Hotch & Emily Club
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posted by Celina79
Written por Sienna27.

Cadence & Noise


Emily looked over in alarm at Hotch’s howl.

“What’s wrong?” she looked around their bench worriedly, “did tu get stung?”

They were sitting in the park having a nice quiet lunch. o at least they were until he started yelling in pain.

Her brow wrinkled . . . why is he holding his face?

Still grimacing in pain, Hotch’s gently palpated the side of his jaw, “I think I just broke my tooth.”

‘That’s just fucking GREAT!’

Furrowing her brow in confusion, Emily looked down at the peels on the bench between them, “you broke your tooth on an orange?” she frowned at him, “is that even possible?”

His face was beginning to throb so Hotch really had no patience at all for a discussion about the mechanics of the incident. So he shot her a look, “what can I tell tu Prentiss? I’m eating an naranja and now I have a broken tooth. I’m no mathematician but I think that one plus one equals two.”

And then he moaned as he felt another stab in his face.

“SHIT that hurts!”

The pain was definitely getting worse.

He scowled at the ground . . . why was this happening to him? Did he not have enough crap going on already?

Completely ignoring his pain fueled sarcasm, Emily instead focused in on the pain that she could now see that he was experiencing.

“I’m sorry,” she dicho sympathetically as she rubbed his leg, “you’re right, that’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Though it didn’t actually make any sense at all, this clearly wasn’t the time to have the physics discussion about the general malleability of a piece of citrus. It was obvious that he was in agony. So she patted his knee one last time before she pulled her phone from her pocket and looked up at him.

“What’s your dentist’s name? I’ll call and make tu an appointment.”

Hotch’s eyes widened in alarm as he quickly shook his head, “no, no it’s fine. Really,” he grimaced as he took his hand down from his face, “really it’s not that bad at all.”

It was actually the about the worst pain he’d ever experienced. And he’d been shot AND stabbed.

Not to mention that there was definitely blood in his mouth, and that really couldn’t be a good sign of anything. But he absolutely HATED the dentist!

They were sadists.

Plus, really, how could tu trust a group of people who chose to make a living por putting their hands in people’s mouths? That’s just disgusting, unsanitary behavior!

That was also why Hotch didn’t trust proctologists.

Emily stared at him for a moment, and then . . . despite her best efforts . . . her mouth started to quiver.

But when she saw the look he was giving her she quickly clamped down on her lip before she asked with nary a perceptible snort, “I’m sorry, are tu afraid of the dentist?”

‘Oh my God, that was hilarious! Hotch could kill a man with his pinky finger! How could he possibly be afraid of the dentist!?’

Hotch shot a scowl back at her, “I am not AFRAID of the dentist Prentiss. I just told tu that it’s not that bad. And tu know I’m a busy man. I don’t have the time to take out of my very full schedule to take a completely POINTLESS trip to the dentist.”

Afraid of the dentist . . . he scoffed to himself . . . how ridiculous could she be?

Emily just stared at him throughout his little diatribe. And when he stopped she raised her eyebrow, “you done?”

“Yes,” Hotch slapped his hand across his jaw again, “OW!”


“Good,” she put her phone on the bench before she began gathering up the remnants of their lunch, “because you,” she shot him a look, “busy man with your very busy schedule, are almost in tears.”

Seeing him about to open his mouth in protest she put her hand up, “somehow,” she shook her head as she stood up to dump their trash in the barrel, “some WAY, tu managed to break your face on a piece of orange. A substance almost as soft as a baby kitten.”

Hotch interjected drolly, “and why exactly would I be eating a baby kitten Prentiss?”

Emily ignored the pregunta as she picked up her cell phone again, “if you’re in this much pain there’s no way that you’re going to be able to work. tu won’t be able to concentrate on anything. And tu certainly won’t be able to go into the field,” she rolled her eyes as she scrolled down her phone directory, “God help tu if tu tried to fly with a toothache. Your head could explode,” she simultaneously hit a number as she shot him a look, “so you, Aaron Francis Hotchner are tu going to the dentist today whether tu like it o not.”

Hotch started to sputter in protest, but it was a little hard for him to do it effectively when his face kept contorting in pain. So Emily just rolled her eyes as his stubbornness as she turned away to finish making an emergency appointment for him with her own dentist.

If he wouldn’t give her the name of his then he could just go see hers.

When she hung up she turned back around to see Hotch glowering at her, “I’m not going.”

Just because she made an appointment didn’t mean he was under any legal obligation to keep the appointment. She wasn’t the boss of him.

He was the boss of her!

Though . . . he frowned slightly . . . it seemed that más and más lately that she was wearing his chief’s hat when they were off duty. Perhaps once upon a time that might have bothered him, but he liked what their relationship had evolved into and he had no desire at all to change it back.

Spending time with her made him happy. Why would he give that up?

That dicho . . . he shot her another scowl . . . he most definitely did NOT like the fact that she thought she was hauling his culo off to the dentist. Because that was just not happening!

Unblinking, Emily stared down at him, refusing to cower under the full wattage of one of his nastier glares. The look wasn’t quite UNSUB worthy, but it was almost as bad as one she’d once seen him shoot at Strauss as she left a meeting.

Once upon a time those scowls actually scared Emily. But now she held complete immunity with Hotch. After all, it was barely three days hace that she’d picked him up at the airport. He’d crushed her to his chest as he told her how much he missed her. And then he had his arm around her for basically the rest of the día as they went to cena and then back to her place to watch a movie. So she knew that she wasn’t crossing any lines with him right now.

There were no longer lines to cross.

