jasper hale Club
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added by haley_scott
added by Beriwan
added by milkie
added by milkie
added by Natbr
added by milkie
added by Priscillaa
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: Jackson-Rathbone.Org
added by Priscillaa
added by CullenSisters-X
Source: Summit (Scanned por me!) :)
added by pellegrino_girl
Source: pellegrino_girl
added by haley_scott
added by Beriwan
posted by ImBooOK
Heyz:) i know tu prolly wont like this pairing but....to tell tu the truth i dont care much. this story was inspired por fanfiction.net to the blog "oh my jasper" por many good fans. i dont own anything....except the pleasure of loving jasper:)


i glared at the T.V my eyes concentrating on the colores to keep me distracted. i was really thirsty and the longing to feed was making the monster inside me scream in pain. i looked at the clock as i waited for Emmett and edward to get downstairs. we were going hunting soon and they really needed to get ready? i then heard carlisle come from...
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posted by vampfan
Chapter 1: Time travel
I pulled the crystal on my delicate neck.All i could think is i don't care if i die in the process i dont care if i get bitten and i dont care if i get grounde por carlisle and myfather all i wanted was t ostop my evil twin sister Alanna.She was a slayer i was the anti- slayer i hated slayers.I sighed "1864" I got there it was in the middle of nowhere.A dust storm was coming in.I saw that i would have to wear a dress "crap" ithought.
I groaned it's for jasper i thought.Iwalked it was getting really dark.I then saw Jasper I wasn't thinking i ran up t ohim."jasper Jasper..Mr.Whitlock!"...
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added by x-Sophie-Jade-x
added by milkie
added by milkie
posted by TeanRose424
Chapter One Deppresed

I was still with Maria. I was growing tired of her, changing people then just killing them after a year. It was rellay starting to bother me. I knew I had to get away. Maybe id run away to peter and charlotes. o just run. Run untill i felt whole again.

" Jasper come help with the disposal!" Yelled Maria. I was starting to get angry thats when i heard something behing me i turned around and saw that it was peter hiding in the bushes. I straited up then went over to him.

" jasper, how are you? He asked me. It was almost like he could tell. I was so depressed from all of...
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