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Girls - Hostage Situation - Review

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It was called Girls - Hostage Situation - Review
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Girls continued its sixth and final season with "
Hostage Situation", written and directed by Lena Dunham. After a different and more peaceful season premiere, we got back right into the craziness and drama of New York City, and Poughkeepsie, and it was actually really good. I’m loving this final season so far.    So, there were two main stories going on in "Hostage Situation", both involving a character feeling held hostage. First, it was Hannah who was trapped in the Marnie/Desi affair. After their kiss in the last episode, two weeks have passed and they were now actually having an affair. Their sex scene that opened the episode was definitely weird and creepy. Anyways, Hannah spilled Marnie’s secret to Elijah, no surprise she’s one of the worst secret keeper (as she’s too self centered) and Elijah didn’t care much about the affair, for now. Hannah agreed to cover for Marnie and to go with her, and Desi, to Poughkeepsie. Her excuse for going there was absolutely bullshit, she kept on complaining she had to go and she hated to be there, she was pretty awful to Desi but I didn’t mind, but really if she didn’t want to go she just could have said no. She wanted to be there, or maybe she wanted to get off from New York.
Hannah’s trip to Poughkeepsie was quite different from the one at the surf camp. She wasn’t in the same state of my mind. But just like week, Hannah made a special encounter during her trip. I really loved that scene where Hannah felt the need to instagram a stranger and actually had a meaningful talk with her. The girl’story was a bit weird (Chris Noth, third rail…) , but somehow believable but what matters most was the end : she left NY and she’s happier now. So now, I’m kinda worried about Hannah leaving New York by the end of the season/series. Last week she had an amazing time at the camp, now there is the Poughkeepsie’s girl story… It might be good for Hannah’s mental health to get away from New York for a moment.
   The highlight of the Poughkeepsie trip was of course Desi’s meltdown. After confessing her guilty about Ray, Marnie innocently (?) looked into Desi’ suitcase and found oxycodones. Turns out Desi has been on drugs for a year, so he was drugged on his wedding day. That explains a lot about him and his crazy and unbearable behaviour. I understand him better, I still don’t like him. Marnie’s reaction was bold, I appreciate it (even if it was a bit dangerous) : she crashed his stash and stepped on it (and his hand). The whole scene was pathetic, fun and sad at the same time. My favorite part was Hannah coming to help and getting Desi out of the house, only for him to come back by the windows and scare them !
   And finally, after the crazy moment, Hannah and Marnie finally had an honest conversation, not judging each other, acknowledging their flaws, especially their the major one : they are self centered, they focus mainly on themselves, and so, they can’t really see what’s happening to other people around them. It\'s sad. That’s why Marnie didn’t even suspect that her husband was a drug addict. Their declaration of everlasting friendship was very touching, after everything that they put each other through, there is no other way but to keep friends.
    And the second hostage situation was about Sosh and her complicated relationship with her cousin, because well Jessa is a complicated person. It was first hinted when the two cousins recorded a video message for their grand mother birthday. Jessa added some comments about elderly abuse and protection sex that Sosh found depressing and inappropriate. Then, things get definitely worse at the young female entrepreneur networking event Sosh went with Elijah and Jessa, as she invited herself to(what a bitch) The event started quite smoothly, Sosh and Elijah were fabulous in that elevator and I liked his tag as Sosh’s assistant. But things didn’t go as Sosh planned, they got even worst.
   Her former friends, hosting the meeting, were at first weird (their membership is way too expensive and their comment about the trans women felt inappropriate) and then they were super mean. They were holding a grudge over a stupid cancellation of a holiday. They were pretty harsh to Sosh, who came in there full of hope and dreams. Sosh decided to leave the party, and of course Jessa followed her, trying to show her how bad and mean those women were but Sosh’s mind was set on something else. She had been rejected once again, and she was reflecting on the choices she has made in her life to end up there. She was so happy and complete in Tokyo. And after Elijah and Jessa little fight, I’m not a big fan of him but his remarks about how she stole Adam from Hannah was fun and smart, which led to Jessa using Marnie and Ray to justify herself. Of course, hearing about Marnie and Ray, Elijah could finally spill the secret about her affair with Desi, and mostly, Sosh finally had the gut to tell her cousin what she really thought about her : she ruined her life. It might be a bit exaggerated, but she had it coming. Sosh and Jessa are living on two different planets, they share the same blood but they have opposite personalities, desires, principles and their relationship has always felt like a one way. Sosh was there, helping her but Jessa never really returned the favor. (She is also too self centered, Sosh is the only one of their group who doesn\'t put herself first, even when she should). I was glad and proud of Sosh for stepping up and speaking her mind. She’s always so nice and careful not to hurt anyone, it was time for her to express her true feelings.
Girls. It set up new paths for the girls, Hannah might be exploring the idea of leaving NY, Marnie needs to figure out her life between Ray, her former husband drug addict and her art, Sosh needs to find her way for herself and how long until she tell Ray about the affair ? And finally Jessa is more isolated than ever after dating Adam. What do you think will happen to her ? What did you think of this episode ? Hit the comments
-  Hannah and Eljiah talking about Marnie and Desi possible anal sex was hilarious.
- Marnie and Desi and their car. They’re so cliché sometimes it’s hilarious and frightening.
-  Hannah’s comment about “teenie witchy vibe” of the shop and then scary Desi breaking the window with his bare hand gave the episode a horror movie ambiance, it was really fun and
Dunham played with it so talently. - I need to buy one of those AllyMcBeal tee shirt
- Marnie calling Hannah "a dumb slut" made me laugh so much
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