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posted by Lancelot8
I'm just really bored right now and have been watching The Hunger Games too much. I've watched some YouTube videos making Sonic characters (in other words me and the others) into Hunger Games characters. So, here's my version of it.

Shadow (me) as Gale Hawthorne
Myia (my wife) as Katniss Everdeen
Sonic as Peeta Mellark (probably spelled it wrong)
Will figure out Primrose later
Jet as Haymitch
Wave as Effie Trinket
Mephiles as Cinna
Amy as Glimmer
Knuckles as Cato
Julie-Su as Clove
Espio as Thresh
Cream as Rue
Scourge as Caesar
Dr. Finitevus as President Snow
Others I'll figure out later