God, he was being silly about this though. And she would have thought that after all of the melodrama out in Ohio over his hearing, that he’d have learned his lesson about taking chances with his health.

She scowled back at him . . . men.

But then she looked again at his eyes watering and her scowl changed to a slight pout . . . even if he was being stubborn, she hated to see him in so much pain. Sometimes he just didn’t know what was best for him.

And that’s where she came in.

So with a weary sigh, Emily crouched down in front of him. But unfortunately the nasty look was persisting even at eye level, and she realized that a different approach was required here.

There was a muro being built up and she had to knock it down.

To that end, she put her hands on his knees and dicho sympathetically, “I hate to go to the gynecologist.”

The scowl instantly vanished as Hotch’s brow instead rose in pain tinged amusement. Then he scoffed slightly, “though I personally cannot make a direct comparison between the two, I hardly think that those would be comparable visits Prentiss.”

Relieved that this approach was having the desired effect . . . she was making a connection . . . Emily’s lip quirked up, “either way you’ve got a strange man poking his fingers around somewhere tu don’t want them.”

Hotch’s mouth started to quiver, “I can’t believe tu just dicho that.”

Every time he thought he’d reached the point where she couldn’t shock him anymore, she’d come out with something even más outrageous.

He huffed to himself . . . his life with Emily in it certainly was never boring.

She stood up, “believe it mister. But even though I hate the gynecologist, I still have to go,” she put her hand out to him, “just like tu still have to go to the dentist.”

He might be one of the most stubborn men she knew, but he certainly wasn’t stupid. And now that she’d broken through the ‘being stubborn for stubborn’s sake’ barbed wire fence he’d erected, she knew that if she just gave him a minuto he’d accept that there really wasn’t a Plan B here.

Hotch stared at her for a moment and then he winced as another stab of pain went through his nerve endings.


She was right. This really wasn’t a problem that was going to go away simply por ignoring it.

So he put his hand out and accepted the wriggling fingers in front of him, “fine,” he sighed as he hauled himself up, “I’ll go.”

She gave him a soft smile, “good choice sir.”

His eyes crinkled as they turned to start walking along the árbol lined path out of the park.

Emily was quiet for a moment before she whispered, “just be glad tu didn’t break an ovary.”

It took all of Hotch’s self control not to laugh out loud at that one. As it was he had to bite down hard on his lip, the pressure of which caused another stab of pain in his face.


With a grimace, he slid his arm around her shoulders before whispering back, “Prentiss?”


“Kind of hurts to laugh right now.”

Her nose wrinkled as she looked up at him, “right, sorry.” She tipped her head onto his chest, “I’ll be quiet.”

They had chosen a secluded area to eat so they had a few minutos along the footpath until they’d be back out where they’d run into anyone. She was taking advantage . . . as obviously was he . . . of the opportunity to be a bit más demonstrative than they could usually be during the day.

Also, if she didn’t feel well she knew a hug from him would be welcomed so she slipped her arm around his waist. Most likely that would make him feel better too.

Of course he’d probably never admit it.

He patted her arm, “I don’t want tu to be quiet.”

Emily’s chatter was a lovely white noise. It was like the ocean . . . and it had become a comfort to him. And right now he could use a distraction from the throbbing in his face so as they walked along he ran his fingers along her shoulder, “tell me what tu bought at the shoe store.”

She looked up at him in astonishment, “really!?”

God, did he break off a piece of his brain too? Not once in her thirty-nine years had a man ever asked her to tell him about her trip to the shoe store. Except of course when she was sixteen and her father wanted to know how much of his paycheck was left after she came inicial with six pairs of Doc Martens.

That was the week she’d entered the Goth phase and tossed out everything in her closet that wasn’t black.

He nodded, “yeah, really. What did tu buy?”

Once she saw that he was indeed serious in his inquiry, Emily shrugged before she leaned back against him again, “okay, well, there was a sale. And just last week I was cleaning out my closet and I noticed that I didn’t have one pair of black heels that weren’t scuffed so . . .”

Hotch’s eyes crinkled as he pulled her in tighter, focusing not so much on the words . . . though he really was listening . . . but más on the cadence of her voice. The slight lilt when she got excited over the half price pumps, the scoff at the saleslady’s bad attitude . . . all of the little parts of the story that he could now see in front of him. In the picture that she was painting around him. And his pain faded to a dull throb as he escaped into that picture.

It was a world she was creating simply with the sound of her voice.

Emily paused and looked up at him, “are tu sure I’m not boring you?”

His face didn’t look quite so pinched but dado the obvious physical pain he was in she really didn’t want to torture him with the details of her shopping exploits. But, to her surprise he actually gave her a little smile before he kissed her temple.

“You are never boring Prentiss,” he touched his cheek again as he felt another twinge, “okay, back to your story. Did they have them in navy?”

And to his relief she started talking again . . . and again the rest of the world faded away.

He sighed . . . what a lovely noise.
added by Celina79
added by deppforever
added by deppforever
Credit: hiphuggerz4ever on youtube.
aaron hotchner
mntes criminales
emily prentiss
added by Crywolf_10
Source: hotch-prentiss.tumblr
added by Crywolf_10
Source: hotch-prentiss.tumblr
added by LadyMaeve
Source: LadyMaeve
added by nikki8green6
Source: nikki8green6
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
Source: sat.1/cbs
added by Celina79
Source: cbs
added by Celina79
Source: hopskotch_hotch@LJ
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
added by Celina79
Source: criminalmindswiki
made por andreac7171
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emily prentiss
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andreac7171 on yt.
aaron hotchner
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Made por mys1993gsr on youtube.
mntes criminales
aaron hotchner
emily prentiss