lee taemin Club
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Sleeping in starbucks for the past 4 hours,moving my fingers to the beat of the música so they think im just resting...

10mins to checkin and people are still watching the promo camioneta, van XD it's like they can't leave =P

Lining up for the fanmeet. Wanna sit down but every time I do they tell us to get up for something o another so I keep waiting ㅠ ㅠ

I seriously have bad timing >_<

Lmao people here are lining up in front of inkigayo to meet taemin and watching the inkigayo stream on their phones at the same time XD

I'm guessing he came up since everyone on their phones let out a collective "AWWWWW!!!!!" followed por screams.

About 500 shawols losing their shit, moaning, screaming in front of inkigayo right now XD it's hilarious XD

Aaaand everyone's clapping now that it's over XD a mom with her child walking por giving the biggest wtf face ever...

It's raining ㅠ ㅠ

everyone opened their umbrellas so now all of them open at the same time form some sort of a dome over our heads so everyone's staying dry ♡

OMFG!!!Taems promo camioneta, van pulled up right in front of usXDppl started screaming,clapping going Wow!When it kept going on they were like Kajima!

Yeah it pulled up after that and is not leaving XD everyones watching the van... again...dude this camioneta, van is like a drug

Aaaand it was leaving again people went NOOO!!! So now it's pulling up right in front of us... again... some are doing the fanchants omfg!!!

Everyones doing the fanchants now for Danger and then laughing at ourselves XD someone just dicho "ah we're cute" XD XD XD yes we are =P

Applauding the camioneta, van XD god we thirsty

Someone just passed por inside a camioneta, van and some fans were saying it's Minho o_o

But some were thinking it was someone else so it's not certain at this point.

It went por so fast we didn't get a good look ㅠ ㅠ

Don't spread the Minho thing there is no confirmation =/

Peole going nuts screaming and crying Jinki ㅠ ㅠ oh god he was here ㅠ ㅠ

So it WAS Minho waving at us with his head out the window with a small smile ㅠ ㅠ just a few people recognized him but no one could be sure

Were Onew and Jjong also inside the van? Was Jjong tweeting from the camioneta, van while they were passing right in front of us?!

Ok I think we're finally going in soon ㅠ ㅠ gonna see Taem bb ㅠ ㅠ fuck fuck fuck

tu guys he recorded Danger again ㅠ ㅠ

Hair away from the forehead, combed backwards!!!!!! FUCK!!!!

It wasn't hard it was still all over the palce as he danced but it was combed backwards ㅠ ㅠ fece there for all to see ㅠ ㅠ

But I think this recording was for siguiente week so Iets w atch it when it comes out ♡

He was interacting with us so so so much!!!!

We asked him if he ate, he touched his belly and dicho yes and we asked what did tu eat but right when he was answering the música came on XD

He was so sheepish XD caught interacting with the fans when he was on standby lmao XD

When people kept saying so cool! So beautiful! So goodlooking! He put his hands under his chin and did the pretty ángel face ㅠ ㅠ mah kokoro

His camisa, camiseta kept riding up and there were lots of belly and lower back peeks for us ㅠ ㅠ *dead

One bad thing was that his ring flew from his hand again and we couldn't find it ㅠ ㅠ

It fell somewhere in front of us and the whole break all of us were on the floor trying to find it in the dark using out lightsticks ㅠ ㅠ

An assistant pd and a security guard came to help and everyone helped but no luck ㅠ ㅠ there was too much confetti on the floor ㅠ ㅠ

No one in the other sections knew what was going on so they kept looking over at us

People have this fascination with the plane mover where his arms are spread wide. It gets the loudest cheers.Even louder than the gun move._.

So he was doing dance moves for us but then he was like tu like this one right and did the plane mover and people went cray. Obviously.

When the dancers first came on stage someone screamed really loud and then it turned into a dancer appreciation moment.

We were in left standing so they got on&off stage inches from us so we gave the dancers lots of thumbs ups and you're cool! type comments

And Taem always looked at us and waved and smiled when leaving stage ♡♡♡ Kinda cuz we were right there XD

Because our side was screaming so many comentarios at the dancers he made them stand in a line hold hands and bow at the beginning.

There were a lot of mistakes at first. Shooting kept getting interrupted 2 times and every time people went It's Ok, It's ok lmao

But he was definitely in a better mood and much más relaxed for this post-recording. Lots of interactions and he was más comfortable.

The whole keeping the chants going during monitoring time is now a tradition it seems XD we can't stop chanting.

It's like a Running Man fanparty right now. People going absolutely nuts.

