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*Thanks to all involved in the creation of my last two chapters. Here’s a shout out to Mary, for keeping my hope alive in escritura this series. This chapter may contain violence, strong language, and angst. Reader’s discretion is advised.**

Chapter 23

Lucas slowly let go of Nathan trying to redactar himself in this drastic situation. Not only was the amor of his life in the hospital with the risk of losing her, and their unborn children. But his father is the one who put them there. He walked over to the ER window and looked out; he turned only to see the two detectives leading Lauren off through the door.

“Whoa whoa, excuse me what are tu doing with her?” Lucas rushed over to Lauren’s side gripping onto her arm.
“We are arresting Ms Harp on suspicion to commit the murder of Dan Scott,” the detective looked at his notes as Lucas turned his attention to Lauren. He lifted her head, staring into her glazed over eyes. Luke turned back to Detective Andrews, his face cold and aloof to the situation.

“If she did do this,” Luke stumbled, staring down at the detectives. “Then she is a hero, and deserves a medal,” Lauren looked up, surprised por Luke’s response. The detectives tried to wipe the look of shock from their faces.
“Sir, tu do realize this woman may have killed your father?” they both dicho in astonishment that he was defending her.

“Yes,” Luke dicho with conviction, “yes I do, I also know I told tu my father was a dangerous, no in fact a murderer. And if Lauren finally rid the world of Dan Scott after all he has done, and continues to do to us tonight! Then yes, she is a fucking hero, now let her go.”

“I am sorry sir, but the law…” the detective was about to finish when Lauren spoke up the first time in those long moments. “Luke, no…it’s ok. Just stay with Peyton.”
“But Lauren they can’t do this…” Luke protested looked down at Lauren’s blood shot eyes.
“It’s ok, really…” she spoke softly, putting her hand on his fore arm, “Just make sure Peyton is ok.”

Luke looked back at the detectives and slowly relented, giving them an unspoken all clear to do as they wished. Lauren slowly walked out of the hospital, detectives in tow making her way to the police crucero she looked back once at the hospital, giving one small prayer to the sky. Hoping not all her actions were in vain that night and wanting to desperately be there when Peyton woke up.

The detective placed his hand on her head, guiding her in the car, shut the door, and they drove off towards midtown. Leaving a shaded and ominous hospital behind them in the dark.

“We’re losing her. Paddles!” the doctor instructed to the nurse, his hands outstretched for the instrument, Peyton’s cold and still body frozen onto the gurney. “Clear!” the doctor presses firmly into Peyton’s chest, the monitor flat lines “Clear!” the doctor presses again throwing Peyton’s weak body to lurch upward, slamming it back down onto the gurney.
He looks over to the corazón monitor as it begins to blink mostrando a clear sign of life, but it was faint. The doctor then looks at the nurse and with a sigh of relief, he nods for her to go out and tell her loved ones.

“Mr. Scott,” the nurse rang out getting Luke’s attention as he rushed to greet her.
“Yes, yes?”
“We have your fiancée in stable condition, but the siguiente few hours are crucial,” the nurse exclaimed as everyone including Luke held on every word.
“What about the babies? Are they going to be ok?” Haley interjected getting a sympathetic glance from Nathan.

“We won’t know anything definitive yet, but just know we are doing everything we can for Miss Sawyer.” Just as the nurse began to leave, the emergency room doctor walked up to Lucas holding out his right hand. “Mr. Scott, hello. I am Doctor Sturgis I have been attending to your fiancée for the past hour.”

“Hi, is Peyton ok? What is going on? Can I see her?” Luke muddled through his grief he wanted so badly to just hold Peyton once more.

“We are transferring her to ICU, tu can see her in a few minutos but I have to ask tu did they tell tu anything about her condition?”
“No, what condition? I mean she is pregnant.”
“No, no…I wanted to brief tu on the injuries she has suffered as a result of her attack,” the doctor looked over at Luke then to the others as they waited patiently to hear what Dan had done to Peyton in those few moments.

“She suffered major contusions to her neck, causing part of her muscle that enclosed her throat to bleed into her lungs. We were able to stop the bleeding, but we are unsure at this time what the permanent damage will show. She also lost consciousness for several minutes, and needed to be revived. She had stopped breathing at one point for an extensive amount of time.”

“So what are tu telling me, she may never wake up?” Luke fumed he could not believe the things he was hearing, Peyton was alive it seemed she was never truly coming back to him. “Just tell me what I have to do, please!” Luke looked with anticipation at the doctor’s face.

