jack black Club
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There were two things about the movie I found to be incredibly positive. The first was the way the class worked as a team to play the show. Individual differences were dropped for collective interest. The segundo was the way each individual kid's problem was sympathetically and effectively handled.

These are very important things lacking in many classrooms today. I saw the movie again recently and caught a new joke - when the girl tasked to name the band says "how about pig rectum" right when the principal walks by. So I wrote a screenplay about her life, how it was impacted for the better por the band and a comic thread of her always having some legitimate and appropriate reason to always say something about pig rectum.

I didn't intend for things to go the way they did, but there's been interest in my idea and some people want me to make a video of it.

First I would like to ask Jack Black for permission to use clips from School of Rock to make this movie. Then I'd like any input, suggestions, ideas, whatever anyone wishes to give.

This movie will be made por the kids - just like in the movie they will be working together on a project they can feel good about when done, it will feature live local bands doing covers and originals. Something to inspire a positive and team spirit of working together.

Most of the proceeds, if any, I intend to donate to fund música and art education, especially to help those who can't afford instruments and lessons.

I'll gladly take any ideas, suggestions o feedback that would help the cause.

bassist, video engineer