They're taking everyone over to the meeting area group por group

Hundred shawols trying to cruzar, cruz the calle before the green light turns red XD omfg we're sad The sight XD

We're like middle schoolers on a school trip. Walking in a line. If only were we holding hands lmao XD

People trying to run and the fansupporters are worried someone's gonna fall so they're like "walking-iro kaseyo~" "be careful"

Lmao another grpup is having a fanmeeting here XD no idea who they are tho I suck at I fo on other groups...

Lmao the other groups fanmeeting is over so Shawols are waving them bye. They're happy cuz it means now it's out turn XD

The fanmeeting is at a park so we have curious misceláneo bystanders watching and trying to figure what this is XD

Went out to walk your dog>>> get caught in the middle of a fanmeeting...


I'm gonna touch Taemins hand how the fuck am I supposed to handle that?@!!!!!

This brat actually opened the thing por saying today tu are all my girlfriends ㅠ ㅠ

My legendary first and last meeting with taemin was me shaking before, bursting into tears during and forming the very meaningful "Hi"

I forgot to hold his hands, couldn't look him in the eye and I just froze and cried and he took my hands instead.

I... I just stood there. Looking down. Crying.

I don't do shit like that, not even in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd do that but I just couldn't do anything else

Fuck this seriously.

I need to get on the subway and I'm alone and I'm still crying and I'm never gonna see him ever again so why did I fuck up like that?

He looked shocked cuz I probbably looked so scared. I mean there's an idiot at a handshaking event who isn't even touching him...

But he just smiled and took both my hands and dicho Hi and then I dicho Hi and then I started sobbing so I had to leave.

I had this whole thing planned, I was gonna tell him just how proud I am to be his fan and thank him but nope. Hi. Fucking Hi. With tears.

Didn't help that as soon as the handshaking part started after a few people Taemin himself burst into tears.

He, this beautiful person inside and out got too emotional and had to go away and he just sobbed for a while. Everyone was crying por then.

I mean there tu are shaking cause you're about to hold his hand, instead he is the one who gets overwhelmed por all the amor he's getting.

We were talking about his hair. The colouring process and it was painful getting that shade etc does it suit him etc etc and someone in the audience shouted "you look like a prince" and then Taemin was like "aren't tu being too much?" Everyone lols. But then he took it further por saying "If I'm the prince then all of tu are princesses" at which point everyone was like Taemin please, no.

fans asked about Cry for Me and he was like ehm... well... that song... and then he dicho he was shy and someone asked if he could sing a little and he did. But then in the 2nd verse he burst into laughter XD

Because we were at a park there were ppl with perros and the perros would bark at the worst moments lmao. Over and over again.

After a particularly sudden bark Taem apologised to the dog for bothering him XD

fans asked about an encore concert&he kinda talked around the subject at first but mentioned they have to consider their physical conditions

He was very talkative,open,witty.When that fan got cheesy&called him a prince he was like this gurl has never seen a prince in her life XD


During cry for me and experience he burst into laughter. I burst into tears.

I'm so sorry I'm still crying and walking around and trying to get it all out somewhere so I'm a mess.

Taem couldn't help but laugh when singing. Crying came after

He sang I think 3 songs.Play me-his favourite, experience and fan request-cry for me. Burst into laughter during both cry for me&experience

tu guys are asking me how he cried in detail but please give me some time because I'm still sobbing. My chest hurts and I cant breathe.

Might seem dumb o a bit of an exaggeration to tu but I also never even imagined I'd be like this. The past 6 years is crushing me rn.

The girl I gave the hand cream to actually tried to translate stuff for me but I told her it was ok I could underatand it&she was so happy

Its been raining on and off the whoe día basically and during the handshake event a few drops of rain fell and everyone panicked and chanted for the staff to find an unmrella for our Taeminnie. Taem heard it and put his hand over his head to check but it was literally just a few drops, so he kept going on shaking hads but fans were insistent and after a while one of the staff came with a giant black umrella and stood siguiente to Taem holding the umbrella for him while he shook hands.

There was a long haired older girl right before our line. When she tried to get up she just collapsed. Her legs would not work and they kept giving out under her. Her friends were trying to hold her up but her legs looked like jelly. She kept going dowm. SM supporters called the security guys and they tried to hold her up. Tried talking to her. Once she'd calmed down they took her to her place in the line but she never got better even when she made it to Taem =(

First of all tu need to understand the past few days have been bery very emotional. Every time we go to a recording Taem just has this look on his face like he's saying Is this all for me? The support he's receiving here is immense and he knows it. We didn't know it was gonna be a handshake event before we got there so everyone was very sensitive after. And after the whole talk segment was emotional and close and cute and sweet so emotions were running high. There were people crying in the audience just at the thought of meeting Taemin.

