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posted by tammyr50
I took a break from "Moving On" and wrote a one shot I think. I am not sure we are lectura anymore but I am going to post it here anyway.


This a link to "Iris and Jasper". I listened to it while I wrote. It is a very peaceful selection.

House’s phone had been ringing all morning continuously as he had gathered with the team poised and ready for the siguiente case.

Thirteen answered it and put it on speaker.

“Don’t do that” House replied.

“House I need tu to come to my office.”

“Wilson I am in the middle of a case.”

House, “this isn’t a request.” Get in here now!

As he limped through the halls House was fuming inside because of Wilson’s demands. As he arrived at Wilson’s office o better known as the “Dean of Medicine’s” office he stormed in. “You are taking all of my credibility away with the team when tu demand and order me around that way.”

“You mean they may get the idea that tu have to obey rules and follow orders?” We wouldn’t want them to think that rules and regulations apply to you, “now would we?” The great Dr. House has to obey rules, “what a travesty.”

“I am glad we are beginning to see eye to eye on this.”

House! There is a seminar coming up and I have slated tu to speak. tu will be giving the speech on “Forming a Diagnostic Team” at the seminar.

“Wilson me giving a speech is a bad idea on so many levels.”

House tu are one of the biggest draws to this hospital. The hospital needs the publicity and I need tu to give that speech! If tu give me any trouble with this I can always call…….

“Oh Wilson you’re going to play that damn probation card again aren’t you?” This situation is familiar. If I don’t do clinic work, I go to jail. If I don’t do drug tests, I go to jail. If I don’t make the speech, I go to jail. Maybe I should just go to jail.

“Maybe tu should.”

House blew and rolled his eyes just a bit. Why would tu want me to do that speech? I am not the head of the department any longer.

It doesn’t matter who has the title, tu will always be the leader of that department. House I made a deal with the parole board, the judge, and your parole officer. tu agreed to that deal and now if tu suddenly don’t like the terms then….

Ok Wilson! “I’ll give the speech.” Do tu think beating me into submission on everything is healthy for our relationship?”

We don’t have a relationship House. I am your boss. That is the nature of our relationship. Here is the times and dates of the seminar. My PA will book your hotel room.

“You’re not coming?”

No. I have too much work here to get done.
Being the dean for the last two years had really taken its toll on Wilson. Between the meetings, the budgets, the doctors, the charity meetings, and supervising House, he was exhausted. He did not have any time for a personal life and he had thought about quitting numerous times. Maybe the biggest reason he didn’t quit was the one walking out of his door now. House was virtually unsupervisable and when Cuddy left it was almost impossible to get House rehired. The conditions, which were numerous, included Wilson taking the job as “Dean of Medicine.”

As House got back to his apartment that night he began trying to put together a speech. Why would Wilson assign House to speak on “Forming a Team?” He was lousy at relationships and anything that had anything to do with them. The only two relationships he had ever had he found a way to destroy them. Something, that although he never talked about, he deeply regretted. He hadn’t seen Cuddy since that día in the courtroom. Those grey eyes that use to look at him with such passion now held such a deep resentment for him. When the trial was heard he had completely detoxed from vicodin so there was nothing to numb the anguish that he felt as she looked at him with such malice.
She had been there for 25 years. He wanted to scream out; he wanted to tell her he was sorry, he wanted a segundo chance. That is why he had gone there that día but he taken so many vicodin that he really just couldn’t reason things anymore. When he saw her with her hand on someone else the thought of her being with someone else was más than he could piece together in his heart. He snapped. The thought of losing her of never holding her again and worse someone else holding her was más than he could fathom.
When they came back with a verdict on all the charges he had acquired 5 years to be suspended to 1 año in prison and the remainder probation he dropped his head because he couldn’t even look at her. He had been charged with a Class C misdemeanor which would allow him to practice medicine again but nothing would ever take this moment away.

