Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Ichigo growled at the other cell across from them. When they had once again arrived back in the Society all of them had been captured and brought here to Mayuri's lab. Even with Jamie-Kura cleaned in the forge she still hadn't been awake when they had traveled back taking to the lower part of the Society hoping to avoid the reapers. Now she was strapped on a mesa, tabla in the cell across from the rest of them. The hit had been rápido, swift and instant the moment they had stepped through the Sword Gate. Ichigo eperlano the air looking for the comforting emanating scent of.... Chameleon? How did that happen? He never noticed until now that the air smelled like toasted strawberries whenever he wore her at his side. He sighed and let his shoulders sag. He looked at the extra member...on their way, even though Jamie had looked as if she was dying had dado her last wing's heart. A corazón for the heartless. Ulquiorra Cifer the espata that he in his hollow form had killed had been there. In fact, all the destroyed espada's had still existed in the Sword Gate Tunnel. Yet only Cifer had been able to aide them. Jamie's flame that had been flickering above her body had only stabilized when Cifer had touched her shivering body. Her eyes had opened slightly, and she'd smiled warmly. "Stop here for a moment." She'd dug into the right side of her chest without even hesitating and offered the last of her hearts to the espada. "A corazón of truth for one who seeks true emotions." Cifer hadn't known what to do with it. It had just sat in his hands. Before it had melted into his hands. In moments the hollow's hole had healed, his number disappeared, and color had flowed into his body. It had made him.... freak out in his own way. He had woken up angry and deadly. Yet not one of the reapers recognized him. Which had Ichigo perplexed, but now in the cell he gave the once espada a side ways glance and locked eyes with him. Cifer's anger dissipated, his eyes changed color just like J...no her name was Kura. No matter what name she chose Kura was the one she'd been given. Cifer walked over to him eyeing their cage studying it for weakness. "It's must be her corazón inside me. It's protects me...." his eyes looked down and to the side. Ichigo put a hand on his shoulder and had to grip it as the heartful boy now tried to shrug him off. "Then it should also tell tu it was meant for you. Without tu those flames would have become sputters. Flickers were bad enough, J... Kura is who she is. She....she...." Cifer put a hand on the glass and screamed. "Mother!" Real tears streamed down his face. His shoulders sagged and his knees bent to the ground. Orihemia came over and put her hand on Cifer's other shoulder. Cifer seemed to get a hand on his emotions. He wiped his eyes and stood up.
".... I'm sorry. I'm not used to having these emotions. It's hard to....to control." Chad hmmed on the side. "Kura is never wrong. tu were worthy of her corazón as I was finally worthy of my father's sword and....it is only right that tu should call her mother. Since she gave birth to your new life."
Jamie could feel her heartbeat fuego inside her veins. Not many in her tribe had ever ventured to do anything so reckless. The fuego corazón was dangerous, because it acted like fuego and in her case a fuego on the verge of going out of control. She needed to see him, just to see him and it would settle down. At least.... the door opened, she smelled....
"Look her tears have turned to flames. Amazing! We could use her tear ducts as a new weapon!" Jushiro and Tushiro stepped in between the mesa, tabla and Mayuri. "If tu wouldn't have kidnapped the girl in the first place, she wouldn't have attacked the Society!" Tushiro reminded the captain. Jushiro tapped his chin. "Though it was just the R and D building she destroyed and since it was my fish, she ate it's alright. It needed a clearing out and it was only the oldest she ate. So, no harm done she actually helped me out and as for the arena that was quite the show. If we befriend her how much más can we gain." Mayuri growled at the two. "We can gain más if we dissect her now before she wakes up! Plus, I was dado special orders por the High King to do whatever it took to expediate the orders and it's been más than a year. Even Byakuya has been tampered with, his memory is not altogether clear and she's the only one with the power to overwhelm such a psyche as his. I was brought in and was promised that I could have her for myself if I could accomplish what no one else could."
Tushiro frowned, but before he could answer the other captains walked into the cage. As Yumamoto closed the door she burst her straps and bent to the Head Captain.
"Second Father...." was what it sounded like and then she merely touched the cage bursting it outward and in a blink of an eye it was done. Both cages lay in ruins and only she remained sagging in the remains of the second.
Jamie had been nearly blind with tears when she had bent to her segundo father before realizing that he wouldn't remember her. She'd stood up and touched the glass, the pressure of her fuego corazón burst it on impact. Her left eye blazed and a right sided smirk lit her face. "TOMERU." Time stopped. With a nod, the other cage shattered. She released time and let the tears fall as she opened up a portal to the only place seguro for her family and then closed it.