With emotions running that high it was impossible for him not to be affected por it all. People started crying before anyone even made it to the stage to meet him. That was the sight that greeted him. And a lot of people dicho very nice things to him when they got there so the whole thing added to the past few days was very emotional. So yeah Taemin who has been feeling the support of everyone just kinda needed to let it all out. He was just very very touched por everyones amor and support and he couldn't help it and started crying. He turned his back at first but when tears kept on coming he walked to the low muro behind him and he just kneeled there and kept crying. He was kinda sobbing at that point and he couldn't stop so cried for a while. He was bending over the wall, hanging his head down and crying and the staff and his manager went over to him and they rubbed his back and his head and talked to him. After he cried it all out he came back and the event continued. The support team asked us not to cry and to try to mostrar him how happy he makes us and out happy faces ㅠ ㅠ they were very very sweet.

fans actually tried to chant uljima uljima and saranghae but it didn't work because the entire audience was also crying at that point.

Umm... I didn't hear that part but the Korean fan who was trying to help me dicho something about 00:00 ... ._.

cr: Ezgi / Mel ^_^ @MelodyMeritamon ·

At fanmeet taem dicho how could u guys i was so moved por shawols (so many coming to smt con) he minds it very much

jjong cried watching taem mv n taem cried after receiving text fr jjong

Taem shook hands w each n every one of 500 fans attending fan meet today

Shaking hands w fans moved por all nice supportive words fr fans taem turned bac n cried like for 5 minutes

Im crying now

One fan made a low bow to taem n ppl clapped :D

A fan dicho tm hair is like prince tm shy dicho u didnt c real prince fans pointed at tm its u~ tm "then u r my princess"

Everyone cried ocean today taem dicho i always amor u i'll work harder to make u proud n u didnt c anything today~ ^^;;

Taem also dicho send amor to those who couldnt attend fan meet today sweet bb

A fan told taem his mv made 1million hits n tm dicho he himself contributed w 100000 hits (making click motion)

Talking abt shinee plan n members condition taem dicho dont need to b impatient we still have a lot más to show

cr: @juju_home


Apparently one take for Ace at Inkigayo today. Taemin is perfect. So few artists are able to do it in one take.

Lining up for the mini fan meet.

So much lining up is involved with música shows in Korea.... 95% of your time is lining up and waiting...

Someone lost their tie...

Omg.... the whole sidewalk went so quiet everyone watching phones of the recording.

So many cheers and claps when he finished his stage. The camera work was amazing

Watching the promo camioneta, van while waiting for tye mini fanmeet. Everyone knows the words to even the medley.

Muted fanchanting to Danger because we are on the sidewalk.

Idols are driving por waving and are getting like no reaction from Shawols. Busy watching the promo van... no idea who they are either...

Omg!!! Jinki, Jonghyun and Minho all came!!! Everyone on the sidewalk is freaking out.

So Jonghyun tweeted basically as he drove por and we were half clueless who was going by.

They are so supportive of Taemin. I find this endearing and a mostrar of just how close they really are.

All the clues multiple members came to support Taemin and Shawols in denial that they were here... there was signs and now confirmed...

Minho drove por with the window down waving and barely anyone noticed distracted por the promo van.

We have also been here since about 330-4am... sorry Minho. Too much going on today. Thank tu for waving...

Post recording for Danger is finished!

Won't say what he was wearing but his camisa, camiseta couldn't stay tucked in. I saw belly button.

When he came out he got the backup dancers to give a bow. Everyone kept cheering from them when they came out.

He was much más relaxed evening. Again preguntas about eating and a comentario about eatig bingsu

They stopped the música at the first 'bam bam bam' but the fans kept canto along so he kept dancing.

Much chanting of Taemin's name again. tu can tell he loves it. Just similed and bounced around when we dis it.

fans would ask him between takes to do little parts like the gun shot.

One of the back up dancers was fixing another's hair. It was cute.

The stage was a little sipplery but he just glided around it.

There was two flase starts then it took about 4 takes to finish.

I don't think I can handle much más of sexy manily man Taemin when the música is on and he goes back to cutie pie when the música finishes.

Almost every playback the fans would still fanchant along. I hope it made Taemin smile in the back.

Now going for a walk to where the Relay fanmeeting was when shinee debuted. Seems really fitting (and so many people are here)

People are watching Running Man on their phones freaking out whenever Taemin appears.