Sitting there and listening to her testimony and the contempt in her voice had hurt más than the beatings he would soon be subject to. There was only one moment during the trial that he lifted his head. Cuddy spoke of Rachel and that her daughter could have been in that house. He looked at her as water filled his eyes but he never shed a tear and he never spoke a word.

The months that followed in prison were hard and the fact that he felt like he deserved every segundo of it, every beating, every menial task he was dado didn’t go unnoticed por anyone there. He didn’t care anymore about anything. He had lost all of her this time. There was no part of her corazón left for him to live in. She surely had evicted every memory she had ever had of him.

Had it not been for a prison doctor noticing the intelligence and the gift that was within House he may not have come out of there. Dr. Adams had made the warden aware of the medical mind that House actually possessed.

She began reaching out to Wilson to let him know that House had had a rough time of it and that he was pushing the wrong buttons of the wrong people in the prison. Her conversation with Wilson had took the tone of House being on the verge of losing his life. He was stuck and he didn't really seem to care.

That had been a constant pattern for House and Wilson didn't know if he wanted back in to being the one to protect House from himself.

As he sat at his escritorio the words began to come to him and he penned them as fast as they came to his mind. He was beginning to realize how his life had always been a black hole for his friends. hola had saved him so many times. Is that the legacy he was going to leave?

The siguiente week went por rather quickly and Wilson was in his office trying to get some last minuto things resolved. He had decided to put Foreman in charge and go with House to the seminar.
Whether it was to keep an eye on him o just to get a break from the hospital House didn’t really care he was glad his friend was going. Wilson had tried to get House to read him his speech but

House had refused to accommodate him.
The car ride was quiet between the two men and neither really as trying to bridge the silence with anything más than breathing. As they reached their destination, Wilson had booked a two bedroom suite for him and House.

House got up and went out on the balcony the morning before his speech. He flashed back to the last time he was here. He had been here a few years prior. He had planned to declare his amor for Cuddy the last time he was here but things went awry. He remembered their dance and how good she felt as she buried herself inside his shoulder. They spoke of a más innocent time and how she had caught his eye from the first time he saw her. She was beautiful that night as she was every night.

House, "he turned as Wilson's voice brought him out of the daydream he was having." “It’s almost time for us to head down.”

House gathered his thoughts and the lone tear that had escaped his eye he wiped away as he turned to go inside and prepare.

"Ok Wilson."

As the room began to fill up House walked into the room and close to the podium. His last speech had been on euthanasia.
The host made a few announcements and then he introduced House.

As House glanced throughout the crowd he cleared his throat and took his speech from his pocket.
They have slated me to speak to tu on “Forming a Diagnostic Team” which is ironic to me since I suck at anything that has to do with a team but I challenge tu to think of one act of genuine significance in the history of humankind that was performed por a lone human being. No matter what tu name, tu will find that a team of people was involved.
The leader of the team should possess skills to create and maintain a positive working environment and motivate and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed. An effective team leader will promote a high level of morale and make them feel supported. The team leader should possess the ability for conflict resolution and at all teams be an example of what epitomizes a team.

I was forced to write this speech and I was forced to stand here today and deliver it to you. For that reason I am a lousy example of leadership.

“As he spoke those words Wilson’s head dropped down and he wondered now how much damage would be delivered.” But he lifted his head as he listened to House continue.

While I am not a leader o even the man who required me to write this speech defines what a team leader is. The man I am speaking of arranged my parole because in his opinion I am a “good” doctor and an asset to the hospital. I am here and not in prison o on the calle because Dr. Wilson put his pride aside for the greater good of his patients and his hospital.
“James Wilson”, doesn’t need great fanfare o a pat on the back. He does what he does because he cares and because he truly wants to make a difference. He epitomizes the standards of a great leader. “He is our team leader at PPTH.”

I have had the great fortune in my life to know two really great people who both believed in me. I let them both down and disappointed them numerous times. Those two people are Dr. James Wilson and Dr. Lisa Cuddy.

