JayJay <3 Alex Club
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I met my alex on here on October 22, 2010 at 3:54 (went through my imbox for that info) something just fasinated me about him i was pulled to him like a magnet! and we talked for 6 days before we became a couple! but like the 2nd o 3rd día we were talking i started to fall in amor with him! tho i didnt know if he felt the same way! we talk constently those 6 days before hand! lolz from when he got inicial til the time he had to go to bed! learning about each other más and más and my friends they were like "What is he like ur boyfriend o something cuz u seem to be spending alot of him with him?" and i told him and he was like "want to make that offical" and i remember think "oh god some one up there must really amor me! its a merical and a prayer answered" i remember being so happy and greatful and feeling lucky... wonder how a girl like me got a man like him! He made me who i am today! hes made me happy and hes made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world! cuz he both makes my corazón stop and go faster! and ive never ever ever felt like i have towords him for anyone else! hes honsetly my first TRUE boyfriend! the man of my dreams and so much más and who thought i would find him on here right... he loves me for wats on the inside and not wat i look like even though he thinks im sooo pretty and beautiful (his word) *tears up a little* and i amor him for wats on the inside too, but to me he is and always will be the most handsome man in the world! I want to be with him for life and i can honestly say that i feel he is my soulmate, first true love, my handsome romeo that saved me from a fate worse then death, my Valiente soldier that saved me for myself, my superman that swooped in just in time, and my everything *cries happy tears and clears throat* im sorry about all the crying!!! i want to grow old with him, i want him to be my future husband, i want to be the future Mrs. Tanner, and i want to have his bebés and if i can accoplish at least on of them ill be forever happy! and weither my father agrees o not one día hes gonna have to face it and deal with it, he dont have to amor it o like it even but he has to except it cuz im sure my alex will be in my life so a very very long time if not forever lolz!