Crashing another group's fanmeet por the looks of it... oops.

Just sitting here waiting for this other fangroup to finish their meet, listening to reactions to Taemin on Running Man

Whoever they are got a warm send off from Shawols waiting for Taemin.

Taemin tu reduced some 600 girls to tears.

Taemin, tu are beautiful inside and out. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

At the end of the fanmeet was imprompt to handshake event. Everyone got to go up and shake Taemin's hand and everyone ended up in tears

Even Taemin broke down in tears quickly with all the support. Manager had to run and get him a tissue and see if he was okay. That got teaes

He mentioned being happy that the other members came to visit him at Inkigayo today.

fans asked Taemin about Shinee's comeback but he wouldn't really say anything concret about it.

He spoke a little about each song and even sang a bit from each. Except 'Pretty Boy'....

A dog kept barking at Taemin and what was going on so he laughed and dicho sorry!

The manager brought out a cake for congradulations for Tarmin then sprayed him with snow confetti. Even messed up Taemin's hair after.

fans were asking him to take off his shirt/show his abs but he peaked under and dicho no. He was really shy about it too.

He was doing the gun shot mover of the dance again as fans really like that part.

I told Taemin congradulations in Korean. K-Fans helped make sure I could say it right. He told me in English 'Thank youx3' and 'I amor you'

Taemin dicho that after the MV came out he received a drunk kakao text from jonghyun. He actually dicho tu know kakao right? I got one from Jonghyun hyung and I knew he was drunk and he was crying and was talking about how proud he was of him and Taemin stopped for a sec and he dicho after getting the text he also started crying. Him and Jjong just cried like that for a while. dicho he saved Jonghyuns number on his phone as jjongmanie? Hyung I'm not sure how t write it actually but he mentioned how jjong is saved on his phone.

Shawols on the train just see each other still emotional messes jist smile and nod. We are all having such feels.

shinee having feels with each other... no one supports o loves those boys then the other members...

When Taemin first came down into the park everyone was chanting his name so he raised his hands up and was dancing all excited.

Such an emotional day. I for one have been sick the last two days, stressed for months and running on 3hrs sleep. I was not expecting this.

Taemim broke down, like we had to stop for 5min. He tired to hold it in but just couldn't and had to take a break. He never ever cries.

During the Q&A section a fan asked if he had seen the shawol section on the 3rd floor at SMTOWN and Taemin dicho aren't tu being too much? How can I not? Of course. He dicho the fans were too supportive and he felt very emotional and he dicho they took pics and he was just very happy from the amount of support he and the group got.

No one expected the handshaking. When it was announced girls started wiping out mirrors and makeup. Hand wipes to clean their hands too.

We were talking about his hair. The colouring process and it was painful getting that shade etc does it suit him etc etc and someone in the audience shouted "you look like a prince" and then Taemin was like "aren't tu being too much?" Everyone lols. But then he took it further por saying "If I'm the prince then all of tu are princesses" at which point everyone was like Taemin please, no.

fans asked about Cry for Me and he was like ehm... well... that song... and then he dicho he was shy and someone asked if he could sing a little and he did. But then in the 2nd verse he burst into laughter XD

How do I go to work tomorrow?

One girl had to be helped up por two people and when she got there she collapsed again and couldnt do it. Taemin was so shocked

This wad the emotions we were dealing with...

I am so proud of tu Taemin. Keep working hard and we will all keep supporting tu and making sure that your light shines bright.

He talked about the recording process of ACE a lot. I honestly didnt get all of it because the sound system sucked and it was a little complicated for me. What I got was that it was difficult because he had problems hitting the notes, made for a different type of vocal and there was a lot of technique involved so it was very difficult - technique was in english XD

We ended with a group picture. Taemin asked we make the triángulo, triángulo de with our lightsticks so fans borrowed o teamed up to do it.

Shawols help each other a lot... a lot of hand wipes and tissues got passed around..

That is all the feels I have. I still cannot process it all. Somehow that just happened.

He talked about his SMTOWN stages, thanked for the incredible support he received. fans asked about his body and he talked about ripping his parte superior, arriba off.. He dicho he'd it was difficult because he'd hated working out before and he dicho he worked out for 3 weeks. And the MSTOWN stage was very burdensome ♡

I do have to add, Taemin really does have lovely hands. His fingers are so long and delicate but have a strength to them.

cr: MelodyMeritamon


Holy crap that post rec for Danger was the best energy in a recording I have ever seen. Taemin was in the best mood ㅠ.ㅠ

Taemin absolutely killed it ㅠ.ㅠ He asked how his hair was and everyone was screaming and giving thumbs up. It was total sex hair.