He dropped his head and took a deep breath as he dicho the siguiente part through a voice that was now cracking. I have hurt them both and have been unworthy of the confidence that they had put in me. They on the other hand possess the kind of leadership that forms a good team. They constantly put this hospital and the needs of patients before anything else.

House finished his speech without fail and began taking questions. He tried answering them but kept waiting on the sea of people to separate so he could find the least intrusive path out of there. He finally made it back to the room.

Wilson came out to the balcony where House was with a drink. Are tu ok?

He just nodded his head.

I am going to pack and go inicial Wilson. I just want to get out of here.

“House I pushed tu the last time in a similar situation, to deal with your feelings and it turned out just horrible. tu know your corazón and what tu need to do. If tu want to go inicial I am not going to try and make tu stay. They are having a enmascarados ball tonight and it might be fun. I am going maybe tu would meet someone o maybe we would just have some fun.

“I don’t want to meet anyone.”

You’re stuck House and it’s been two and half years. It’s time to let go of all the guilt and the pain. Oh and House, “it was a really good speech.”

House’s eyes rolled back in his head a little and sighed deeply as he was tired of hurting and being miserable. Maybe if he just stated to try to feel better. Maybe………..

As he walked into the enmascarados ball all he had on was a mask over his eyes and a suit. He walked in and ordered a drink. The plan for the night was at midnight everybody would unmask and reveal who they were.
A woman approached him to dance as “Iris and Jasper” was playing in the background. His first inclination was to say no but when he turned and heard her voice he dicho yes.

She had a “German” accent and she fit into him perfectly. They danced several dances that night. He didn’t know why but it felt good.

“I heard your speech,” she dicho to him. tu seemed to have so many regrets in your voice. It wasn’t your words it was the tone with which tu dicho them. Now that I am close to tu your eyes look even sadder.

"Getting hurt is not too high on my to-do list."

Without struggles, taking chances, and getting hurt our soul and our corazón are crippled. Whatever tu went through maybe your corazón needed that to beat again.

He looked at her through watery eyes and almost like a child who was trapped.
"There was a woman and she decided that I was keeping her at arm's length distance."

"Were you," keeping her at arms length distance?

Yes. I was like a hole that she kept falling into. She finally had enough sense to get out.

"You seem very sadden por this."

I wish she knew that every moment with her was the happiest time of my life and that every moment without her has been the loneliest time in my life. I wish she knew that if I could go back to those moments there would be no sacrifice too great. I would try so much harder to be the man she needed and I wouldn't hold her at arm's length distance. I would hold her so close........

She pulled away from him for a moment and began to remove her mask. As she did he wasn't surprised to see that it was her. He knew her. He knew the feel of every curve. He knew the smell of her hair. He knew her touch and how he felt inside when she was in his arms.

He pulled his mask off as their eyes were locked into each other and although the música played they were drawn into a place that only the two of them existed. Water filled their eyes, both trying hard to remember to breathe and so many things written across the lines and the expressions in their eyes but they didn't say a word.

Two and half years had created a void in their hearts that both had tried to fill with other things and other people but never succeeding. Their relationship had been riddled with pain but now, right now in this moment, it was perfect.

He put his hand adelante, hacia adelante and she gently placed her hand inside his and they danced the last dance of the night. He pulled her as close to him as he get and she curled into him as close and tight as her body would allow and they held each other in this moment it was just the two of them.
posted by lizzie22xo
She was beginning to miss his annoying harassments. He hadn’t spoken to her in quite a while, okay, a mes and two days to be exact, but it’s not like she was counting.. She saw him in class, but he never spoke, surprisingly. All she could was blame herself, for she created this so called ‘game’. But, little did she know, he missed her, deeply. Though, he’d never mostrar it, because he refuses to lose their game.

It was around 11 at night, when she decided to take his advice, and go have some fun. She was headed to one of the many parties happening that night, unfortunately for her,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Later that night 10:49 p.m.

