Katie Fitch Club
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posted by PoooBoo
 Katie Fitch <3
Katie Fitch <3
I'm not being funny but I'm well annoyed por just how two-faced everyone is. The minuto someone starts to do well for themselves all the shit-stirrers and the bitches are just waiting around for any excuse to take them down. It doesn't even matter if that person is actually a really good person who's just trying to do what they think is right…it's totally jokes. So I just want to say to all the haters out there that Kanye West is probably the most important man in the world and everyone else can just fuck right off.

Has anyone even seen Taylor Swift's video? It's proper shit. Has anyone seen...
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posted by PoooBoo
 Katie Fitch <3
Katie Fitch <3
NAME: Katie Fitch

AGE: 16

MOTTO: Sticks and stones will break your bones but rumours will haunt tu forever...So don't fuck with me.

WHO AM I: I'm a Bristol Roovers WAG. WAGs are always stereotyped to be blond, oro digging bimbos who degrade themselves por dating arrogant and stupid footballers in order to secure themselves a spread in OK! Magazine. Well I'm here to rebuke this and stand up for my girlies. We're not dumb blonds, in fact I'm a fierce red head, who is about to start at Roundview College. I'm also not a oro digger. Yes, Danny buys me present but that's a boyfriend's job, whether...
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