I wont say what he was wearing o what his hair was like because we cant spoil the recording but he looked phenomenal as did the set ㅠ.ㅠ

SHAWols asked Taemin if he ate o not and he rubbed his tummy and dicho yes after a long pause.

SHAWols kept falling into chanting LEE TAEMIN really loudly and he couldn't keep the grin off his face

Taemin was posing coolly for the close up shots and SHAWols would coo about how cute he was and he'd have to resist smiling ㅠ.ㅠ

Taemin ased what our fav dance mover was. He did the airplane dance and everyone screamed then began suggesting the gun mover and he did it

There were 2 false starts where the PDs stopped the música and both times SHAWols chanted; it's ok, it's ok and Taem grinned happily ·

Taemin was so natural on stage and he was interacting with fans A LOT. He asked about his hair and then did giyomi poses kind of shyly ㅠ.ㅠ

Taemin had the back up dancers make a line, bow and had SHAWols cheer for them. He had everyone cheering the choreographer hes close with.

Taemin is really close with the blonde SM choreographer who's one of the back up dancers as well. He was cuddling up to him on Friday too

The Inki staff are meticulous about getting close up shots of important choreo. Inki recordings take longer because theyre perfectionists.

Taemin was posing @ the end with his thumb hooked into the tiny part of his leather pants revealed where his camisa, camiseta peaked open the slightest

fans were fanchanting even during the playbacks when Taemin was backstage and out of sight. I hope he felt everyone's amor and happiness ㅠ.ㅠ

It really was such a good mood for a recording. This morning everyone was so hot and tired and Taem tried hard to be cheerful anyway.

This afternoon everyone was cheering and smiling and laughing, including Taemin.

SHAWols were calling out: Taemin Fairy Prince and calabaza Prince. Taemin couldnt hear and was trying to figure out what they were saying~

I think...we might be having the Taemin fanmeet where the Noona Neomu Yeppeo fanmeet was... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Theres another idol group holding a fanmeet at the park where Taemin will have his so...we have to wait ㅋㅋㅋ

SHAWols are watching Running Man and freaking whenever Taemin appears. It's totally confusing the other idol group here

SHAWols have been here from 4am this morning until 7pm at night so far. Danger & Ace prerec, Danger postrec for siguiente week and now fanmeet.

SHAWols cheering for this other idol group keke so cute. They're leaving now~ Maybe Taemin will come soon!! ^.^

Taemin-ah...thank you, thank you, thank you. 영원히 고마워요. 영원히 응원할께요. 영원히 사랑할께요. ♡

SHAWols colllapsed in a public park and clutching at each other in tears after Taemin left. I hugged and comforted people I've never met.

Every SHAWol began passing around wet tissues to wipe their hands before approaching Taemin. Sharing wet tissues so everyone had clean hands

Taemin has been holding back tears all weekend. Whenever we chanted his name tu could see it but he was strong until he offered us his hand

We never expected to be allowed to greet Taemin personally. It was such an unexpected gift. So thankful to Taemin and the staff and SHINee

The fanstaff were helping crying SHAWols back to their seats, handing out tissues and getting emotional themselves.

The managers crowded Taemin when he was crying, rubbing his back and smiling like proud dads. Thank tu so much for caring for him managers!

We took a huge group foto at the end and Taemin was directing people and making sure everyone moved into the shot safely.

We used SHINee lightsticks to make the Ace triángulo, triángulo de and two Korean girls behind me encouraged me to registrarse them and make the triángulo, triángulo de together

I sometimes feel really alone in fandom caught up in arguing and K vs I BS but days like this it all boils down to: We're SHAWols. All of us

There were fans who were gripping Taemin's hands like a lifeline but I could only thread fingers gently ㅠ.ㅠ How to grip his hand like that??

cr: locketmin0923
added by FairyTaleLucy
added by FairyTaleLucy
added by FairyTaleLucy
added by FairyTaleLucy
added by FairyTaleLucy
haha so cute ~ A taemint (Taemin's fan) opens a cafe and the signboard even has that taemsprout


haha so cute ~ A taemint (Taemin's fan) opens a cafe and the signboard even has that taemsprout


haha so cute ~ A taemint (Taemin's fan) opens a cafe and the signboard even has that taemsprout


haha so cute ~ A taemint (Taemin's fan) opens a cafe and the signboard even has that taemsprout


haha so cute ~ A taemint (Taemin's fan) opens a cafe and the signboard even has that taemsprout

lee taemin