“Miss Sawyer is still critical at the moment; we will do all we have to, to make sure she is well. But we need all of tu to do is keep her in your thoughts, and leave her care up to us.” The doctor gestured for them to make their way down the hall, “just one visitor at a time, please,” Luke looked sympathetically to Brooke then Nathan as he made his way down the long hallway alone. He wasn’t sure how he felt. He had spent all that time wishing to be near Peyton.

Just to see her, now only wondering if he could stand to see her like this. He made his way to the door, slowly turning the door knob he felt his corazón beating out of his chest. He couldn’t breath he wanted so much just to rush in and be por her side but something was pulling at him he leaned his head onto the door just outside feeling the outside with his hand. “I have to do this,” he whispered to himself as he regained composure and swung the door open, only revealing his worst fear. There he saw her, Peyton Sawyer the woman that had changed his life, made him whole again, brought meaning to his corazón was lying pale and lifeless in the hospital bed.

Her throat bandaged, her eyes tightly shut, her face a bluish white tint. He slowly grabbed her hand pressing it to his temple, it felt cold as he rubbed it between his fingers, feeling the IV that was secured to her arm. He tried looking into those green eyes; the only eyes that ever made his corazón beat fast and slow at the same time.

But as he looked up he couldn’t see them, he could only see the malice that his father had inflicted on her. Her small frame as still and as cold as ice. He wanted so badly to have her open her eyes, and tell him the feelings he was having were not right. That she was going to be ok and everything would be the way it was before. Looking at her face, her beautiful face he could see no signs of life.

Just a flicker of light dancing its way across her bright blond hair. He laid his hand on her face and brushed her hair to the side. Slowly leaning his head on the side of the bed, feeling the dread bring him down. He looked back up at Peyton, wishing there was some way he could make this right. Wishing he had just been there for her like she needed him and wanting so badly just to see those green eyes once more.

“I’m right her Peyton, I’ll never leave tu again. I promise.”


Chapter 24

Lucas could feel himself getting más and más worried that Peyton wouldn’t wake up. He had spent two whole nights in her room with nothing but a flicker of her eyes to mostrar him she was still there. The nurses had made a cama for him in the siguiente cot, but it was no relief to the tangle of thoughts that plagued him every night as he stared at her stillness.

Every time he looked at her he felt más and más dread that only Peyton could calm, if only she would wake up and tell him everything was going to be ok. Luke sat in his chair and slowly grabbed Peyton’s small hand in his. He could feel her blood racing through her fingers, as he looked over at the corazón monitor only to see it spike faster.

Peyton could hear mumbled voices in the background as she tried to open her eyes, only to see a flash of light stream across her view.

“Just like the rest of them, you’re just like the rest of them” Dan shouted as Peyton found herself back in her nightmare. She felt weak, confused and didn’t know where to turn as Dan’s ominous voice swirled around her. She could see the river court, the night fog looming in the distance, as the smoky figure moved closer to her, droning out the last words she could remember. She felt her back against the mesa, tabla again as she felt around for a way out, feeling just as trapped as her body felt. Peyton averted her eyes to try and brace herself for the siguiente horrible step in her nightmare.

Just then she saw a beam of light brush in front of her, her hand feeling the warmth of the movement as it brushed past her into the path of Dan’s shadowy shape.

“Leave her alone,” the voice shouted as it pushed past Peyton into Dan’s dark glow.
Peyton refocused her eyes, as she stared at the sight before her, as the two orbs of light moved into Dan’s presence only to see him dissipate into a nube of dark dust. Just leaving the two statuesque creatures to look on towards the dark water.

Peyton rubbed her eyes, as the figures walked towards her spreading the light of their warm glow across her cold trodden face.

“It’s ok, Peyton. We’re here,” a familiar voice renounced. Peyton looked on past her shocked as the light of their faces flickered in her mind.

“Mom? Is that you?”

“Yes Peyton, it’s going to be ok. He can’t hurt tu anymore,” Anna brushed the side of Peyton’s face with her hand. Peyton could feel the warmth of her mother’s embrace as if it was the first time in a long time she truly felt safe. She leaned into her hand, grabbing a hold with both her hands.

“You have to wake up now Peyton, they need you,” the other voice announced bringing Peyton’s attention to her direction. “It’s going to be ok, honey. Please tu have to wake up.”

“Ellie?!” Peyton choked out her words being muffled por her shock.
“Yes, honey. I am here, we are here. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore,” Ellie’s voice cooed as she slowly brought her hand to Peyton’s face bringing her into a hug.

Peyton could hardly contain her emotion; she had some many thoughts dancing in her head. What to ask, what to say. All the things she would miss, and had missed she now had the chance to talk to both of them.

“It’s ok Peyton,” Ellie stroked her hair, “it’s going to be ok, but tu have to wake up now.”