Ichigo had merely blinked, and she was there.... tears streaming down her face resignation in her eyes. " NO!" He screamed even as the darkness enveloped them depositing them on a cold floor surrounded por sword bearing knights and an....no way!
Renji and Rongiku found themselves separated from the group on the way back to the Society. In fact, the tunnel deposited them nearly on the doorsteps of Captain Tunshiru's quarters. "There tu are Lt. why aren't tu helping to find this intruder?" Rongiku blinked and Renji started to stammer some excuse when she grabbed both men and walked back into her captain's office. An hora then two. "She's not a monster! tu can't let them hurt her!" Tushiro held up his hand. "Easy Renji...." He looked at the two Lt.'s standing in front of him. He remembered seeing the girl dressed in one of their uniforms. He actually found her.... he swallowed hard. What if what they dicho was true? Not only were these two but Ichigo....and along with him his entire family.... meaning Karien....his Karien. He felt his body tense. He closed that direction immediately.
"Though I will admit Rongiku maybe a monster when it comes to drinking but that is where it ends...I will confer with those I trust and decide from there. As for the two of you, I suggest tu stay here."
"That was very stupid of you." Mayuri dicho as he and the other captains cut her off from the exits. She sighed and stretched. " Who dicho I was trying to escape? " She shook her shoulders and turned to them. The captains all moved their hands to their weapons. As they did so their swords spirits materialized to bow in front of Jamie. "We bow to tu Great Lady of the Forge. Our maker. Thy will be done. What is your will, my lady?" Jamie walked adelante, hacia adelante and laid a hand on Hyourinmaru. His bowed head raised she smiled, and the spirit cried. " We will defend you." She eased away the tears. " I defend you; no one defends me." Tushiro stepped forward. "How did tu do that?" Jamie's smile turned cold, and her eyes blazed the color of black ice. "As Maru said.... many of your weapons came from my forge...and since I am the last pure blood, I hold all of them inside me. " Her eyes softened as she looked down at the spirit." His maker was a friend. They will not harm me and in any case, my curse will not allow me to be truly injured."
Yamamoto still stood in amazement at his zenpakuto's form. A very young child. Her eyes were a multitude of colors. How was this possible? The Smith's eyes turned to him with a mixture of emotions increíble happiness but also an accepting sadness. "Fire is always young. Its feelings are always in need of a strong master. tu are a very strong master, a worthy handler. Right young one." Ryujin Jakk nodded her head blushing. "But my lady the High King..." Jamie snorted. "M... He has been after one of our swords for eons. We refused to make him one because he is unbalanced." The captains stilled. "Who the hell are you?" Mayuri dicho making Jamie wince at the pitch. She started to answer and then heard a voice from a path so old it no longer existed for her. "Me? Well, it seems that the Society has no use for history, so I won't waste my time. As for Kura here, well she's now head mistress of our Mage Academy. She was so nice to drop off our first batch of students in over 4000 years." Jamie paled and started to sweat, as the mage tweaked her cheek. "You can't make me go. I'm busy. I've got other obligations to attend to. Pick someone else." The pointy eared woman sighed and rolled her eyes. "You should be más respectful of your head mistress." Byakuya dicho coming into the room from the hole created por the cage's explosion. Jamie turned to him, the fuego corazón demanding it. The joy of the flames erupted in pure white light giving the elf the needed opportunity to pick up the now passed out new head mistress. "Thanks, big boy. She'd have been a real perra to get the drop on without your help." She kissed his cheek in passing por him on her way out of the hole. Byakuya looked down at Jamie's limp body hanging from this elves grip. No. He turned and grabbed the creature's hair. "Ah!" The woman turned around and smirked. "Oh, so touchy. Thats good I like a jealous man. I'll see tu later. Ta-ta for now." Then she just disappeared into thin air. Leaving laughter in her wake.
Jamie woke up in the sunkin folds of the dragon fat filled luxury mattress (like a waterbed but without the possibility of puncturing plus it climatizes to the needed climate).
"So....You're finally up. "
added by RAICAL
added by LidiaIsabel
added by blackpanther666
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by dithaire-chan
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by Morrighan178
Kuchiki Byakuya vs Ichigo transformed hollow fight
added by LidiaIsabel
added by michellepotter
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by michellepotter