The hospital was fairly empty. Empty and quiet. The only people around were some nurses, and a few doctors standing por in their offices, catching up on paperwork and anything else they needed to take care of. House slid open the door to Cuddy's room, and carefully walked inside. He had taken a asiento in the corner of the room and began to buscar his pockets for something. Cuddy, was on the bed, asleep, but not for long. She woke up soon enough, and spoke in a hushed tone.

"What--are tu doing?"

He pulled out a needle and rolled up his pant leg. Then he took...
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posted by Hancicik
She jumped when House threw open the door; House briefly looked at her and then close and locked the door. Cuddy gave him a worried look, House was surprised how much emotions she had in her eyes. Doubt, expectation, passion, pain. He stepped closer to her, putting his cane away. Cuddy raised her hand and stepped back, hiding her desk.
“No,” she gasped unconvincingly.

“Don’t worry I don’t bite,” House announced, still limping to her.
“No, but tu hurt,” Cuddy dicho weakly. “I’m too tired, House. I don’t want to play anymore.” por now, House get to her,...
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posted by Fabouluz
It was late afternoon, and outside it was still raining; however the sight of a arco iris through the window made Lisa smile.

Lisa: I’ve gotta go guys. Otherwise I’ll be late for my last class.

Vanessa: Why are tu taking Endocrinology again? It’s not as if tu need to.

Lisa: I just…want to see if I could do better.

Lisa stood up from the sheltered benches, and picked up her small tote before walking to class. Smiling, she looked up into the rain clouds before she stopped under the shelter of the entrance to the building. Pinning her hair back, she then opened the door to the lecture room;...
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I am soooo excited about the episode it's unreal, and (aside from plenty of Huddy smut ideas) this would leave me alone, so thought I'd put it on here. Not exactly Huddy, but kind of...I think.

"No, I want to hear about the sad hero again." a 3 año old Rachel Cuddy whined to her mum as they lay on her bed. 'She loves that story.' she thought, remembering back to when she made up taht story after a particularly tricky día at the hospital. She took a deep breath and exhaled, removing those thoughts from her head with the air from her lungs she began her tale:

"Once upon a time, in Princetonia...
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posted by Fabouluz

Wilson: Do tu have someone in there with you?

(Cuddy froze, trying not to make a sound. She was stuck hiding por the door, House obviously enjoyed this but Cuddy looked anxious and annoyed.)

House: No-one. When did tu get all jealous?

(Wilson gave House a look before taking his foot out of the way of the door and House closed it.)

Cuddy: That was, annoying.

(House and Cuddy looked at each other intently before they kissed passionately, Cuddy’s back hit the mirror behind her and broke it but they didn’t care.)

House: That’s seven years bad luck.

(Cuddy and House stood there, their eyes connected...
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Days had passed since House last talked to Lisa. Then days turned into weeks. Weeks then turned into months. Months turned into years. They finally had spoken to eachother 3 years later. He was walking with a new girl, she had short black hair, she was pretty as a picture. The girl wasnt from John Hopkins, she was at a law school near to John Hopkins. Once a week she would come visit House. While they were walking side por side, Lisa was holding hands with William Perterson when she happened to walk por House.
Lisa smiled at House, and House returned the same smile. All of them stopped.
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added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by pietruszka
posted by Cuddles
Inspired por the lovely song:
"If I could see you" por Yiruma.
I thank ´CathCuddy for giving the link to me <3.

I hope they're any good.
My creative mood got me again.
Please R & R
(Constructive!) Critism is always welcome.


Past and present

If I could see tu again
through the same eyes as back then
when we weren't aware of what would come
of what we had to go through
of what we had to suffer
It would make things a lot easier.

But it's impossible
Present is the only thing which remains for me
And that certain melancholy and longing
called nostalgia
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added by Scuddy2010
Source: me
added by littledeer77
added by anonymously
Source: to @HuddyHotness on Twitter
added by salemslot
added by Niina_almeida
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by 3lzyx
Source: me
added by chameron4eva
Source: LoLoCZ @ deviantart
added by cicino1
Source: me
added by cicino1
Source: ohshizzlemizzle @