“No, no…I have some many things,” Peyton choked out through her tears, “so many things I have to say to you, both of you. Please.”

“It’s ok Peyton, we are always here. With you, beside you. We never left you,” Anna welded up looking at her daughter, feeling all of her suppressed emotions coming boiling to the surface. Ellie looked on to both Anna and Peyton, as she spoke.

“Peyton, we never left you. But tu have to wake up now, we amor tu so much. But tu need to do it for them,” Ellie raised her hand and placed it on Peyton’s belly. Her eyes a mist of tears as she looked on Peyton’s face, as Peyton looked down at her twins.

Peyton was conflicted she didn’t know what to do, she had finally gotten back the two people she cared about most in the world, how was she to leave for two other people she barely knew. She raised her head and looked at both of her mother’s angelic faces.

“But I just want to stay. Can’t I stay with the both of you?” she looked half heartedly at Anna’s face wishing she could hear those words she desperately wanted to have her mothers say.

“Peyton I, we would amor nothing más than to have tu with us, but…” Anna looked on to Ellie, “But tu need to go back and be the mother, be the mother we always wanted to be to you.” Ellie could feel her mouth trembling in bottled up emotions, recalling all the time she missed with her little girl.

“But I…” Peyton stammered.
“No, do it for your children honey, and for Luke. He needs you,” Ellie caressed Peyton’s weary face as she looked on towards the both of them. Feeling her words echo in her head, she remembered that Luke was out there waiting for her. She could feel him.

“Go back, Peyton,” Anna interjected, “Go back and live for all of us, beautiful girl.”
Ellie and Anna both gripped tightly to Peyton’s hands as they slowly drifted away, Peyton could feel her corazón breaking más than she ever thought it could. She cried out to them, “No, please don’t go. Please!” she mumbled through her grief of losing them once more, as the night became darker as their soft glow lingered on into the distance.

“Please, don’t leave me here,” she whispered.

Luke could feel his life slipping away as he looked on as the nurses and doctors gathered around Peyton’s bedside. Franticly trying to figure out why she was having such an unconscious reaction.

“Sir, tu are going to have to step outside,” a nurse kindly pushed Luke towards the door.

“No, no,” he dicho firmly, “I am not leaving her, ever! tu hear me?” the nurse brushed past Luke on her way to the lobby.

Luke stood there as the doctor examined Peyton, suddenly her monitor started to slow its pulse. Luke looked franticly to the doctor’s face for any sign of distress, but all he found was relief.

“She is stabilizing,” the doctor rang out to the room full of nurses, bringing a sigh of relief. “Mr. Scott” the doctor turned to Luke placing his hand on his fore arm, “you can be alone with her again, but if she arrests again, please call us.”

“Yes, yes Doctor thank you,” Luke pushed past the others to make his way back to Peyton’s side. He quickly cradled her hand to his face, feeling her soft skin across his brow.

“Oh Peyton,” he muttered, “Please don’t scare me like that, just come back to me. Please.” Luke rested his head up near her chest; he could feel her corazón beating firmly against his ear. He wondered what had caused her to be so alarmed, as he raised his head again to look at her beautiful face.

“I won’t” she muttered quietly slowly smiling lifting her eye lids to stare back at him, “I won’t.”


“Peyton!” Luke gasped nearly jumping out of his asiento falling over himself to get closer to her, “You’re awake!”

“Yes, yes,” she dicho softly, “but I am not deaf Luke” she raised her hand to his face and he slowly closed his eyes to her embrace.

“Oh honey,” he kissed her hand softly, “I missed tu so much; please don’t scare me like that, ok? tu had us all worried.” He looked adoringly into her soft green eyes.

“Hey, tu think I would leave you?” she mumbled trying to regain her strength as she sat up in bed, leaning against Luke’s hand.

“Hey hey, don’t mover I am going to get a doctor ok?”
“No no Luke, just stay here with me. I missed you” she cradled his hand to her chest.
“Oh Peyton, I amor tu so much. I am so sorry this happened to you, I promise I will never leave tu again.”

“What happened exactly I am kinda groggy on the details, Luke.”
Luke looked forlornly onto her face; he didn’t have the corazón to tell her what had happened o who had put her here if she had truly forgotten, he slowly spoke up. “You mean tu don’t remember?” he dicho softly.

“Well, it is a little hazy but I was waiting for tu and then….whoa,” Peyton grabbed at her stomach.

“Peyton, what is it?” Luke scrambled to his feet seeing the pain written across her face.
“Oh whoa, owwww,” Peyton doubled over in pain, “Oh Luke, no…it’s the babies!” she cried clutching onto the side of the bed. Luke’s face turned a ghostly white.

*What should happen next? Don’t be shy, just hit reply**
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