weakness somewhere in it... Then if not, there's a way to make one..... Once I get an idea, we can move when it gets dimmer, and make our way to our last stop.
hace 18 días LillyBlack said…
"Gotcha, around the building it is then. Just follow me!" Marlene started to lead him around the Central Council building, going at a slow enough pace so Ize can observe their surrounding, but also not seem suspicious.
"That's also means we'd be getting closer to Ize telling me whatever he's been holding onto since that morning in Yeres... He's given me tiny bits of it, but since that moment I knew it would be something sweet.. Just wondering about it makes me feel so..." She felt swarms of butterflies in her stomach and she quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks start to blush. "Damn it, Ize..."
hace 18 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He hadn't notice Marlene's blushing face as he looked at the building, trying to find a weakness in the security* [Front door's too on the nose, hence why there's more security..] *They then saw the back, which had less security, but it's like the guard never moved* [Less security...... Use something to make a little noise, get them to move and we slip in.. We'll have to move fast, because there's a possibility that the front will hear it as well..] *He then looked at Marlene who was looking away* You alright? You seem like you may be deep in thought about something....
hace 13 días LillyBlack said…
Marlene quickly collected herself and looked back to him so he couldn't realize her blushing. "Oh, sorry.. I just got a little distracted."
"Distracted just from thinking about you.." She thought to herself.
She glanced up to the Council Building, just admiring it as they walked around it, "Soo, did you figure out what our path might be for tonight??"
(Ok!! Finally I'm not super busy anymore so I can start being consistent again, yay :> )
hace 13 días TheAdventGhost said…
(Alright!:that's awesome! We're back in this! ^_^)

Ize: I've got an idea of one.... At least, I've got an idea of how we enter... Once we're inside it should be easy from there.. Or, at least that's just me being hopeful.. Notice, the number in each side... Either way there's someone.. The back is a bit less. So, make a bit of noise, we rush in during the distraction... They'll chalk it up to kids playing a prank or something... Thankfully, speed and stealth is my forte...
last edited hace 13 días
hace 10 días LillyBlack said…
"Well you better hope that I'll be able to keep up with that speed and stealtb of yours." Marlene said with a giggle. "But, it sounds like a plan to me! Even despite how risky it is, I'm still excited to be on the roof with you... Worst case scanario, I'm sure I can talk ourselves out of itt.. maybe."
hace 10 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Well, you wouldn't have to worry about keeping up with me... My speed is a bit of a strange technique.. At least, the one I'm planning on using is.. I'd have to carry you while using it... *He blushed* It'd be easier than making you try to run with me.. Plus, it won't be jarring for you once the technique itself finishes.
hace 8 días LillyBlack said…
"Oh? So that just makes it ten times easier for me!" Marlene poked his blushing cheek with a smirk, "I don't think I'll mind you carrying me oneee bit. You know, as long as you're not just tossing me over your shoulder."
hace 7 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: You know..... Carrying you over the shoulder may not be bad idea. *He said messing with her* Nah, I'd have to carry you in front... You'd have to hold on with your arms around my neck.... You know, to stabilize yourself. Though, with what you've already said... I'm sure you won't have a problem with it in the slightest.. [And neither will I... Especially if my time asleep was anything to by.]
hace 6 días LillyBlack said…
Marlene playfully rolled her eyes to his little joke at the beginning, "If anything, I'm gonna be enjoying every second of it! It's not everyday you can just be carried everywhere.. for literally a few seconds." She then stared up into sky, noticing it start to dim. "It seems like our time is coming up pretty soon too.."
hace 5 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: *He looked up at the sky with her* [Our time comes closer.... I know how to proceed with this... And yet....] *He put his hand on his chest* [Why the hell do I feel so nervous?] *He closed his eyes* [No, I know what I have to do... just need to keep calm.... Say what I need to say to her....] *He took a deep breath, then opening his eyes* Right... [Once we start, use a smoke bomb to make noise, not to mention it'll obscure their vision... With me carrying Marlene, she won't be affected by my speed technique.. She'll be able to see it the way I do.. It'll use a bit of Aether, but it's nothing I can't handle..]
hace 4 días LillyBlack said…
Still staring up into the sky, Marlene also dealt with her mixed feelings of nervousness and excitement, but she tried her best to control it pretty well and keep herself calm. The sun was beginning to set, the sky becoming dimmer and creating a perfect moment to start their move up the building. Marlene looked at him with a grin, "Alright.. you ready to get this started?"
hace 4 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: Hm... I'm as ready as I'll ever be.... *He looked at her, bringing her into position at the back of the building, there was one guard as planned* [Only one..... But after this... There's gonna be a bit more...] Get ready.... *He threw a smoke bomb, the detonation made just enough noise to attract another guard with the guard that was at the back entrance. With that, Ize had a small window to go. Luckily, he had an ability that would expand his window at the cost of some Aether. He picked up Marlene, essentially carrying her bridal style and give her a chance to stabilize herself onto him. After he did that, he used a technique that would slow everything around them. It allowed Marlene to see what he saw, how the world was moving in slow motion. He would begin to make his way inside of the building, making his way up. As he moved inside of the building, he began to figure his way up by instinct. He could tell which ways to turn, and making his way up each set of stairs. Once he made it to the top, he would turn off his technique* Looks like we made it..
hace 2 días LillyBlack said…
Marlene had her arms snug around his neck as he brought her into and up the building, completely entranced by his entire technique and and how it worked. "These are the types of techniques he can do??" She thought to herself during the way up. "Time manipulation is more of an advanced skill for Mages and even the spells are harder to come across.... But to get to see something like this in action.."
When they made to the rooftop of the Central Council, she snapped back into reality and blinked a couple of times. "Woah... That was oddly so slow yet so quick at the same time.. I never knew Assassins had techniques that could manipulate time like that." She stepped down from him carrying her bridal style but she still kept her arms wrapped around him, "But now look where it got us! You get to look at the view of Selfarion from up here now!"
hace 2 días TheAdventGhost said…
Ize: It used to tire me a lot more back then, the technique used a bunch of aether... So it always seemed impractical... Even now, keeping time slowed for a second person did a bit more than I thought.. Though, I guess since we did that ritual... I've got a bit more Aether in me to keep going... *He then looked out at Selfarion* This....... I can't believe it though.... This view of Selfarion... *There wasn't much he could say that hadn't already been said, he was practically ready to get lost in Selfarion's view*
hace 1 día LillyBlack said…
Marlene stared at him with a small smile, finding joy in his reaction. Her hands moved to his chest and as she also looked out to the view and watched as the sun still continued to set. "This isn't quite my first time being up here, but it's always so peaceful to see the view.." She sat down on the roof and pat down the spot right beside her, "Come sit next to me! Give yourself a little second to relax, especially after a technique like that."