Calleigh 👑 editar - Exit historical view

Calleigh is my three year old Calico cat that I adopted from a small town animal control center in Missouri. I adopted her at 2, and have had her for about a year and a half now. Her coloring is known as tortoiseshell or "tortie" for short. She (and every other tortie) has an attitude. She is feisty, stubborn and very spoiled. She was the last member to arrive in our household and immediately made it her own, taking charge of the other animals. Especially the dog 😂 She was already declawed when I adopted her, or the dog might be scratched to shreds by now!

She loves to play - as shown above. With anything really. She is the first cat I've had to just loves to play and doesn't care who sees her doing it. She loves the sound a shaking pill bottle makes and will go for it fast. She also loves bottlecaps, plastic wrappers, nail polish bottles...but her absolute favorite toy are Q-tips. Seriously. She is obsessed and she knows she's not supposed to have them, so she will hide them under the many rugs we have in the house. This girl also LOVES to eat. I mean LOVES IT. She is a literal trash gut who will eat everything any human has and then some. She has snatched things and run away with them straight from my hands before. She's got a petite frame, or else she'd be morbidly obese by now!

She is very much a momma's girl. She tolerates my bf just fine, but she is basically my shadow. And while she is very feisty and will play bite a lot, she also is extremely affectionate and I'd consider her a lap cat. At night, when she knows its time to go to bed because everything is off, she will sprawl her entire body across the width of mine and just purr. She stays for quite awhile too, as I usually have to be the one to move her.

When she's not draped across me, you can find her at the very top (or second to the top) perch on her cat tree. Yes, we have two cats but one of them is very fat (and also kinda stupid lol) and only sits on the bottom that is close to the floor. She loves to survey her kingdom below. She also loves to get in the windows and look out, swishing her tail at the birds that go by, but if I try to take her outside she panics. She will never leave the home voluntarily. My kinda girl!