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Hey, Chuck and Blair Fans, Keep the Faith! Gossip Girl Bosses Reveal "Long-Term Plan"



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posted hace más de un año.
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megi_x said:
Sounds sort of reassuring but I can't think of a solution to the Chair problem right now.
posted hace más de un año.
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"I know what you "Chair" fans are thinking: "That's a pretty awesome present, Josh, and I didn't even get you anything!" May I suggest a little faith, with a side of patience? 'Cause after talking to Josh and Stephanie, it does seem warranted."

I don't see what's so hard about this.
posted hace más de un año.
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Of course I have faith in them, they are Chuck and Blair..........they always finding their way in the end!I really don't understand why people start to give up on them?!
People that are meant to be, always find their way in the end!
posted hace más de un año.